
TENNESSEE OBNITHDLOGICAL SOCIETY r-Charles P: S~hoIson.Box 402, NO& ,' TN 37228 . , "rl -d . * Editorial Advisors-T . David Pitts , ~oAsD'. ,Williams , A Mae Tern.-Dan Gray, 5#4 Mt. Pleasant Pike, Uumbia, TN 38401 West Ten*.-Robert L. Browne, 825 Ridge Lake Rd., Suite #300, ~ernphis, &tor-~arnes T.Tannip, Rt . 28, Box 155, ,+~~*37920:$, d Secretary--Pat Satlhgs, 406 North 17th Si., ~shvilk~>7206 - Treasurer--George R . Payne, 6643 ~onmuth'Dr., Memphis, TN 38 1 19 AIl TOS members reteivc TkMigrant and the TOS NewsIcrter, The Tenwssee #b+kr. he Newslener carries information abut meetings, forays, and club advine&. - , Am1dues, 56.00; ~ustaiing.$lO.W;Ufe, $150.00; ~tudent(u& I8 years). $3.00: Family, $7.(Wl; (cliapters may coilect additional fees tocover Mexpeases). Dpes, contributions, and wuests " are deductible fmm Federal income and estate-. BaEL nnmbers myb had 6um Dr. James T. Tanner, Rt. 28, BOX155, Knoxvae, Term. 37920. CorPespoRd wilh the Ttemrer for wbhptiom, memberships, and changes of addresd ,* * ", I. *. Published q-y thikh, June, ~eptember,artd-k&emkrb Printed by micote~rinling Znc., , 3762 k. 504-5 I 1 Shelby SStref , Bristol , Tennwe 1. U.S . Pastage paid and.. mailed at Elizabehton, Tenne6scc 17643, U.S.A, , A THE MIGRANT Published by the Tennessee Ornithological Socicty. to Record and Encourage the Study of Birds in Tennessee. Issued in March, June. September, and December. VOL. 53 SEPTEMBER, 1982 NO. 3 1982 SPRING FIELD DAYS RICHARDD. LURA The I982 Spring Field Days yieldcd 206 species from 12 count areas around the state. The high points of the counts wcre the Marbled Godwit, Carribean Coot, and Scissor-tailcd Flycatcher. As is the custom, the counts are tabulatcd from west to east across the state. INFORMATlON ON THE COUNTS MEMPHIS: 25 April; group leaders: Ben B. Coffey, Jr. (compilcr - 762 N. Belvedere, Memphis 38 107), Lula Coffcy , Helen Dinkelspiel, Jamcs Ferguson . Martha Waldron. Thc Willet was seen by many observers, MONTGOMERY COUNTY: L ,2May; tcmp. 45' to 72" F; 8 observers. Mike Dinsmore (compiler - Jarrnan Hollow, Palmyra 37142), Jim Lowney, Bill Milliken. Gloria Milliken, John Quick, Ellen Walker, John Whearley, Barbara Wilber. LAWRENCE COUNTY: 24 April; 0500 to 1430; temp. 42" to 72" F; 6 observers in 3 parties. Andy Augustin, David Beckrnan, Helen Clayton, Lloyd Clayton, Don Simbcck, Damien Simbeck (compiler - Box 164, Loretto 38469). COLUMBIA: 30 April, 1 May; tcmp. 60" to 80" F; 19 observers. Elizabeth Anderson. Kenneth Anderson, Dot Byassee, Ed Byassee, Danicl Gray, Mary Anne Cuschke, Tom Gusuhke, Barbara Finncy, Jim Finney, Phyllis Hermann, William Jernigan, Lucy Kuykendall. Anne Lochridge, Bedford Lochridge, Cleo Maytield, George Mayfield (compilcr - Maury Co. Hospital, Columbia 38401 ), Allen Pressnctl, Mitzi Thornell. Good details submitted on the Marbled Godwit. NASHVILLE: 8, 9 May; 48 hours, midnight to midnight; sunny, light wind, temp. 47" to 79" F. Count was in conjunction with the spring meeting of TOS, Nashville Chapter, host. MURFREESBORO: 1 , 2 May; temp. 60" to 74' F; I 1 observers. C. E. Grcever. Edith Haynes. Anne Hettish (compiler - 10 18 Lawndale, Murfreesboro 37130), Bob Hettish, Wilma Hunter, Jenny Justice, Pat Martin, Larry McFallin, Ruth McMillan. John Ratten, Alberta Spence, Frances Vaughn. Thc Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was prcscnt for the fifth year. 54 THE MIGRANT SEPTEMBER THE 1982 SPRING FIELD DAYS Hont Law Colu Mash Uurt Wlls High Chat Knox Gree Eliz Cmman Loon - Pied-billed Grebe 1 muble-cr. cornrant - Great Blue Heron -- mean Herm 9 Little Blue Wron 12 Cattle Eswt 15 mest egret - Black-cr. Night Heron -- Yellow-cr. Night Moo -- &rim Bittern Canada Ganse llallatd Cceen4nged Teal Blue-uingd Teal Wood Puck Riog-necked Duck Greater Scsup Iasear Sfaup SCWP SPP. Buf flehead hddy D"Ck Hooded krganser ned-breastad Hergamer Turkey Vulture Black Vulture Hiasisslppi Kite Sharpahid RawL Cooper's Ha* Bed-tailed Hwk Bad-shouldered Hsvk 2 Broad-winged Hawk 3 Bald Eagle -- Wrsh Hawk &Prey -- Mrican Kestrel Ruffed Crcuse &Mite 8mdhill Crane Virginia hi1 Sora carribem Cwt lwericaa Coot swipalvrted Plwer Killdeer lrperican Yoodcmk cOlDn Snipe Upland Ssndpipet Spotted Sandpiper Solitary Sandpiper 21 -let 1% Greater Yellwlega 16 Learner Yellowlegs 48 Pectoral Sandptper 81 hast Sandpiper - Shofi-bil. Wtcher - Semiplmted Sandpiper -- llsrbhd rndvit - mrring Cull -- Riwbilled Cull Booaparte's Cull Parater's Tern Caspiaa Tern Rock We 1982 THE MlGRANT 55 Law Uils lligl~ Chat murning Dove 52 Yell-billed Cuckoo -- Black-billed cuckoo -- Barn Owl -- screech h1 -- Great Horned k1 -- Barred Owl 1 Chuck-uill's Widow 2 Whip-poor+iIl 3 MnNighthawk -- Chimney Swift 12 Ruby-throated Hmlngbird -- Belted Kin~fiskr 3 Comon Flicker -- Pilested Voodpecker 7 led-hellied Uoodperker I0 Red-headed Woodpecker 14 Hairy Modp?cker -- kvny Woodpecker h Scissor-t. Flycatcher -- Eastern Kingbird 5 Great-crested Flycatcher 4 bstertl Phoebe 5 Yellow-bel. Flycatcher -- Acadtan Flycatcher 1 Least Flycatcher -- Empidonan spp. I Eastern Mood Pewee -- Horned Lark 1 'rrae Swallow -- Bank swallow 5 Rough-winged Svallw 10 Barn Swallow 74 Cliff Swallow -- Purple nartin 36 Bluc Jay 13 Comnon Raven -- Comon Crov 48 Fish Crow -- Carolina Chickadee 11 Tufted Titmse 30 White-breaated Nuthatch -- Red-hreaated Nuthntrh 1 Em-headed Yuthatch -- Br- Creeper -- House Wren -- Bcwick'a Wren -- Carolina hen 3 Long-blllcd brats Wren -- Short-hilled Marsh Wren -- kckingbird 26 Gray Catbird 2 Brow Thrashcr 34 limerican Robin 33 Wood Thrush I Hermit Thru~h -- ?mainson's Thrush 1 Cray-cheeked Thrush -- t'eery -- Easrcrn nluebttd 37 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 21 Golden-crowned Kinglet Ruby-crmed Kin~let -- ccdar Warning -- hggerhead Shrike 8 Starling I4 White-eyed Vireo I5 Yellow-tllmnttd Vireo 3 Solitary Vireo -- Ked-eyed Vireo 4 THE MIGRANT SEPTEMBER mihdelphia Vireo Umrb1ing vireo Black-md-Vhite Wsrblar Prothmote~gWarbler f?dalnaoo'n Uarblrr Wo-mating Wmrbler Cold.nr1np.d Warbler Blue-orinyd Uerbler Tonnemse~U.rb1.r Orange-cmed Warbler anahvlllo Wmrbler lortharn Parvla Y*llou Warblar mgnolir Urbler C.pm by Warblar Blsck-thr. Blue Warbler Tel1orrump.d Yarbler Black-thr. Ctean Warbler -%rulm.n Warblar Blmckburnira Warbler Yallm-thmetad Ustblar Wetnut-sided Varbler Bay-bteamtsd Warbler BI4ckpoll Usrblmr Plse Warbler Rairie Warbler Palm Warbler rnbfrd lrcrthem Waterthrwh louisiaaa Yatarthruah bntucky Warblmt CnmX*llwthmt YeXlotPbreeated Chet Hoo&d Uarbhr Wlaon'a Warbler Canada Warbler Amtican Badmtnrt Fbwc sp4rmv Bobolink 8.#t*m Wadculark Bad-winwd Blackbird Urchrd Oriole Worthern Oriols Bllsty Blackbird Co- Blsckbird Brow-hahd Cwbird Sferlet Tanager Sumr Tanagar Cardinal Bose-btaasted Cmsbnak Blue Croabesk IndSW Bunting Painted Bunting Dickcimmml Evening Grosbeak Purple Finch muse Finch Pin. Siakin hcican Goldfinch Rufous-aidad T& Chipping Sparrow Field Sparrw Yhite-cmmed Sparrow White-throated Sparrow FOX spsrm 1982 THE MIGRANT 57 bnp, PIont Lmr Colu Hash Murf Ulls High Chat &ox Gme Elir Lincoln's Sparrow -- -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- Swrw Sparrm 1 -- 2 3 20 -- 1 -- 7 10 -- 25 Song Sparrow 1 -- -- 1 58 14 6 11 92 224 32 489 Species, Total 131 118 91 115 157 104 138 67 155 125 93 135 Species, Grant Total 206 * See Inforwtim on Comts H - 1000 C - Cornon WILSON COUNTY: 1, 2 May; temp. 50" to 70' F; 12 observers. Earline Berry, Vernon Berry, Paulette Brady , Melissa Canon, Ruth McMillan (compiler - Rt. 2, Box 141, Lascassas 37085), huOvermm, Ray Pope, Jeff Reed, Alice Savage, Billy See, Bill Senter, Grace Speck. Details submitted on Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. HIGHLAND RIM: 24 April; 9 observers. Ruth Luckadoo, Agnes Marcorn, Nickey Medley, Anna Parker, Chloe Peebles, Erma Rogers (compiler - Rt. 1, Hillsboro 37342), Lillian Willard, Truman Winnett, Wanda Winnett. CHATTANOOGA: 2,3 May;temp 43" to 79" F; 24 observers. Carl Adarns, Katherine Boyles, Edith Bromley , Kathy Davidson, Angela Davis, Kenneth Dubke, Lillian Dubke (compiler - 81 39 Roy Lane, Ooltewah 373631, Gertrude Fleming, Paul Harris, Gary Hartman, Frank Hixon, Richard Hughes, Daniel Jacobson, Billy Johnson, Starr Klein, Dick Menuet, Jeanne Menuet, Johnny Parks,Janet Phillips, Peter Robinson, Ann Senn, Randy Stringer, Mary Tunsberg. Good details on unusual species. KNOXVILLE: 25 April; cloudy AM, slow rain PM; temp. 46" to 56' F; wind 0 to 5 mph; 28 observers. Laurie Armstrong, Betty Reid Campbell, Jim Campbell, Howard Chitwood, Marcia Davis, Mary Ann Handel, Dave Hankins, Paul Harti- gan, David Highbaugh, Audrey Hoff, Ron Hoff, J. C. Howell, Tony Koella, Beth Lacy, Bettie Mason, Jim Mason, Ken Mckan, Chuck Nicholson, Holly Overton, J. B. Owen (compiler - 2309 Nonh Hills BIvd., Knoxville 379171, Truett Patterson, Mark Reeves, Kenneth Sanders, Mabel Sanders, Boyd Sharp, Maxie Swindell, Jim Tanner, Ralph ZaengIein. GREENEVILLE: 2 May; ? observers. Mrs. Royal Spees (compiler - Box 356, Greeneville 37743). ELIZABETHTON: 24 April; 0445 to 2000: temp. 29" to 70" F; 19 observers. Glen Eller (compiler - Rt. 3, Grandview Terrace, EIizabethton 37643) (Lee R. Herndon Chapter). 58 THE MIGRANT SEPTEMBER AUTUMN HAWK FLIGHTS 198 1 The 1981 fall hawk migration through Tennessee was spectacular. The total of 14.896 Broad-winged Hawks (24,097 including Mendota firetower, Virginia) was the highest ever reported for Tennessee. Ospreys, Northern Harriers, and Red-sbmkred Hawks were up in 1981, from numbers re~ortedin previous years. Golden Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, and a Mississippi Kite were the rarest species reported from Tennessee lookouts. Hawks were reported from 15 Ten- nessee lwations, including private residences and established lookouts. A sum- mary of records from Mendota is presented in the table for purposes of continuity although these data are not included in the Tennessee totals. As stated in last year's report (Migrant 52:87-90, 198 1) the Virginia Ornithological Society has assumed responsibility for reporting these records. Precise location of each look- out is given in the station descriptions. Lookouts that were described in detail in last year's report will not be repeated this year. Codes for sky conditions and wind speed are those standardized by the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) and can be found in last year's report.
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