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La qualit6 d'impression de certaines pages peut larsser A original pages were typed with a poor-typewriter ribbon or dbsirer, surtout si les pages originales ont 616 dactylogra- if the university sent us an inferior photocopy. phihes A I'aide d'un ruban us6 ou si I'universith nous a fart parvenir une photocopie de qualit6 inf6rieure. Reproduction in full or in part of this microform is overned La reproduction, mbme partielle, de cette microforme est by theCanadian Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. -30, and soumise A la Loi canadienne sur le droit d'auleur, SRC B e subsequent amendments. 1970, c. C-30, et ses amendements subsequents. NL-339 (r. BBiDb) c THE SOCIAL CONTROL AUCTION: PRIVATIZATION OF YOUTH CORRECTIONS IN BRITISH COLUMBYA - - ' Tuula Hannele Jan& ., B. A., Simon Fraser university, 198\ THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS (CRIMINOLOGY) in the School \ D Criminology @ Tuula Hannele Jantti 1989 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY August 1. 1989 All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy or other means, without permission of the author. National Library Biblioth&que nationate 1+1 of Canada du Canada Canadian Theses Service Service des tMses canadiennes Ottawa. Canada - KIA ON4 The author has granted an inevocable non- L'auteur a accord6 une licence irr6vocable et exclusive licence allowing the National Library non exclusive permettant la Biblioth6que of Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or sell nationale du Canada de reproduire, pr&er, copies of hidher thesis by any means and in distribuer ou vendre des copies de sa these any form or format, making this thesis avaiele de quelque manibre et sous quelque forme to interested persons. que ce soit pour mettre des exemplaires de w cette these a la disposition des personnes interessees. The author retains ~wnershi~of the copyright L'auteur conserve la propnet6 du droit d'auteur in hisfher thesis. Neither the thesis nor qui protbe sa these. Ni la these ni des extraits substantial extracts from it may be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne doivent &re otherwise reproduced without hislher per- imprim6s ou autrement reproduits sans son mission. autorisation. ISBN 0-315-59370-9 Name: T. Hanneie Jantri Dcgrce: Master of Arts (Criminology) Title of Thesis: The Social Control Auction: Privatization of Youth Corrections in British Columbia r Examining Committee: Chairperson: Patricia L. Brantingham, Ph.D. Simon N. Verdun-Jones W. Senior Supervisor Kaymonet' R. Corrado, Ph.D. Robert M. Gordoh Bh.D. bauic~J. Smith, Ph.D. External Examiner Department of Political Science jimon Fraser University I h,ereby cjra~tto 51r-~1Fra5er LJqi versicy ty~eriaht to lent my thes15, croject or extenboa ?ssay 'the tille of ,&Pic/- is gkm belg~) to users of the Simog Fra-ssr Sniversity Lit.rar),, and ta make partial or 5 si ogle copies on I y io? sdcn bsers or in response Tc a request. from the l ibrar\; of any o:ier un-ivlrsity, 0: other eiucational institution, orb its orn behal i or for - af its users. I further agree that p?rm:~sicl B. i: for mulfiple copyins of 231s wc74 fcr sch~larlvpurpose5 nay be granted b., b., by me or the Cean of Grad4 at? St~dies. It is understood that copying without my written perrnissian. \P T i T I e cf i?esi s/G+C~ddd:'Lkf hdd~,t/dd&l The Social Control Auction: Privatization of Youth Corrections in >British Columbia L Tqula Hannele Jantti ABSTRACT Privatization is a key concept in today's discourse on penology. The term refers to a shift of an increasing proportion of responsibility for services from the public to the private - . sector. Economic explanations are central to accounts of privatization; it is seen as a response to the "fiscal crisis", necessitating financial restraint and "downsizing" of government While 7 the relevance of economic factors is discussed, the importance of political and ideological factors is also outlined. Privatization, it is argued, reflects an overall need to restructure the welfare state. \ This work explores the privatization phenomenon, delineating its meaning and canvassing its implementation. The discussion concentrates on British Columbia, outlining privatization ? initiatives put forth by the present Social Credit government These initiatives have included. several in youth corrections; the existence and extent of privatization in this area of government service is specifically reviewed. The Ymng Offenders Act is also recognized as a factor relating to changes in youth corrections. 8 Privatization has profound implications fot the nature and extent of social control. This issue is addressed, arrd 'the role privatization has played in the expansion and diversification of social control is examined. While the "old" system of deviance management remains intact, community-based corrections have augmented the social control net Privatization has not only contributed to the expansion- of the social control net, but has also blurred its boundaries, rendering it difficult to ascertain the source, the beginning or the end of the correctional continuum. While exploriilg issues pertaining to privatization, and presenting information on u & privatization initiatives in B.C. the thesis does not contain an evaluation of privatized programs. Such an evaluation is identified as a crucial issue for future research, in order to C . Ill r &tennine the validity of the rhetoric surrounding privatization, specifi&lly with respec& to its ,. LP proposed benefits. \ \ I Findit is suggested that privatization is an important government policy whi ? continue to be employed, and therefore must be addressed as an important issue by ;c ,+ I ,f #a crimiho~ogists. % lr<rtlca, cLscGll DEDICATION % 7. To my family and friends. for their love and support, I expected acknowledgements to constitute one of the easier tasks in the process of completing a thesis. but have found this not to be the case. Numerous individuals have Q pro;ided support as well as ' constructive criticism. while I have worked on this manuscript, and I feel unable to adequately express my thanks. Nevertheless, I will try. First and foremost, my sincerest and warmest thanks must go to Drx Simon Verdun-Jones, who has been a source of continued support qnd advice. His expertise. and the comments that have stemmed from it, have both challenged and helped me: While keeping me' "on my toes" academically Dr. Verdun-Jones has never failed to be most supportive and *encouraging; his continued belief in my abilities to complete this task has provided me with the assurance I required. The hours Dr. Verdun-Jones spmt examining this work with me will always ,be remembered with many thanks. My appreciation must also be extended to Dr. Ray Corrado and Dr. Robert Gordon. whose input has been invaluable. Their suggestions and commenk were most helpful, and greatly contributed to this thesis. 3 My parents have been a source of support throughout the writing of this work. They -. have taught me to work hard, to enjoy life and its challenges, to test my strengths and limits, to always keep exploring and learning, and to never give up on a dream. They have a& made me realize the meaning of love and commitment, and the value of truth and honesty. Thanks also to Reija, who has always been a true sister. Thanks must also go to Greig, who has understood my weekends in front of the computer, and who has taught me the importance of keeping balance in life. His positive > L, - - 4 .i outlook on matters, and continued supp~ and caring, have contributed .greatly to the '-+ completion of this ,thesis. Thanks must also go to the wonderful friends who have provided me with encouragement and support, and who have made it impossible for me to forget that 'there is -- more to life' than a thesis. The resulting balance has been healthy and beneficial. Both the federal and provincial privatization offices have been most helpful in providing , details regarding privatization Without this. information, my task would have been much more 1 dificudt. This assistance was much appreciated. As well;. the provincial Ministry of Solicitor-General is also to be thanked for the generous assistance and co-operation that its personnel extended to me. The information provided in this work regarding the privabzation of youth corrections would not have been possible to include without the Ministry's willingness to give access to its information system. My greatest thanks goes to the Ministry. My warmest thanks also to Lana, Mary and. Sharon, who have brought lots of humor to my days at S.F.U.. and who have always been most supportive and helpful. Thanks must also go to Aileen and Deborah, for caring, and for advising me on the ,"how-tos" of "-, - .administrative details. Lastly. I must acknowledge the effect that my travels have had on me. The many . -. - counuies of the. world that I have visited while writing this work, and their people, have - *.?.h.
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