■ SPECIAL ELECTION ISSUE 11■ ■ The Ontario Provincial Election is the University of Toronto. His wife, CONSERVATIVE being held September 18, 1975. To be Suzanne is in the Department of Nurs­ eligible to vote, you have to be eigh­ ing at Humber, Osler Campus. This is Bill Stockwell is not a new face to the teen years of age, a Canadian citizen the first time Mr. Philip is running in an. Etobicoke political scene. A member of or a British subject and have resided in election. the Etobicoke and Metropolitan To­ Ontario for the past twelve months. To On ttie topic of community colleges, ronto Planning Boards since 1967 as aid you in making your decision for Mr. Philip feels that there is an instabil­ well as a member of Etobicoke Council either the Conservatives, the Liberals ity which is caused by financing. Prog­ and Metropolitan Toronto Council or the New Democratic Party we have rams are being planned without know­ makes him well aware of the problems interviewed the candidates for the ing where the money is coming from and concerns of the people of the three ridings surrounding Humber Col­ and on top of that, programs are being Etobicoke Riding. lege, that is, York West, Etobiccke and cha11gecttoo often. He state that Col- 'The biggest problem that this riding Humber. leges do not serve the community. has," he says "is that it's been rep­ Hopefully, the brief summaries of the Technology programs should be run by resented in the Ontario Legislature for candidates running for office will assist industry. Courses should be taught by the past twelve years by a member of you in making an intelligent decision. letting the students work and learn at the Opposition. No matter what politi­ the same time. This system he says cal leanings you have, you must admit would not only take.care of the program that the next Ontario government will ETOBICOKE of students being taught the advanced be a Conservativegovernment headed CHIEF RETURNING OFFICER NO. methods that are not being used but up by Bill Davis. If Etobicoke is to have 745-9210 would also have expenditures down -a strong voice in that government, to speak on behalf of the people of the NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY tremendously. riding, that voice must be part of the ED PHILIP NO. 745-6411 There is no plan for Housing in On­ During the 29th Session of the Legis­ government caucus. That way, things AGE 35 tario. He says we need to develop lature, Mr. Braithwaite introduced north of the agricultural belt and that seven Private Members Bills. An ex­ get done." Throughout his political career Bill Mr. Philip is presently in charge of the province should have·aland bank. ample of these bills is the Landlord and has been a proponent of proper larid leadership training for the Ontario Mr. Philip is very concerned with the Tenant Amendment Act. This bill use planning for Etobicoke. He has Federation of Agriculture, a position he insensitivity of the Government of On­ provides for effective Rental Review been an outspoken critic of the "jam­ has held for about two years. Prior to tario. He has lived in Saskatchewan Boards which would determine the ming in" of high density apartments• this he was National Program Director and he says that there exists a gov­ amounts of rental increases.. Mr. without proper consideration going to of Mental Health Canada. He has had a ernment that is responsive - look at Braithwaite will continue to push for an the social and recreational services number of years experience as a Man­ the results. He is concerned that farm effective housing program so that the that must be provided for neighbour­ agement Training Consultant, and five land is disappearing and this is one of average person might be able to buy hoods. "The poor planning that has years experience working with youth in . the reasons why food prices are going his own home. To aid those who rent, gone into the Ontario Housing Corpo­ the slums of Montreal. Mr. Philip holds up. What should be done about rsing he will keep pressing for Rental Re� ration Developments has virtttally de­ a B.A. and M.Ed. from the University of prices? Ed Philip believes that the On­ view Boards in all large municipalities. stroyed neighbourhoods in Northern Ottawa. He has completed the course tario Government should establish a He considers the existing density of l:tobicoke,by buiding subsidized hous­ work for a PHO in Adult Education at price review board with powers to roll population in North-West Metro to be back unwarranted price increases. much too high and will keep urging the ing and then leavihg the tenants of Mr. Lewis, he states, is a very sensi­ Province not to locate or approve any tive and human person. A man who is additional high-rise or income-assisted concerned, not only concerned about housing in the area for the present. the negative matters but also the posi­ Over a five year period, Braithwaite tive. would like to see the Provincial Gov­ LIBERAL ernment assume 80% of the average LEONARD BRAITHWAITE NO. cost of education, thus relieving the 742-1967 municipal taxpayer of an excessive tax burde_n. Government re-organization Mr. Braithwaite attended Harbord would help to reduce taxes by simplify-· Collegiate Institute in Toronto. In 1950, ing and vastly reducing the cost of gov­ he obtained his Bachelor of Commerce ernment. at the University of Toronto. In 1952, he He continually keeps in touch with got his Masters degree in Business residents in the riding by mailing a Administration at HarvardUniversity in questionnaire to each person at least Boston. He also is a graduate of Os­ once every year. goode Hall Law School in Toronto. He Mr. Braithwaite favours the new air­ was first elected to the Ontario Legisla­ port and will continue his fight for pro­ ture at the General Election of Sep­ vince wide noise control regulations to tember, in 1963. He was re-elected in minimize noise and air pollution from 1967 and 1971. Malton Airportand from local industry. ELECTION in1 such\ housing and the surrounding who can't read or write at college age. On the subject of the cost of living aged people to come to his home or th, communities to work out their own Mr. Nixon will reinstate a core cur­ and jobs he feels the Government of office. He is always readily accessible; m problems. This must stop." He goes on riculum where all children will be re­ Ontario has done more to curb inflation On Housing, he feels that there is a OL to say, "build no more subsidized hous­ quired to learn basic subjects. and to stimulate the economy and problem in the province and the best th ing in this riding and furthermore, He states that 32 years of Tory Con­ create jobs. To prove this he notes that way to handle it is free enterprise. O.H.C., the Borough of Etobicoke and trol in Ontario has left the province in Ontario has the lowest unemployment There is a need for more public and th Metro must· sit down to work out the financial, educational and social disar­ rate in Canada. He says that we are senior citizen housing. He notes re problems of the people that are already ray and the Liberal Party offers the only enjoying one of the best standards of though, that Ontario is comfortably wi here." Bill is critical of the Liberal alternative with the fresh and honest living in the world. housed compared to other provinces. member for Etobicoke for not "speak­ approaches that Mr. Nixon has been On Housing, he says there is a shor­ On Transportation he states that we is1 ing up for the community in connection outlining across the province. tage everywhere but we should note are being better serviced and he was ta with the O.H.C. problems. The Rent Review Board is another of that Ontario is one of the best housed partly instrumental in obtaining the GO ta Bill Stockwell is 41 years old, mar­ his concerns. He feels that the present provinces in the country. train. He says the government can only ried, the father of five children ranging one is doing nothing and one should be afford so much and that they are worl<· in age from 1 e to 20 and he is the established that has some meaning - ing in priority. president of Appollo Insurance Agen­ one with teeth. It needs to be Beir.ig Minister of Labour his main cies of Etobicoke. He speaks well of toughened. goal is industrial peace and although the Conservative record in Ontario re­ He feels that Mr. Davis has let every­ Ontario has had a fair share of strikes garding education. "It'� easy to be criti­ thing slide. Mr. Cruden states that the there is a good history of industrial cal of education and the amount of DAVIS GOVERNMENT IN FOUR harmony. money that is being spent on educa­ SHORT YEARS HAS MANAGED TO Mr. MacBeth feels that these are tion," he says "but what better invest­ INCREASE THE DEBIT FOR EACH tough days to be government. No mat­ ment do we have than seeing that our PERSON IN THE PROVINCE FROM ter what the leaders bring out there will youngsters get a sound education be­ $199.00 in 1972 to its present $565.00 always be opposition from some­ fore going out into the business world. and that figure is rising every day.
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