mountaineer■ ■ MONTANA STATE UNI! Published by the Students of Montana State University : V°,Hme 5 Number 3 Sprin9' 1947 Price 35c THE OTHERS, REGAN; WHAT'S WRONG WITH OUR LIBERALS, SIMON; POEM, DARLING; RE­ TURNED, HEERWALD; NEWS THROUGH A SIEVE, SMURR; A CRITIC-AND THE FACTS, DOLAN AND JILLSON; THE SIXTH SENSE OF JOSEPH FINLEY, DAVIS; SURVIVAL, CLAPP; THE NEW HAT, CHRISTOPHER; RON DELAY* WYLDER; INTERIORS, KARLIN; SCIENTISTS FOR SURVIVAL, RUSH; ANYTHING YOU SAY, BABY, FIFER; TRANSITORY, BOESEN; CAROL CREEK, BRINK; STATION WALK, DOCKERY* POEMS, PERKINS. B&H Jewelry FUR Fine Diamonds REFRIGERATED Reliable Watches STORAGE • Repairing • Restyling • Cleaning • Glaring HEINRICH L a Combe JEWELRY Fur Shop Phone 6351 i n No. Higgins AW. MISSOULA MONTANA For Campus Clothes That Rate a SEE Second Glance Remember Established 1889 For FURNITURE CHINA RADIOS t I . LAMPS Buflmjjs Everything for the Home PHOTOGRAPHS Stork Nest OF DISTINCTION • Unusual Poses • Dramatic Lighting MISSOULA’S Robert M. Catlin EXCLUSIVE BABY SHOP ARTIST and PHOTOGRAPHER Complete Line of INFANT’S WEAR 112 8. Higgins Girls from 1 to 12 Boy 8 from 1 to 6 Phone 5364 Phone 4038 Hammond Arcade mountaineer I SPRING 1947 VOLUME 5 I STAFF E d ito r.............. -....................................... Marjorie Karlin I Business Manager ................................................................................. Dave Perkins Advertising Manager ........................................................Betty Lee Odom I Publicity Manager ............................................................................. Robert Wylder Faculty Adviser........................................................................ John Moore Editorial Board: Virginia Benson, Marjorie Boesen, Modesta Booke, I Art. Clowes, Dick Darling, Tom Deen, Bella Likes, Carl Naugle, I Betty Lee Odom, William Pattison, Dave Perkins, Agnes Regan, I Larry Rooney, Alfred Simon, Irene Turli, Robert Wylder. Circulation Staff: Norma Jean Burris, Jo Ann Clem, Mary Jo Crumbaker, Donna Curfman, Virginia Floyd, Marilyn Fuller, Alice Jo Darlington, Jean Handel, Polly Holmes, Marge Hunter, Jean Jordet, Marilyn Kelson, Jean Le Rossignol, Pat Little, Dons Lund, Ramona Meagher, Maile O’Donnell, Gretchen Rasmussen, Frances Simons, Sidney Stewart, Lorraine Ziebarth. SPONSORS Allied Fashions----------------------------- ___________425 North Higgle Associated Student S tore------------------ ..........Montana State University B A H Jewelry C o.------------------------- ___________ 140 North Higgle Borg Jewelry and Optical Co. — —------- ....... ................227 North Higgins Buttreys............... —--- -------------- __.v................ .220 North Higgins Robert M. Gatlin's Studio------------------ ____________112 South Higgins Cosner Hardware Co.----------------------- __________ .300 North Higgins Cummins ...— -------------------- ------------ _____ __ .218 North Higgins Dragstedt's----------------------------------- ....________ .529 North Higgins The Gift Shop------------------------------- .........Hammond-Arcade Building Hansen’s Ice Cream --------------------- — .___________J519 South Higgins I Heinrich Jew elry---------- ----------------- ............... 132 North Higgins , Kephart’s Beauty Salon------------------- ___________116 East Broadway j LaCombe Fur Shop ...................... ......... ___________ .200 North Higgins Lucy’s -----------------------------—--------- ________ Higgins and East Pine Missoula Mercantile C o............... — ___________ Higgins and Front Missoulian Publishing Co. ------- -------- ________ 1502 North Higgins Montana Power ...............—------------ — ...... .... Masonic Temple Building Murriirs ------------------------------------- — _________.119% West Main Park Hotel Lounge------------------------ North Higgins and W. Railroad Ida Pearson -------------- ------------------- ____________133 South Higgins Pete's Fur Shop......... ........................... _______________.125 East **i» Stork Neat ------------------------- --------- .........Hammond-Arcade Building Tandt’s --------------------------------------- ___ Corner of Pine and Hlfg*®* The Others By AGNES REGAN 11 'HE SUN had been bright all from a long way off, and answered * day, melting down the other them without listening to what she place and the other people she us­ herself was saying, so that some­ ually thought about and bringing times it wasn’t the right thing to her back into the same world with say and they laughed and went her mother and father and the off without her. But it didn’t girls on the block. After school matter because all the time the she had played on the foothill at Others were talking with her and the end of the street with the girls laughing and she was answering and had heard what they said and them without talking aloud. Only what she answered, and had even sometimes when she laughed with laughed at the same time they did them she forgot about being quiet without making them turn around and her mother would stop what and stare. She had found a purple she was doing so busily and look wind flower to put in her hair and at her frowning for a minute be­ had raced to the top of the hill fore she sighed and hurried on with Helen and stood there, watch­ with her work. ing the shadows of the clouds I moving fast across the sagebrush The Others had been with her fields and across the roofs of the so long that she had forgotten just (houses and the streets and then when they first came, but it had out over the fields on the other been sometime when Mother and side of the town. And when she Dad were talking to each other i smiled, it had been at Helen and and she felt as if each of them was not at someone else that she saw too busy to hear what the other there beside her that no one else one had to say, as if she were the saw. And she had smiled at Helen, only one listening. It had always [seeing only her there and feeling been the way Mother and Dad [happy and knowing that it was talked, fast and nervously, cover­ [better to be with Helen and Jean ing up the way they weren’t Mnd Margaret than with the Others listening. It had always made her that no one else saw. uncomfortable, and lonely to listen to them talk until the Others For when she was with the came. After that she could slide others she was alone, too. And away wherever she wanted to, here were long times when she sitting still where she was and •vas with them entirely, even when looking at Mother and Dad, but *he was at home with her mother never seeing them nor hearing )r when she was with Helen and what they said. It had gotten he girls. And then she heard easier and easier to slip away, 'hat Helen and Jean said onlv until she was with the Others page 4 mountaineer most of the time in school and were there, a half dozen tiny brown with the girls and at home, and balls of fur scurrying in all direc­ everyone was used to saying things tions away from her feet. In a 1 twice before she answered. But second they were all gone, disap­ they told her about it and scolded peared in front of her eyes. She until she felt a little twinge of squatted down, straining to see, and j guilt every time she suddenly saw slowly one of them showed a few them looking at her and pulled inches from her, perfectly still * herself back from the warm, com­ against a piece of squaw wood. fortable place she had been to the She watched it a minute, then j place where she was really stand­ cautiously stretched out her arm ; ing. They said, “ What’s the mat­ and touched the soft fur with the i ter with you?” and “ Why are you end of her finger. The little ball 1 so funny? ’’ They said, “ You must squeaked and scurried off under learn to pay attention.” So she the brush. tried to keep herself from drift­ The girls were calling from the ing away, but it was hard to stay path above and she ran toward and so easy and comfortable and them. ‘Where were you?” they happy to be alone, but not alone, asked. “ W hat’s the m atter?” with the Others away from the She wanted to tell them but sud­ noise and the voices of the real denly she wanted more to keep it people around her. for herself, to save it without know­ But she had tried and some­ ing what she was saving it for times on a bright day like today Without knowing why, really, she she could be with Helen and Jean said “ Nothing,” and smiled to her and Margaret and not even wish self when they looked at her and to be with the Others. It was a she walked on with them and with beautiful day, warm and fresh her secret, not saying anything with the snow just melted and more. the beginning of green showing All day there had been little under the matting of dead brown things like that, little things that grass on the hill. They climbed she wanted to tell the girls because down into the old quarry and she was having fun with them, but yelled to hear the echos. On the at the same time she wanted to quarry floor they found empty keep them safe and unsaid for rifle shells where people had been later. But in spite of that the gopher hunting and shooting at tin afternoon was bright and real and cans. Then they wandered up into not the strange hazy thing that the trees, blowing on the shells for moved around her when she was whistles and hunting for the first with the Others, when the girb» flowers under the matted last- and Mother and Dad were close season brush. enough to touch, but far away, min­ It was among the trees that she utes away from the other place saw the rabbits. Helen and Jean where she listened and laughed and Margaret had gone ahead by herself. while she stopped to tie her shoe, It w as not until dinner time that and she was cutting through the she knew she had to tell somebody trees to meet the girls on the path about the day. She listened to above. She nearly stepped on Mother and Dad talking, both of them before she noticed that they them talking and neither of them I mountaineer page 5 I listening to what the other one Mother said.
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