Appendi A !"#$%&'(')'&*+,-&-.#'/%&'"/0 3 4 Appendi A Compatibility Determination !"#$%&'(')'&*+,-&-.#'/%&'"/ 01-2 Environmental Education, Interpretation, Wildlife Observation and Photography 3-456-+7%#-2 Antioch Dunes National Wildlife Refuge 81&%()'19'/6+%/:+;<=5'1'&'"/+;5&9".'&*2 Endangered Species Act of 193, as amended (1 USC 1531 - 1544) 3-456-+>5.$"1-?1@2 to conserve (A) fish or wildlife which are listed as endangered species or threatened species or (B) plants 7%&'"/%)+A'):)'4-+3-456-+B*1&-#+C'11'"/2 The mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System is to administer a national network of lands and waters for the conservation, management, and where appropriate, restoration of the fish, wildlife, and plant resources and their habitats within the United States for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans ,-1<.'$&'"/+"4+01-?1@2 Environmental education, interpretation, wildlife observation, and wildlife photography would occur from outside the Refuge fence or under controlled visits since the Refuge is closed to the public Antioch Dunes NWR provides an opportunity for increasing awareness of endangered plant and insect species through led tours and interpretive information There would be a concurrent opportunity for wildlife observation and photography during any led tours Establishing interpretive panels at a vehicle turnout would foster the above uses with little impact to the Refuge The Refuge was established to protect the unique riverine dune ecosystem which provides habitat for the endangered Antioch Dunes evening primrose (1-/"&2-.%+3-)&"'3-0+2"4-))''), Contra Costa wallflower (5.*0'#6#+7%$'&%&6# %/860&%&6#) and Langes metalmark butterfly (9$"3-#'%+#".#"+)%/8-') Environmental education and interpretation at the Refuge would focus on endangered species In addition, the Refuge would educate the public about the National Wildlife Refuge System and the Service mission Currently, there are no interpretive efforts and few led tours at the Refuge ;D%')%(')'&*+"4+3-1"5.<-12 Minimal staff eists to manage for environmental education, interpretation, wildlife observation and wildlife photography at the Antioch Dunes National Wildlife Refuge Increased funding would be required for interpretive materials and educational materials Volunteers to lead tours would need to be recruited and trained ;/&'<'$%&-:+E#$%<&1+"4+&9-+01-?1@2 The goals of the Refuge are 1 To protect, restore, and manage the Antioch Dunes ecosystem for a diversity of native plant and animal species 2 To protect, enhance, and maintain habitat for threatened and endangered species, emphasiing species known to inhabit the Refuge, including the Langes metalmark butterfly, Contra Costa wallflower, and Antioch dunes evening primrose 5 3 To establish an educational program for the public to foster an appreciation of the natural habitats and endangered species supported by the native riverine dune habitat of the Refuge Controlled access through led tours at appropriate times supports the third goal and should have minimal impacts upon the first two goals of the Refuge although the possibility eists of damaging endangered plants, disturbing endangered butterflies and introducing unwanted plants through seed transfer while on led tours >5()'<+3-D'-F+%/:+!"##-/&2 Would be conducted concurrently with the public review and comment period for the Comprehensive Conservation Plan ,-&-.#'/%&'"/ ?<9-<G+"/-+(-)"F@2+ \\\\\ Use is Not Compatible Use is Compatible With Following Stipulations B&'$5)%&'"/1+7-<-11%.*+&"+8/15.-+!"#$%&'(')'&*2 The Refuge would remain closed to uncontrolled public use Tours would be led by persons trained in identification, ecology, and necessary limited behavior in the vicinity of the endangered plants and butterfly Protection of other native plants and animals on the Refuge would be incorporated into led tours Interpretive panels and educational materials used outside the fence require no stipulations Although the Refuge manager has the authority to close certain areas to public access, the State Lands Commission has reserved all lands below mean high water for public access Thus, complete closure of the entire beach profile by the Service would not be possible In an effort to control all access to the Refuge, the Refuge would pursue a lease of these lands H51&'4'<%&'"/2 The Refuge Improvement Act identifies environmental education, interpretation, wildlife observation, and wildlife photography as priority public uses for National Wildlife Refuges As priority uses of the Refuge system, these uses take precedence over other potential public uses in Refuge planning and management The Service strives to provide priority public uses when compatible with the purpose and goals of the Refuge The above four priority uses support one of the goals of the Comprehensive Conservation Plan C%/:%&".*+3-I-D%)5%&'"/+,%&-+?$."D':-+#"/&9+%/:+*-%.+4".+J%))"F-:K+51-1+"/)*@2 October 201 Mandatory 15-year Reevaluation Date (for priority public uses) Mandatory 10-yr Reevaluation Date (for all uses other than priority public uses) 78>;+!"#$)'%/<-+4".+3-456-+01-+,-<'1'"/+?<9-<G+"/-+(-)"F@2 Conducted with the Comprehensive Conservation Plan \\\\\\Categorical Eclusion without Environmental Action Statement Categorical Eclusion and Environmental Action Statement !J Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact \\\\\\Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision 3-456-+,-&-.#'/%&'"/ Prepared by \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (Signature) (Date) Refuge Manager/ Proect Leader Approval \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (Signature) (Date) !"/<5..-/<- Refuge Supervisor \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (Signature) (Date) Regional Chief, National Wildlife Refuge System \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (Signature) (Date) California/Nevada Operations Manager (for CA and NV) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (Signature) (Date) !! !b !"#$%&'(')'&*+,-&-.#'/%&'"/ 01-2 Scientific Research 3-456-+7%#-2 Antioch Dunes National Wildlife Refuge 81&%()'19'/6+%/:+;<=5'1'&'"/+;5&9".'&*2 Endangered Species Act of 193, as amended (1 USC 1531 - 1544) 3-456-+>5.$"1-?1@2 to conserve (A) fish or wildlife which are listed as endangered species or threatened species or (B) plants 7%&'"/%)+A'):)'4-+3-456-+B*1&-#+C'11'"/2 The mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System is to administer a national network of lands and waters for the conservation, management, and where appropriate, restoration of the fish, wildlife, and plant resources and their habitats within the United States for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans ,-1<.'$&'"/+"4+01-?1@2 Antioch Dunes NWR receives periodic requests to conduct scientific research Priority would be given to studies that contribute to the enhancement, protection, preservation, and management of threatened and endangered species and their ecosystem Research applicants must submit a proposal that would outline (1) obectives of the study (2) ustification for the study (3) detailed methodology and schedule (4) potential impacts on Refuge endemics and their ecosystem, including disturbance (short and long term), inury, or mortality (5) personnel required () costs to Refuge, if any and () end products (ie reports or publications) Research proposals would be reviewed by Refuge staff or others as appropriate Evaluation criteria would include, but not be limited to, the following 1 Research that would contribute to Refuge goals would have higher priority than other requests 2 Research that would conflict with other ongoing research, monitoring or management programs would not be granted 3 Research proects that can be done elsewhere off-Refuge, are less likely to be approved 4 Research which causes undue disturbance or is intrusive, would likely not be granted Level and type of disturbance would be carefully weighed when evaluating a request 5 Research evaluation would determine if any effort has been made to minimie disturbance through study design, including considering adusting location, timing, scope, number of permittees, study methods, number of study sites, etc If staffing or logistics make it impossible for the Refuge to monitor researcher activity in a sensitive area this may be reason to deny the request depending on the circumstances The length of the proect would be considered and agreed upon before approval Proects would not be open ended and would be reviewed annually ;D%')%(')'&*+"4+3-1"5.<-12 Adequate funding and staff eist to manage for research at Antioch Dunes National Wildlife Refuge 9 ;/&'<'$%&-:+E#$%<&1+"4+&9-+01-?1@2 The goals of the Refuge are 1 To protect, restore, and manage the Antioch Dunes ecosystem for a diversity of native plant and animal species 2 To protect, enhance, and maintain habitat for threatened and endangered species, emphasiing species known to inhabit the Refuge, including the Langes metalmark butterfly, Contra Costa wallflower, and Antioch dunes evening primrose 3 To establish an educational program for the public to foster an appreciation of the natural habitats and endangered species supported by the native riverine dune habitat of the Refuge Previous scientific research has directly contributed to the first two goals and provided information that would be used to support the third goal The possibility eists of damaging endangered plants, disturbing endangered butterflies and introducing unwanted plants through seed transfer while doing research There is also the potential for illegal collection of endangered plants and insects at the Refuge Minimal impact to Refuge resources is epected with scientific research studies Some level of disturbance
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