THE NAUTILUS Volume 105 1991 ' I AUTHOR INDEX Bail, P 159 Marshall, B. A 104 BiELER, R 39 Okutani, T 165 BoucHET, P 159 Paul, A. J 173 Braley, R. D 92 QuiNN, J. F., Jr 81, 166 Clifford, H. F 173 Reid, D. G 1,7 Emerson, VV. K 62 Rosenberg, G 147 GoLiKov, A. N 7 Salisbury, R 147 HouART, R 26 Sergievsky, SO 1 HuLiNGS, N. C 16 Sysoev, a. V 119 Kabat, a. R 39 Toll, R B 116 Kantor, Y.I 119 Vidrine, M F 152 Ledua, E 92 Wilson, J. L. 152 Lucas, J. S 92 Zaslavskaya, N. 1 1 NEW TAXA proposed IN VOLUME 105 (1991) gastropoda Calliotropis dentata Quinn, new species (Trochidae) 170 Calliotropis globosa Quinn, new species (Trochidae) 168 Echinogurges tuberculatus Quinn, new species (Trochidae) 170 Gaza olivacea Quinn, new species (Trochidae) 166 Lamellitrochus Quinn, new genus (Trochidae) 81 Lamellitrochus bicoronatus Quinn, new species (Trochidae) 87 Lamellitrochus carinatus Quinn, new species (Trochidae) 84 Lamellitrochus fenestratus Quinn, new species (Trochidae) 85 Lamellitrochus filosus Quinn, new species (Trochidae) 87 Lamellitrochus inceratus Quinn, new species (Trochidae) 88 Lamellitrochus suavis Quinn, new species (Trochidae) 87 Mirachelus acanthus Quinn, new species (Trochidae) 168 Littorina (Littorina) hasatka Reid, Zaslavskaya, and Sergeivsky, new species (Littorinidae) 1 Litturina (Neritrema) naticoides Reid and GoUkov, new species (Littorinidae) 8 Derniomurex (Trialatella) leali Houart, new species (Muricidae) 27 Favartria (Favartia) varimutabilis Houart, new species (Muricidae) 32 Trophon mucrone Houart, new species (Muricidae) 35 Lyria doutei Bouchet and Bail, new species (Volutidae) 160 Vexillum brunneolinea Rosenberg and Salisbury, new species (Costellariidae) 147 Vexillum elliscrossi Rosenberg and Salisbury, new species (Costellariidae) 149 Antiplanes ahijssalis Kantor and Sysoev, new species (Turridae) 125 Antiplanes dendrotiplicata Kantor and Sysoev, new species (Turridae) 127 Antiplanes gabbi Kantor and Sysoev, new name (Turridae) 122 Antiplanes habei Kantor and Sysoev, new species (Turridae) 141 Antiplanes hurilensis Kantor and Sysoev, new species (Turridae) 136 Antiplanes molojimai aquilonalis Kantor and Sysoev, new subspecies (Turridae) 140 Antiplanes obliquiplicata Kantor and Sysoev, new species (Turridae) 128 Antiplanes spirinae Kantor and Sysoev, new species (Turridae) 137 THE NAUTILUS Turner EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Mr. Richard I. Johnson Dr. Ruth D. Department of Mollusks Department of Mollusks Dr. M. G. Harasewych of Comparative Zoology Museum of Comparative Zoology Division of MoUusks Museum Universitv Harvard Universitv National Museum of Harvard 02138 Cambridge, MA 02138 Natural History- Cambridge, MA Smithsonian Institution Dr. Geerat Vermeij Washington, DC 20560 Dr. Aurele La Rocque J. Department of Geology Department of Geology ASSOCIATE EDITOR The Ohio State Universitv Universitv of California at Davis Columbus, OH 43210 Davis, CA 95616 Pr. R. Tucker Abbott American Malacologists, Inc. Dr. James H. McLean P.O. Box 2255 Department of Malacology Melbourne, FL 32902 Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Boulevard CONSULTING EDITORS 900 Exposition Los Angeles, CA 90007 Dr. Rudiger Bieler SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Department of Invertebrates Dr. Arthur S. Merrill The subscription rate per volume Field Museum of % Department of Mollusks is US $25.00 for individuals, US Natural History Museum of Comparative Zoology $35.00 for institutions. Postage Chicago, IL 60605 Harvard Universitv outside the United States is an Cambridge, MA 02138 additional US $4.00 for surface Dr. Robert T. Dillon, Jr. and US $12.00 for air mail. All Department of Biology Ms. Paula M. Mikkelsen orders should be accompanied b\ College of Charleston Harbor Branch Oceanographic pavment and sent to: THE Charleston, SC 29424 Institution, Inc. NAUTILUS, P.O. Box 7279, Silver Ft. Pierce, FL 33450 Spring, MD 20907-7279, USA. Dr. William K. Emerson Department of Living Invertebrates Dr. Donald R. Moore Change of address: Plea.se inform The .American Museum of Natural Division of Marine Geology the publisher of your nev\ address Historv and Geophysics at least 6 weeks in advance. All New York, NY 10024 Rosenstiel School of Marine and communications should include Atmospheric Science both old and new addresses (with Mr. Samuel L. H. Fuller University of Miami zip codes) and state the effective 1053 Mapleton Avenue 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway date. Suffield, 06078 CT Miami, FL 33149 THE NAUTILUS (ISSN 0028- Hershler Dr. Robert Mr. Richard E. Petit 1344) is published quarterly by Division of Mollusks P.O. Box 30 Trophon Corporation, 8911 Alton National Museum of North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 Parkway, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Natural History Smithsonian Institution Dr. Edward J. Petuch at Silver Washington, DC 20560 Department of Geology Second Class postage paid mailing Florida Atlantic University Spring, MD and additional Dr. Richard S. Houbrick Boca Raton, FL 33431 offices. Division of Mollusks National Museum of Dr. David H. Stansbery POSTMASTER: Send address Natural History Museum of Zoologv' changes to: THE NAUTILUS Smithsonian Institution The Ohio State Universitv P.O. Box 7279 Washington, DC 20560 Columbus, OH 43210 Silver Spring, MD 20907-7279 THE€7NAUTILUS Volume 105, Number 1 March 14, 1991 ISSN 0028-1344 CONTENTS ^ - j -r. ^J»;JfUtUi> I LIBRARY ; ' 1 Liitorina kasatka. a Species the Kurile David G. Reid New from IslMdO O c iQQi ! /^ Nadya I. Zaslavskaya and Okhotsk Sea l " ^ '^y ' f 1 Sergei O. Sergievsky | Wqqcj.s l j- Ho e. Macs.— David G. Reid Liitorina naticoides. New Species, with Notes on the Alexander M. Golikov Other Smooth-shelled Liitorina Species from the Northwestern Pacific 7 Neil C. Hulings Activity Patterns and Homing of Acanthopleura gemmata (Blainville, 1825) (Mollusca: Pohplacophora) in the Rocky Intertidal of the Jordan Gulf of Aqaba 16 Roland Houart The Southeastern Brazilian Muricidae Collected by RV Marion-Dusfresne in 1987, with the Description of Three New Species . 26 News and Notices 38 THE NAUTILUS 105(l):l-6, 1991 Page 1 Littorina kasatka, a New Species from the Kiirile Islands and Okhotsk Sea David C. Reid Nadya I. Zaslavskaya Sergei O. Sergievsky Department of Zoology Institute of Marine Biology Zoological Institute The Natural Histor\ Museum Academy of Sciences of tlie U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. London SW7 5BD, U.K. Vladivostok 690032, U.S.S.R. Leningrad 199034, U.S.S.R. ABSTRACT quently low (Nei's (1978) genetic identity / = 0.065). The new species was recognized independently during A new species, Littorina (Littorina) kasatka. is described from anatomical studies of Littorina material from the Zoo- the Kurile Islands and Okhotsk Sea It is similar in shell char- logical Institute, Leningrad, as part of a systematic study acters to a smooth form of L. (S'critrcnw) sitkana. with which of all Littorina species in the Pacific (Reid, in prep). it is sympatric, but is distinguished by the absence of mam- milliform glands on the penis of the male and by the small Recognition of the new species in the field is difficult, jell) gland of the female. It is predicted that L. kasatka produces since shell form is similar to that of L. sitkana and several pelagic egg capsules and has planktotrophic development other Littorina species, but both males and females dis- play unique reproductive anatomy. Kctj words: Littorina. Pacific; Larval development. MATERIAL AND METHODS INTRODUCTION The new species is described from six lots in the Zoolog- The generic name Littorina has in the past been applied ical Institute, Leningrad (ZIL), and one lot in the Zoo- to man\ littorinids with reiativeK large, smooth or spi- logical Museum, Moscow (ZMM), all of which are du- rally sculptured shells, that occur in the littoral zone. plicated in the Natural History Museum, London However, a recent phylogenetic analysis of the Littorin- (BMNH). That it is indeed undescribed was confirmed idae, based largely on anatomical rather than shell char- by comparison with original descriptions of all available acters, has defined Littorit}a more narrowly as a mono- names of Littorina species from the Pacific, and with all phyletic clade of about 20 species (Reid, 1989). Species available type specimens (housed in BMNH, ZIL and of Littorina sensu stricto are found only in the northern National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.); hemisphere, where they are characteristic inhabitants of details will appear elsewhere, in a full account of the the eulittoral and littoral fringe on temperate and cold systematics of Littorina (Reid, in prep). Closely related temperate shores. species are discussed briefly below. During the past two decades close investigation of the The reproductive anatomy was examined in ten males reproductive anatomy of European Littorina species has and nine females. The spiral pattern of the albumen and revealed the existence of three additional species, pre- capsule glands of the pallial oviduct can be seen, without viously unrecognized b\ shell characters (review by Raf- dissection, on the right side of the body adjacent to the faelli, 1982; Johannesson & Johannesson, 1990). The bio- columellar muscle, when a female is removed from the chemical technique of enzyme electrophoresis has shell. Serial histological sections were prepared of the confirmed that these species are genetically distinct (re- pallial oviduct of two females. Radulae were extracted view by Ward, 1990). More recently, a pair of sibling from six specimens from three localities, and after clean- species has been identified in the northeastern Pacific, ing in hot concentrated sodium hydroxide solution were again using the dual approach of reproductive anatomy examined by scanning electron microscopy. For com- and biochemistry (Murray, 1979; Mastro et ai, 1982). In parison, 45 specimens of L. sitkana were dissected, from contrast, the Littorina of the northern and northwestern localities all around the northern Pacific from Hokkaido Pacific are poorly known. This paper describes a new to Washington, and four radulae were examined. Details species that was discovered during a genetic study of of other Littorina species investigated are given in Reid Littorina kiirila Middendorff, 1848 from the Kurile Is- and Golikov (1990).
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