No. 5420. An Act to sanction the Issue and Application of certain Sums of Moneys available for Railways under Loan Acts or in the State Loans Repayment Fund, and for other purposes. [22nd November, 1949.] E it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty by B and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows (that is to say):— 1. This Act may be cited as the Railway Loan short title. Application Act 1949. 2. There may be issued and applied out of any loan i*™? ami authorized by Parliament and appropriated by Parliament £4,250,000 out J X. X. X, v Q** |()«III fluids s or for the construction of railways or tramways and works for railwaysm l connected with either (including rolling-stock) or out of works.'1*"il any moneys in the State Loans Repayment Fund any sums of money not exceeding in the whole Four million two hundred and fifty thousand pounds for the works and purposes mentioned in the Schedule to this Act schedule. and 224 1949. Railway Loan Application. No. 5420 and in sums not exceeding the amounts specified therein in the column headed "Amount Issued and Applied," and, with the sanction of the Minister and (where the lands in question are Crown lands) the sanction of the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey, The Victorian Railways Commissioners may enter upon take and use such lands as are required for any of the purposes specified in the Schedule to this Act and the provisions No. U759 of sub-section (3) of section eighty of the Railways Act s. 80 (3). 1928 shall extend and apply to the exercise of the powers conferred by this section with respect to such of the said lands as are not unalienated Crown lands. Authority, 3. No authority other than this Act is necessary to authorize the expenditure herein provided. N<» expenditure 4. Notwithstanding anything contained in any Railway for runways or <D */ c~> • J J tramways out, of Construction Act or Railway Loan Application Act or loans ex('ci)t y . un.ier tins Act. Railway Loan and Application Act in force before the commencement of this Act, no money shall by virtue of any such Act be expended out of any loan funds for railways or tramways or works connected therewith other than such as are respectively specified in the column .schedule. headed "Amount Issued and Applied " in the Schedule to this Act and to the extent therein mentioned. Application of Nos. 4288, 5. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the 4')4"). provisions of the Public Works Committee Acts shall apply to all works and purposes specified in Item 1 of the Schedule to this Act the estimated cost of Schedule. completing which as specified in the said Schedule exceeds Ten thousand pounds. As to lands taken pursuant 6. The fee simple of all lands entered upon taken and to this Act, ifcc. used by The Victorian Railways Commissioners under the authority of this Act or any previous Railway Loan Application Act or Railway Loan and Application Act shall as from the taking thereof vest in or (as the case may be) be deemed to have vested in The Victorian Railways Commissioners for the purposes of the Railways Acts. SCHEDULE. 1949. Railway Loan Application. No. 5420 225 SCHEDULE. Sections 2, 4, 5. No. Amount of -Description of Work. Issued ami Item. Applied. £ 1 ADDITIONS AND IMPROVKMENTS TO WAY AND WORKS • • • i • • 3,550,000 List of specific works, the estimated capital cost of each of which is over £2,000 towards the construction of which provision is mad o in this Act:— i Original Ilevised Expendi­ Estimated Estimated Sub- i Cost as ture at Estimated Item Work. Capital •it (itli (itli Amount No. Cost, of August, August, ltcquired. Work. 104!). 1!)49. £ E £ £ 1 Alphington-Heidelberg (between)— Duplication of line, including acquisition of land 125,000 191,316 142,601 48,715 2 Bairnsdalc—Provision of additional siding accommodation 2,757 2,757 3 Ballan—Provision of 70-ft. turntable 3,095 3,095 Ballarat—Provision of automatic 4 sprinkler system at car shed 3,100 3,100 Ballarat-Ararat—Provision of ad­ 5 ditional telephone facilities 3,000 3,000 Ballarat North Workshops—Pro­ 6 vision of sewerage facilities 3,080 3,080 Bayswater—-Provision of improved 7 train crossing facilities 7,000 7,000 Beaufort—Provision of new stock­ 8 yards and re-arrangement of tracks 2,712 2,712 9 Benalla—Provision of additional siding accommodation 15,000 17,480 1,101 16,379 10 Camberwell—Provision of new cross­ over 3,700 6,000 • • 6,000 11 Camberwell-Ashburton (between)— Duplication of line, including acquisition of land 160,000* 4,818 30,000f 12 Caulfield-Mordialloc (between)— Provision of additional track facilities and power signalling, including acquisition of land •• 3,218 10,000f 13 Clayton-Springvale (between)— Provision of passenger facilities and siding accommodation, in­ cluding acquisition of land 12,000* 12,000 14 Dandenong—Provision of additional siding facilities 7,750 11,500 11,500 15 Dandenong-Morwell (between)— Provision of power signalling . 20,000f 10 Dandenong-Traralgon, Moc-Yal- lourn—Electrification of line 1,121,000 •• 73,000f 17 Dimboola—Sewerage of departmen­ tal premises 4,200 6,000 6,000 18 Dwelling Accommodation—Pro­ vision of, for employees, including acquisition of land 66,000 . , 66,000 19 Graham—Provision of gantry crane and construction of roadway 8,000 15,174 12,662 2,512 Carried forward 3,550,000 * Hough estimate only. t Estimated expenditure during the currency of this Act. SCHEDULE 226 1949. Raihvay Loan Application. No. 5420 SCHEDULE—continued. Amount No. Issued of Description of Work. and Item. Applied. £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,550,000 ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO WAY AND WORKS—continued. List of specific works, the estimated capital cost of each of which is over £2,000, towards the construction of which provision is made in this Act:—• 'Revised Original Estimated Expendi­ Sub- Estimated Cost as ture nt Estimated Item Work. Capital at, (itli (itli Amount No. Cost, of August, August, Kequired. Work. 11119. 1940. £ 20 Great Western—Provision of new station buildings and rc-arrange- ment of station yard 4,300 484 3,816 21 Hamilton—Provision of new stock­ yards and re-arrangement of track- work lO.OOOf 22 Heyficld—Provision of additional siding accommodation and gantry crane 14,700 14,700 23 lleyington-Fastmalvern (between)— "Duplication of line, including acquisition of land 130,000* 10,000f 24 Koroit—Provision of new stockyards and re-arrangement of station yard 2,800 2,502 298 25 Longwarry-Yarragon (between)— Duplication and regrading of the line, including acquisition of land 700,000 271,965 428,035 20 Mansfield—Provision of new stock­ yards 2,313 2,313 27 Marmalake—Provision of additional siding accommodation 8,000 8,000 28 Maroona—Additions and improve­ ments to station yard.. 12,000 223 3,000t 29 Mechanical Equipment—Provision of additional plant and machinery for Way and Works purposes . 80,000f 30 Melbourne-Ballarat (between)— Provision of additional telephone facilities 3,500 636 2,864 31 Melbourne (Flinders-street)—Pro- visioir-of light signals 6,800 8,0,00 8,000 32 Melbourne (Flinders-street)—Im­ provements at Degraves-street entrance 12,000f 33 Melbourne (Flinders-street)—-Haw­ thorn (between)—Duplication of lines, including acquisition of land 6,000f 34 Melbourne (Flinders-strect)->South Yarra (between)—Duplication of lines, including acquisition of land 114,049 28,369 85,680 Carried forward 3,550,000 * Hough estimate only. t Estimated expenditure during the currency of this Act. SCHEDULE 1949. Railway Loan Application. No. 5420 227 SCHEDULE—continued. No. Amount of Description (> f Work. Issued and Item. Applied. £ Brought forward • • • • • • • • • 3,550,000 1 ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO WAY AND WORKS—continued. List of specific works, the estimated capital cost of each of which is over £2,000, towards the construction of which provision is made in this Act:— Original Revised Expendi­ Sub- Estimated Estimated ture at Estimated Item Work. Capital Cost as at (5th Amount No. Cost of 0th August, August, Required. Work. 1949. 1949. £ £ £ £ 35 Melbourne (Jolimont Yard)—Pro­ • vision of additional and improved accommodation for Train and Equipment Examiners, Motor- men, Guards, &c. 14,800 16,349 4,118 8,000f 36 Melbourne-Seymour-Albury (be­ tween)—Provision of printing telegraph system and improved telephone facilities 18,000 * * 3,170 14,830 37 Melbourne (Spcncer-strect)—Exten­ sion of automatic telephone ex­ change at Administrative Offices 9,000 10,450 354 10,096 38 Melbourne (Spencer-street)— Reconstruction and extension of No. 4 goods shed ; provision of amenities block, additional office accommodation, &c. 46,000* 95,000 4,195 30,000f 39 Melbourne-Warragul-Sale (be­ tween)—Provision of additional telephone facilities 7,612 * • * • 7,612 40 Mildura—Provision of accommoda­ tion for staff, including acquisition of land 2,100 3,073 2,586 ; i! 487 41 Mildura—Provision of new stock­ yards and additional siding accom­ modation, including acquisition of land 3,400 .. •/ I! .:."'. 3,400 42 Moe—Re-arrangemcnt of yard, in­ I> >:; .,,• :;f 1 cluding acquisition of land <•'• \ . ' • • 15,000f 43 Mont Park—Provision of facilities '•'•• for operating passenger traffic .. 7,000 !••'*•• 7,000 44 Morwell—Provision of additional -. 1 ' ' 1 ) .. siding accommodation and re­ •:' i • •'. , i ••' : arrangement of yard, including ••' M i 1 '• '. : ill ili.i . '•• . ••: acquisition of land / . •• . l . ,20,000f 45 Newport—Purchase of oil storage installation and provision of pipe lines, including acquisition of land 40,000 30,052 15,052 15,000 - 3,550,000 Carried forward ..- i .
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