WE PUBLISH LOCAL LEADING JAPANESE AND WORLD’S DAILY ON LATEST HAPPENINGS ISLAND OF HAWAII VOL. XXXIII HILO, H A W A II, T. H., M O N D AY, JUNE 30,1941 NO. 8986 Roosevelt Calls They're Dousrhnut Dunkirk T 4 Tokyo W ar Council For Maximum Draft Holds Conference H YD E P A R K , June 29— Presi­ ; TO KYO , June 30— A rm y mem- dent Roosevelt, by executive ord­ 1 bers of the Supreme War Council h k t o er, authorized the mustering of ! held a conference at 1:30 P. M. to- IS ! day at the War Minister’s offiical 900,000 new conscripts in the U- nited States army for the year be­ ! residence. They were understood ginning July 1st to replace draft­ to have discussed the internation­ BE TURNED IN ees whose year’s service and train­ al situation. ing expires. The meeting was attended by AIR OF CONFIDENCE IS The president for the first time I Field Marshall Prince Kotohito SEEN IN RUSSIAN has invoked the full manpower au- ' Kanin, form er member and also Four Thousand Planes, Twenty-Two Hundred CAPITAL thorized by the Selective Service i former Chief of the Army General Act when he called for 900,000 i Staff, General Prince Naruhiko Tanks Reported Taken By Fast Moving: By TOYOO KUGA men. Last year, President Roose­ Higashikuni, General Prince Yasu- MOSCOW, June 30— In the first Nazi Army Machine velt authorized 800,000 draftees, hiko Asaka, General Hisaichi Te- emergeny measure of its kind sin­ but only 6550,000 were actually in­ rauchi, General Kenji Doihara and i ce the war started a week ago, the ducted. General Yasuji Okamura. government yesterday ordered the B E R LIN , June 29 The Nazi war office today announced civilian population to hand over all that outstanding victories were won by German forces in the radio receiving sets to postal au­ thorities within the next five days. first week of their war campaign against the Soviets. Ger­ Meanwhile, an air of confidence DUTCH INDIES SAFETY WEEK man sources claimed that the Nazi war machine had thund­ continued to prevail throughout ered its way over 200 miles to beyond the city of Minsk, capi­ the capital despite the German ad­ tal of White Russia, and had completely surrounded two Rus­ vance. Caricatures of Hitler, Mus­ MAKING HAST! PLAwem sian divisions. solini, General Ion Antonescu, Ru­ manian premier, as well as Fin- It was announced that the Russians had post more than lan’s Field Marshal Gustave Man- DEFENSE MOVI 4,000 planes and 2290 tanks, while some 30,000 were taken nerheim, which were displayed in prisoners. The German communique j added that German for­ GOVT. CONCERNED OVER show-windows in the shipping dis­ YOUNG AND OLD BEING ces were now on the border of the rich fields of Ukraine, with trict continued to bring many jo­ TRAINED FOR ACCIDENT INCREASE two Russian armies trapped (in that section, faced with eith­ cular comments. WAR IN FACTORIES er surrender or complete annihilation by the Nazis. Despite the cloudy weather, the­ atres and restaurants were throng­ AM O Y, June 30— Japanese eva- TOKYO, Jne 30—With a nation­ Aided by the Nazi luftwaffe, it | was understood that Ger­ ed with people whose only sign of■ cuees from the Netherlands East wide investigation of 8,000 factor­ man storm troops were engaged in fierce battle with the ies employing 2,200,000 employees strain is perhaps high spirits of• Indies, who arrived here by the trapped Russian armies. the reality of war. Women are now -Samarand Maru yesterday, report- revealing industrial injuries and doing heavy men’s work, repairing• ed that the Dutch government was deaths totalling 594,000 cases, the streets and driving tractors. furiously pushing defense prepara­ Welfare Ministry authorities are tions and disclosed that rugged _ , ~ n . ~~~ ~ --------------------------------------------------------nm nviiig CU11LCSI HI 1'itll- sponsoring a national safety pro­ ttdes Park. N. Y. are likely to go (dough) nuts watching these identi- gram. trenches and barbed wire entangle­ tal twins. Russ and Bill Whelan (top) and Joe and Jim McCarthy Statistics show that a heavy German Arms Are ments extended along much of Ja­ th”e<» otbPT sots of twins in nrelimin::.rv c.oniest va’s northeast coast. preponderance of injuries and fa­ Claimed Effective Declaring that recruiting of talities occur in heavy industries H S IN K IN G , June 30 —^ L ieu t volunteers was assuming large- and machine metal industries, General Tomofumi Yamashita of scale proportions ,they said that with the majority of cases invol­ the Japanese military mission to even men of sixty were marching ving inexperienced hands taken on Italy and Germany following his in the city streets alongside youths since the outbreak of the China meeting with General Yoshijiro U- of twenty. It was also reported hostilities. TOKYO-NANKING COOPERATION ABSOLUTELY OF mezu, Commander of the Kwan- that Australian troops had land- Among experienced workers, au­ PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE TO NATION, tung Army, and concurrently Am ­ thorities discovered, accidents are ’ed in Java. NIPPON PAPER DECLARES bassador to Manchoukuo, met Japanese evacuees reported that TO KYO , June 30— W arning that must be ready to set a high policy practically monopolized by those newspaper men this morning and the government mistreated them England and United States wall which will be the guiding principle leading “intemperate” lives. broke his silence by praising the despite the friendly atmosphere of probably do everything within for the people of Japan. People in During the safety week, syste­ MOSCOW, June 30 The Soviet Information Bureau in quality of Nazi forces, expressing the recent Yoshizawa talks, but their power to interfere with Jap­ Japan are ready to follow what­ matic efforts will be made to teach a communique admitted that Red troops in the Vilna and gratitude over the welcome ex­ declafed that natives were friend­ an’s program in East Asia, the ever the government asks them to factories safety methods with mo­ Dvinsk (240 kilometers southeast of Riga near tiie Polish tended the mission by Axis powers. Hochi editorially declared: “As do and are certain that it will be nitors supervising each factory. ly with many eager to learn the The Soviets, however, claimed that the Red army re­ Whil e discounting rumors of Japanese langage. long as Japan and the Nanking in the best interest of their coun­ A typical Japanese touch will be strange news terrifying German The passengers admitted that governments realize this point and try.” i added when the week will be in­ frontier) areas withdrew to a new position. weapons, Yamashita said, never­ they suffered under government cooperate to the fullest extent Concluding, the Hochi referring augurated with 2,000 government ! pulsed all attacks by Nazi and Finnish troops along the entire theless German arms were made restrictions on their movements, there is nothing to fear.” to the 300,000,000 yen credit and industrial representatives Soviet-Finnish border. It was said that the flank attack at with the utmost efficiency and revealing that travel was permit­ Asserting it may be true to pre­ granted the Nanking government meeting at the Meiji Shrine on Vilna and Dvinsk by Nazi panser units were unsuccessful, strength. He studiously avoided dict that Germany may bring the by the Japanese government, it July 1st to offer prayers for ted Japanese only on business and but Nazi tanks had penetrated Red defenses in the Minsk commenting on the German-Soviet then only with officials tagging be­ Soviets under its control within added: “This credit clearly proves those engaged in the safety drive. conflict. hind while censorship of mails fcwo or three months, the Hochi that Japan and China are deter­ sector. Simultaneously it was claimed that the Red army had The Mission left on the Asia Ex­ were causing a month’s delay in said: “ This is only prediction and mined to carry out their immedi­ checked the further advance of Nazi forces which were press at 2:10 P. M. for Dairen, receiving letters from Japan. it is a gamble to depend on such ate aims to meet any situation claimed to be in an extremely difficult position. a thing, since if Japan really aims from where it is scheduled to take which may occur while realigning The communique disclosed that the Red army had lost the boat fo r Japan on July 1st. to realize Its aim in East Asia, it their common ideas.” U. S. May Request 850 planes, 900 tanks and 15,000 prisoners, but claimed that the Nazis lost more than 25590 tanks and 1500 -planes, and Matsuoka Reports US Summer Session Siberian Bases Soviets Are Well more than 30,000 prisoners. NEW YORK, June 30—The He­ Registration Today To Nippon Emperor Prepared, Says Gayda rald Tribune reliably learned from TOKYO, June 30—Foreign Min­ Registration for the six week’s Send-Off for Olaa Change of Name Washington that a number of in­ ister Matsuoka proceeded to the summer session of the University ROME, June 29— Virginio Gay­ rB gauto fluential defense strategists are Imperial Palace at 10:00 A. M. to­ da, Mussolini’s press spokesman Inductees Conducted Is Announced of H awaii began in H awaii hall, urging the administration to seek day and reported to the throne on and editor of the leading Italian LOW COST, MASS OUTPUT today at 8 a. m. conclusion of a deal with the So­ matters under his jurisdiction, it journal, issued a warning today BELIEVED CERTAIN Before a gathering of fifty re­ Name of the Department of So­ It is expected that the large viet Union, whereby military pla­ was announced.
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