Initial Environmental Examination Project Number: 47229-001 December 2014 IND: Uttarakhand Emergency Assistance Project Submitted by Uttarakhand Emergency Assistance Project (Roads & Bridges), Government of Uttarakhand, Dehardun This report has been submitted to ADB by the Program Implementation Unit, Uttarkhand Emergency Assistance Project (R&B), Government of Uttarakhand, Dehradun and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s public communications policy (2011). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. Initial Environmental Examination July 2014 India: Uttarakhand Emergency Assistance Project Restoration Work of (1) Tyuni–Chakrata-Mussoorie–Chamba–Kiriti nagar Road (Package No: UEAP/PWD/C23) (2) Kalsi- Bairatkhai Road (Package No: UEAP/PWD/C24) (3) Ichari-Kwano-Meenus Road (Package No: UEAP/PWD/C38) Prepared by State Disaster Management Authority, Government of Uttarakhand, for the Asian Development Bank. i ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank ASI - Archaeological Survey of India BOQ - Bill of Quantity CTE - Consent to Establish CTO - Consent to Operate DFO - Divisional Forest Officer DSC - Design and Supervision Consultancy DOT - Department of Tourism CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board EA - Executing Agency EAC - Expert Appraisal Committee EARF - Environment Assessment and Review Framework EC - Environmental Clearance EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment EMMP - Environment Management and Monitoring Plan EMP - Environment Management Plan GoI - Government of India GRM - Grievance Redressal Mechanism IA - Implementing Agency IEE - Initial Environmental Examination IST - Indian Standard Time LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas MDR - Major District Road MoEF - Ministry of Environment and Forests NAAQS - National Ambient Air Quality Standards NDBR - Nanda Devi Biospher Reserve NDNP - Nanda Devi National Park NH - National Highway ODR - Other District Road OM - Operations Manual PIU - Project Implementation Unit PMU - Project Management Unit PWD - Public Works Department REA - Rapid Environmental Assessment RSPM - Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter SDMA - State Disaster Management Authority SH - State Highway SPCB - State Pollution Control Board SPM - Suspended Particulate Matter SPS - Safeguards Policy Statement SRTC - State Road Transport Corporation UCADA - Uttarakhand Civil Aviation Development Authority UEAP - Uttarakhand Emergency Assistance Project UEPPCB - Uttarakhand Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board UJS - Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan VR - Village Road ii WEIGHTS AND MEASURES cm - centimeter Crore – 100 lakhs = 10,000,000 Lakh – 100 thousand = 100,000 Km – Kilometer Kph - Kilometer per hour Lpd – liters per day M – Meter mg/l – milligrams per liter Mm – Millimeter MSL - Mean sea level - 10 -6 meter g/m3 – micrograms per cubic meter S/cm - micro Siemens per centimeter NTU - Nephalo turbidity unit Ppm – parts per million iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapters Contents Page No. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 I INTRODUCTION 4 A. Project background/rationale 4 B. Uttarakhand Emergency Assistance Project (UEAP) 4 C. Purpose of the environmental assessment 5 D. Extent of IEE 5 E. IEE contents 5 F. Methodology 6 G. Public consultation 6 II POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 7 III DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 11 A. Project location 11 B. Proposed category of the project 12 C. Key rehabilitation and reconstruction activities 12 D. Project implementation schedule 13 IV DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 16 A. Physical environment 16 1. Geography 16 2. Geology 17 3. Physiography 17 B. Pedology 17 C. Climate and meteorology 18 D. Air and noise quality 19 E. Hydrology 20 1. Water drainage 20 2. Water quality 20 F. Mineral resources 21 G. Seismology 22 H. Ecology 22 1. Forestry 23 2. Biodiversity 25 3. Biosphere reserves 29 4. Fishery 30 I. Socio-economic 30 1. Social and cultural development 30 2. Land use and land use pattern 31 J. Health 32 K. Literacy 33 L. Cultural and archaeological resources 33 M. Economic development 34 1. Transportation and communication 34 2. Industrial development 35 3. Agriculture, forestry and fishery 35 N. Fisheries 40 O. Energy and electric power potential 40 P. Aesthetic and tourism 40 V ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION 42 MEASURES 5.1 Negative impacts related project location, preliminary planning and Design 42 A. Impact and mitigation measure during planning and design phase 42 iv B. Impacts during construction phase 43 a. Impacts on the physical environment and mitigation measures 43 i. alteration of surface water hydrology of waterways crossed by 43 roads, resulting in increased sediment in streams affected by increased soil erosion at construction site. ii. Impacts on water quality 43 iii. Disfiguration of landscape by road embankments, cuts, fills and 44 quarries. iv. Loss of productive soil 44 v. Compaction and contamination of soil 44 b. Impacts on environmental quality 44 i. Increase in local air pollution due to rock crushing, and filling works 44 and chemicals from asphalt processing. ii. Noise and vibration from civil works 45 C. Impacts on the socio-economic 46 i. Encroachment on historical and cultural areas 46 ii. Impacts on occupational health and safety 46 iii. Impacts on community health and safety 46 VI INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION 48 A. Public participation during the preparation of the IEE 48 B. Future consultation and disclosure 52 C. Consultation during detailed design 52 D. Consultation during construction 52 E. Public disclosure 52 F. Project disclosure 53 VII ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING PLAN & 54 GRIEVANCE AND REDRESS MECHANISM A. Environment management plan 54 B. Institutional arrangement 54 I. UEAP, SDMA (PMU) 55 II. UEAP, IA, FPIU 55 III. The Engineer (DSC) 56 IV. Environmental expert of engineer (DSC) 56 V. The Contractor 56 C. Environmental monitoring programme 83 D. Performance indicators 83 E. Environmental budget 86 F. Grievance and redress mechanism 93 VIII CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 94 v LIST OF TABLES TABLE II -1 : Applicable environmental national and state requirements for UEAP 7 TABLE III-1 : Distribution of road sections to be upgraded under UEAP, by 12 hierarchy and length TABLE IV -1 : Main geologic units in Dehadun District 17 TABLE IV -2 The soil types of district Dehradun 17 TABLE IV -3 : Doon Valley Climate data 19 TABLE IV -4 : Availability of important minerals (million tonnes) 21 TABLE IV -5 : District-wise forest cover, Uttarakhand 24 TABLE IV -6 Predominant top-canopy (tree) species according to altitude 25 TABLE IV -7 : Wildlife in Uttarakhand 25 TABLE IV -8 : National parks in Uttarakhand 26 TABLE IV -9 : Wildlife sanctuaries in Uttarakhand 26 TABLE IV-10 : List of major flora 27 TABLE IV-11 : List of major fauna 28 TABLE IV-12 : Land utilisation in Uttarakhand 32 TABLE IV-13 : Health indicators of Uttarakhand 32 TABLE IV-14 : Health infrastructure of Uttarakhand 33 TABLE IV-15 : Transportation of Uttarakhand state. 34 IV-16 : Area under principal crops and productivity in Uttarakhand 37 TABLE IV-17 : Ecological sub-regions and altitude-wise major agriculture crops 38 TABLE IV -18 : Mode of irrigation and drainage system in Uttarakhand 39 TABLE VII-1 : Environmental Management & Monitoring Plan 58 TABLE VII-2 : The Performance Indicators 83 TABLE VII-3 : Environmental Monitoring for Air, Water, Noise & Soil 85 TABLE VII-4 : Envrionmental Budget for Tyuni– Chakarata– Mussoorie– Chamba – 90 Kirti Nagar Road TABLE VII-5 : Environmental Budget for Kalsi – Barithkhai Road 91 TABLE VII-6 : Environmental Budget for Ichari -Kwano -Meenus Road 92 vi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist 95 APPENDIX B Public consultation record 112 APPENDIX C Site photographs 124 APPENDIX D MoEF issued specific guidelines in July 2013 for State of 130 Uttarakhand for expediting forest clearances to carry out the emergency work in forest areas (excluding works in national parks and sanctuaries) APPENDIX 1 Disposal site management 133 APPENDIX 2 Environmental standards 136 APPENDIX 3 Oil inceptors 142 APPENDIX 4 Typical bituminous disposal pit 143 APPENDIX 5 Work safety in common operation and in construction 144 APPENDIX 6 Tree plantation strategy 153 APPENDIX 7 Enhancement measures 157 APPENDIX 8 Guidelines for management of road section through forest area 159 APPENDIX 9 Arrangement of traffic during construction 161 APPENDIX 10 General guidelines for contractor construction water 166 management plan APPENDIX 11 Environmental friendly construction methodology 167 APPENDIX 12 Borrow area management 171 APPENDIX 13 Soil erosion and sedimentation control 175 APPENDIX 14 Locating quarries, rehabilitating quarries and guidelines of stone 176 crushers APPENDIX 15 Storage, handling, use and emergency responses for hazardous 179 chemical APP ENDIX 16 Site and management of construction camp 182 This initial environmental examination is a document of the State Disaster Management Authority, Government of Uttarakhand. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. vii Executive Summary The State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) has Undertaken Uttarakhand Emergency
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