PAOB TWENTY THURSDAY, JULY 27, 19«7 lEanr^pBtipr lEimting Hemld Ararttfo Daily Net Ffomi Rni The Weather Ibr Iha Week XMM A1 nn^_ ^ ltoii«.«rt®r Bridge Qub will Warm and humid tonight, MllySS,10«l JIO w U qponnr a dupUeato bridfB gwne 80% chance of Showers, low tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Itel- From Your Neighbor*8 Kitchen about 70; cloudy warm, humid bfiee Jaoflurileii KoCarthv of Anerican dub, 86 Bid* nnahurtl Brfaiot You tomorrow, 40% chance of show­ INVenur^. M uTM eia Reglatratloii. wUI be B y IMMRMi BBU M N O 14,729 ers, high In 80s. lLerofl»v;iCUM nIM .a>>d tak« at 7^ . The event 1. open M aneheeter^A CUy o f Village Charm Key Lime Fie m a. real "cool lOae Carol Oadarowakt of 6tt P"*®®- pile" for humid aummer daya TOL. LXXXVI, NO. 258 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1967 (Olamrifled Advmrtlstog on l^ e IT) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VoDdbridge St have reeoitljr and a deabeit .that la, apoord- left by air for a month’a tour The executive board of the liancheater Junior Women’s ing to Mm DavM (Bev«^) o f Bunq>e. dub, toe., will meet tonight at Brenner of 14 Laiwton Rd., "de. 8:16 at the home of MTs. tieiouaty rich Mr any aenaon of Fruih and Vegetables Manctaeuter Chapiter of Dla- ry Noonan, 89 Clinton Dr., the year." The pto gata Ita aided Amertcbn Veterans and F ir s t P o o l W applng. mane from the FTortda Keya, Its AwdUalty win epausor a where ft la aald to have orig- one/ lower prices in every deparfmenf U.S. Marines Invade BAN imANOEaCX) (AP) holt dog: roa st taalgH t a t R o ck y Inhted. Mixed Vegetable Salad -A 21-year4ld whKe atur Names Board HUl Veterans HoepttaL Mem­ Richard Bohadlh of 76 S. with Botled Dreaalng la a T l^ week we bring you along with drastically Crisp i^esh dent at San FVandBOo State bers pfauiitlng to attend will Hawthorne St., president of the aummertlme favorite of the OoUego haa brought the meet at the boapftU at 6. l e t t u c e and Plnehurst Manchester Jaycees, plans to Brenners, who nke ft on pic­ new crop 1 ^ Aioah GREEN BEANS, the first Negro area tta flrat awlm- nics or at home. Both recipes DM Z’s Southern Area attend i leadership training m h ^ p o d . "Signposts Aloft," a sermon may be prepared In advance. ^ t woiidi^uUy fresh tender yeUow ICEBERG seminar tomorrow and Satur­ BAK^ (AP) — 'The ized none before dawn Just north and mortars below the Ben Hal Pat Befi aald the city from a science film, will be Key lim e Fie with ® Farms. This com is picked _ - ; of Oon nilen, the Leatherneck River which divides the zone, shown Simday at 7 p.m. at the day at the University of U & Miriuea invaded the Paiha and Recreation De­ Sour Cream Topping early each ^ y in nearby fields and mshed to us L E n T U C E outpost 10 mUes from the South Ike latest dogfight took place Presbyterian Church, Bridgeport. The session is con­ for your eatmg pleasure. IbE I I W W E sotitiieiR balf of tiie demil­ partment tdd him a pod Seek Riot Causes » e g o s China Sea where a Red barrage Ihuxvday when a pair of naut Col. John Glenn Is featur­ ducted by the Connecticut waa not wurthwtflle be- Jaycees. 1 can 16-ounicea sweetened Uead itarized zone between kiUed two Marines and wounded MIGZla tried to Jump an Air cauae at cod weather and ed In the film which Is produc­ condensed mlK North and South Vietnam 12 Thursday / Force reconnaissance flight 87 ed by the Moody tostltute of la ck at balUng auttai But H cup tone Juice (about 6 today for the second time he peraUtad and gat bade* Soience. ton es) „ _ There was no Immediate re- ““«■ H*®®* »«t were SUSYOmURY BUlEBEHmES 2 3 * in ihe war. Their tazgeto port that the had en- attacked by a pair of Air Force Ing from polloe, dvhs and 1 teaspoon grated tone Mnd Police Arrests were the North Vietnam countered -any enemy opposl- I’hantoms flying escort, budneaa groupa and othera. Proclaims John Cook o f 14 B rainard PI. ^ teaspoon salt The MIOs dived with the was feted Monday night at a green food coloring SANTA ROSA SWEET PLUMS meae mortar and artiUmr tum. The reaulta: |B|800 In Phantoms In hot pursuit and one oaah, 1,500 In ptedgea and combination birthday and fare­ Charles F. Ralsch, 23, of S. baked nine-inch pie shell Frtnn Nearby Farms poaitiona which have been it Was the first American pen- Simday as Phantom pilot fired off a side­ an order for a now ptatable well party at his horn He has (pastry or cracker) aheUing Leatherneck poata eiratlon into the three-mlle-wido winder missile. The heat-seek­ enlisted In the Army and will ^ ’ «as charg- y» pint dairy sour cream juat «>utb of the zone. southern half of the zone since awtmmlng pod 26 by BO leave tomorrow morning for Ft. yesterday with brealdng and WATERHOONS CANTALOUPES Pin^urst ing missile was right on the feet long, with a heater. Prayer Day % cup sugar, T he U . B. nnmtnnn/1 an- AUy 18,. when the Marines and MiG’s tall when the Red dis­ Dix, N.J, His brother, Millard entering without permission and ItTl bo legally owned by % teaspoon salt nouneed. another dogfight over South Vietnamese troops Invad- appeared into', 'a cloudbank, the Norlh Vietnam wUh a MIG21 .oX the southern sector for the Y outh fm* S ervloe, wWh tw o WASHINGTON (AP),— 2 Cook, recenUy returned from larceny of more than $16 but 1 to 2 teaspoons grated Hme pilots said. The Air Force scor­ Vietnam, where he served with . „ rind NATIVE NATIVE GREEN probably shot down and six U. toWt time to root out Ninth Vlet- other neighborhood groupa ed It as the Uth probable MIO President Johnson, pro­ the Army for one year. He is Place eggs in electric mixer 8. plane losses over the North namese gun posts. The allied eharing management. kill of the war although no ex­ claiming this Sunday a na- now at Ft. Meade, Md. They are Police said a caretaker of bowl and beat aligHUy. Add con- SUMMER SQUASH SEm BEANS wtatoh had not bom revealed torce withdrew after a week. plosion was actually seen. U.8. tiontd day of prayer for ra­ the sons of Mrs. Theodore Winot property owned by John Bamini denaed milk, Ume Juice, one . bstoce. U. 8. Command said since fo rce s claim 80 M IO kills and cial peace, has created an of 14 Brainard PI. off Tolland Tpke. caught Ralsch teaspoon lime rind and one- Xbn of the 81h Marine Regi- then the Communists have have lost 20 American planes in eleven member commission _____ leaving the vacant building with fourth teaspoon of salt and beat ment moved into the demllltar- again begun digging in artUlery Long R ace Veterans of World War I, old furniture of undetermined CRISP, FRESH OUUUMBERS 2 3 ^ 1 dogfigh ts. to search out causes of • about two minutes at medium V Barracks and Auxiliary have value. speed. Add enough green food The plane losses announced race rioting—and to sug­ today brought the total number been invlW to a picnic Sunday He was brought to Manchester coloring to tint mixture a clear, Saves life gest ways to avoid it in the nNEWROT a a a toAiy as always. ; . famous for flit maab U. S. combat planes reported noon by ’the Waterbury Bar- Police Headquarters by the pale green. Pour mixture into future. 7 lost over the north to 824. The racks and its Auxiliary. Those caretaker, police said. Ralsch is _ pie shell and bake in 360-degree O f B oy, 13 The White House said today desiring more Information may free on a no bail compact, pend- (Hemld by attemls) minutes. Turkey Shudders rate of losses over the North is toe first meeting between toe ■««•» lb. 79c, loiidar biek- now running at slightly more contact Mrs. Gladys Ridolfi, 117 Ing appearance in Manchester NBW YORK (AP) — A Navy President and toe advisory com­ MRS. BRENNER AND CHILDREN While pie la heating, mix to­ than one plane dally. W. Middle Tpke. Circuit Court 12 Aug. 7. gether the aour cream, sugar H r* " ^Va-fc. ptamp helicopter pilot, policemen, mittee would be held tomorrow Chkkans lb. 42e, whola, spilt or cut ol at Hw same low price. U. S. Command said the latest morning at 11:80 in toe Cabi­ and one-eighth teaapoon salt. Jet downed was an Air Force stretcher bearers and sprinting Under New Quake dootorz and nursea teamad up net room . Remove pie from oven and Phantom Wednesday, with both alon g a 226 m ile route from An^ Johnson, center of a poliUcat spread topping over the warmed Thfawed^ we featnre at a saving of 50c can Our ANGARA, Turkey (AP)—Tur- sons were killed vdien the quake crewmen listed as missing. napdla, Md. to M ^ t Slant storm touched off by pillage, pie. Turn oven heat to 426-de­ pedal Trim, very lean aandwieh shaped Dubuque's Mississippi key’s amur marshaled a fleet of Wednesday wracked the deao- No details were given on the HO^tal In an attempt to save arson and murder in Detroit, grees.
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