•* The Canadian voter wasn’t • No offence intended; but •only exercising his franchise, stop by the orange walk in 'Monday. He was flexing little this town and yon may get •fused muscles. The Glengarry New hauled up. for it. ONE OP CANADA’S AW ARD-WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS VOL. LXVT —:No. 24 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1957 SINGLE COPY 7o UUKT-FinTT WIT! TU HUES Villeneuve Elected Here As McCrimmon Man Nation Returns Conservatives Fatally Injured Internal injuries suffered Satur- Popular Former Glengarry MPP Squeezes day .afternoon when his truck left Highway 34 between Vankleek Hill In With 1,628 Majority As Two and McCrimmon, proved fatal for Candidates Divide Big Liberal Vote John McMillan, ]widely known Mc- Crimmon East farmer. He died > : Glengarry-Prescott went Conservative by a minority vdte Monday afternoon in Dr. Smith’s Mo'nday as it elècted Osie F. Villeneuve of Maxville, with a ( Hospital, Hawkesbury, to which he anajonty of 1,628 oyer Iiis nearest'opponent, Raymond Bruneau, I had been removed from thé scene -•ex-MP. Mr. Villeneuvfe will join some 109 other Progressive-1.the accident. _ Conservatives in forming the next government if,, as it isj Mr. McMillan was driving home! believed, Mr.: St-Làuféht décides against trying to prolong, tKèjllr<!*n VanMeék lïill about 5 p.jn.j life of a Ijdly tattorf Liberal ship wM.h hM loandered afterfcwjj»^,the. highway and struck a« tree,■ ■«* 22 years of . clear sailing. j The funeral was held this mom- In the coast-to-coast drive to re- ling from his home, 30-8th Lochiel, store the Conservative party, the I to St. Alexander’s Church and ceme- Diefenbaker-led Tories came to new An Appreciation tery, Lochiel, j. ,, life in every province, particularly For valued help in getting in A lifelong resident of the Mc- in Ontario, where they captured 60 and reporting the vote in Glen- Crimmon area, Mr. McMillan was seats, and in Prince Edward Island, i garry -Prescott, Monday night, 1 born on the family farm 58 years where they now hold all four. the çditor says “thanks” to ago, a son of the late Donald 'Wil- Incomplete results give the PCs Emile Pigeon of, the Handy liam McMillan and his wife, Isabelle 110-seats to the Liberals 103, in a Andy store, who again provided Cameron. He was associated with his 265-seat House of Commons. Prime his fine public-address system; brother, Myles McMillan, on the ad- Minister St-Laurent, it is expected, to Gerald McDonald for the loan joining farm, in the production of will turn over the, reins'of office to of a radio and to the local Bell Timothy and other seeds which bad a Conservative party that will lack staff for its fine co-operation. several times won international a clear majority in the, House. “Thanks”, too, to those,- recognition., Mr. McMillan was Deputy Returning Officers- and possibly best known to his friends In winning Glengarry-Prescott, for his rendering of the songs of Mr. Villeneuve ' accomplished just others who phoned or /brought in their returns and to those Harry Lauder, of which he had à what his most-knowing supporters friends who helped here in the large-repertoire. •had hoped he would do. He squeezed office. Two brothers and three sisters in with a healthy 8,217 votes, which , O ' were 3,782 fewer than the total survive: William, in British Colum- Liberal votes' cast. Hut these 11,999 bia; Myles, of McCrimmon East; votes were almost evenly split be- New St. Raphael’s Mi's. - John A. McDougall (Mary) of tween the two Liberal candidates. Saranac Lake,. N.Y,;- Mrs. Donald Grant (Florence) of Apple Hill; Raymond Bruneau, ex-MP, garn- School Opened Mrs. Angus Kennedy of McCrim- HIS HAT’S PACK IN HIS HAND — When OSDE VILLENEUVE window of the News building shows him surrounded by some of the ered 6,589 ballots,, while Rêne Bér- mon. resigned his sèat in the Legislature fp throw his hat in the ring, few The new $55,000, three-classroom huge crowd which followed election returns on our boards, Monday , trand was running a strong third of his friends: expected to see him on election night in this triumph- night. It is estimated that more than 2,500 were present. Separate School at St. Raphaels was with 5,410. Patrice Brunet, Social ant pose, hiàÂhat back in his hand. This flash from an upstairs , ï—Cut courtesy The Daily Standard-Freeholder Créditer, out of Ottawa, did just as officially blessed and declared open' was expected of him. He had been Sunday afternoon in a ceremony Thousands Visited estimated as good for 200 votes. He attended by members of the clergy, got 198. of the Holy Cross Sisters, educa- Trade Fair Here Signs Of Summer tion officials and many members Glen Nevis Marks Never So Long In Doubt As Was In winning, the fidihg for thé Con- of the parish. An estimated 6,006 residents of I Main street has been getting its servatives, Mr. ViÙeneuvé had Officiating at the ceremony in the Alexandria and.1 district.. visited,' summer signs this week under the 75th Anniversary 1 healthy leads in all seven Glengarry absence of His! Excellency Bishop Glengarry Gardens from Thursday. direction of Police Chief Ed Dupuis Monday’s Result In This Riding municipalities, as-had been expected. 1 Bro^euf. ^was JRt.._Rev... JSÆsgr. Ewen to Saturday to view the many ex- - Sunday, June' 16th, will be a fes- and Town. Foreman Dap. j/ajoie. It was almost 10 o’clock, three - But he also shdwed strength in J. Macdonald, D.P., of Alexandria, hibits at the annual Richelieu Club tive day in St. Margaret of Scotland Those orange-colored curbs are not Prescott county where he took the hours after the polls had closed, be- Vicar-General of the diocese. He, Trade Fair. The event was on a Chùrch. Glen Nevis, as parishioners a reminder of-'the approaching fore some 2,000 interested voters, lead; in five of ten municipalities. was assisted by Rev. D. A. Kerr, much bigger shale than in its prim- welcome hosts of former members Orange Walk/ That coloration Enjoyed Outing He was particularly strong in gathered before the News’ office F.P.,; and Rev. J. A. Wylié, PB;, St. air year, last June, and both club in célébration of its seventy-fifth definitely says “No Parking” and it election boards, could lie certain how Vankleek Hill,' Caledonia, East and Andrews. officials and exhibitors expressed anniversary. The historic com-, is usually seen within feet of a West Hawkesbury, parts of which On 90th Rirthday the vote in Glengarry-Prescott had The cerèmoiiies opened at two themselves as more than satisfied memoration will begin at 3 pan., comer. gone. hé has served for tpn years as MPP o’clock with prayer in St. Raphael’s with the results. with Pontifical Nigh Mass offered by Parking spaces at the meters have Failing eyesight did not keep from at Queen’s Park. But he also cap- been marked off with white lines, Osie Villeneuve, Prog. Con., had. ChurCh, from where the procession One of the highlights Saturday His Excellency Rosario Brodeur, the voting booth, Monday, an Alex- led all the way except for a brief tured the high vote in South Plan- crossed to the new school, i After D.D. Graduation exercises .for the as have been the crosswalks, where andria resident who . last week tagenet, said the 655 votes he took night was the selection of a “Queen interlude at 9 o’clock, but so fouled Monsignor Macdonald had blessed of the County”, and that honor went students of - Maryvale Abbey will presumably it is safer to c&ss. passed her 90th milestone. Mrs. upi were the communications be- oUt' of Hawkesbury town were three the building and; grounds, the class- follow with His' Excellency Bishop Department of Highways men Duncan A. MacLeod, Kenyon street . times what his opponents , had con- to a budding beauty from Dalkeith, tween Alexandria and the Return- rooms were toured by all present William J. Smith of Pembroke as have also got into the act by renew- west, has lost her ; sight. But she -ceded him'. '. MisS Marilyn McIntosh, daughter of ing Officer’s office at Hawkesbury and the modern'interior admired. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McIntosh. guest speaker. The programme will ing the centre’ white line on Main knew where she wanted to-put her that there was always uncertainty The big Liberal vote in Hawkes- In the school auditorium, Father The Montreal judges required some extend into the evening and a buffet street and Kenyon street west, “X”. , i as to the final result., The local Bell bury, so decisive & factor in the 1953 Kerr welcomed the guests and Mon- 30 minutes to reach a decision lunch will be served by the' ladies which .is part of Highway 43. Ninety last Wednesday, Mrs. Mac- office: did a yoeman job in getting election, again went to the Liberals. signor Macdonald recalled the early i among the six . finalists. Eighteen of the parish. ■ ■ ■ ■■ O " • ■ ■ ■ Leod is telling her age. But how calls through by way of Montreal, But this time 3,111 votes were divid- days’ of the historic settlement of girls had been entered in the con- St. Margaret of Scotland parish she voted is her own business. but at this end we were getting only ed almost 2 to 1 between Bruneau .Upper Canada. He rèad extracts test and each night six had been church was built under the super- Opening New Store The former Isabella Clark of a total score according to number and Çertrand.
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