United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,575,562 Hsu et al. 45) Date of Patent: Mar. 11, 1986 (54) DIMETHYL ADIPATE FROM BUTADIENE (56) References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 75 Inventors: Charles K. Hsu, Pensacola; Frank 4,169,956 10/1979 Kummer et al. .................... 560/204 Dobinson, Gulf Breeze, both of Fla. 4,171,450 10/1979 Kesling et al. ... ... 560/204 73 Assignee: Monsanto Company, St. Louis, Mo. 4,171,451 10/1979 Kummer et al. .................... 560/204 Primary Examiner-Natalie Trousof Assistant Examiner-Vera C. Clarke (21) Appl. No.: 652,049 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Thomas N. Wallin (22 Filed: Sep. 19, 1984 57 ABSTRACT Dimethyl adipate is produced from dimethylhex-3-ene 51) Int. Cl. .............................................. CO7C 67/38 dioate which is prepared by carbonylation of butadiene 52 U.S. C. .................................... 560/204; 560/183; under reactive conditions in the presence of an alcohol, 560/207; 562/590; 568/673 a platinum-group-metal catalyst and quinone oxidant. 58) Field of Search ................ 560/204; 502/152, 155, 502/162, 166, 171; 562/590 19 Claims, No Drawings 4,575,562 1. 2 diene in methanol containing palladium chloride and DIMETHYL ADPATE FROM BUTADIENE cupric chloride under carbon monoxide and oxygen pressure gave 10 molar 26 yield of methyl 2,4-pen FIELD OF THE INVENTION tadieneoate, 25 molar 76 yield of a mixture of methyl A. Background 2-pentenoate and methyl 3-pentenoate, and only about Adipic acid is conventionally made by the catalyzed 2.5 molar % yield of dimethyl hex-3-enedioate. Only nitric-acid oxidation of cyclohexanol or cyclohexanone the last named product is a dicarbonylated product. or mixtures, the alcohol or ketone or mixtures being Kesling and Zehner (U.S. Pat. No. 4,166,913) de made by air oxidation of cyclohexane or by hydrogena scribe the catalytic oxidative carbonylation of conju tion of phenol. 10 gated dienes in the presence of a salt of a platinum As the relative cost of phenol or benzene-derived group metal, an iron or copper "oxidant salt' com cyclohexane increases with respect to linear hydrocar pound such as cupric chloride, plus equimolar amounts bons, it becomes important to seek ways to make indus of an alcohol and an enol ether such as methyl vinyl trially important adipic acid from other feedstocks. This ether or a cyclic ketal such as 1-methoxycyclohexene. invention is concerned with a process for making di 15 methyl adipate by carbonylation of butadiene. In U.S. Pat. No. 4,171,450, essentially the same art is B. The Prior Art taught, but instead of the equimolar mixture of alcohol Catalyzed carbonylation of hydrocarbons to give and enol ether or alkoxycycloalkene, the use is taught of monocarboxylated and/or dicarboxylated products is two molar equivalents (based on butadiene) of a dehy well known. 20 drating agent such as 1,1-dimethoxycyclohexane and no Tsuji reported the carbonylation of complexes of more than catalytic quantities of an alcohol. The 1,1- palladium chloride and olefins to give f3-chloroacyl dimethoxycyclohexane clearly serves to provide the chlorides (J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 86,4851-3, 1964) which hydrocarbyl (in this case, methyl) radical of the ester could be esterified to give the corresponding 3-chloro products, being itself the diketal formed from methanol esters. Fenton disclosed the oxidative carbonylation of 25 and cyclohexanone by removal of water. In both cases, hydrocarbon olefins in the presence of an alcohol and a butadiene reacts with carbon monoxide, and oxygen soluble salt of a multivalent metal with an oxidation that is also present re-oxidizes the iron or copper "oxi potential greater than the platinum-group-metal catalyst dant salt'. also present (U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,397,225 and 3,397,226), In U.S. Pat. No. 3,509,209, Fenton teaches the carbo forming esters of unsaturated acids. Thus the reaction of 30 nylation of butadiene in the presence of a palladium carbon monoxide with ethylene in the presence of palla containing catalyst and an aqueous hydrohalic acid dium chloride yielded methyl methacrylate in good (hydrochloric or hydrobromic). In one example, about selectivities. When the Cui +/Cut couple was used, 2M% of adipic acid was isolated, based on butadiene high conversions were obtained, since the cupric ion charged to the reactor. In another example, a 9.2 molar maintains palladium in its Pd form; air or oxygen 35 % yield of pentenoic acid was obtained. Another exam bubbled through the reactants converted cuprous ion to ple showed the carbonylation of 2-pentenoic acid, cupricion, thus maintaining the redox cycle. Cupricion under the same general conditions to yield 55 molar 2% used to oxidize Pd to Pd2+ may also be kept in the of adipic acid. Cu2+ state by anodic oxidation (Fenton, U.S. Pat. No. The two-step carbonylation of butadiene to methyl 3,481,845). pentenoate followed by further carbonylation to di In U.S. Pat. No. 3,755,421 (Fenton et al), quinones or methyl adipate is known (e.g., U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,169,956 hydroquinones of benzene or naphthalene are used as and 4,171,451 to BASF). The patents show the use of a redox agents in the carbonylation or discarbonylation of cobalt carbonyl catalyst. The first step appears to be hydrocarbon olefins containing only one double bond, slow and to require high pressures (e.g. about 9000 such as ethylene. A Group VIII nobel metal compound 45 is used, where the metal ion is in an elevated oxidation psig). These constraints would tend to make such a state. Oxygen or air is used to regenerate the quinone process much less economical than one based on a faster from the hydroquinone in this redox reaction. The pa process carried out at significantly lower pressures. tent also states that a suitable dehydrating agent may be SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION beneficial in the carbonylation process. Among those 50 dehydrating agents mentioned are acetals and ketal This invention describes the preparation of dimethyl s-including 1,1-dimethoxycyclohexane, derived from adipate from 1,3-butadiene via dimethyl hex-3-enedio methanol and cyclohexanone-and orthoesters such as ate. methyl orthoformate. The dimethyl hex-3-enedioate is produced by react Palladium-catalyzed carbonylation of 1,3-butadiene 55 ing 1,3-butadiene with carbon monoxide at elevated in an alcohol solvent was described by Tsuji in 1971 (S. temperatures and pressures, in the presence of metha Hosaka and J. Tsuji, Tetrahedron, 27, 3821-29, 1971). nol, and a catalytic amount of both a platinum-group Using ethanol as solvent and palladium acetate as cata metal compound in its high oxidation state and an or lyst, a 97.8% selectivity to ethyl 3-pentenoate was ob ganic oxidant such as a quinone. The term "platinum tained at 16% conversion of the butadiene. No di-ester group metal' is used to refer to the elements ruthenium, was produced. At higher conversions (36.5%) using the rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum. The same catalyst, 8.6% of di-esters were formed, together alcohol is employed in a quantity that is at least stoichio with only 47.4% of ethyl 3-pentenoate and about 43% metric, based on the dicarboxylic ester to be formed. of branched or saturated monocarboxylic esters. Optionally, dehydrating materials such as ketals, ace Japanese Kokai No. 75,130,714 (Teijin, Ltd.) de 65 tals, orthoesters or metaboric acid or esters may be scribes the formation of esters by carbonylating a conju included. The platinum-group metal compound may gated diene in the presence of monohydric alcohols, optionally contain ligands. Oxygen used to regenerate molecular oxygen and a suitable redox salt. Thus buta the quinone oxidant may be added along with the car 4,575,562 3 4. bon monoxide, in an alternating manner with the carbon Small amounts of acids like acetic, trifluoroacetic, monoxide, or in a separate vessel. sulfuric, hydrochloric, hydrobromic or hydroiodic acid The reaction may be carried out in a single reactor or, may be added to the reaction mixture if desired. where it is desired to keep the oxygen and carbon mon The quinone additive used to maintain the platinum oxide separated for safety reasons, for example, in multi 5 group metal in its oxidized state may be 1,4-benzoqui ple vessels. The reaction may be run in a batch, continu none, 2,5-dichloro-1,4-benzoquinone, 2,6-dichloro-1,4- ous, or semi-continuous mode. By semi-continuous is benzoquinone, tetrachloro-1,4-benzoquinone(p- meant a system where reactants are continuously fed to chloranil), 2,3-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone, 2,3-dichloro a reactor but no reaction products are drawn from the 1,4-naphthoquinone, tetramethyl-1,4-benzoquinone, reactors until the cycle is completed. 10 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone, 2,5-diphe The methanol is employed in this invention at a level nyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2,3-dimethyl-1,4-naphthoqui of at least 2 moles per mole of diester to be produced. none, 1,4-napthoquinone, etc. The preferred internal Dehydrating agents which may optionally be added oxidant is p-chloranil(tetrachloro-p-benzoquinone). in small amounts to the reaction mixture, and which Optionally, the corresponding hydroquinone or serve only to maintain desirable anhydrous conditions, 15 quinone/hydroquinone mixtures may be used. include compounds such as methyl orthoformate, The quinone or hydroquinone may be adsorbed on an metaboric acid, 2,2-dimethoxypropane, 1,1-dimethox inert material such as natural or synthetic zeolites, zir ycyclohexane, methyl vinyl ether, 1-ethoxy-cyclohex conium phosphate, etc., or it may be combined as part ene, etc.
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