AJR inj^rma ti^ n Volume UVNo. 8 August 1999 £3 (to non-members) False perceptions of reality by Poles, Germans, Serbs and jews No light from False consciousness the East he (non- hen a nation collectively fails to perceive Jews paid more heed to Schiller's words on the identical) T twin W monsters Hitler reality it can have disastrous effects, as printed page than to what was actually happening and Stalin were the twentieth century amply demon- in the streets; Austrian Jews clung to comforting mutually strates. In interwar Poland - a state reinserted into myths generated by Hugo Bettauer's Die Stadt ohne reinforcing. the political map of Europe in 1918 under the Allied Juden; even Polish Jews harked back to General Lithuanians war aim of the self-determination of nations - over Ludendorff's reassuring World War One appeal to rationalise their a third of the population were non-Poles. DieJiden fun Poilen. Wartime antisemitic Compounding this flaw, the Warsaw Government In the aftermath of the Shoah the opposite - i.e. massacres by contrived at the same time fo be on bad terms with negative - extreine of false consciousness gained talking up the all its neighbours: Germany, Russia, Lithuania and ground, not least in Israel. Many Israelis viewed fig- Jewish role in Czechoslovakia, ures like Nasser and Arafat as mini-Hitlers and the Sovietising the Interwar Germany displayed even more blatant Arabs as reincarnated Germans. And because the country-. In Poland false consciousness. The "Versailles Treaty left it in a West had apparently connived at the wartime the daughter of a stat"Hoew ocaf noutrage sixty-fivde victimhoomillions' rad n summethe unceasind up gi ncom the­ tslaughteo be disregardedr of Jewry. , Western voices urging modera- martyred patriot plainphrast e "livVolke packe ohned Ranmtogethe (peoplr in a ereduce withoud tterritory? space),' tioEven on Israein thl ei nDiaspor pursuit ao fth the e mindsepeace tproces that ssee tendes aldl alleges a "possibly Yet nowadays eighty million Bundesbiirger exist non-Jews as potential enemies still exists. But genetic Jewish quite comfortably within an area made much maybe that negative extreme of false consciousness predisposition smaller still by ceding Silesia and most of Prussia to carries a positive charge at a time when it is not towards Poland in 1945. persecution, but acceptance, that seems to threaten Communism". In a manner of speaking Serbia is the Prussia of Jewish survival D In actual fact the Balkans. Just as the German Reich Stalin's set up in 1871 was an enlargement of antisemitism was Prussia, so post-WWI Yugoslavia was only quantitatively Serbia writ large, with Belgrade riding different from roughshod over the interests of the Hitlers. While minorities. Yugoslavia was, in fact, most Auschwitz created twice, in 1918 and 1945 and prisoners were also disintegrated twice: in 1940, at Jews, every type the behest of Hitler and Mussolini of Soviet citizen and in the 1990s to the advantage of Was a potential Slovenes, Croats, Bosnians and Koso- Gulag inmate. vars. Yet, even after the defeat of Nonetheless Milosevic some Serbs substitute ro­ there are mantic tribal memories of Serbdom as correspondences: a bulwark of Christian orthodoxy scandously few against the Muslim Turks for harsh beneficiaries of present-day reality. Auschwitz - and no Lastly, what about false conscious­ Gulag operatives ness among the Jews? Examples of W'hatsoe\'er - ha\e the syndrome abound, ranging all the been brought to r , . , I .\IR Cl.uniiiuni Aiuhvii KiiufiHaii, left, reiealingpUiiis tu biniii lull.', cum II iiL-ic ilav justice D way from overly positive to grossly centre, with Vice-chairman and Treasurer David RotheJtberg at the AG.M (See hack negative misconceptions. German page for full details). AJR INFORMATION AUGUST 1999 Profile AJR Charitable Trust In aid of SelfAid of Refugees presents the The triumph of hope Xondon Concertino reddie Knoller was born in 1921 r Conductor Richard Dickins ' into a middle-class Viennese family Leader David Juritz Fand grew up as the cello-playing youngest of three musical brothers who playing Mozart,Vlvaldl & Hoist often performed together in public. with special guest appearance of / From early childhood he was conscious RAPHAEL WALLFISCH of incipient antisemitism. After the performing Haydn's Cello Anschluss Freddie escaped to Belgium Concerto in C where he received help from the Jewish community and joined a camp for young Sunday 10 October 1999,3pm refugees. With the Nazi invasion of Bel­ Freddie Knoller The Great Hall, Imperial College, gium he fled to France where he was London SW7 arrested as an 'enemy alien' and put into but he received extra food from his Concert tickets at £ 10, £ 15 & £20, an interment camp near the Spanish friend Robert in charge of the camp hos­ including tea and cakes, from: border. Appalling conditions and an out­ pital. The Concert Secretary, break of typhus made Freddie escape to In the depth of winter, as the Russian I Hampstead Gate, Frognal, London NW3 6AL relatives in the unoccupied Vichy zone. Army advanced, the whole camp was Disregarding sound advice, Freddie left evacuated in a death march. Within a Early booking is advisable to avoid disappointment this dull, but relatively secure, backwater day, half the column had perished and for the excitement and danger of occupied more froze to death at night. Then, Paris and the night-life of Pigalle. With packed into cattle wagons for seven days, false pa, ers, he mingled with a wide many more died. The survivors arrived at strata oi society, from German soldiers to Dora-Nordhausen in the Harz Mountains tough pro.stitutes and made a living from where VI flying bombs and V2 rockets u \)) German soldiers looking for brothels, were manufactured in underground cav­ night clubs and cabarets. Arrested by a erns. Freddie's group pushed heavily Gestapo officer, he was warned off. laden rail wagons through the tunnels BELSIZE SQUARE In May 1943 he joined the Maquis - the and were subjected to continual brutality SYNAGOGUE French Resistance - in unoccupied and hangings. France. With him were a number of other With the approach of the American 51 BELSIZE SQUARE, NW3 Jews, French communists and young men Army they were evacuated to Bergen- dodging the draft to do forced labour in Belsen where the beating stopped, but We offer a traditional style of Germany. They talked more than they re­ among the stench of decomposing bodies religious service with Cantor, sisted, but were paid in kind for their many died through dysentery and lack of Choir and organ work on the land. A broken affaire led to food. Belsen was liberated by British his betrayal and arrest by the French po­ troops on 15th April 1945, but when they Further details can be obtained lice. Confessing that he was a Jew from were fed hot milk and rice some died as from our synagogue secretary Vienna, Freddie was passed on to the they could no longer digest. Freddie vol­ Gestapo and held in the infamous transit unteered to collect food from local farms Telephone 0171-794 3949 camp at Drancy. and stabbed an obstreperous Jew-baiting Minister: Rabbi Rodney J. Mariner Transport No. 60 left Drancy on 6th Oc­ farmer whose half-hidden picture of Hit­ Cantor: Rev Lawrence H. Fine tober 1943 carrying 1,000 deportees, 100 ler Freddie had slashed to pieces. Regular services: Friday evenings at 6.45 pm. crammed into each cattle wagon in ap­ Advised not to return to judenrein Saturday mornings at 10 am palling conditions and arrived at Vienna, Freddie was reunited in France Religion school: Sundays at 10 am to 1 pm Auschwitz three days and nights later. with his elder brother, a GI and heard Space donated by Pafra Limited Squeezed against a middle-aged French­ that his oldest brother was now a doctor man called Robert, who was a doctor, in New York! Their parents, however, Freddie was not to know that this chance had been deported and perished in encounter was to save his life. He soon Auschwitz. After a stay in the United MANAGEMENT CHANGES understood that one either gave up and States he came to Britain and married Michael Radbil has decided to resign from was dead within two or three rJays, or Freda; together they started a successful his position as chief executive of the AJR fought to live. He determined to survive fashion retail business. As marketing di­ in order to return to a career In the as a witness to German barbarity. At rector of Israel Bonds, an expert on commercial sector. Auschwitz Ill's Buna rubber factory his Jewish philately, amateur musician and The responsibilities of chief executive will task - day in and day out - was to carry communal worker, Freddie can't find the be reassigned, as far as possible, within 25kg bags of cement. Survival was not time to age - he's just too busy! our existing organisation. possible on the meagre rations provided. D Ronald Channing AJR INFORMATION AUGUST 1999 proof that even twelve centuries ago the Every myth a hit? power-hungry Zionists were manoeuver- redo quia absurdum (I believe it ing to bring Russia into their grasp. NEWTONS just because it's absurd) wrote the A less localised myth bandied about for Leading Hampstead Solicitors C Roman philosopher Tertullian two the last thirty years alleges that US policy 22 Fitzjohns Avenue, ^hole millennia ago. So what is new? is driven (no double entendre intended) London NW3 SNB It was only to be expected that myths by oil. US intervention in Iran, Lebanon 'k All English legal work *ould proliferate on the eve of this and Somalia and US-military action in the undertaken and German, 'Millennium.
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