Volume 6 Number 12 RADIO CONSTRUCTOR AUGUST : » 1953 BOOKS FOR THE TV ENTHUSIAST ADOG' "... A book that should be in every television dealers service xuea workshop, and in every home- constructor's, for that matter." IHG Journal of the Television Society JGDSffBOQWDB "... The book will undoubtedly for the Radio and Television Enthusiast m be of value to TV service engine- ers, particularly those who are not fully experienced in translating DENCO O/PCOU. the appearance of faulty pictures RJ BLUE I into the necessary adjustments or receiver fault location." □ □ □ □ I Wireless and Electrical Trader mi m Lavishly illustrated by photographs i taken from the screen of a tele- M visor exhibiting the faults under rtoftantit discussion. 1 80 pages, size 8i" x 5i" ■ Price 5s. Postage 3d. #Ct $ it" Edited by John Cura and Leonard Stanley, and illustrated with 150 itV tv*4 "Tele-Snaps," this book caters m for both the home viewer, and *4 £7 the more advanced constructor. a We regard both these books as complementary, and have no hes- ft itation in recommending them to all television servicemen and con- THltVlSlON m structors. m o o i m 68 pages, size 7i" x 5" POINTSPOIKTS MARKED AE ARE A4 BB.A. A. SOLDER TACSTAGS < TAp BOARD mm IIMPFRSIDE OF CHASSIS LAYOUT Price 3s. 6d. Postage 2d. Both books available from your SERVICE usual supplier, or direct ALSO IN THIS ISSUE (Trade enquiries invited) The "UNIVERSAL" Large Screen AC/DC Televisor INTERCOM AMPLIFIER AC TRF DOMESTIC RECEIVER DATA PUBLICATIONS IMPROVED FRAME TIMEBASE AMPLIFIER FOR THE VCR97 57 Maida Vale London W9 RF EHT OSCILLATORS TRANSISTORS TUNING METER OSCILLOSCOPE TRACES No. 2 • RADIO CONTROL EQUIPMENT etc. etc. Published by Data Publications Ltd. 57 Maida Vale Paddington London W9 Printed by A. Quick and Company Limited Oxford House Clacton-on-Sea Essex www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO CONSTRUCTOR RADIO CONSTRUCTOR 609 THE MODERN BOOK CO. The Radio Amateur's Handbook Radio Servicing Instrument by E. N. POSITIVELY by A.R.R.L. 1953. 30s Od. Postage Bradley. 4s 6d. Postage 3d. IsOd. Constructors' Radio Receivers by Television Fault Finding compiled by E. N. Bradley. 2s 6d. Postage 2d. Radio Constructor. 5s Od. Postage 6d. Brimar Radio and Teletube Manual the most EFFICIENT Receivers, Pre-Selectors and Con- No. 5. Ss Od. Postage 6d. verters. 2s 6d. Postage 2d. Radio Valve Data compiled by Wire- The Oscilloscope Book by E. N. Bradley less World. 3s 6d. Postage 3d. 5s Od. Postage 3d. P. H. Brans' Equivalent Radio Tube for H.T. SUPPLIES Reference Data for Radio Engineers. Vade-Mecum 1953. 21s Od. STC. 10s 6d. Postage 6d. Postage I s Od. Basic Mathematics for Radio Stu- Television Receiver Design I by dents by F. M. Colebrook. 10s 6d. A. Uitjens. 21s Od. Postage 9d. Postage 6d. Amplifiers by G. A. Briggs and H. H. Foundations of Wireless by M. G. Garner. ISs. 6d. Postage 6d. Scroggie. 12s 6d. Postage 9d. We have the finest selection of British and American Radio to radio and television publications in the Country. Complete list on application. receivers and without a doubt 19-23 PRAED STREET (Dept. RC) LONDON W2 the most reliable. Constant PADdington 4185 development of Westinghouse rectifiers to produce units capable of meeting all demands in this particular field has SCOTTISH INSURANCE 62-63 CHEAPSIDE resulted in a decrease in size while maintaining the same CORPORATION LTD. LONDON, E.C.2. output. More recent designs have produced units to supersede those in current ranges of commercial and home constructed TE V!Sl ON SETS AND ':f c SHORT WAVE TRANSMITTERS television receivers, and although physically they are of the same 10 and Shor Wave Ho,, JtfjMy p" nze OUr lnstalf,atl0 ATransmitters/Receiversart are expensive to acquire and you no dimensions the current output has been considerably increased sible' should^ -injury Ibe caused 'by a "-fault P in thefrom Set, the or value injury of oryour damage Set, youby yourmight Aerial be held collansing respon- proves Te,eViSi0n SetS and Sh°rt ^a ve Transmitters / Receivers Loss or damage to installation (including in the case of Television Sets the Cathode Ray dwethng^house'. P SIOn' L|ghtning' Theft 0r Accidental External Means at any private (fc) (i) Legal Liability for bodily injury to Third Parties or damage to their property arising ou*. breakage or collapse of the Aerial Fittings or Mast, or through any defect in the Set.c Indemnity £10,000 any one accident. STIIWTE (//) Damage to your property or that of your landlord arising out of the breakage or collapse of the Aerial Fittings or Mast, but not exceeding £500 METAL RECTIFIERS 0f ?OVer (0) iS 5/T a ^ for Sets worth £50 or less' and for Sets valued at more cover (a) oerC5/- 1? takeTab^0"' ^ ^ ^ ("') COStS 0nly ^ ^ ^ with IVrite in for further details. A copy of P AN INSU E 0 1 installatio VER^LO\rcOST INN|NVOWFn !f ^ y " ", n-it is well worth while AT THE "THE ALL METAL WAY" can be OffW-I TVL k a (OLVED. If you will complete and return this form to the Corporation's NAME0* 5 {Blockf ?Letters) ddress, a proposal will be submitted for completion. obtained by sending 6d. in stamps to . (If Lady, state Mrs. or Miss) 1111 II ADDRESS (Block Letters) WESTINGHOUSE BRAKE & SIGNAL COMPANY LIMITED, 82 YORK WAY, KINGS CROSS, LONDON. Nl v ll 11 il B i III www.americanradiohistory.com 610 RADIO CONSTRUCTOR RADIO CONSTRUCTOR 611 WIDE ANGLE TV ARTHURS HAVE ITJ LONDON'S OLDEST RADIO DEALERS LARGE VALVE STOCKS AVOMETERS IN STOCK Your set AVandTTeaylor M^err" Generators of LeUnits0int 0,16 Amp'i,!ers and Tuning Chapman Tuning Units. deserves a Crystal and Moving Coil Mies. Decca Replacement Heads and Pickups, Goodman's Axiom ISO Speakers. Partridge Output Transformers for William- son Amplifier. Allen, Denco, Colvern All Components for the Radio Constructor's Mullard 16" Televisor. Dubilier, Elac, McMurdo, Morgan Weare & Wright Tape Deck £35. STC, TCC LATEST VALVE MANUALS for the Mullard, Osram & Brimar No. 4 5/- each PIE Mazda 2/- each Postage 6d. extra "TELEKING" TELEVISION SETS, WIRE AND TAPE "VIEWMASTER" CONVERSION RECORDERS ALWAYS IN STOCK Goods offered subject to price alterations TV TUBE and "MAGNA VIEW" and being unsold. {Radio Constructor) also If you nre building a television TUBES, VALVES & CABINETS Arthurs JS receiver, leave notbing to cbance; etc. Price Lists on receipt of SAE choose a Mullard Tube. Mullard H. L. SMITH & CO. LTD. PROP: ARTHUR GRAY LTD. 287/9 Edgware Road London W2 OUR ONLY ADDRESS: Gray House Television Tubes owe their high Telephone Paddington 5891 Hours 9 till 6 (Thursday I o'clock) 150-52 Charing Cross Road reputation for performance, relia- Nr. Edgware Road Stations, Metropolitan & Bakerloo London, W.C.2. bility and LONG LIFE to the TEMpIe Bar 5833/4 and 4765 WRITE FOR LISTS unrivalled facibties for research possessed by Mullard; to the com- For plete control of manufacture from the production of raw mate- SUCCESSFUL rialstothecompletedproduct; i and, in particular, to the ion- M wide-angle TELEVISION trap, which safeguards the Mj screen from damage by heavy JH scanning negative ions produced in the ■■ VV/V,,;::;:., CABINETS region of the cathode. ™ All Sizes up to 16' Tube ALLEN DEFLECTOR COILS Specially Designed for 'Radio Con- 70° Scan with minimum deflection structor' Set, and Illustrated on the defocusing High-efficiency castellated ^ ,.•ZSS'*t9 a -s J-* u "FERROXCUBE" core. Suits any wide September Front Cover r witb . ithiiversa . ctaoS - angle C.R.T. up to 27" double (d) Scan. LARGE SCREEN TELEVISION Price £18:10 Carriage £1 !s&:— Can only be achieved by using high efficiency components throughout. ALLEN can supply the complete range. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LEAFLET For prices and details of For circuit diagram of the full range of ALLEN ^ components—Write to addressed envelope to H. ASHDOWN ALLEN 98 HERTFORD ROAD COMPONENTS LIMITED Crown Works, 197 Lower Richmond Rd TOT 2621 EDMONTON N9 Richmond Surrey Telephone Prospect 9013 Mullard! LONDON W.C.: MULLARD LTD • CENTURY HOUSE • SHAFTESBURY AVENUE ■ MVM22 www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO CONSTRUCTOR 613 612 RADIO CONSTRUCTOR ._i THIS % CONDENSERS FULLY The abbreviated ranges of two popular types given here are representative of INFOIIMATIVE the wide variety of T.C.C. Condensers available BROCHURE ' MICROPACK ' (Regd.) ELECTROLYTICS All Aluminium Construction Dimensions Cap. fxF. Wkg. Length Dia. Type describing the wide range of Engineering and 100 6 Ifin, Jin. CE32A 50 25 1 Jin. Jin. CEI8C Commercial Courses of modern training 32 150 2Jin. 1 in. CEI9F 2 200 1 Jin. Jin. CE3IG offered by E.M.I. Institutes — the only Postal 8 450 2Jin. 1 in. CEI9P College which is part of a world-wide Industrial ' PICOPACK (Regd.) MINIATURE ELECTROLYTICS (Plain Foil) Organisation. Capacity Peak Wkg. Dimensions Type Over 150 courses include: p.F. Volts Body L'gth Dia. No. 8 6 l-iVm. .25in. CE72A Radio Amateurs Licence 20 12 1 Jin. .34in. CE30B General Radio & TV Engineering 30 15 1 Jin. .43in. CE7IB Radio & TV Servicing General Electrical Engineering 10 25 1 Jin. .34in. CE30C 5 50 1 Jin. .34in. CE30D Radar Installations & Wiring 2 150 1 Jin. .34in, CE30G 1 350 1 Jin. .34in. CE30N Sound Recording & Reproduction I.E.E. Theory Industrial Electronics High Frequency Electronics THE TELEGRAPH CONDENSER Co Ltd Radio Division: North Acton, London, W3 Tel: Acorn 0061 Advanced Radio Radio Operating P.M.G. Certificate ,.. and many others. HOME EXPERIMENTAL Also Examination Courses for General Certificate of Education, KITS NOW AVAILABLE O.Sc. Eng., Common Preliminary, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.C.E., DATA Practical experimen- BO OK Just published — Data Book No.
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