:.^::}S}:.i;; :'v:'v r^ Cranford Chronicle January 4, 200.1 SON Marano & Sons! 1999 CHEVY TKML-BLAZER 2000TOYOHCO8OUWV'E 19S9PUM0UTH iOT LEXUS ES 300 PBEJtlUM 1999HAZDAHOUMAS 4. Dr, J)X4, aulo, air, fls, |v*b, p/w,'4 dr, auto, air, p/s, p/b, dull air bigs GRAND VOYACEB Dr auto, air, p/s, p/b, pAv, p/Ibcks, 4 Dr, auto, air, p/s, p/b, th>, flocks; jviodts/ |v/seals, tilt, cruise, cd, alloy only 18,000 miles. VINSYC285622 ' V-C, auto, air, pfs, [Jb, pAv, n/tocks, lilt, cruise, cass, cd changer, heat- tilt cruise, bose cass, cd, leatherl wheclsM«jiecul, Iw6 lone, leather 3 seats, tilt, cruise, cass dual doors, ed .-seati, alloy . wheels, moonroof, heated seals, polished no6nro6l • 29,000 miles. only 19.000miles. .VUHXR271161 Ieather,m6onmof,; only. 17.0QQ hl only 15,000 miles: /1NKX2H111M •• l : : $16,495 $23,495 WOOD • KENILWORTH 11.996..CJHEVVE0MDU.4DB 1997 Vtf GOLF W 1998 JEEPWBANCIEH 1997 ACUBA 3.0 CL 1998 CHEW VENTURE: Bui/iiu/ el- Selling I 'serf Cars d!- 7/7/r/tf I V-fi aiito, air, p/j, p/b, p/w, p/locks, tilL 2 dr, auto, air, p/s, p/K.-moonrool 4x4, auto, air, 6 cyl, n/s, prt>, cass, Dr,'agtokvah; p/s,ph, ; I cruise, cass 48,000 miles Y1NW1M7 Upgraded alloy.wheels, light) ^oc^ p^^ lealho; irwflfviy-6, auto, air, p/J, p*, pAv, p/lrxkv ,SY/?a 7.955 bars, chrome package, hardtop, AMo* *# *' roo( Joy wheels; Hf; cruise, a"t Tilt, cruise, cass dual doors. 3 seals,? only. 34,000 miles V|tMTO8108. only 30.000 miles. VIN«Wp256788 ^ Around For area schools, King meansliiarelhanT^i $9,995 $12,995 $16,995 $13,995 $17,995 Town By MICHAEL It CUOZZO SO7-13 South Ave. 1998 JEEP 5.9 GRAND .1998 NISSAN related to King's famous "I Have J 50 South Ave. 1999 DODGE DURANCOSLT 1997 NISSAN SKNTRAGXE THE CHRO^CLE Students learning the lessons of slain civil rights leader Gunvood, NJ 07027 PATHFINDER XE V-S, auto,*,,,.., DT, auto/air, r/s,jhrVk, pflocks, .... auiiy-air,.' . a Dream" speech, noting their Ciarwood, NJ 07027 4 Dr, M, auto; air, tk,jvb; pAu ptiides, m&i, Jollier, alloy vim, lt, cruise, cass, 37,000 miles r/lodts, tilt, cruise, al alloy wheels/ wishes for no violence or guns in hit oui&.'casi.cd, anoy wfieeh only Ws, upgrai''" ' Is your family missing UNION COUNTY — It's 9OH-789-I551 908-789-0555 iy i , ea BMVC768453: ,••:•,.•;•..: . ." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Once winter recess ended, Elementary Wing designed to schools, no harm to animals and scaR tilt oiMcaR cd, Inn! to &ulIGOOO^VINIWMM '/ about "not ignoring the date on But for students throughout Fax 908-789-27-+4 Fax 908-789-1792 360O0ilyilWWeU9925' a white/orange kitt}? the calendar," according to Diane .King's presence, was already teach kids about the slain civil the idea of all gopr people frpnl Cranford, KenihVorth and being felt in area schools. Joan rights leader. Orange Avenue other countries coming to $21,995 $24,995 $18,495 CRANFORD — A young, Westbrook, chairwoman Of the Garwood, Monday will be ntore 4&f*9& whitaand-orange cat has be^n history department at Wilde* assistant principal of the teachers, Wilde said, want stu- America, Wilde said. than an extended weekend — the Orange Avenue School > in dentsto "think along the lines of Fifth-grade Orange Avenue. found behind a residence at 42 Kenilworth's' David Breariey tdtih WestHollySt, ' stud^tsis. _% .,_,..____.,__„.. .„ "Urantord, sai3 when students everybody being equal... the way students have engaged in the it©ailifti School. returned from, their vacations^ The cat is degcribed as "very 4nipactyof the ;msp(wHoifiad a (King) would." "Acts of Kindness and "Justice" 1999 CADDiAC ED0RAD0 1998BlllCKCBflWnf ' 1098 GMC JIMMY SLS Westbrook- referred to the there were aljfealdy bulletin ; 1998 TOYOTA AVAIONXLS 1998JI0NDACIVICEX2DR friendly" by the family yrho • dream•;•;andV wjjs"^not afraid to!] Students in -the school have Challenge," an Internet-based 2 Dr, VS, auto, iir'.'-rifc. pfe-jvW, 4 Dr, V& auto,.air;fA,- jvlyp^v, [VioCks,. annual day off schools receive for boards up in the .school's 1 4 Dr, 4^4 auto air ^ pb pAv piocks n/-6auto air p/s,p/b pAv plods,ptots, found it. Famib- members • expr^s's it.^-'/ •'•'M'^^f-^S'!.:-^r also discussed their dreams as (Continued on page A-8) ptaks, tilt, cruise, cass,. cd changer, iViieats, till, cruise, cass,'dual air bags, tilt cruise cass, alloy wheels, %000 tilt, cause; cass, cd, alloy wheels, moon leather,. Heated .*aLv alloy utels, rot/, dual air kfe Oijyl9,000 miles' believe the cat may be a missing 34,000 miles, VINW1477992,' l5 roof oruy24 000 miles VIN«WU222055 liilllt 34,000 mfles. VIMXIMS • pet. \. 1TOCHOOSHROM OVteRlS'HONDAS IN STOCK $24,995 $16,995 If you'have lost a cat fitting $20,995 itiliiii this description or you have any Borojagh Officials 1997P0RCHEB0XSTER 1998 SATURN SL-1 1999UEHSI54J0 : mfothb / 1999 MERCURY COUGAR SPORT 1998 CHRYSLER TOWN 2 Dr, conv, 5 spd, V-fi, sport package, 4Dr<iuto alrp'i.rvi) p\vp locks,tilt. 4 Dr, V-8, auto, rife, i>fo r>ta (iiocks.jijt^ JAfj, ? rfr, antn, air, .p/yp/H |_^_4C0UNm-LX- ^ rvlocks.nfreatx. ntou. ••n.-, rv,*, .l,nl xr K2mi leatlicr.mbonroof'.lieatalseais, 2&000 p/Ipck's, tilt, cruise, cass, cd, W aiito air,ij^ ptt, tv^riiocks, rt&aly fpi alioyvvWs, oruyi&fipi) miles Brand* miles, WNSW2219661 till, cruise, cass, alley v*eeb, dual doors, to study New!!!WMV5625l8S ' 6 SATUIiNS-iN STOCKII • miles, \WX0140585 ' • rhrome wheels, mridnroof,28,000 ' •- -MUST BE SEEN- dual air, i scats, V1NIWB553078 •.' Price(s) Ificlude(s) $36,995 $10,995 miles WX5757247 ... except ror If i seciks new volunteers $40,995 $14,995 $17,495 Hoi respottsible fortypoBraphlcalerrors. Plaza 22 Fire Peparirjaent is in despierate needpfvolijuiteers,,a(icording ip a press release issued tiiis week ]by For your cpnvenienqe, ckll toll frefe: Municipal"--Clerk Christina 14;; 1 Arieriima, :. • /V.-'/"-.'.'-':.'' ' impact The department offers its vol- 1.800.360.3603 unteers free professional > train- Kenilworth will use. ing. Fire Department; volunteers Residents \vantiir|itl are, eligible to^ earn: beneiitg $39K grant to weigh through the borough's new Length of . Service ..Awards possible mall effects ;: Multi Chevrolet Program. .•; . -|Smatehing; Foir more infijriniifipn on vol- By MICHAEL R. CUOZZO By MICHAEL R.CUO2ZO unteering to join the fine team of THE CHRONICLE men and women benefiting the THECHEQNICLE, ! . — ~^, ', Garwood conimunife call (908) KENILWORTH - Still await- 789-8877. :. ' ; • ; '; ' ing a court date for oral argu- CRANFORD-r-In a long pre-: sentation that included com-, ments over the Union 22 Plaza,. nfents from both Township Ic^ Hockey Friends set Mayor Michael Tripodi and other Comioittee memheifB aittct' ¥**<B^ township officials are already dents, Township Engineer .Jeff Pasta Night fund-raiser looking to undertake a traffic Sias Iwd out Tuesday. night-JjKe CRANFOED — The Friends study of the area to be most potential five-phase plan fof^h^ of Cranford High School Ice effected by the Union Township • Cranfotd Northeast Quadtttiit Hotkey have set. the. date - for shopping center. Flood: CJontr<A Project. ' " :', their annual pasta Night:.fiind- Officials hope to take a close i raiser[-'-ic:W:Xi-T:r'., .,•:;' :"^-r ~: look at Springfield Road in Uniw , Ito eyeritte slated to be held and Kenilworth with the help of -| 1 frorn, 4 p,m( to.8 p.m! Jan. 21 ait a $39,000 grant awarded by the jf the;Crainford:HQfel, Dteiier at ft: state's Smart Growth Program ^;:j^pniMu(^:a)Biia^fetL and other means. Kenilworth fora ^dnieatbaila dinner; bre^d, a: officials have expressed concerns isoft- drink" and; ice j. cream for' over the plaza, which they say „ i dessert. The food, wijl be served would result in severe "traffic by memters of the feigh school's increases in the area surround- varsity and junior varsity hockey ing Springfield Road. : The Smart Growth grant was teams.;:'' •,. • ;;-..':'-•'•' ;•' ; ;- ;••.::• c ' Funds raised at the annual awarded to Kenilworth last year dinner event help, pay for team by the Office of State Planning uniforms and ice time at the and Community Affairs. Tripodi said in his Jan. 2 reor- Brand New 2001 Chevrolet Waringco Ice Rink ;; v f ^ Brand Now 2001 Chevrolet Tickets are! available from ganization address the grant will any ice hockey player. They can be used to enact a general study V8,4 spd'tiit£J aulo 1/ons w/low haul modo, 4W0, pwr of the downtown and "address L'•'*<' CO?VETTETTE tdsp, be obtained or by calling sir/brksmMs&Avialod mlrr, Ironl & roar AIR A hoat. Lease Per Mo. 48 Mos. ? NJ. Skite Seriate* AM/FM cloroocaM, CO, 9 cpoakoi sys w/subwoolof, LLease Par Mo. 39 Mos. Vs, 4 spd auto trans w/OD, pwr sWbrks/saais,. • Joanne Siragusa at (908) 272- issues related to the downtown . loddnn roar difl, ctulso, b/6 mldgs, loalh bckts. alum dual zono AIR, AM/FM steroo, CD, b/o mldn9, business district and Union vi4it).k)g Us. aKElsleps.iomtoviossonliy.liomolink, transparent lift-off tool panel, alum whls, fog Its, ' .8291 or Biane Pinder at (908) lugg shade & psrcol net, msmoiy pkg, adjusiiblo ' anslari fraflor pkg. third row soatino pkg. STKi«a550. ; Plaza cominemal development VIN#'1J15585B. MSfiP $30,460. $1114 cusl.cash sport odd, STKK3481.VIW15100713, MSRP &97-9160.: • ..' • .;,:, : + $485 Iclpyml = $1699 duo nl signing, Tllpymto $45,075. $5991stpymt,$600sec.dep.&$545 ' along Springfield Road in • process of appropriating permits = $23,280. Til cosl = $24,394.
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