Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/minutesofmichiga84meth . \^ ul^.LlbHARY 3 1833 01716 2600 Gc 977.4 M56L 191'? Methodist Episcopal Church. Conferences. Michigan. Minutes of the Michigan Annual Conference . MINUTES OF THE MICHIGAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE Methodist Episcopal Church EIGHTY-FOURTH SESSION LANSING, MICH., SEPT., 9-lG, 1919 BISHOP THEODORE S. HENDERSON, D. D., L.L D., Pres. GEORGE A. BROWN, Secretary OFFICIAL RECORD VOLl.'ME XXI NTMBEJ; IV PHICE TWENTY-l-IVK CENTS LANSING. MICHIGAN WYN'KOCP HALLENBECK CRAWfORD CO., STATC PRINTERS 1919 L ^00 Webster Street fO Box 2270 46301-2270 Fofl Wayne. IN CONTENTS. Page Conference Roll 479 Conference Rules 483 Conference Officers and Boards 485 Officers of Conference Societies 489 Conference Committees for 1919-1920: Standing Committees 490 Miscellaneous Aeeignments 491 Disciplinary Questions 491 Appointments 496 Daily Proceedings 502 Anniversaries and Special Services 524 -Reports: Of District Superintendents : 526 Of Standing Committees and Boards: Auditing , . 535 C'lark Memorial Home Trustees 535 Conference Deaconess Board 536 Conference Board of Home Missions 537 Education 537 Epworth League 537 Evangelism 538 Finance 538 General Reference and Resolutions 539 Reforms ' 539 Secretary Conference Claimants Endowment Fund. 539 Secretary Supply Pastors Endowment Fund 541 Secretary of Transportation 541 Temperance 541 Of Special Committees: Michigan Advocate 542 Conference Budget 543 Legislation Relative to Taxing Benevolent Bequests 543 Of Treasurers: Conference Treasurer 544 Board of Stewards 544 Board of Trustees 549 Clark Memorial Home 552 Miscellaneous: Certificate of Incorporation Michigan Advocate Trustees 555 Payments on the One Per Cent Plan 556 Plan of Conference Examinations 557 Memoirs; Robert R. Atchison 560 Doctor F. Barnes 561 William Benson Benn 563 O. ,T. Blackford 565 John Bretz 5fi6 Charier- A. Brown 567 Albert W. Bushee 569 Marshall M. Callen 569 M vron A . Dans-'hertv 572 Tlionuts T. fleorge 572 Amos M. Gould 574 Elmer E. Spra?ne 576 Ht-rhp-; "\V. Thompson "1 John AV. White 57S Mrs. J. W. Davids 580 Mrs. J. P. Durham 580 Mr=. A. A. Gftiger 581 Mrs. AV. W. Johnson .-'S3 ^Trs. H. M. Jov 5RX Mr-i- i;. M. Millard 5S4 Sonn of the Par.-;onage Honor Roll 5S5 Roll of Deceased Members 587 ^ Conference Sessions 594 Lav Electoral Conference Proceedings 596 Statistics 599 i ^,-'5 !' w^';M\^ ^'- ^^ r^rs f? fffTO .j V'<;» g j f ^ I i\iOTlMlI. TOEPmiMMC ^-r1? %.-^ Eiglftg-Jnurtlf r % ^00t0tt f r ^fptpmbpr atlf-lfitlj 1919 f t*i His Sermons are 6000 BUT his fieivoei/i^ POOR You often bear this oriticism of well knowzi olergyaea.' Thejr have beautiful thoughts and put them into beautiful words - BUT their delivery leaves a congregation oold and unm.oved - ."Ehey don't ^et the Power of ' eviphasts into their manuscripts or notes • fine points are lost in monotony of type. STANDARD "WRITING MACHINE" I** litereJIy makes your writing t-a-l-k. With the instantly inter- changeable type you write as you think with emphasis on every point, and every climeix put into words that pulsate with your deepest feelings. And when you deliver a sermon typed on the Multiplex or refer to notes—^you can't feiil to get the telling power of emphasis into your delivery^the words stand out at, you— you must get them to your listeners vnth feeling. Prominent clergymen everywhere praise the versatility of the Multi- plex, the only interchangeable type and language machine—the Multi- plex typewriter has over 365 differ- ent arrangements of type and lan- guages from condensed note size to extended type for headlines— and writes all languages from Sanskrit to Kata Kana Japanese. "Just Turn the Knob" to change from ordinary tjrpe to emphatic Italics or from one language to another. The Multiplex is the typewriter President Wilson uses personally. The first paragraph of this advertisement shows a few samples of Multiplex type. Write for booklet telling of ell the marvels of the Machine that has made History— and for special rates to clergymen. A ff/iffioff The HAMMOND TYPEWRITER CO. 69th STREET & EAST RIVER NEW YORK CITY ^iBoasQ&aooaixvssQosassaisGGaQa^^ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^ Si a ^ /^ a i Albtfln OInUfnp X X X X A Co-educational Institution X X I New Department of Education for 1919-1920 x I Languages Classical and Modern X g Well-Equipped Laboratories in Chemistry, X g Biology and Physics. Up to date Library Astronomical Observatory I | Mathematics Economics History R Strong Courses in English, Debating and Oratory ^ Department of the English Bible ^ Conservatory of Music | Fine Home Economics Department x Excellent Athletic Field s if FOR YEAR BOOK ADDRESS ^ PRESIDENT SAMUEL DICKIE | X X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^ SYRACUSE university"* EIGHT COLLEGES 325 PROFESSORS AND INSTRUCTORS SIX SCHOOLS THE COLLEGE ment. Complete Hydraulic Labor- Offers Classical and B. S. in Cheni- atory. itstry Coureec;. THE TEACHERS' COLLEGE THE COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS Affords special opportunity for the Offere coiireeK in Arciiitectiire, Belles- preparation of teachers of secondary Lettres, Music, Painting, Design and schools and Supervisors of anh Illustration. Music Drawing, and confers degrees upon THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE graduating students of the Science of One of the oldeat In the State, has a Pedagogy. four years' conrse. The late Chan- THE NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE cellor Upeon, of the Repente, unsolic- OF FORESTRY ited said: "It ifl admitted by all com- Tuition free to residents of New York retent judges to be unsurpassed in State. this State.'' COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE THE COLLEGE OF LAW GRADUATE SCHOOL Gives instruction by text-book and case system. On its faculty are some LIBRARY SCHOOL of the greatest lawyers of New York. SCHOOL OF ORATORY THE COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCE SCHOOL OF HOME ECCNOMICS Offers Civil Ergineering, Electrical SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering courses. SUMMER SESSION—July 6— Aug-JSt 13- New Buildings and approved equip- EVENING SESSION For catalogue, bulletin, etc., address Registrar Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. X>^ ^X BOOK SERVICE RECONSTRUCTION is the great purpose now occupying the civilized world. To meet emergencies at home and abroad, as well as to do its share to reconstruct the world, the Joint Cente- nary Committee has organized a department of Emer- gency and Reconstruction. The Methodist Book Concern freely places at your dis- posal lists of available books on related subjects and will gladly answer any inquiries on these and other topics. The only charge is for the books ordered. Remember we are the HOUSE OF GOOD BOOKS THE METHODIST BOOK CONCERN (Founded 1789) New York Cincinnati Chicago Boston Pittsburgh Detroit Kansas City San Francisco Portland, Ore., Salesroom Order from the nearest Address ENGRAVING FOR EVERY PURPOSE OF ILLUSTRATION : : : For Newspaper, Circular or Catalog, in one color or multi-color as may be required. LANSING COLORPLATE CO. 230 WASHINGTOX AVE NO. LANSING, - - - MICHIGAN MICHIGAN Agricultural College EAST L A \ S I N G. The Rural Conference of 1919 was one of the best gatherings of this kind held at the col- lege. Before closing, arrangements were made for a committee to plan for the gathering of 1920. The aim will be to make the program attrac- tive, serviceable, profitable and inspirational. If a copy of the program does not reach you by July 1st, send a card to E. H. RYDER, Director of Summer Session. X X X X X X X . X X X ^ X Xi K X X X X --COMPLIMENTS 0F-- X X X X X X SIGMUND EISNER CO, X X X X RED BANK N. J. OFFICIAL NATIONAL OUTFITTERS' BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA X R X X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjwxxjwxxxxxxxsxxjeeoseBeee ^ n X i METHODIST I BOSTON I INSURE BY MAIL*<Ass i MINISTERS I Methodist Ministers I Relief Insurance and BEST POLICY j Trust Association lgwe-tco^t i WESLEYAN BUILDING - - BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS i « COMMERCIAL AND JOB F>RiiNnriiMO Stationery for Pastors, Epworth League Topic Cards and Pledge Cards, Envel- opes, Letter and Note Heads, Business and Calling Cards. Anything you want. GOOD SERN/IOE <a»-»"OK <— and Piano S" Wonderfully pure sweet tone, and durable constructior.. New attractive styles for Churches, Schools and Homes, Sold direct at factory prices. Catalog of Pipe Organs, Reed Organs; or Pianos mailed on renuest. HINNERS ORGAN CO. PEKIN, ILL. PNEUMATIC TOOLS JAMES MARKEY Marble, Granite And Stone Works no E. Washtenaw St. Citizens Phone 2609 LANSI>G. MICH. L^ CONFERENCE ROLL. All postofRce addresses are in Michigan unless otherwise stated. The date is the year of reception into Michigan Conference in full mem- bership or by transfer. *Retired. f Supernumerary. 18911 Carman, Alvin O Charlotte A 1912 Carr, Herbert A North Star 1874 •Carrel, Morton D Edniore Date. Name. Postoffice. 1899 tCartland. Albert T Kalamazoo 1918 Ainsworth, Wm. P Okemos 1907 Chamberlain, Frank E.. Montague 1909 Chapman, 'William Hillsdale 1889 *Aler, Levi Cross Villiigr 1889 Chase, G. Charlotte. R. D. 1887 *AUen. James 35 Hatch Ave.. D Coldwater. 1888 *Chase. John C 304 Bush St.. •Tackson. 189.5 *Anderson, C H Edwardsburp 1919 Andrews, Edward Orandville 1902 Cilley, R. Bert Hart 190.') Clapp, Franklin Albion 1893 Armstrong, Edward A.. St. Jobn.s H 1910 Clemens, John Quincy 1904 tClough. Frederick M Benton B Harbor 1909 Coates. William Lansing 1913 Baker, Ralph A Olivet J 1873 •Cogshall. South 1910 Baker, Albert rumax Wilbur I.. Haven W *CoIby. William King 1901 *Baldwin, Emery A Weedsport. 1SC3 M 311 St. E., Owosso. N. y. 1892 •Cole. Walter Z Moscow. Idaho 1911 Bancroft, James H Berrien Cook, . • Springs. 1889 Joseph C. .Kalamazoo, Gil Phelps Ave. 1892 *Barnes, Nathan M Elkhart. 1890 Coors, August II Batli Ind., 1235 S. Main. 1919 . 1871 *Barnhart, Clinton L 19 Park Coors, D. Stanley. .Grand Rapids 1890 Corbett. Fred Lansing Place, Coldwater.
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