VOL. xxxiii No. [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] MARCH 12., 1931 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Track Team Places Third in Indoor Intercollegiates—New Pole Vault Record Yale Tennis Star Wins Larned Cup —Blue Also Victorious in Doubles James Wray signs Five-Year Contract —John F. Collyer Elected Cornell Steward Lehigh Valley Service TO AND FROM ITHACA The Black The The Diamond New Yorker Star Lv. New York (Penna. Sta.) 8:50 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 11:50 P.M. Lv. New York (Hudson Terminal) 8:40 A.M. 4:20 P.M. 11:40 P.M. CAMP OTTER Lv. Newark (Park Place—P.R.R.) 8:55 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 11:45 P.M. For Boys Lv. Newark (Meeker & Eliz. Aves.)... .9:20 A.M. 5:00 P.M In the Woods of Ontario Lv. Philadelphia (Reading Ter'l,Rdg.Co)9:20 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 12:01 A.M. Lv. Philadelphia (N. Broad St.,R£g. Co.)9:28 A.M. 5:08 P.M. 12:08 A.M. I2.nd Season AT. Ithaca 4:42 P.M. 12:11 A.M. 7:35 A.M. R. C. HUBBARD '24, Director 205 Ithaca Road, Ithaca, N. Y. The Black Diamond —Observation Lounge parlor car, dining car, coaches. The New Yorker—Observation Lounge car, dining car, club car, coaches. E. B. WHITE, '21, Assistant The Star — Sleeping cars from New York and Philadelphia, club car serving breakfast, coaches. no East 8th Street, N.Y. The The Black Train New Yorker Diamond No. 4 Lv. Ithaca 9:15 A.M. 12:31 P.M. 11:00 P.M. Ar. Philadelphia (N. Broad St., Rdg. Co.)4:55 P.M. 7:41 P.M. 6:43 A.M. Ar. Philadelphia (Reading Ter'l, Rdg.Co)5:02 P.M. 7:49 P.M. 6:51 A.M. Ar. Newark (Meeker & Eliz. Aves.)....5:13 P.M. 7:56 P.M. 6:41 A.M. R. A. HEGGIE & BRO. Co. Ar. Newark (Park Place—P.R.R.) 5:40 P.M. 8:20 P.M. 7:11 A.M. Ar. New York (Hudson Terminal) 5:49 P.M. 8:31 P.M. 7:16 A.M. Ar. New York (Penna. Sta.) 5:45 P.M. 8:25 P.M. 7:15 A.M. The New Yorker —Observation Lounge car, dining car, coaches. Fraternity The Black Diamond—Observation Lounge parlor car, dining car, coaches. Train No. 4—Sleeping cars, club car, coaches. For reservations etc., phone Wisconsin 4210 (New York); Rittenhouse 1140 (Philadelphia); Mitchell 2-7200 orTErrace3-3965—after 10:00P.M. call MArket2-4000 (Newark) 2306 (Ithaca). Jewelers Lehigh\klley Railroad ITHACA NEW YORK CΆe Route of The Black Diamond J. Dall, Jr., Inc. Boston Providence SHELDON COURT ESTABROOK & CO. Private Dormitory Building Construction For Men Students at Cornell Members of New York and Boston Rentals $200 to $250 for the Stock Exchanges Ithaca College Year Sound Investments Write for Catalogue and Diagram N.Y. of Available Rooms for College Year 1931-32. ROGER H. WILLIAMS '95 A. R. CONGDON, MGR. Ithaca, N. Y. Resident Partner New York Office 40 Wall Street J. Dall, Jr. Telephone Newark Albany President 2Λ 69 EMIL A. KOHM Successor to KOHM AND BRUNNE Tailors for Cornellians Hemphill, Noyes CS, Co. Quality Service Everywhere Members of New York Stock Exchange 1.2.2. EAST STATE ST. ITHACA Ithaca Savings Bank Building Ithaca, N.Y. Jansen Noyes Ίo Stanton Griffis Ίo E. H. WANZER L. M. Blancke '15 Arthur Treman '13, The Grocer " ITHACA^ Manager Ithaca Office ENGRAVING G». Direct Private Wire to New York Aurora and State Streets Office and 49 Other Cities Library Building 123 N.Tio^a Street Subscription price $4 per year. Entered as seconi class matter, Ithaca, N.Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August POSTMASTER: Return postage guaranteed. Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. xxxiii No. xi ITHACA, NEW YORK, MARCH 12., 1931 PRICE 12. CENTS Medical Center Rises Rapid Progress Being Made on New York Hospital Connected with Cornell University Medical College in Manhattan Rapid progress is being made on the first Streets, York Avenue, and Exterior firm Robert J. Eidlitz '85 is the head. construction of a group of fourteen build- Street, New York. The group is designed to last for a cen- ings, comprising the new medical center The construction of these buildings, tury and embodies the latest improve- of the New York Hospital-Cornell one of two huge medical centers now be- ments in design and equipment for the Medical Association, in three blocks ing erected in the metropolis, is being done treatment and study of disease, bounded by Sixty-eighth and Seventy- by Marc Eidlitz and Son, Inc., of which (Continued on page 252) THE NEW YORK HOSPITAL-CORNELL MEDICAL COLLEGE RISES ABOVE THE EAST RIVER Steffen Photo THE CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Penn State legiate indoor tennis singles champion- ATHLETICS C.C.N.Y. ship, by winning Cornell's fifth annual Bowdoin invitation tournament in the Drill Hall Syracuse March 6 and 7. Manhattan Ryan, runner-up to Seligson last year, TRACK TEAM THIRD Colby when the Lehigh star took the trophy The track team placed third in the Brown for the third successive year, defeated annual indoor championships of the TRACK Harold Blauer, Pennsylvania sophomore, I.C.A.A.A.A. March 7 at New York 7o-yard dash: won by Kelly, Georgetown; in decisive fashion in the final round, with 17 7/ιo points, behind Pennsyl- Hawes, Harvard, second; Watkins, Harvard, 6-3, 6-3, 6-2.. On his way to the finals, vania, the winner, with 38 i/io points, third; Krosney, N.Y.U., fourth; Troy, Brown, Ryan defeated Dewey of Williams, and Harvard, second with 19. fifth. Time, 0:07 i-io (ties record made in 19x3 by Weltner of Cornell, Snitkin of Lehigh, Colyer, Cornell pole vaulter, joined Lever, Pennsylvania, and Hussey, Boston Col- and Hayes of Amherst. Blauer elim nated with Berlinger of Pennsylvania in creat- lege, 192.6). Dame of M.I.T., Bascom of Yale, and ing a new intercollegiate indoor mark of Mile run: won by Coan, Pennsylvania; Thomas of Princeton. Thomas defeated 13 feet 7 1/4. It was the only event in Bullwinkle, C.C.N.Y., second; Estes, Harvard, third; Martin, Cornell, fourth; Grodman, Cornell's other singles entry, Vaughan, which Cornell took a majority of the N.Y.U., fifth. in the quarter-final round. points, as Belloff and Courtney were in Time, 4:15 i-io (new intercollegiate indoor Paired with Bascom, Ryan also cap- a five-way tie for fourth place. record, bettering 4:17 8-10 by Connelly, tured the doubles, the Eli team taking an Georgetown, 192.3). The pole vault mark was one of six extra set final match from Blauer an.d records broken by the college athletes. Two-mile run: won by McCluskey, Fordham Rekers, Penn State, second; Ranney, Cornell, Case of Pennsylvania, 6-3, 6-2., 2.-6, 7-5. The Pennsylvania mile relay team ran third; Ritchie, Pennsylvania, fourth; Dean, The victories gave Yale the team cham- the distance in 3 -.17 8/10 for anew world Pennsylvania, fifth. pionship with 2.8 points, a record for Time, 9:17 8-ιo (new intercollegiate indoor record, as well as a new mark for the the tournament. indoor intercollegiates. The mile and record, bettering 9:2^ 8-10 by Rekers, 1930). Two-mile relay: won by Boston College Cornell finished in fifth place with two mile runs, the weight throw, and (O'Brien, Meacher, Fleet, Moyhanan); George seven points. the broad jumps standards were also town, second; Princeton, third; Manhattan, The team scores: Yale 2.8, Pennsyl- beaten. fourth; Harvard, fifth. Time, 7:50 6-10. vania 17, Princeton 9, Amherst 8, Cornell Cornell's next best places were thirds 70-yard high hurdles: won by Record, Har- vard; Devoe, Yale, second; Reidell, Columbia, 7, Lehigh 4, Dartmouth 3, M.I.T. 3, in the two mile run, scored by Ranney, third; Brereton, Yale, fourth; MacDonald, Colgate x, Syracuse i, Williams i. and in the shot put by Schoenfeld. Holy Cross, fifth. Time, 0:08 7-10. McCluskey of Fordham took the event The Larned Cup was given by a group with a record-breaking performance of FIELD of tennis leaders in 192.7 in memory of William A. Larned '94. It is a perpetual 9:17 8/10. High jump: tie for first among O'Connor, Coan of Pennsylvania in the one mile Columbia, Moody, Dartmouth, and Newkirk, trophy, and replicas are presented the Pennsylvania, 6 feet 3 inches; Milans, Dart- run, in which Martin of Cornell finished winner and runner-up of the singles. mouth, fourth, 6 feet 2. inches; tie for fifth be- The name of the winner is engraved on fourth, clipped more than two seconds tween Berlinger and Klemm, Pennsylvania, from the 4:17 8/ιo mark set by Connelly 6 feet i inch. the Larned Cup. of Georgetown eight years ago. Broad jump: won by utterback, Pittsburgh, Cornell made its best showing in Steiner of Pennsylvania broke the 2.3 feet 9 3-8 inches; Boyle, Pennsylvaine, doubles, the team of Oppenheimer and second, 2.3 feet 5 inches; Summerill, Princeton, Coppage reaching the semi-final round record of Wright of Cornell in the weight third, 2.2. feet 4 3-4 inches; Burns, Cornell, throw with a heave of 54 feet 9 inches. fourth, 2.2. feet 3 3-4 inches; Williams, Cornell, by defeating Dritz and Brown of Syra- Wright's mark, made in 192.8, was 53 fifth, 2.2.
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