y DATELINE EUROPE Volume 34 Fordham College --October 21, 1954 4(1 Number 4 Fr. IMeane Celebrates JO Years As Priest , By Bob Human who were at one time his pupils of the JuBllarlan. In the evening. The Rev. Charles 3. Deane, 8.J., in the Prep School, he will sing Father Deane will be honored with vice-president and secretary-gen- the Solemn Mass in the Univer- a dinner by the entire Fordham eral of Fordham University, will sity Church at 11 a.m. ' community. celebrate his Golden Jubilee in the Following the Mass, there will 38 Years at Fordham Society of Jesus on Sunday, Octo- be a reception held in Keating Associated with Fordham for ber 24. Assisted by three Jesuits Hall for the friends and relatives thirty-eight of his fifty years in, the Society, Father' Deane was born in Cheshire, Conn., April i; Patterson Serie» 1881. He first came Co the school as a student in 1901 when it was known as St. John's College. Three years later he entered the Democratic Victory Society of Jesus at the Novi* Predicted by Lecturer tiate at St. Andrews's-on-Hudson, Democrats will win a majority great Mississippi .flood. He was of seats In both the House and White House and Senate reporter Senate in' the coming elections, for UP and lajer Washington re- Kenneth Crawford, Senior Politics porter for the New York Post and V., : •.;, ' , Baking Photo Editor of Newsweek Magazine, other papers. , told an audience last Monday Was War Correspondent THINGS START JUMPING at the harvester dance held In the night in the initial talk of the During World War II he served University Gymnasium «n last Saturday evening. The dance, at- third annual Patterson Lecture as a correspondent for Newsweek tended by over 50« couplet, proved an outstanding kickoff for the series. - in the Middle East and Italy. In social aeaMit. Voters Disappointed' 1945 he. was a front line reporter People are dissatisfied, said Mr. in England and France. In Eng- Crawford, 'because they aren't land, he witnessed the V-l and Evidence Guild Brings Faith working as much overtime as they V-2 attacks. He was commended had "in the years previous to this by both the Army and the Navy Administration. "I do not blame for his work as a front line cor- To Man on the Street the Republicans for this," assert- respondent. Remember the picture- Of the to find out more tomorrow, Oct. ed Mr. Crawford, "but I think the fellow talking' <jn the- strttt corner ?2. at 11 a.m., In Keating 114. If voters will.'' ' this •,"presents1 -a- conlttctr almjHy* drop a note in box 533 in the cam- pp issue? it may,not have'reminded jority of 50 in the House and 5 SmibrsUfged you of St. Piiul, but actually that pus post office, and the problem can be resolved later. in the Senate. fellow was fallowing in his foot- There is ho other issue that will steps. He's Al Ounn '55, last year's To Seek Jobs Rev, Charles Deane, S.J. affect the voters except, the, lack of Mr. Rabert D. McCabe, Director president ol the Fordham Cath- overtime, he explained. Interna- Poughkeepsle. He: furthered his olic Evidence Guild, which la nowMcEvoy to Discuss tional policies are so complex that of Placement Fordham University, studies at Woodstock College in looking, forward to Its third year theiaverage individual cannot deJ urges all seniors to file an applica- Maryland where he was ordained. of activity. Magazine Writing cide whether or hot they are good, tion with the Placement Office. From 1921,'when he was an in- The aim of the Ouild, as defined he continued. "McCarthyism is hot structor of . European History, by Steve Schwarz, president, is to J. P. McEvoy, author, play- In a letter sent to the seniors, even an issue'in this campaign," Mr. McCabe points out that "while through the appointments as Vice,- bring the truths of our faith to wright and Roving Editor for he said. "Economics is the big Reader's Digest, will speak on no one is required to file with this President, Dean ol the College, the man in the street, to give him issue and the only one." Regent of the College of Phar- a better understanding of Christ writing; for magazines next Tues- office, it is our experience that As to the. possible effects of the the large majority of our men macy, and continuing, with the po-. and His Church, of what they day ac 1 o'clock in the Little Thea- outconie^of the present Congres- tre on the third floor of Keating and women do so ultimately." sitlon of superior of the Jesuit stand for, of, what they teach. In sional elections on the Presidential Community at Eordham in 1923, this way it is ho(.3d that the bar- Hall. The talk will be under the race of 1956, Mr. Crawford feels The Placement Office, which has off ices on the campus in Dealy Father Deane has been connected* riers between Catholics and non-auspices of the Department of (hat regardless of whoever wins, with the University. Cathqlics will be broken down, re-. Communication Arts, but all Ford- it will not be an,indication of a Hall and at the Downtown School, assists graduates of all eight Raised Athletics To New Height . leasing tension and uniting the ham students interested in writing trend, It is possible that a ma- During the years, 1921 through forces of religion in. the great con- are invited, according to the Rev.jority of Democrats be eleoted, but schools of the University to obtain Jobs. From 1946 to August, 1954, 1925, it was Father Dean e's woik flicts of todays Finally,-with the John W. Kelly, s. J., chairman. that a Republican will be sent to as director of athletics that re- grace of God,: this work may be a the White House in '56. the Placement Office had '3,1$% An opportunity will be given to applications on file from the Col-sulted in the lifting of sports out step towtttds^converslQns: students to. turn in articles or Mr. Crawford served as a United of the doldrums,, and in the begin- Guild WoTk Serves two Ends , lege alone. The total number on article ideas to Mr. McEvoy for press reporter in .the 20's covering the University is over ning of the era of the Iron Major, MembergJmve found that Guild his personal criticism and ap- file" from the prohibition battles, the South- 7,000. Frank Cavanaugh, as football, work greati_y improves -public praisal. ern Illinois gang wars, and the coach, and Jack Coffey as gradu- speaking and trains the mind in Seniors To Be Interviewed Twice ate manager of athletics. , ' '. quick thinking, since a major part Each senior will be interviewed Father Deane, during Fordham's of the work, consists in answering .twice by the Placement Office, (Continued on Page 3) objections-from listeners. But the said Mr. McCabe. The first Inter- principal advantage, according to view will be arranged after the Schwarz, is a chance to be an ac- Individual returns his completed 'It's Maroon' Casted tive Catholic, tackling the real application blank to the office. At problems of life, not just discuss- this Interview', which is an horn- Needs Two Dancers ing and watching it all from the long, the interviewer will discuss "It's Maroon" went into re- sidelines. Last summer in New with the applicant letter writing, York an estimated number of 5,000 hearsal on Tuesday, October 19, interviewing techniques, and other Director Bob Kennedy said today. people heard Guild members, says matters pertinent to applying for Schwarz. , Practice will continue through a job. At the conclusion of this in- October and November with open- Anyone with a little interest or terview arrangements will be made just curiosity is invited, he said. ing night set for Thursday, Dec. 9. for a second interview. The casting for the show has The applicant is asked to bring been completed with the exception to the'second interview a draft of of two song and dance men who Register a letter of application. This is im- will do the specialty number, portant since, according to Mr. "Who Is That Girl?" in the first • The deadline for student auto- McCabe, only 15% of such letters act, f/tid Kennedy. These roles will mobile registration has been set receive favorable consideration, be filled before the end of the tor October 18 to 29, announced st applications are made by let- week, according to Dick Murdy, the Rev, Thomas Brady, S. J. ter. Dean of Men. co-producer of the show. Registration must toe made in Although the Placement Office Featured in the cast will be Lang Room 3 of the Service Building is primarily concerned with per- Toland playing "Legend," Jim between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on manent, jobs, applications are ac-Comvny as "football star Andy these-days. The fee is7 50c and the Photo cepted for part time work. Since McKenna," Hank Greer, Dick Ci- certificate of ownership must be COLLINS AUDITORIUM was the scene of the senior play ti-jouts the beginning of school, the Place- eciuoh, and Murdy as the Ivy last -week. Pictured here are a group of seniors iea.il ie for parts ment Office has received 534 pan- Ijeague professors, — "Crembly," in the student's possession at the 11 time of application. in the senior show "It's Maroon." time applications. "Cripps" and "Crum.
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