a.side ifiotball 1" FIFA World Championshi p for Five-a-Side Football (Indoor Football) FIFA founded 190 4 TECHNICAL REPOR T 5-15 January 1989, The Netherlands FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONAL E DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIO N FIFA founded 1904 President: Dr. Joäo Havelange (Brazil ) Genera/ Secretary Joseph S . Blatter (Switzerland ) Address: "FIFA House", 11 Hitzigweg, 8030 Zurich, Switzerlan d Telephone Number : (01) 55 54 0 0 Telex Number : 817240 fìf ch Telefax Number : (01) 55 62 3 9 Committee for Five-a-Side Football (Indoor Football) (ad hoc ) Commission pour le Football ä cinq (Football en Salle) (ad hoc ) Comisión para el Fútbol cinco (Fútbol sala) (ad hoc ) Kommission für Kleinfeld-Fussball (Hallenfussball) (ad hoc ) Chairman : Pablo Porta Bussoms (Spain ) Deputy Chairman : Dr . Gydrgy Szepesi (Hungary ) Members : Antonio Ricchieri (Italy ) José Bonetti (Brazil ) Tom van der Hulst (Netherlands ) Secretary to the Committee : Miguel Galán (FIFA) I I I 5-15 January 198 9 the Netherlands Gold for the host : The mayor in the venue of Leeuwarden receiving a golden souvenir medal frorn the I- if A Pres t dent, Joäo Havelange . On the right, M.J.W. Kastermans, Vice-president of the KNVB . FIFA, working in conjunction with the Dutch Association, KNVB , is pleased to start a new chapter in the history of FIF A competitions . In order to fulfil a need in the internationa l football game, FIFA joined forces with the KNVB to organise th e first time ever a World Championship for Five-a-Side Football . On behalf of the Fédêration Internationale de Footbal l Association I would like to thank the KNVB sincerely for it s exceedingly professional collaboration . !ma/ 4 Ir"c - Dr Joáo Havelang e FIFA Presiden t 3 /i)ah1// f~` Y I FIFA / hw ntletl X904 4 Vw .5et.*~ `am_l m 57wffxa& ° The whistle for the start of the first FIFA World Championshi p for Five-a-side Football denoted that for the first time in th e long history of our organisation, we had left the traditiona l turf usually associated with football . Not only had the surfac e changed ; the goals and ball had too . This is a remarkable ste p for a federation whose characteristics have always included a deep sense of tradition and continuity . Neither was there a dearth of harbingers of gloom expressin g scepticism about the new variation of our sport . The futur e development of five-a-side football (on which the principles o f indoor football are based) is indeed difficult to assess and w e still have a long way to go before a definitive version of th e Laws of the Game has evolved . Amendments, improvements an d appraisals of our initial experience with the game wil l certainly follow bearing in mind that these first attempts hav e been modest but nonetheless successful . It is appropriate and useful to recall a few basic principle s of five-a-side football . The most significant is first of al l that : five-a-side or indoor football is not intended to compet e with the traditional form of our sport . The championship i n Holland was not planned with the stars of the green turf i n mind but for the fans and experts of five-a-side football . There are hundreds of thousands of footballers who follow onl y the smaller version of our sport . Why should they be denied th e allure of proving themselves at international level? Indoo r football provides the traditional footballer with th e opportunity of improving his own game . Technique, menta l alertness and physical agility - characteristics of five-a-sid e football - are qualities also befitting the turf player and ar e never developed to the full . What is more, indoor football i s not affected by the weather and requires fewer players . Indoor football is an important component in the promotion o f up-and-coming players . Playing football in the street - a recreation that provided previous generations of children wit h hundreds of hours of precious training - has long disappeared , particularly in industrial countries . Instead, sports gymnasi a have sprung up everywhere in modern housing estates and most o f the time they lie idle . It should be one of the duties o f football to lead the youth of today back into these gymnasia . Now, with the Laws for Five-a-side Football and the fact that it takes only five players to form a team, the conditions ar e there to enable future generations to pursue our sport outsid e the realm of organised football in clubs . I 5-15 January 1989 the Netherlands Joseph S . Blatter, the FIFA General Secretary, seen chatting to Hollands national goalkeeper, Hans Van Breukelen . Finally, yet another point : many Associations flirt with th e idea of arranging a FIFA tournament but cannot because th e prerequisites are missing . For a five-a-side world championshi p it takes only four gymnasia - that is the minimum requirement . The Championship in Hollan d has found a worthy place in th e ranks of world competition s organised by FIFA and that ou r sport has been enriched b y new, hitherto little known bu t very exciting feature . Joseph S . Blatter General Secretary s !~sidef;N,f,kt„ r4 efr4eN"V 57eomiae The World Championship for Five-a-Side Football, which had fiv e big cities in the Netherlands under its spell from 5-1 5 January, was a double party for the KNVB . Not only were w e pleased with the assignment of the first World Championship o f this kind to the Netherlands, but also with the fact that th e Royal Dutch Football Association could not have wished for a better opening to celebrate its Centennial . Sixteen countries from all parts of the world were our guest s during the World Championship . The KNVB did everything to offe r all these people an enjoyable and successful stay in th e Netherlands . It was enjoyable to see so many intereste d spectators and their behaviour supporting their team enthusi- astically but also keeping an eye open for the performances o f the other participants . This was the very way to make thi s World Championship a festival of football for all thos e involved . M .W .J . Kasterman s Emergence of Five-a-Side Football in the Netherland s Five-a-side football is a fast-risin g cipate with at least one team . Five-a - sport in the Netherlands . Interest i n side football is played by men an d this sport began to grow in the six - women, boys and girls . In Holland, a t ties . The KNVB initially did not tak e least 100,000 five-a-side footbal l part in its development, but popula r players have not yet joined the KNVB . interest in this sport, particularl y The Association Headquarters ar e in the provinces of Noord-Holland an d currently engaged in a vigorou s Noord-Brabant, led it to change it s campaign to bring all these player s attitude . together under the KNVB flag . The interest of the public and the medi a With a membership of 150,000, five-a - in five-a-side football continues t o side has since become a mature form of grow . football . The competition is divide d into six national leagues . Curren t The KNVB considered the organisatio n plans envision two main leagues b y of this championship a great oppor- 1990 . There are currently about 80 0 tunity for promoting this new form o f sports halls where five-a-side i s football . We are proud to report tha t played . More than 3,300 clubs parti - this aim was realised . I 5-15 January 1989 ' the Netherlands I ~;ed«d ad a Peoge« Five-a-Side Football is Hollands biggest indoor sport . Every week, more than 250,000 boys, girls, men and women enjoy playing it . 150,000 youngsters play five-a-side football unde r the aegis of the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Voetbalbond (KNVB ) which - unlike many foreign football associations - has adopte d as diverse a range of football associated activities a s possible . In addition to regular field football, it organise s youth football, football for the disabled, wome n ' s football an d five-aside football . I daresay that five-a-side football has reached a high level o f accomplishment in the Netherlands . Some years ago this observ - ation gave rise to the desire to pit our teams against those o f other countries . Successes achieved in Hungary, Spain an d Brazil have confirmed that we are on the right track . In view of the experience and tradition of the KNVB, we wer e able to organise the first official World Championship . We hav e been supported in this by the Dutch Government, which als o feels that a prestigious event like a World Championship i s certain to contribute to a further increase in the number o f people playing five-a-side football . Jo W . van Marl e Chairman of the KNVB livIlxir, 'a-side. \5 IANUq X..?~ . r ~ ~ 2~~ ~o MP O Ilq 1 (FIVE-AESoc Group A Group B Group C Group D Netherlands Hungary Japa n Ital y Denmark Brazil Belgium Zimbabwe Paraguay Saudi Arabia Canad a USA Algeria Spain Argentin a Australi a ROTTERDAM ARNHEM LEEUWARDEN AMSTERDAM ' s-HERTOGENBOSC H x 5 Nedierin nd> Denr,eit I - ~ 1 5 1 .89 i2ì 3C Paraguay_Algeria ` - j - - i - - - I ì91y Mungary 13rax11 I4 4n Maly-Zimbabwe ' 94h japan Belgiu m ' ì5t 6-1 .89 20 .30 Saudi Arabia-Spain 21 00 USA Ausbalia" 21 00 211 ada-Argentina° ROUND • :Zimbabwe-USA" 18 W Belgium Canada" 1945 Denrnare- Paraguay" 945 Braxil Saum Arabia " 1 7 .1 .89 ,, Mary-Australia" 915 Japan Argentin a " 21 00 Netherlenda- Algeria " 2 00 Hungary Spain ' i:~Nn.11—1.
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