314 FAMILY TROGONIDAE Selasphorusardens Salvin. Glow-throatedHummingbird. Selasphorusardens Salvin, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 209. (Calov6voraand Castilia, Panama.) Habitat.--Second-growth Scrub, Montane EvergreenForest Edge, SecondaryForest (750-1800 m; SubtropicalZone). Distribution.--Resident in the mountainsof westernPanama in easternChiriquf (Cerro Flores) and Veraguas(Santa F6, Castillo, and Calov6vora). Notes.•This specieshas been consideredclosely related to S. fiarnrnulaon the basisof gorgetcolor and measurements,but in wing and tail morphology(and presumablydisplays) it is more similarto S. scintilla, with which it may constitutea superspecies(Stiles 1983a). See commentsunder S. fiarnrnula. Selasphorusscintilla (Gould). ScintillantHummingbird. Trochilus(Selosphorus) scintilla Gould, 1851, Proc.Zool. Soc. London (1850), p. 162. (Volcanoof Chiriqui, at an altitudeof 9000 feet [Panama].) Habitat.--Second-growth Scrub, Montane EvergreenForest Edge, SecondaryForest (900-2100 m; Subtropicaland lower Temperatezones). Distribution.--Resident in the mountainsof centralCosta Rica (Cordillera Centralsouth along the Pacific slopeof the Cordillera de Talamanca,and north, at least casually,to the Cordillerade Tilarfin) and westernPanama (western ChiriquO. Notes.--See comments under S. ardens. Order TROGONIFORMES: Trogons Family TROGONIDAE: Trogons Subfamily TROGONINAE: Trogons GenusPRIOTELUS Gray Ternnurus(not Lesson,1831) Swainson,1837, Class.Birds 2: 337. Type, by monotypy, T. albicollis P1. col. 326 = Trogon ternnurusTemminck. PriotelusG. R. Gray, 1840, List GeneraBirds, p. 10. New namefor TernnurusSwainson, preoccupied. TernnotrogonBonaparte, 1854, Ateneo Ital. 2: 129. Type, by monotypy, Trogon ro- seigasterVieillot. Priotelus temnurus (Temminck). Cuban Trogon. Trogon temnurusTemminck, 1825, PlanchesColon, livr. 55, pl. 326. (Havana, Cuba.) Habitat.--Tropical Lowland EvergreenForest, Tropical Deciduous Forest, Pine Forest, SecondaryForest (0-2000 m). Distribution.--Resident on Cuba and the Isle of Pines. Priotelus roseigaster(Vieillot). HispaniolanTrogon. Trogon roseigasterVieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat. (nouv. 6d.) 8: 314. (Santo Domingo and M6xico = Hispaniola.) Habitat.--Montane EvergreenForest, Pine Forest(0-3000 m). Distributiøn'--Resident on Hispaniola. Notes.--Often placedin the monotypicgenus Ternnotrogon. Genus TROGON Brisson Trogon Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie1: 42; 4: 164. Type, by subsequentdesignation (Stone, 1907), Trogon viridis Linnaeus. FAMILY TROGONIDAE 315 CurucujusBonaparte, 1854, Ateneo Ital. 2: no. 8. Type, by subsequentdesignation (G. R. Gray, 1855), "Trogon curucui Linn." = Trogon rnelanurusSwainson. TrogonurusBonaparte, Ateneo Ital. 2: no. 8. Type, by subsequentdesignation (G. R. Gray, 1855), Trogon collaris Vieillot. Microtrogon(not Bertoni, 1901) Goeldi, 1908, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, 5: 92. Type, by monotypy,Trogon rarnonianaDeville and Des Murs. ChrysotrogonRidgway, 1911, Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 50(5): 784. New name for Mi- crotrogonGoeldi, preoccupied. Trogon melanocephalusGould. Black-headedTrogon. Trogonrnelanocephala Gould, 1836, Monogr. Trogonidae,ed. 1, pt. 2, pl. [6] and text. (State of Tamaulipas,Mexico.) Habitat.--Tropical LowlandEvergreen Forest, Tropical Deciduous Forest, Gallery Forest, SecondaryForest (0-1000 m; Tropical and lower Subtropicalzones, mostly below 600 m). Distribution.--Residentfrom southernTamaulipas (formerly?) and southernVeracruz (and possiblyeastern San Luis Potosf) southon the Gulf-Caribbeanslope (includingthe YucatanPeninsula) to northeasternCosta Rica, and on the Pacific slope from E1 Salvador south to northwestern Costa Rica. Notes.--Formerly consideredconspecific (e.g., Peters 1945), T. rnelanocephalusand T. citreolusconstitute a superspecies(Sibley and Monroe 1990). Trogon citreolusGould. CitreolineTrogon. Trogoncitreolus Gould, 1835, Proc. Zool. Soc. London,p. 30. (No locality given = Colima.) Habitat.--Tropical DeciduousForest, Gallery Forest,Secondary Forest (0-1000 m; Trop- ical and lower Subtropicalzones). Distribution.--Resident on the Pacific slopefrom southernSinaloa to westernChiapas. Notes.--See commentsunder T. rnelanocephalus. Trogon viridis Linnaeus.White-tailed Trogon. Trogon viridis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) 1: 167. Based on "Le Couroucou verdde Cayenne"Brisson, Ornithologie 4: 168,pl. 17, fig. 1. (in Cayania= Cayenne.) Habitat.--Tropical LowlandEvergreen Forest (0-1300 m; Tropicaland lower Subtropical zones). Distribution.--Resident in Panama (west on the Caribbeanslope nearly to the Costa Rican border, and on the Pacific to easternPanamfi province), and in South America from Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, and the Guianas south, west of the Andes to western Ecuador and east of the Andes to northern Bolivia and south-central Brazil. Notes.--Formerly consideredconspecific (e.g., Peters 1945), T. viridis and T. bairdii constitutea superspecies(Sibley and Monroe 1990). Trogon bairdii Lawrence. Baird's Trogon. Trogonbairdii Lawrence,1868, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N.Y. 9: 119. (San Mateo, Costa Rica.) Habitat.--Tropical LowlandEvergreen Forest (0-1250 m; Tropicaland lower Subtropical zones). Distribution.--Resident on the Pacific slope of southwesternCosta Rica (north to the region aroundRio Grandede Tgrcoles)and westernPanama (western Chiriqul'). Notes.--See comments under T. viridis. Trogon violaceus Gmelin. ViolaceousTrogon. Trogonviolaceus Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat. 1(1): 404. Basedmainly on "Couroucouh chaperonviolet" Buffon, Hist. Nat. Ois. 6: 294, and the "Violet-headedCurucui" Latham, Gen. Synop.Birds 1(2): 491. (No locality given = Surinam.) 316 FAMILY TROGONIDAE Habitat.--Tropical Lowland EvergreenForest, SecondaryForest, Tropical Deciduous Forest (0-1800 m; Tropical and lower Subtropicalzones). Distribution.--Resident [caligatus group] from southeasternSan Luis PotosL Puebla, Veracruz, and Oaxaca southalong both slopesof Middle America (including the Yucatan Peninsula)to Panama,western and northernColombia, northwesternVenezuela, and western Ecuador;and [violaceusgroup] from easternColombia, southern Venezuela, Trinidad, and the Guianas south, east of the Andes, to northern Bolivia and Amazonian Brazil. Notes.--Groups: T. caligatusGould, 1838 [GarteredTrogon] and T. violaceus[Violaceous Trogon]. Trogon mexicanus Swainson.Mountain Trogon. TrogonMexicanus Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag. (n.s.) 1' 440. (Temiscaltipec,Mexico = Temascaltepec,M6xico.) Habitat.--Pine-Oak Forest,Pine Forest,Montane Evergreen Forest (1200-3500 m; Sub- tropical and Temperatezones). Distribution.--Resident from easternSinaloa, southern Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosfand southernTamaulipas south through the mountainsof Mexico and Gua- temala to E1 Salvador and central Honduras. Notes.--Also known as Mexican Trogon. Trogon elegans Gould. Elegant Trogon. Trogon elegansGould, 1834, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 26. (apud Guatimala, in Mexico = Guatemala.) Habitat.--Tropical DeciduousForest, Pine-Oak Forest;in United States,primarily syc- amore riparian woodland adjacentto pine-oak woodland (0-2500 m; Tropical to lower Temperatezones). Distribution.--Resident [ambiguusgroup] from Sonora, southeasternArizona, south- westernNew Mexico (rarely), Chihuahua,Durango, Zacatecas, Nuevo Le6n, and Tamau- lipas south through Mexico (including Mar/a Madre and Maria Magdalena in the Tres Marias Islands) to Guerrero, Veracruz, and Oaxaca (west of the Isthmusof Tehuantepec); and [elegansgroup] in southernand easternGuatemala (Motagua Valley and Pacificlow- lands), E1 Salvador,Honduras (interior valleys and Pacific lowlands),Nicaragua (Pacific slope), and northwesternCosta Rica (Guanacaste).Northernmost populations [ambiguus group] are mostly migratory, the speciesbeing casual in the southwesternUnited States in winter. Casual [ambiguusgroup] in south-centralArizona (west to Phoenix area) and southern Texas (Big Bend and lower Rio GrandeValley). Notes.--Groups: T. ambiguusGould, 1835 [Coppery-tailedTrogon] and T. elegans[El- egant Trogon]. Trogon collaris Vieillot. Collared Trogon. Trogoncollaris Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat. (nouv. 6d.) 8: 320. (Cayenne.) Habitat.--Tropical Lowland EvergreenForest, Montane EvergreenForest, River-edge Forest, Tropical DeciduousForest (0-2500 m; Tropical and Subtropicalzones). Distribution.--Resident [puella group] from Guerrero,Hidalgo, southeasternSan Luis PotosLVeracruz, and northern Oaxaca south along both slopesof Middle Americaincluding the YucatanPeninsula (not recorded Pacific slope of Nicaragua)to Panama(western Chiriqu/, westernBocas del Toro, and Dari6n); and [collaris group]in extremeeastern Panama (Cerro Pirre in easternDari6n), andin SouthAmerica from Colombia,Venezuela, Tobago, Trinidad, and the Guianas south, west of the Andes to southwesternEcuador and east of the Andes to central Bolivia and Amazonian and southeastern Brazil. Notes.--Groups: T. puella Gould, 1845 [Bar-tailed Trogon] and T. collaris [Collared Trogon]. See commentsunder T. aurantiiventris. FAMILY TROGONIDAE 317 Trogon aurantiiventris Gould. Orange-belliedTrogon. Trogon aurantiiventrisGould, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 107. (near David, Veragua [= Chiriquf, Panama].) Habitat.--Montane EvergreenForest, Secondary Forest (600-2100 m; Subtropicaland lower Temperatezones). Distribution.--Resident in the mountains of Costa Rica and western and central Panama (east to westernPanamfi province). Notes.--Probably a localizedcolor morphof T. collaris (Stiles and Skutch 1989; seealso Wetmore 1968). Trogon rufus Gmelin. Black-throatedTrogon. Trogonrufus
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