Eleventh Series, Vol. X, No. 13 Tuesday, March 11, 1997 Phalguna 20, 1918(Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fourth Session (Part-I) (Eleventh Lok Sabha) I (Vol. X contains Nos . 11 to 2 0 ) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price : Rs. 50.00 EDITORIAL BOARD Shri S. Gopalan Secretary-General Lok Sabha Shri Surendra Mishra Additional Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri P.C. Bhatt Chief Editor Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri Y.K. Abrol Senior Editor Shri S.C. Kala Assistant Editor [O r ig in a l E n g l is h proceedings in c l u d e d in E n g l is h V e r s io n a n d O r ig in a l H in d i proceedings in c l u d e d in H in d i V e r s io n w i l l b e t r e a t e d a s authoritative a n d n o t t h e translation t h e r e o f ] C orriganda to Lok Safaha Dttoetes (Ehgliah Varslon) TuwdajrMarch 11, ]997/t>halfana 20, 1918(Saka> « • • • Col .A in * For Read 23/32 SHRI CHATURAN MISHRA SHRI CHATURANAN MISHRA 103/41 2434 2434 281/6,13 SHRI ILIAS AZMI 282/23,29 SBRI ILIYAS AZMI 288/10 DR.RAKKRISHKA K'JMRIA DR.RAMKRISHNA KUSMARIA 315/1-2 THE FOOD MINISTER AND THE MINISTER OF FOOD AND THE MINISTER FOR THE MINISTER OF CIVIL CIVIL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES, CONSUMER AFFAIRS CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND AND PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION [Orkhnal English froceedings mctuofaim EnOush Version and Orichnal Hindi procbedinos m cluwd in Hindi Version w ill be treated as authoritative and not toe translation thereof] CONTENTS [Eleventh Series, Vol. X, Fourth Session, (Part-1), 1997/1918 (Saka)] No. 13, Tuesday, March H 'W /P h a lg u n a 20, 1918 (Saka) Sul . Columns ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS : ‘ Starred Questions Nos. 222-224, 226, 227 and 229 ........................................................................... 2—32 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS : ate: Starred Questions Nos. 221, 225, 228 and 230 - 240 ....................................................................... 32—52 end Unstarred Questions Nos. 2440 - 2644 .................................................................................................. 52- -234 i all PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE............................................................................................................................. 235—237 nd COMMITTEE ON PETITIONS First and Second Reports — Presented................................................................................................. 238 ING COMMITTEE ON SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION ^ND Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Reports — Presented............................................................. 238 (c) TATEMENT BY MINISTER Launching of the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation Shri I.K. Gujaral.......................................................................................................................................... 240—243 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 ............................................................................................................................. 258—262 (i) Need to evolve a machanism to avoid default in payment of dues by participating States in Sardar Sarovar Project Shri Kashi Ram R ana .................. 258—259 (ii) Need to set up an LPG outlet at Gonda in U.P. Smt. Ketaki Devi Singh............................................................................................................ 259 alia and (iii) Need to overcome shortage of LPG in Jalagaon district, Maharashtra ent, Dr. G.R. S arode ................... .............................................................................................. 259—260 s to (iv) Need to implement the recommendations of Mahajan Commission s of for resolving boundary dispute between Maharashtra and Karnataka and Shri K.H. Muniyappa............................................................................................................... 260 (v) Need to set up a high power T.V. transmitter at Saharsa in Bihar lo te Shri Dinesh Chandra Y a d a v .................................................................................................. 260 d of Ting (vi) Need to set up a Doordarshan Kendra at Madurai, Tamil Nadu asm, Shri N.S.V. C hittan................................................................................................................... 261 'ical (vii) Need to desilt rivers of Eastern U.P. nent Shri Harivansh Sahai 261 logy (viii) Need to take over ancient temples in Dhenkanal Parliamentary Constituency in Orissa for their proper protection and conservation 3 Of ation Shri K.P Singh D e o ................................................................................................................. 262 The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by ture, that Member. ind- is of dary tc. Subject C olumns RAILWAY BUDGET — GENERAL DISCUSSION — 1997-98 DEMANDS FOR GRANTS ON ACCOUNT (RAILWAYS) 1997-98 DEMANDS FOR EXCESS GRANTS — RAILWAYS-1994-95 SUPPLEMENTARY DEMANDS FOR GRANTS-RAILWAYS 1996-97 ............................................................. 262—316 Shri Nitish K um ar....................................................................................................................................... 263—278 Shri Iliyas A z m i........................................................................................................................................... 278—283 Shri Pramothes M u kherjee...................................................................................................................... 283—288 Dr. Ramkrishna Kusmaria.......................................................................................................................... 288—292 Kumari Sushila T iriy a ................................................................................................................................ 292—299 Shri D.P Y a d a v ........................................................................................................................................... 299—301 Shri T. N agaratnam .................................................................................................................................... 301—306 Shri Jai P ra k a s h ....................................................................................................................................... 306— 309 Shri Harivansh S a h a i................................................................................................................................ 310—311 Shri N.N. K rish n a da s................................................................................................................................ 311— 314 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [Translation] Cooperation with Foreign Countries Tuesday; March 11, 1997/Phalguna 20, 1918 (Saka) *222. SHRI SHIVRAJ SINGH : SHRIMATI SHEELA GAUTAM : The Lok Sabha met at One Minute Past Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: Eleven of the Clock . (a) the names of the countries cooperating/intend to cooperate with India in the agriculture sector; (b) whether agreements have been signed with all [M r. Speakfr in the Chair] the countries willin j to cooperate in this sector; and (c) if so, the details thereof? DR.T. SUBBARAMI REDDY (Visakhapatnam) : Hon. [English] Speaker is in good mood today. THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE (EXCLUDING THE DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND MR. SPEAKER : When the House is in good mood, DAIRYING) (SHRI CHATURANAN MISHRA) : (a) to (c) the Speaker has to be in good mood. A Statement is laid on the Table of the House. Statement S.No. Name of Country Date of Areas of cooperation signing of Agreement/ MOU 1 2 3 4 1. Countries with whom Agreements/MOUs have been signed 1. Australia 2.2.1996 The Umbrella Arrangement between India and Australia provides for cooperation in Agricultural Research and collaborative projects in disciplines such as soil management, veterinary sciences and overcoming production constraints to Sorghum in rainfed environments in India and Australia. 2. Bangladesh 15.6.1983 The agreement provides for cooperation in the areas of agriculture and animal husbandry, education, research and its application in practice etc. 3. China 11.4.1992 The Memorandum of Understanding seeks to promote scientific, technical and economic cooperation in the field of agriculture through exchange of materials concerning agricultural science and technology, exchange of germplasm, seeds, seedlings and exchange of scientific and technical information etc. 4. Cuba 16.9.1988 The Work Plan signed on 22.11.1996 under this agreement provides for cooperation in the field of science and technology and agricultural research and education. 5. Cyprus 19.2.1992 The Programme of Cooperation covers the fields of horticulture, field crops, soil fertility, fertiliser use and irrigation technology etc. 6. France 6.2.1994 The Agreement covers different areas including agriculture, fisheries, forestry, rural development and agro-food ind­ ustries. 7. Indonesia 19.12.1992 The Memorandum of Understanding covers various areas of cooperation in agriculture including food crops, secondary crops, rainfed farming, hybrid rice, fisheries, livestock etc. Oral Answers MARCH 11, 1997 to Questions 8. Iran 11.11.1991 The Memorandum of Understanding provides for cooperation in the field of Agricultural Research and Education, Rural Development, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Sciences, Fisheries, Forestry, Water Management etc. 9. Israel 24.12.1993 The Agreement covers areas of water and soil management, arid and semi-arid crop
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