Board of Directors (Public) 26.07.18 MEETING 26 July 2018 11:00 PUBLISHED 25 July 2018 1. Part One - Agenda Location Date Owner Time 2. Meeting Room 1, Main Entrance 26/07/18 Frank Collins 11:00 Strategy & 1. Part One - Public Meeting 1.1. Matters Arising All 11:00 3. 1.2. Minutes of the previous meeting (24.05.18) All 11:05 Performance & 1.3. Declarations of Interest All 11:10 1.4. Staff/Patient Story (Verbal) Olivia Evans 11:15 2. Strategy & Policy Updates 2.1. Chief Executive Update (verbal) Chief Executive 11:25 4. 2.1.1. CQC Update Chief Quality & Executive/Chai rman 2.1.2. Information Governance Briefing Chief Executive 2.2. IM&T Strategy Associate 11:35 Director of IM&T 5. Annual 3. Performance & Governance 3.1. Integrated Performance Report (M3) Associate 11:45 Director of Performance 3.2. Research Update Director of 12:05 6. Strategy and Planning Items to note 3.3. Chair Report: Finance Planning and Investment Commitee Non Executive 12:15 Diretor 3.4. Chair Report: Risk Management Committee Non Executive 12:20 Director 3.5. Board Assurance Framework Trust Secretary 12:25 7. Any Other 8. Date and Time Continued on the next page... 2 1. Part One - Agenda Location Date Owner Time 2. Meeting Room 1, Main Entrance 26/07/18 Frank Collins 11:00 Strategy & 4. Quality & Safety 4.1. Chair Report: Quality and Safety Committee (verbal) Non Executive 12:30 3. Director Performance & 4.2. Infection Control (Q1) Deputy 12:35 Director of Nursing 4.3. Inpatient Survey (Presentation) Medical 12:40 Director 4.4. Learning from Deaths Medical 12:50 4. Director Quality & 4.5. Guardian of Safe Working Hours Medical 12:55 Director 5. Annual Reports 5.1. Safeguarding Annual Report Deputy 13:00 Director of 5. Nursing Annual 5.2. Infection Control Annual Report Deputy 13:10 Director of Nursing 6. Items to note 6. 6.1. Governor's Update (Verbal) Trust Secretary 13:20 Items to note 7. Any Other Business 7.1. Questions from the Public 13:25 8. Date and Time of next meeting 7. 8.1. 27.09.2018 in Meeting Room 1 Any Other 8. Date and Time 3 1. Part One - Frank Collins 4358 2. Chairman Strategy & BOARD OF DIRECTORS – PUBLIC SESSION 24 MAY 2018 MINUTES OF MEETING Present: Frank Collins Chairman FC Mark Brandreth Chief Executive MB 3. Alastair Findlay Non-Executive Director AF Performance & Bev Tabernacle Director of Nursing BT Craig Macbeth Director of Finance CM Chris Beacock Non-Executive Director CB Harry Turner Non-Executive Director HT Nia Jones Director of Operations NJ David Gilburt Non-Executive Director DG Hilary Pepler Non-Executive Director HP 4. Quality & In Attendance: Kerry Robinson Director of Strategy and Planning KR Shelley Ramtuhul Trust Secretary SR Sarah Sheppard Director of People SS Laura Peill Associate Director of Performance LP 5. FC welcomed all Board members to the Public Board. Annual MINUTE NO TITLE 24/05/1.0 APOLOGIES Steve White, Medical Director 24/05/2.0 MINUTES OF THE MEETING 30 APRIL 2018 The minutes of the meeting held on the 30 April 2018 were agreed as an accurate representation of the meeting. 6. 24/05/3.0 MATTERS ARISING Items to note FC went through the actions which were noted to be either completed or progress updates were provided. 24/05/4.0 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST David Gilburt advised that he has been invited to become a member of the HFMA Audit Committee. 24/05/5.0 PATIENT STORY (LIZ FISHER) BT introduced Liz Fisher who had undergone surgery at the Trust six months ago and 7. she highlighted the following aspects of her experience: Any Other Good information was provided in advance of the procedure and lots of opportunity to ask questions. There were numerous interactions during her pre-op visit resulting in her almost missing her x-ray The Joint School was a great help and provided information and answers to 8. questions that she had not thought of Date and Time Her admission time was 7.15am along with everyone else being admitted that day which made the waiting area very congested 1 4 1. Part One - It was not clear what to do with her belongings and she felt something could be done to address this She was taken to Theatre at 2pm having not eaten since the night before and she thought staggered admissions may help with this After her procedure she was taken to a different ward to the one she had been in prior to the procedure, she had not been warned of this 2. She was nervous about having a spinal anaesthetic but the staff helped to relax Strategy & her. The anaesthetist was willing to stay and talk through the operation and as somebody who likes to know what is going on this helped her greatly and she extended her thanks to him for this. The procedure itself was very quick and she was back in recovery within the hour and the cups of tea and warm blankets were very relaxing The physio team were supportive of what she felt she could and could not do in 3. the immediate post-operative period Performance & Being in the ward rather than a single room meant that she could chat to the other patients but it did cause her difficulty sleeping. There was an apology on her discharge for this The discharge process was clear and staff apologised for moving her out of her bed on the day of discharge to make way for another patient but she did not feel they needed to apologise She sought and obtained reassurance following her discharge 4. Quality & Overall Liz felt her experience had been positive experience and that the staff had been fantastic. FC thanked Liz for attending and for her positive feedback but also for highlighting the areas that the Trust can pick up on and take forward. 5. HP commented that the issue of admission times has previously been picked up and is Annual being looked at as the issues this can recognised this can cause issues. HT asked if there was overlap in the various assessments undertaken during the pre- operative clinic or whether these could be consolidated. Liz advised that she felt there were some areas of overlap and HT asked BT if this could be looked at. ACTION: BT to look at potential overlaps in the pre-operative assessments and whether 6. these can be consolidated. Items to note HT also commented on her experience with the anaesthetist and asked whether this was personalised to her. She felt it was personal to her and he had gauged her desire for information. MB agreed with her comments around the Joint School and commented that this should be extended beyond joints. He also commented on the opportunity this creates to 7. involve the families as they are the carers once patients leave the hospital. Any Other MB advised that the Trust can look at the checking in of belongings and also the disturbance at night, which has already been worked on, but can be looked at again. ACTION: BT to look at the checking in of patient belongings and the disturbances at night. 8. FC thanked the Liz for coming and sharing her story. Date and Time The Board noted the Patient Story 2 5 1. Part One - 24/05/6.0 PATIENT STORY (OWEN PATERSON MP) FC introduced the next patient story which related to the positive comments of Owen Paterson MP during Prime Minister’s Questions who registered his thanks to staff at the Midlands Centre of Spinal Injuries for the care and treatment he had received. The Prime Minister had supported these comments. 2. Strategy & Owen Paterson MP was also complimentary about the Trust and in particular the care he received from the Midlands Centre of Spinal Injuries during an interview on the Jeremy Vine Show. He specifically highlighted the Trust’s record of getting patients back to walking following significant and life changing spinal injuries. The team from MCSI were in attendance and FC extended his thanks to the team on 3. behalf of the Board. Performance & The Board noted the Patient Story 24/05/7.0 THEATRE UTILISATION LP introduced Amanda Peet, Divisional Manager for Theatres and Mr Simon Hill, Orthopaedic Surgeon to present the work they have undertaken on Theatre Utilisation. 4. Details of the presentation can be found via the following: Theatre Utilisation Update Quality & 24.05.18 The presentation provided context around the complexity of the Trust’s cases before looking at the work that has been done on the culture in Theatres and the recent initiative of the ‘Perfect List’. The presentation outlined the benefits realisation both in terms of productivity but also 5. with regard to staff retention. Amanda outlined there has been learning from the perfect Annual list and the next perfect list will be refined to take these into account. There was also the benefit of staff feeling less rushed which cannot be captured in any data extracts. Mr Hill gave an account of his experience of the perfect list and the benefit this had on the staff. He felt that the predictability of the time taken to get the patient into the Theatre would give him confidence to add an additional patient to the list. 6. FC picked up on the comment around increased confidence and the opportunities this Items to note presents with embedding these improved processes going forward. MB commented on the opportunity for improved safety through these refined processes.
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