ft. ^ A t t w Daily Net PircM Ran The WMtiMt 1^; r»^ the Week Kaded monoMt i f i . a. Ner. U , m o WMt, aiitr«Ml| 13,286 hOM «r fOf M e h-. to 40. Toptoer 01 Mftnher of the AnAt - Muiwu of OUeelotiee - f t : Manehetterr-^A CUy of VUiage Charm. ;> «r^ i^RBSg^ yOL. LXXX, NO. 38 (FOURTEEN PAGES) • MANdHESTER, CONN., MONDAt, NOVEMBER 14, i860 (OUMifled Adrerttolac de Pac* IS) pricR n v R Lumumba Seeks UN State N ew s Referendum to End R ou n d u p Woman, 61, Dies Congo Terror. Reign In House Blaze Orange, Nov. 14 A United Nation8, N. Y., declsicm on this realistic and ob­ womans was burned to death 14 (/P)— Deposed Premier Pa­ jective proposal and that the con- in a tire here early'today. trice Lumumba proposed to­ cUiation committee due to arrive .police said Miss Nellie Mac- day that the United Nations in The Congo shortly should act Lachlan 61, was burned to death end an alleged reign of terror as a commission of observance of when Are broke out in her room at Court to Rule in The Congo Tby arranging a IS Aslan and African nations her home. She lived with a nephew Cabinet Job which has been established (o seek Alexande'r MacLachlap, at 79 national referendum under peace in The Congo. Green Hill Road. On Tuskegee’s U.N. supervision. Lumumba accused President Jo­ The flames were conflned to the In a letter to Frederick H. Bol­ seph Kasavubu o f creating the victim’s room. Seen Going and, president of the UJf. General present Congo crisis, which he The cause of the fire was not de­ Border Change Assembly, Lumumba qhargeid that said “is in serious danger of termined, but police said the wom­ a minority financed b y the United bringing about the complete dls- an might have fallen asleep while States was carrying on a cam­ ^ tlon of The Congo in the near smoking. Washington, Nov. 14 (A*)— To Ribicoff paign of subversion aimed at con­ mture.” ’ Tlie Supreme Court ruled trolling the government. ^ “Anarchy m»d dictatorship have Found Guilty unanimously today that fed­ Key Biscayne, ^la., NoVi 14 “'The townspeople ■ of Leopold­ taken the people o f the Denaocratic Hartford, Nov. 1*,(/P)— . Arthur eral courts can consider com­ (JP)— President-elect John F. ville," he said “are Uving today regime adopted by the Congolese Gisselbrecht; Republican town plaints by Negroes against under a reign of terror.” / Kennedy and his defeated. people on 30 June, 1940,J’ he said. chairman in Torrlngton, today Tuskegee, Ala., boundary The referendum ho p^posed Under the leadership of Kasavu pleaded no contest in U.S. District rival. Vice President Richard would provide, for the election of bu, he asserted, the country is bC' Court here to a charge of making changes which put almost all M. Nixon, met in a cordial his­ a president by popular vote Ing subjected to “a veritable blood false entries totaling about $40,- Negro voters outside the city. toric session today— and Ken­ rather than by parliament. Both bath.” Se charged the President o6o in the books of a credit union. '"^Justice Frankfurter wrote the the referendum and a presidential Is being aided and encouraged by Circuit Judge J. Joseph Smith High Ckiurt’s, decision which over­ nedy said there was no. dis­ election, he suggested, would be “certain powers who are. ftloing immediately entered a finding of turned lower, court rulings that cussion of bringing: Nixon into directed by provincial assemblies, their uttermost to widen the breach guilty and continued the case for the matter was not within federal his administration. but would be under U.N. super­ between us.” an Investigation by the U.S. Proba­ jurisdiction. On that, Nixon left the talking vision. ' “ In this connection the Congo tion department. The High Tribunal directed that to Kennedy, but. did not dispute it The Congolese people," he said, less people as a whole deplore the The 48-ye5tr-old GOP leader the U.S. District Court in Mont­ by any means. The two spent more “‘are most ahxlous that the Gen­ faces a maximum of five years in gomery, Ala., take evidence and than* an hour together in Nixon's eral Assembly of the United Na- (Oonttaaed oe Page Bevea) prison, a $10,000 fine or both. determine whether the Alabama villa on a tiny island off the Flori­ Gisselbrecht Was arrested Oct. legislature violated U.S. constitu­ da coast. 14 following an audit of the books tional guarantees when it chopped Both said that the emphasis was of the Employes’ Federal Credit up .Tuskegee’s city lines. on discussing the problems of the. Despite Legislative Ban Union at the Torrlngton Division Frankfurter skid the Tuskegee transition from a Republican to a of Anaconda American Brass Co. case was not one involving polit­ Democratic administration and on He Had' been treasurer of the ical gerrymandering, .that is the’ problems in the field o f foreign credit union since 1940 and also cutting up of a political division policy. 4 Negro First-Graders training and communications di­ to the advantage of one party or Kennedy held a news conferefice rector of the Torrlngton Division. group. afterward and said it was a^“very Hje has been chairman of the Re The 'Diskegee case, said Frank­ cordial and I feel a very beneficial publican Town Committee for four furter, was in "the conventional meeting.’* sphere of constitutional litiga­ Newsmen persuaded Nixon to In New Orleans Schools years. tion.” The government charges that see them a bit later and he almost Gisselbrecht made false entries in Frankfurter went on: echoed the Words, saying: "W e had the credit union’s books "with in­ “When a state exercises power New Orleans, Nov. 14 i^Pb-^oUrfgroes marched down the state wholly within £he domain of state a vety frank and cordial discus­ tent to defraud the credit union sion.” Negro girls, trudging through capital's Third Street, a main interest, it is insulated from fed­ and to deceive officers and audi' It was Kennedy, the winner in yOUlng spectators, integrated two thoroughlsre ifa Baton Rouge, and eral judicial review. But such In­ tors.” Tuesday’s election who took the U>r, New Orleans elementary schools up the steps of the skyscraper sulation is not carried ove; when Wide smiles are flashed by the two opponents in the recent presidential campaign as Vice PreUdent initiative in setting up the-meeting , tod ^ despite state resistance. state capitol in single file. state power is used as an instru­ Richard Nixon and President-elect John F. Kennedy meet for a conference at Key Biscayne, Fla., an4 calling on the man he beat. ‘nisre was no violence as the There was no immediate explan. B u b Line Sale Urged ment for circumventing a federal­ where Nixon is vacationing. (AP Photofax). Nixon called this “a very gracious ation of their mass presence. - Hartford, Nov. 14 (dP)—The ly protected right. little (bst-graders entered the act. schools—first of their race to at­ Rep. Welbom Jack, a leading Connecticut Co. has asked permis­ "This principle has had many ap­ “The fact he wanted to come tend white public schools in. New segregation leader, questioned the sion to sell its money-losing Nor­ plications. It has long been recog­ sanity df U.S. District Court Prohibit World Price Fix here, I think,” Nixon said, “is a Orleans since the days of the Re- wich-New London' bus division. nized in cases which have prohlb- T*Men Smash oonstruotion after the Civil War. Judge J. Skelly Wright on the A raise granted its drivers and •Ited a state frorn exploiting a very excellent example to the None of the estimated 75 state floor of the House. “I just can’t mechanics in several cities power acknowledged to be abso­ American people and to the whole peUeemen sent to New Orleans by see,” said Jack, "that a man who throughout the state re,cently by lute in an isolated context to justi­ Red China Art world how our system works,” an angry legislature tried to atop will do what he is doing, 1 don't a board of arbitration will push fy. the impostion of an ‘unconsti As to his own future, he said the U.S. marshals and their see how he Is entirely mentally the company too deeply into the tuUonal condition’.” 2 Oil Firms Accept that be hasn’t “even made ray <hargen as they entered the Wil­ right.” red. the firm told the State Public Frankfurter’s opinion asserted plans fOr 1961 y e t’’ Rep. John Lewis cried; "If we Utilities Commission. at another point that when a legis­ Kennedy, fiew. to Nixon’s vaca­ liam PVaats and MODonogh 18 have to go'.tojall, let’s go to schools. ..T h e company .announced yester­ lature “ singles'uul a T«iMHy 1101X1' tion. retreat here a few miles south jail." 'f' \ day it had asked the PUc foiy per­ ed segment of a racial minority New York, N«w. 14 W—Treasury of Miami, from his own rest spot Later, a state poUoeman serv­ Several legislators called for the Uartel B an^ Rulings ing as an assistant sergeant-at- mission to sell the division and for special discriminatory treat agents have smashed a nationwide at Palm Beach, Fla\ state's representatives tp art smuggling ring and seized more arms of .the legislature tried to named a prospective buyer, Ar­ ment” it ■violates the 15th Amend­ The President-elect got a warm flght against integration.
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