7 - ■K , - O J, i ...... NET PRESS RUSI i r # i« c M t hr 9- *- Wentha* na^emk AVERAGE DAII.Y OmCUI-ATIOX New BavcB. OF THE EVENING UEBALD for the month of November, 1927 Fair to-ni|^t; Thnrs^jr cloudy , stats followed by rain'and wartMr. 5,057 CoRtt PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN;, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1927. (TWELVE PAGES) VOL. XLH., NO. 74. Classified Advertising on P&ge 10. DETERMINED “ TEffi FOX” AS HE CONFESSES TO PLEAD “ GUILTY 99 Says He Needs No Lawyer to UNDYSTARTS Learn That Radio Message Defend Him— Sleeps Well; ON HIS TRIP From Hissing Plane Was Is Threatened By Other Than Before Last War Heard Monday Night; Ex­ Prisoners. TOGU^LA Vienna, Dec, 28.— Central Eu-Ataling 835,fi00 men. against the perts Say That There Is rope, “ Mother of Wars,” has taken} 550,000 maintaiped l)y Austria Los Angeles, Calif., Dec. 28.— a New Year’s inventory of her mili­ Hungary, Rumania and Servia in Smsdl Hope of Rescuing Expects to Arrive at 4 1914. Locked inside the steel walls of his tary prospects fcr the future and finds that there are 300,000 more Official statistics compiled by solitary cell in the Los Angeles men under arms at the beginning of Austrian authorities show the fol­ Aviators Now. county jail, William Edward Hick­ OXlock This Afternoon; 1928 than there were just before lowing armies in Central Europe: the outbreak of the Great War in Poland— 2 7 0,00 Q. man today said positively he will Czecho-Slovakia— 160,000. Big Crowd Sees Him Start 1914. It was in 1914 that the “ mili­ Aboard U. S. S. Sturtevant Off plead guilty to charges of kidnap­ tarism of Austro-Hungary” plunged Jugo-Slavia— 120,000. ing and murdering little Marion Europe into war. Rumania— 210,000. Sable Island, Dec. 28.— Following Parker. On Flight. Throughout the Balkans, Poland Hungary and Austria— 75,000. receipt of radio reports that a mes­ The peace strength of the Austro- His confession that he kidnaped and Czecho-Slovakia sober-minded sage ostensibly from tlje “ Dawn,’V men regard 1928 with anxiety. Not Hungarian army before the war was the 12-year-old schoolgirl, killed Mrs. Frances Grayson’s lost plane* BULLETIN the least of their worries is the 420.000, and that of Rumania and her and sold her mutilated body to bristling line of bayonets that Servia 130,000, making a total of had been picked up at Heart’s Con­ ^ Washington, Dec. 38.— Col. her father for $1,500 stands, he stretches from the Baltic in the 550.000, tent, near Harbor Grace, N. F., yes­ Charles A. Lindbergh landed north to the Black Sea in the south. In addition to the 835,000 sol­ says. terday, the five destroyers that are in the Spirit of St. Louis, at Though six of the “ heirs” to the diers constantly under arms, the six Hickman sees a need for the ser­ searching for the plane circled Aurora Field, Guatemala City, old Austro-Hungarian dual mon­ states of Central Europe have a vices of only the public defender archy are weaker financially than host of unofficial armed organiza­ around Sable Island today. and does not want the advice of at 1:35 P.M., eastern standard was Franz Josef’s old empire, they tions and military police estimated The Sturtevant- and Mahan, six­ Jerome Walsh Davis, a Kansas City time, the State Department \ ... are keeping up standing armies to- at more than 1,500,000. teen miles apart, were covering the attorney, who is speeding West to was advised today in a cable Confession brought a twisted smile of spiritual r elief to the youthful face of William Edward Hickman, southwest quadrant of a 25 mile defend him at the instance of the from the American Legation. slayer of Marian Parker, as the train bearing him from Pendleton, Ore., sped toward Los Angeles. He’s LITTLE PROGRESS MADE circle around the island, while the prisoner’s mother. posed here with his confessor, Asa M. Keyes, Los Ange les district attorney. ' This NEA Service pictured was - IN OUR GOVERNMENT Shaw and Mohegan and Dones were “ Even if that lawyer tells me to flashed by telephoto across the continent from Los An geles to New York, thence rushed by fast train to The searching the southeast quadrant. Mexico City, Dec. 28.— Colonel plead not guilty, I will refuse to Herald. FIYTOCOURIS Three lookouts were on duty on do it,” Hickman declaied today. Charles A. Lindbergh began his Washlngton, Dec. 28.— As­ tonishingly little progress has ship. I To Plead Guilty good will tour through Central The sky was overcast aud the sea America today. He hopped off for been made by the United. States smooth. I “ I said I’m going to piead guilty FORBACiONGIN in the science of government. Guatemala City at Val’juena air- Searched All Night. and I mean it. The officers have my dome at 6:35 a. m. Toothbrushes Distributed MORGAN WILL Prof. William X. Munro, of story all down in writing anyway— The distance to Guatemala City, Harvard University, asserted to­ Throughout ..the night lookouts and I signed it. I told everything I according to the route Col. Lind­ day before the American Paliti- on the destroyers had beeii search­ know. I can’t see where that Kan­ To Red Army Soldiers ‘GREEIfRlMPUS ing the blackened sea for a possible bergh mapped out for himself, is SUCCEED GARY cal Science Association. sas City lawyer will be much help about eight hundred miles. Lind­ “ Side by side, in a great city flare oriJashlight signal, recalling now.” bergh said he hoped' to reach his Like Chicago, you can find at the discovery of the Locatelli plana His keepers reported that Hick­ destination by four o’clock this Moscow, Dec. 28.— ToothbrushesApaste concession in Russia are Petitioners Seek Mandamus, this moment, much of the best off Greenland at night In 1924, man slept soundly through his first afternoon and perhaps sooner. for the Red Army is the latest jubilant. The advertising value of AS STEEL HEAD industrial technique, and some when signalmen aboard the cruiser Richmond sighted their flashlight night in the Los Angeles county Col. Lindbergh passed over revolutionary order issued by the a soldier squeezing paste upon his of the worst municipal govern­ jail despite murmured threats of new brush will be more tremen­ Perhaps Arrest of Com­ ment on earth,” Monro declar­ eight miles away. Puebla, 6* miles southeast of this revolutionary military council. By means megaphones, R. R. Ste­ violence by fellow prisoners, who city, at 7:15 o’clock. Six hundred thousand tooth­ dous than Queen Marie’s name ed. openly, and within earshot of Hick­ upon a string of pearls in the “ Political Science to become wart, of Huron, S. D., directing the The police estimated that there brushes, neatly packed in metal Wall Street Looks With Fa­ search from the Sturtevant, out­ man, expressed their wrath because were about 5,000 persons , at the cases, with toothpaste or powder, western world. mittee, In Second District a science, should first of all the ruthless killer had been harbor­ edict was an- * obtain a decree of divorce from lined plans for today’s cruising witn flying field when the Lone Eagle have been purchased by the Soviet The toothbrush Commander George N. Baker of the ed beneath the same roof. took the air. military authorities at a cost of nounced on recommendation of the vor on New Appointment; the philosophers, lawyers and Every precaution has been taken Janitorship Fight. Mahan. Gen. Jose Alvarez, chief of the nearly $200,000. sanitary council as “ an essential psychologists, with whom it by Chief Jailer Frank Dewar to long has been in a state of . Commander Stewart expressed presidential staff, represented Presi­ Many thousands of the Red sol­ part of the program of raising the Two Others to Help In Di­ belief today that if the Dawn came prevent a mutiny among the pris­ dent Calles. In the name of the diers had never seen a toothbrush efficiency of the Red Army to the polygamous companionate mar­ oners, and special guards have been Thorns are growing where roses riage, to the detriment of its down between the mainland of Nova president he said good bye to both before. Hence the military sanitary level of European antagonists.” Scotia and Sable Island, as radio re­ stationed at Hickman’s cell to pro­ Ills directly traceable to bad recting. omce bloomed in that residential own quest for truth.” . tect him. Col. Lindbergh and his mother. corps is being instructed to teach ports seem to indicate, the airplane Starts Off the men how to scrub their teeth- teeth are enormous in the Red and usually peaceful section known 4>- has probably drifted to the aouLV No Visitors “ I have, enjoyed every minute Officials of the German tooth- Army. as Manchester Green. The school west. Meanwhile, Jailer Dewar has of my stay in Mexico,” said Lind­ New York, Dec. 28.— Wall street’s district battle that has flamed up Otice during the night fSe'sudden issued explicit orderi that Hickman bergh. “ I hope to come back to be reaction today to the selection^bt between rival bands of voters In appearance of red and green lights will not be permitted to receive any with you for about three months.” . in the sky gave rise to licg>ds of visitors. Lindbergh climbed into the tiny TRYING TO BANISH GOES ‘ W R I N G ” J. Pierpont Morgan, James A.
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