Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1984 The ommeC nt, October 4, 1984 Bridgewater State College Volume 58 Number 15 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1984). The Comment, October 4, 1984. 58(15). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/544 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. "Talent, Ambition -·and-_ a Little Bit of Luck... " By Kim Murphy and papers. He went to the office of performance (although, said enjoyed working with someone Audrey Little the company that was audition­ Levine, Karl is his own severest who worked very hard and Staff Writers ing for Torch Song Trilogy and critic). How~ver, they called him brought everything he could to told the-secretary that although a week later to audition again, Equus. Karl had all the tools; he wasn't in Actors' Equity (the and after auditioning two more when pointed in a direction, he "Talent, ambition, and a little actors' µnion), he really thought times thay told him that he"d got went there. luck. .. " is what Dr. Steve Levine that he was right for the part of the part." Karl also liked to work by· said it took for Karl Wiedergott David, a teenager who appears Dr. Levine stressed that he himself. While at BSC he did to make the jump from BSC to in the third' part of the play, and had been impressed with Karl's Diary Of A M'~dman by nos~ "the big time": a major role in he wanted to leave his photo and abilities long before Equus. "We toevsky, an h"11r-Iong, one-rm.tit Torch Song Trilogy, which is resume. Karl received the usual have had a lot of people with play~. He pen -Jrmed the entire being produced by a national response: 'Thank you very talent here at Bridgewater. Yet play in a straightjacket. .Karl touring company. "It's very much; we'll get in touch . with there is nothing that would keep also had leading roles in Guys impressive ... he's made a jump you if we can use you.' Three Karl from where he was going and Dolls, Rumplestiltskin~ and near to the top of the profession. weeks later they called him and and what he wanted .. He has the "Her~ at BSC, Karl was a asked him to audition . Karl capacity to work at that (profes­ See.TALENT page 6 maverick of sorts. He did every­ auditioned and hated his own sional) level.'' Dr. Levine thing possible both within and out of the system to gain acting experience. Not only did he take advantage of every available opportunity, he created his own opportunities as well, whiCh ·is what got him the audition, and eventuall~ the job, in New York City. "After graduation, Karl moved to New York, got a job as a doorman in . an apartment building, and started 'pounding Octo~er 4, 1984 Vol. LVlll the pavements', that is, going to every audition listed in the trade Students Question Objectivit of the Judicial Board By Kimberl_y Murphy and dance with college policy." rationale is excepted, then John J. Beaton DiC\emente, thought, what protection does the was in the haHwa.y with the· ·due process clause, provide? beer-"At no timewas I in If every judge or jury found the hallway with a beer or any someone guilty just because According . to .the student other alcoholic beverage in the· police went through. the handbook New Dimensioni,, my possesion. •• The verdict process of arresting him or "In any aUedged violatfon of resulting from· DiClemente;s her, where would the country college policy, every reasona­ trial was that he was found be?" ble effort will be made to guilty as charged. What was Many dormitory students ii:;isure fairness, objectivity the reason that the Shea- at BSC may be familiar with and appropriate ·due pro­ / Durgin Judicial Board (the policies in regard to alcohlic cess." Was this the case for Board which tries student beverages, but not to the con­ Steve DiClemente? cases) gave for this decision'? sequences if they are found DiClemente, a student at "We feel that the RA would guilty. Reffering back to the Bridgewater State College not go through such process student handbook: "Individ­ was supposedly seen in the of writing Steve up if he was uals in violation of College hallway of the Shea/ Durgin not in the hallway with an policy regarding the use of complex with· a can of beer in open b~er." Does this ratio­ alcoholic beverages on cam­ his hand by Resident Assist­ nale follow the College's pol- . pus .-property or at a duly ant (RA) · Amy . Paquette~ icy for "fairness, objectivity sponso~ed campus function Now according to the rules as and due process"? off campus will be subject to Author Tom Wolfe demonstrates superb stated in the Stude,n.t. Hand-. · fo response to this charge, disciplinf!.ry action under the book: "Consumption of DiClemente states the foJ .. taste as he rea~s The. Comment before his. College .Due Process Proce­ Alcoholic Beverages is lowing: "The Board has rea­ dures described in this lecture Wednesday, October 3, 1984 at allowed only in individual soned that since I was written 7:30 p.m. Look- for an inter\fiew with ·Mr. student rooms and in accor- up, I must be guilty. Iqheir See BOARD page.18 'Wolfe in. the next :issue. Photo by Ed Donahue KIRBV-''Legislator of·· the Year" Boston- Sen. Edward P Kirby, Springfield during the VFW The occasion for the award an investment which· pays our (R-Whitman), announced .annual convention; announcement w~s Kirby1"s nation unlimitep .. ~hddends ... recentl~h\h~Jlti 1 has been named The. a ward· cited Kirby . as endorsement ·of. the national . Another party n0Hon for vete­ "Legislator ofthe Year" py the · exhibiting " ... outstanding dedi­ Republican · plank on· veterans. · rans .. that drew l<,irby supp()rl Massachqs~tts Ve.terns of For- cation and devotion to the vete­ The plank refers to the veterans was the expansion of counsel~ · eign W'ars. (VFW). The rans of th.e state of Mass­ as a " ... a continuing resource for ing~. vocational a11-d job research_ announcement. :came ·as Kirby achusetts .•. "· ·and also for his. America," a notion that Kitpy · programs for Vietnam veterans, · endorsed the veteran's plank in " ... active involvement in furth... said he wholeheartedly agrees · "These veterans are ·overdue in the recently adopted Republi- ering the objectives of many ser~ with. "These men ~ave· per- receiving the help they need to - can Party platform. vic~organization and the people formed the ultimate risk for readjust to . society after thejr Kirby was awarded the VFW of Massachusetts." their country, and t}jeir words participation in the Vietna.m Silver Medal as- outstanding "I am proud· to accept this deserve heavy weight back h~re conflict, " states Kirby. Massachusetts Legislator by award, but am more proud to at home.". · · Kirby embraced national ,State Commander Charles W. know that the veterans of this The national party plank, Republican stands on the mainM Greenan Jr. and past State state look upon me as a legisla- which calls for the retention of tertance of veterans through fed.; C om mande r Gardne.r S. tor who will protect their inter- full veteran's benefits, states McWilliams at a ceremony in ests, "sajd Kirby. that: "The help we give them is .. · See KIRBY page 17 •"m' ',• ·r.,.. ........... ...... .-:·-.~ .. '·" · ·~>•_;,·~~·_;;,,.; .. ~ 1 ~r·(•°f'( '.:'. ·,,:,r •..~Ct •' ~. '... ~ ., , ·, ' 0 ",.,?'1.,.Y:,.'.J ..,._,,.··."'11/~'f~"* \·~ •.' .. 'f~~~_'·',i f"\'• The Comment Thursday3 October 4, 1984 JACK ANDERSON AND JOSEPH SPEAR WEEKLY SPECIAL - "... Divided Treasury and Task Force on Collision Course we Fall" Washington- Last June, "Eyeing the farm vote, coordinator similar to the we reported that Reagan Andreas urged a recommen- president's national security To the Editor: criticisms can be the most adminis tration has been dation to expand the (PL adviser. As was last week's 'Concerned important contribution any chewing over a plan to woo 480) program be made during As any recent secretary or Student', I too was over­ organization can receive. Sadly, the farm vote by donating the summer prior to the task state can testif¥, the national whelmed by the tremendous the criticisms voiced by last large quantities of surplus force's expiration... " security adviser and his positive changes in The Com­ week's 'Concerned Student' grain to Third World Some critics of the task agency are likely to usurp the ment; However. I wasn't equally weren't constructive, they were countries. force have raised the question Cabinet department's func­ upset about The Comment's destructive. How can anyone see The decision to increase . of possible conflict of interest tions. Regan doesn't want lack of coverage of the Student divisions or cliques only two food exports to ,needy on Andreas's part. Because that to happen to Treasury. Government Association. weeks into the semester, espe­ nations will probably be he is board chairman of Political Potpourri: Republi­ As Americans we are guaran­ cially when a majority of the announced this week by the Archer~Daniels-Midla:nd, can Party officials in charge teed the freedom of the press in members are or will be first-year President's Task· Force on one of the world's biggest of garnering the "Jewish the Bill of Rights. As students of members? Perhaps this person Intern at ion a 1 Private. grain dealers, it has been sug- vote" recently held a recep­ ~Bridgewater State College we has pre-determined that there Enterprise.
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