- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1935 TORRANCE HERALD, Torrance, California Hornets Found Useful Homes, farmer, finds that, al­ Hepburn Plays Small Town Girl ASHLAND, Ore. (U.P.)- falfa crops are measurably im­ Katharine Hepburn Tuesday and Found: Something _tjio yellow- proved by the wasps, that they SHE MARRIED HER BOSS In "Alice Adams," Now at Plaza 1'--'- is good Tor. Fred C. Wednesday At Iterance Theatre Three faces east or west'/or to some direction. But ho matter how you look at it, It's Claudette Colbert and her two leading men, Melvyn Douglas and Michael Bartlett. They are appearing currently in Columbia's "She Marrjed Her Boss" at the Torranee Theattre, tonight, Friday and Saturday. Katharine Hepburn and Fred MacMurray in. "Alice Adams" Another facet of the scintillat­ story. Never has the fiery star "Mr. and Mrs." In Navy Blue ing genius of Katharine Hep- given a more human role than burn is .said to be 'revealed in she has as Booth Tarfcington's her interpretation of the title heroine. She is required ^ to role in "Alice, Adams," her cur­ rent starring vehicle now show­ swing from light comedy to Take Advantage of This Special Offer ing at the Plaza Theatre, Haw­ pathos .with amazing rapidity. With Absolute Assurance of the Highest thorne. ' Strongly resembling the Pandro S. Sermon, producer Quality Work Available Anywhere role in "Morning Glory," which for RKO Radio, has surrounded won. her the Academy Award in Hopburn with a perfect (Small Additional Charge for Fancy Garments) 1933, Miss Hepburn portray? a Miss a pictorial setting, and the direc­ sensitive, ambitious girl from tion ig by George StevenS. Katharine Hepburn again proves her right to consider­ humble Midwestern home. The heroine of the story desires tf> ation as one of the foremost screen stars by her character- throw .off the millstones of fam­ * Hickok Suspenders * NIFTY CLEANERS iaztion of the title role in "Alice Adams." ily and poverty and win a place * Sandy & Scotty * 1324 SARTORl AVENUE.'-TORRANCE Eyenv,better than her interpretation of the stage-struck in the 'wealthy and socially Ef Prado; near Sartorj, Ave. PHONE 174 prominent sphere from whioh girl in ''Morning GJory," which won her the Academy she Is barrod. *Award in 1933, is her portraya; epitomizes-mil­ of the poverty-ridden, ambitious "Alice Adams" Texas Hot Tamales, spread Tarkington lions of girls in similar sur­ with Allcn'H R.-.-jj Cfcili, make heroine of the Booth roundings who wage the same romance. unequal battle against social National Home Appliance Co- The story gives a vivid pic­ barriers. Heartaches, suffering ALLEN'S Chill Parlor ture of the .petty jealousies, and gallant courage are woven, Torrance Blvd. at Cravens snobbery and bitter social war­ into a gripping human interest tHlS YEAR, You have a New Stdre In Which to Shop, A store filled to the fare waged between the rich brim with brilliant New Gifts, and AH Sold on "Friendly Qredit." and poor in a small Midwestern town. Socially ostracized by her poverty .and . humble origin, Alice Adams wages a winning Remember "Mr. and Mrs." of "Flirtation Walk"? They battle for love and social equal are reunited again in their first co-starring picture of a ity. She masks her heartaches whole year. They are Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell, in and humiliations with pretense their newest and biggest triumph, "Shipmates Forever,"'the and deception, but her sincerity losmopolitan Production coming to the Torrance Theatre and fine "character eventually PHONE TORRANCB 132 win her the man she loves and on Sunday :and Monday. a place in the sun. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 28-29-30 the difficult course "Alice Adatns" is a screen ver­ narrates GRAND-W sion of . the Booth Tarkington pursued by an orphan, boy in Oldtime Appreciate a Famous He WilJ novel of the same name which for happiness. He THER She'll Appreciate a *s search won' the Pulitzer Prize in 1922. comes to the-Indiana forest ter- Stage Success GREATEST'. Sunbeam Automatic It was adapted for RKQ Radio Schick by' (Dorothy Yost arid Mortimer nt'dry" Where he' ,1s befriended Offner. Included in the sup­ by Lauric Lou, a lovable, Now Playing porting cast are Fred MacMur- sprightly youngster, and Mary ray, Fred . Stone, Ann Shoe? AVden, the town schoolmistress. new Fox Film produc­ or a Venable, Charles In the maker, Evelyn With their help, he secures work tion, "Way Down Bast," coming Hamilton Grapewin and a score of other Friday and Saturday to capable artists. as timber guard. tonight, Beach new duties, the Torrance Theatre, Henry Pursuing his Fonda has a role that ideally MIXER 'Freckles" encounters the rarely his personality. No Blades seen thrills. _ A logger fells a suits We sell them Orphan Defies 'orest monaich which falls in A family branch of Dutch the both on .he path of Laurie Lou, whom farmers who prospered in Easy* Forest Giants freckles attempts to save in a fertile valleys of New York, en­ "Way Down East" ife-risking dash. In the spine- dowed Fonda with the neces­ sary background and under­ with Rochelle Hudson and Henry Fotida Terms Thrills representing a depar­ chilling climax, Freckles grap­ ples with a small but murder­ standing to successfully fill the Continous Show Thanksgiving Day, 2 to 11 P. M. ture from the regular 'movie type of role he enacts. formula are depicted in "Freck­ ous band of forest bandits. His les," the sound film from Gene task is again to save the life It was this same ancestral Sunday, Monday, Dec. 1-2 S t r a 11 o n-Portcr's outstanding of the little girl, as well as his background that was. responsi­ novel, shown Tuesdsfy and wn. ble for Fonda's overnight sue "SHIPMATES FOREVER" Wednesday at the Torranco Iteted the most popular novel cess in the Broadway stage hit, with Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler Theatre. of all time, "Freckles" is the "The Farmer Takes a Wife." and n t Set in the brave beauty of ccond Stratton-Porter classic to That fortunate cnga g e m e AUTO RADIOS ome to the screen under the marked the beginning of "HOP ALONG CASSIDY" forest backgrounds, the story Stone ELECTB1C——— ^Choice of Tiffany- aegis of RKO Radio. "Laddie" Fonda's real career. So convinc with Wm. Boyd and Paula Tone;Philco and was the first book, which, in- ingly did he portray the role of CLOCKS RCA-Victor, identally, featured V i r g i ji i a the farmer, that Fox Film offi­ Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 3-4 An unusually large Plaza Shows .Veldler as Little Sister, who is. cials immediately signed him assortment includ­ $25.80 up low seen as Laurie Lou in for a similar role in "Way Down ing Electric Alarm Easy Terms "ALICE ADAMS" Freckles." Tom Brown as the East," Katharine Hepburn and Fred MacMurray Jane Withers, Stone In "Way Down East," Fonda with Cocktail and Wine Sets itlc character and Carol and .69 to $9.95 aye the romantic leads, with portrays the role of an under­ _An exceptionally , attractive display, Child Star Lumsden Hare and James Bush standing youth who offers love "FRECKLES" the very newest~and^novel ideas. n other roles. and compassion to a girl, de­ with Tom Brown and Virginia Weidler nounced by society, and helps A salary of a thousand dollars redeem her past and find $1.75 and up miserably unhappy. For FREK Theatrn Tickets, ior to week and ead the Business Directory. refuge in his love. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Dec. 5-6-7 MANY OTHER GiFf ARTICLES Termed the luckiest girl in the world, and singing and Toasters - Waffle IroiiB - Sandwich "HANDS ACROSS THE TABLE" dancing while her little heart'.is with Carole Lombard and Fred MacMurray Toasters - Silex Coffee Makers breaking. Silverware - Ca»seroles - Radios and LUNCHEON AND Receiving the plaudits of an Vacuum Cleaners - Ranges - Washing TEA SETS idolizing world, and desiring "THE GOOSE AND THE GANDER" Machines, and the New Also large selec­ only someone to love and some­ ____wtih Kay Francis and George Brent CARVING SETS 1936 ELECTROUJtK" <?»?; Refrigerator tion of Glassware, one ot love her. VWth ,iim u 1 a t c d China and Pottery. Headlined as the child genius of the stage, and yearning for a Stag Handles. 3' COEOREO POTTERY HAWTHORNE, CALIFORNIA piece sets, $1.39 to normal childhood. Theatre" BOWLS That, in short, Is the unusual Telephone 299 The Friondly Family $1.19 to $3.75 MIXING $10.85 story of "This Is the Life," fea­ Program Aop«ar» Dally In thq Loa Annelet Evening Herald turing little Jane Withers, nine- ao~ For Nest Friday and Saturday,. November 29, 30 TpC °f 5 Bowls year-old Fox Film child actress, raid comes today to the Plaza Katharine Hepburn and «II* ft 1 if All Different Color* which With Which Is Consolidated the Lomita News und Sizes Theatre, Hawthorne. Fred MacMurray ,lrf AIlCC AtMS 'This Is the Life" establishes Published Every Thursday this new young personality of 3 CROVER C. WHYTE. Editor-Publisher the screen into fame not only Jane Withers In "TlUS Is tllC 1336 El Prado, Telephone Torrance 444 BE SAFE! ORDER EARLY! as a dramatic actress of mature Added Attraction Friday Eva. -5 Acts I'rofosKJonul Vodvll ________Torrano*. California ability, but also as a singing We cannot emphasize too much the Sunday, Monday, and Tweeday, December 1, 2, 3 importance of Early Selections as there IBONK and dancing star. MEMBER Genuine' Hotpoint One of the highlights of the Greta Garbo and «l General Electric undoubtedly will be an acute shortage California and Sunbeam Iron- picture is the nation-wide search In AIHld WAUMJNC; PADS of merchandise as the Christmas Sea­ Fredric March Newspaper CUiaranteed Master, Instituted when Jane, believed son develops.
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