Skin & Hair Care for Divers Adventure Crossing the Atlantic Palau GLOBAL EDITION June :: July War Wrecks 2006 Number 11 Canary Islands El Hierro Portfolio Patrick Chevailler Ecology Global Warming Can Corals Adapt? ARGENTINA Great Conveyor Belt Patagonia Creating Reefs in COVER PHOTO BY MARCELO MAMMANA the Maldives 1 X-RAY MAG : 9 : 2006 First page: Home Next page: → Last page: End Navigation, use keyboard Previous page: ← Exit: Esc DIRECTORY X-RAY MAG is published by AquaScope Underwater Photography Divers’ Costmetics Copenhagen, Denmark - www.aquascope.biz www.xray-mag.com Skin & Hair Care for Divers... page 67 ALOE GATOR LIP BALM IN SEVERAL FLAVOURS AVAILABLE FROM WWW.ALOEGATOR.COM PUBLISHER CO- EDITORS & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Andrey Bizyukin Peter Symes Delicate Sea Anemone, Patagonia, Argentina. Photo by Marcelo Mammana - Caving, Equipment, Medicine [email protected] Millis Keegan MANAGING EDITOR - Opinions and ‘DiveGuru.net’ contents & CREATIVE DIRECTOR Michael Arvedlund - Ecology Gunild Pak Symes Jason Heller - Photography [email protected] Dan Beecham - videography ADVERTISING Michel Tagliati - Medicine Americas & United Kingdom: Leigh Cunningham Kevin Brennan - Technical Diving [email protected] Edwin Marcow Europe & Africa: - Sharks, Adventures Harvey Page, Michael Portelly [email protected] Catherine GS Lim International sales manager: Arnold Weisz Arnold Weisz [email protected] REGULAR WRITERS Robert Aston - CA, USA South East Asia Rep: Bill Becher - CA, USA Catherine GS Lim, Singapore [email protected] John Collins - Ireland Amos Nachoum - CA, USA Internet Advertising: Nonoy Tan - The Philippines Deb Fugitt, USA [email protected] CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUE SENIOR EDITOR Michael Arvedlund, PhD Michael Symes Dan Beecham [email protected] Andrey Bizyukin, PhD Eric Cheng TECHNICAL MANAGER Patrick Chevailler Søren Reinke [email protected] Leigh Cunningham Ethan Gordon CORRESPONDENTS Jason Heller Enrico Cappeletti - Italy Jerome Hingrat 25 33 39 45 50 plus... Jordi Chias - Spain PATAGONIA EL HIERRO DIVE GURUS ECOLOGY: DIVE MEDICALS Catherine GS Lim EDITORIAL 3 John Collins - Ireland ADVENTURE CANARY ISLANDS & OPINIONS CORAL BLEACHING BY MICHEL TAGLIATI Lev Fishelson NEWS 5 Jeff Dudas - CA, USA BY MARCELO MAMMANA BY JEROME HINGRAT BY MILLIS KEEGAN BY MICHAEL ARVELUND, PHD Thyge Dahl Hermansen EQUIPMENT 41 Tomas Knutsson - Iceland Marcelo Mammana - Argentina Marcelo Mammana BOOKS & MEDIA 83 Yonatan Nir - Israel Edwin Marcow BUSINESS DIRECTORY 90 Svetlana Murashkina, PhD 51 60 62 67 86 Svetlana Murashkina - Russia OCEANOLOGY: SCIENCE: OCEAN TRAVEL: DIVERS’ COSMETICS WAR WRECKS Gary Myors - Tasmania Gunild Symes ROSSING THE TLANTIC ONVEYOR ELT HE ALDIVES KIN AIR ARE ULAU Barb Roy - WA, USA Peter Symes C A C B T M S & H C P BY VETLANA URASHKINA H BY ETER YMES BY NDREY IZYUKIN H EDITTED BY UNILD YMES BY THAN ANIELS Yann Saint-Yves - France Michel Tagliati S M , P D P S A B , P D G S E D Garold Sneegas - KS, USA Arnold Weisz Not yet subscribed to SUBSCRIPTION columns... X-RAY MAG? Sign up now! X-RAY MAG International Edition in English is FREE. It’s FREE! QUICK! EASY! To subscribe, go to: www.xray-mag.com 48 75 77 92 SHARK TALES: TECHNICAL MATTERS: PHOTOGRAPHY: PORTFOLIO: click here... COVER PHOTO ATRICK HEVAILLER Humpback Whale, Patagonia, by Marcelo Mammana BITS & BITES THE WAKE UP CALL LUGGAGE! P C EDITTED BY PETER SYMES BY LEIGH CUNNINGHAM BY DAN BEECHAM EDITTED BY GUNILD SYMES (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) 2 X-RAY MAG : 11 : 2006 Amsterdam Barcelona Cape Town Chicago Copenhagen London Moscow Okinawa Oslo Paris Ravenna Reykjavik San Francisco Sharm El Shiekh Warsaw editorial Reefs Artificial and Real Reefs really made the that we are putting down headlines lately. artificial reefs like never before and that the world lead- But is it enough, and is it timely? First we learnt of the depressing ers finally seem to have gotten news that huge regions of coral the message. The main issue at hand is that reefs in the Indian Ocean, tens some changes can be restored of millions of years old and the Just to name a few prominent and developments reversed, basis of the food net, have now names, California Govenor while others cannot. This may irreversibly collapsed. I don’t Schwartzenegger has imple- seem like a trivial general obser- know about you guys, but I find it mented new laws striving to vation but the area of nature hard to stomach. It I like a night- curb the state’s contribution and environment and it’s pro- mare you can’t get out of. to greenhouse effect. Former tection has too often proved fer- US vice president Al Gore has tile ground for some dangerous Ka-BOOM! Down it went! turned environmental crusader misconceptions. “The balance The former aircraft carrier USS and has just come out with a of nature” for one. Some die- Oriskany now rests on the sea- documentary film on global hard eco-romantics have often floor off Florida as the latest and warming. And now even an referred to this inbuilt ‘wisdom’ biggest addition to the growing arch-conservative as Newt of mother Nature as an almost list of artificial reefs worldwide. Gingrich the former republi- fundamental principle often Make Reefs, not War. What a fit- can speaker of the House, has with some spiritual overtones of ting end for a warship in this day written to US president Bush higher purpose thrown in to pot. and age. urging him to help create a We’re sorry, but that it not how it huge marine part around the works. But can we ever restore, or Hawaiian islands protecting the even aid nature in compensat- corals here. Even Bush himself, Ecosystems are either stable or ing for the ravages humankind who came from the oil industry unstable. While they are argu- has set loose? Can we counter and who was behind pulling the ably always undergoing some the effects of global warming? US out of the Kyoto agreement degree of dynamic transition, Some research, as reported in has now finally come around the point in case is whether this issue, seem to indicate that and acknowledged that some- the rate of transition is what we some species of coral may be thing’s amiss and something has could call an “orderly” natural, able to adapt to some rise in to be done. gradual and expected pro- temperature. And isn’t it good That’s at least a start. gression where a high level of Help us make a better magazine Do Our Survey And Participate In A Draw For Advanced Cochran EMC-20H Dive Computer We are keen to learn more about our readership. Help us by filling out the questionnaire on: www.xray-mag.com/survey For mere information on the Cochran EMC-20H please visit www.divecochran.com 3 X-RAY MAG : 11 : 2006 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED editorial complexity is preserved - or a cata- the Indian Ocean, which have many. The issue with the emissions strophic collapse where complexity now transformed into a completely of greenhouse gases and global and diversity is lost. Ecosystems different ecosystem of much lesser warming can only be dealt prop- are characterised by a web of complexity, productivity and diver- erly with on a higher political level complex relationships between sity. The former coral reefs are now – we need another summit. Mean- numerous species interacting just fields of dead limestone cov- while the rest of us can both help among themselves and with the ered with algae. keeping the issue in focus by initiat- ����������������� ��� physical environment - and com- ing a lot of small scale projects, like plexity often evolves with time as And like putting a collapsed build- the artificial reefs. do overall stability. ing together again it would be a While a sinking like the Oriskany Herculean task restoring these as surely creates headlines that go Think of a tall building with many you would both have to remove around the globe, lets not forget stories, compartments, shopping the cause in the first place (the the significance of the thousands malls and apartments . Tenants hightened water temperatures) of other artificial reef projects, or may move in and out, shops may and only then start piece it all say hundreds of thousands of reef open and close as they compete together again, which would take balls, some sources mention half - but the overall structure is in a ways and technologies even this a million, laid down.globally to steady state. This building can undersigned biologist cant glimpse restore ailing reefs or create new even sway elastically when sub- at this juncture. fishing and scuba diving sites. jected to external forces, perhaps Perhaps in the future. even resist an earthquake. But jolt Bottom line is there are a lot of it too hard and the whole structure The present shift in perceptions and projects that you and I can par- will come crashing down and turn acknowledgement of the problems ticipate in. It won’t save all these ������������������������������������� into a pile of rubble. This is what at hand is one big step in the right reefs, but it may make the differ- happened with the coral reefs in direction, but only a first one out of ence that could save the world. Please also support SOS-SeaTurtles Sign the Petition online, click here ☼ Click here to send an email with a “Letter of pro- test” to the Governor of Bali, with copies to other important officials ������������� Link to SOS Sea Turtle’s main webpage ☼ KURT AMSLER / SOS SEATURTLES X-RAY MAG is distributed Views and information X-RAY MAG accepts no six times per year on the expressed in articles are responsibility for unsolicited Internet.
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