1he ~.... • OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Iqgb r May the sounds of the season bring you joy throughout the year GRa musIC.• Music, especially spine-tingling four part harmony, is bound to apply when you order all 9 ofour albums and/or tapes. If you please any Barbershopper this Holiday Season. The Suntones already have some ofour albullls and would like to round are happy to make available the same special offer that so many out your collection, please check our ads in the last few Barbershoppcrs took advantage of last year. I,'s as simple as Harmonizers for prices or drop LIS a line. this: From now 'till January 1st, 1981 you can get al19 ofour 1b order send your check or money order to: albums or tapes for only $35.00 (and that's a savings of $28 at Sunrise Records, PO. Box the single albulll price), Here's your once-a-year opportunity to 15736, West Palm Beach, get the very finest Barbershop recordings available at a truly Florida 33406. (Canadian 3nti-intlation price. orders please add $2.00 and Several Chapters took advantage of our special offer last mark checks "U.S. Funds.") year and awarded the whole collection to their Barbershopper­ Best wishes for a super Of-The-Year. How about your Chapter or District this year? It's Holiday from ... something he'll never forget. Please remember that this special holiday offer can only theSuntones. Ihe ~a1monizer NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1980 VOL. XL No.6 A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF SPEBSQSA, INC., IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. The HARMON I ZE A (ISSN 0017·7849) is the offlciat publication of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. <S,P.E.8.S.a.S.A.1. It is pub· lished in the months of January. March. May. July. September and November at 6315 - 3rd Avenue. Box 575. Kenosha. Wisconsin 63141. Second·c1ass postage paid at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Editorial and AdvertisIng offices are at the International Office. Advertising rates available upon request. Publisher assumes no responslbllitv for return of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Notice of change of address should be submitted to the editorial offices of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 - THIRD AVE .• Box 575, KENOSHA, WISCONSIN 53141, at least thlrtv days before the next publication date. Subscription price to non·members Is $3.50 yearly or $1 an Issue. Copyright. 1979, by the Society for the Presorvatlon and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing In America. Inc. Features 4 SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN 27 "TATOO"·- NOVA SCOTIA· SAN DIEGO. A complete run·down STYLE. A new brand of musical of all the exciting Mid·winter Con­ activities for Nova Scotian Barber­ vention activities. shoppers. 6 HARMONY FRONTIER SPREADS 28 MUSIC, ANOTHER LANGUAGE. TO SWEDEN. Details activities lead­ The Institute of Logopedics uses ing to the formation of the Society music in its theraputic treatment of Nordic Barhershop Singers of multiply·handicapped children. (SNOBS). 30 NED'S MOBILE MUSEUM A FIRST. Cover 10 IT COULD ONLY HAPPEN AT This district uses a totally new ap­ A young man who has never heard HARMONY COLLEGE. Four com­ proach to presenting its history. the voices of singing carolers because of plete strangers sing in a quartet a .s~vere hearing loss and retardation has after one week of total together­ captured the "Sounds of the Season" ness. Comment with his felt·tipped markers. Dan, 19, 2 THINKING ALOUD from Minnesota, is one of 46,000 clients 12 WOODSHEDDING - TRIED AND from all over the world with communi­ TRUE. A simple explanation of what 8 THE WAY I SEE IT cative disorders who has received train­ woodsheddin9 really is that will ing and therapy at the Institute of Logo­ make you want to try it sometime. 16 LET'S PROGRAM FOR FUN AND pedics. GROWTH 14 A GUIDE TO RECRUITING MEM· Contributors BERS. A salesmen's approach to member recruitment with emphasis Departments Jack Bagby ... Ray Barrett ... Don on fine details. Clow Ian Flemming Tom Gil- 3 LETTERS lilland Les Hesketh Hugh Ingra- 22 QUARTETS PRODUCE MORE BE­ ham Bob Johnson Jack Mac- 24 HISTORICAL NOTES LIEVERS THAN YOU THINK. gregor. Lyle Pettigrew Dean Quartets do a job of selling our Soc· Snyder ... Lloyd Steinkamp Dick 31 NEWS ABOUT QUARTETS itey even though they may not Young realize it. 32 CHAPTERS IN ACTION Convention Calendar 25 SHOWERS, STATE FAIR AND INTERNATIONAL SONG. A pictorial review of bar­ 19B 1 Detroit, Mich. July 5-12 bershop activities at the Illinois 1982 Pittsburgh, Pa. July3-10 State Fair. Miscellaneous 1983 Seattle, Wash June 27·July 4 23 LOGOPEDICS CONTRIBUTIONS 1984 SI. Louis, Mo. July 1-8 26 STRICTLY BARBERSHOP -A MIDWINTER COLLECTION OF "NEW" OLD 35 NEW CHAPTERS - BARGAIN 1981 San Diego. Cal. Jan 28-31 SONGS. An effort to introduce a BASEMENT 1982 Tucson, Ariz. Jan. 27·30 collection of songs to augment the 1983 Sarasota. Fla. Jan. 26-29 "chestnuts" we all know now. 36 PU8L1SHER'S STATEMENT THE HARMONIZER/NOVEMBER-DECEMBER/1980 International Officers President. Loslle Hesketh, Jr., 7467 Clifton Road, Clifton, Virginia 22024 Immedlato Past President, Ernie Hills, Box 66, Medford, Oklahoma 73759 Vice President, Burt Huish, p.O. Box 1925, Thinking Twin Falls, Idaho B3301 Vice President, Or. Hank Vomacka, 1881 Rose Street, Sarasota, Florida 33579 Vice President-Treasurer, Merritt F. Auman, 504 Sherwood St.. Shillington, Pennsylvania Aloud 19607 • • • Board Members CardInal, Robert Christie, 1890 Midway, Columbus, Indiana 47201 Central States, Jorr.,. Easter, 2426 W. 7th. Waterloo. Iowa 50702 Dixie, H. Steve Kolss, 4828 Cole Road, Mem­ phis, Tennessee 38117 What's so magical about the number of four individual mechanisms coming Evergreen, Jack Beckor, 1427 Regan Avo., Coqultlam, B.C. V3J 3B6 three? Funny question to ask when into complete agreement," Far Western, Andy DHI, 4004 Galbrath, N. you're the executive director of a quartet Second, attend an international con­ Highlands, California 95660 illinois, Waltor R. Martin. Box 208, Island society. But stop to think about it. vention. The only negative aspect is that Lako. illinoIs 60042 once you've attended, you're hooked. I Johnn.,. Appleseed, Howard "Bud" Deunk, We three kings of Orient are. And how 21235 Parkwood Avo., Fairview Park, Ohio much of geometry and all its effect on mean it. There's just nothing to prepare 44126 Land O'Lakes, Gordon Gardiner, Sub P.O. 26, your lives is dependent on the triangle, you for the electrifying shock of hearing Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 3RO a three·sided figure. How many witches the best quartets and choruses in the Mid-AtlantIc, Raphael S, (Ray) Glynn. 2045 Arro\Vwood Or., Westfield, New Jersey were there in Macbeth? Not two. Not Society. I mean, this is it. The barber­ 07090 shop world series. It's an emotional event Northeastern, J. Curtis Roberts. 714 Tolland four. But three. How many jokes start Stage Rd., Tolland. Connecticut 060B4 "Well, there were three men ..." And, you'll never forget. Ontario, Roy Cunningham, 369 Painted Post Nor will you forget number three. Dr., Scarborough, Ontario M 1G 2M6 of course, many religious faiths are based Pioneer, Doran McTaggart, 890 Buckingham, upon the holy trinity. That's Harmony College. A full week of Windsor, Ontario, Canada N8S 2CB barbershopping with fellow· Barbershop­ Rocky Mountain, Lynden Levitt. Box 8201, Which is a long way to getting around Rapid City, South Dakota 57701 pers. "Total immersion," Bob Johnson Seneca Land, Keith Clark, 2 Blvd. Parkway, to the point of these musings, Simply calls it. And ho's right. Each year it's Rochoster, New York 14612 this. There are three things every Barber­ Southwestern, Kent Cornwell, P.O. Box 7235, different. Different highlights. Different Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 shopper should experience. Sunshine, Steward Nichols, 617 DeSoto Lane, inside stories and jokes, Exhaustion. Ex­ Indian Harbour Deach, Florida 32937 First, singing in a quartet. There's uberance. Exhiliration, About the only And Past International Presidents nothing quite like it. Sure, chorus sing­ thing 'lOll won't find at Harmony College ing is great. No question. But singing in a Plummer F. Collins, 216 Conewango Ave.• is someone on a diet. Warren, Pennsylvania 16365 quartet. Ah, that's really something. Really, I mean it. After over 30 years Samuel Aramian. 7202 W. LibbV Ave.• Peoria, Where you alone are responsible for your Arizona 85345 of barbershopping there are three exper­ Roger Thomas. 3720 St. Andrews 8Ivd.• part; it's just you and three other guys. iences I wish every member could have. Racine. Wisconsin 53405 "Music Man" composer Meredith Willson Singing in a quartet. Attending an inter­ International Office put it so well: "Barbershop quartet sing­ national convention. Being at Harmony ing is four guys tasting the holy essence College. Executive Director HUGH A. INGRAHAM Music Education and Services ROBERT D. JOHNSON. Director JOE E.lIlES,Assistant Music Services Assistants DAVE L. LABAR LYLE E. PETTIGREW DAVID M. STEVENS Communications BURT SCHINDLER. Director Communications Assistant ROBB OLLETT Editor LEO W. FOBART Administrator, Field Services D. WILLIAM FITZGERALD Field Representatives TOM P.COGAN RON ROCKWELL PAT WARREN Finance and Administration DALLAS A. LEMMEN, Director Accounting & Membership Services FRANK E. SANTARELLI.Manager Marketing Manager GEORGE W. DROLET Telephone: (414) 654-9111 Offlco Hours: 0 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday (Central Timo) 2 THE HARMONIZER/NOVEMBER·DECEMBER/1980 time that these rooms weren't messy Nova Scotia, we boarded the ferry for a and filthy; that our ladies were very six-hour ride to Bar Harbor, Me. Because neat and considerate and that her job, of the wind, I was wearing a red cap with for a change, was indeed a pleasure." the SPEBSOSA insignia as my son and I Letters Paul B.
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