NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND POSSIBLE EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA CITIZENS CLEAN ELECTIONS COMMISSION Location: Citizens Clean Elections Commission 1616 West Adams, Suite 110 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Date: Thursday, January 19, 2017 Time: 9:30 a. m. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the Commissioners of the Citizens Clean Elections Commission and the general public that the Citizens Clean Elections Commission will hold a regular meeting, which is open to the public on January 19, 2017. This meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., at the Citizens Clean Elections Commission, 1616 West Adams, Suite 110, Phoenix, Arizona 85007. The meeting may be available for live streaming online at www.livestream.com/cleanelections. Members of the Citizens Clean Elections Commission will attend either in person or by telephone, video, or internet conferencing. The Commission may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, for the purpose of obtaining legal advice on any item listed on the agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03 (A)(3). The Commission reserves the right at its discretion to address the agenda matters in an order different than outlined below. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: I. Call to Order. II. Discussion and Possible Action on Commission Minutes for December 15, 2016 meeting. III. Discussion and Possible Action on Executive Director’s Report. IV. Discussion and Possible Action on Voter Education Activities in the 2016 Election and the 2017 Voter Education Plan. V. Discussion and Possible Action on Final Audit Approval for the following Participating Candidates for the 2016 election cycle: A. Rick Gray – Primary Election Audit B. Bill Mundell – Primary Election Audit C. Todd Clodfelter – Primary Election Audit D. Isela Blanc – Primary Election Audit 1 E. Deanna Rasmussen-Lacotta – Primary Election Audit F. Chris Ackerley – Primary Election Audit G. Ana Henderson – Primary Election Audit H. John Fillmore – Primary Election Audit I. Juan Mendez – Primary Election Audit J. Kathleen Rahn – Primary Election Audit K. Michael Muscato – Primary Election Audit L. Pamela Powers Hannley – Primary Election Audit M. Jesus Rubalcava – Primary Election Audit N. Athena Salman – Primary Election Audit VI. Discussion and Possible Action on the following enforcement matters: A. MUR 16-004 – Corin Hammond B. MUR 16-005 – Querard Complaint against Democratic Candidates C. MUR 16-007 – Senate Victory PAC D. MUR 16-008 – House Victory PAC E. MUR 16-009 – Arizona’s Legacy PAC VII. Discussion and Possible Action on the 5 Year Review Report submitted to the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council and Related Matters in 2015. The Commission may choose to go into executive session on this item for consultation with its attorneys regarding pending or contemplated litigation in order to consider its positions and instruct its attorneys. A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(4). VIII. Recognition and Appreciation to Mitchell C. Laird for his service to the Commission. IX. Public Comment This is the time for consideration of comments and suggestions from the public. Action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or rescheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date or responding to criticism X. Adjournment. This agenda is subject to change up to 24 hours prior to the meeting. A copy of the agenda background material provided to the Commission (with the exception of material relating to possible executive sessions) is available for public inspection at the Commission’s office, 1616 West Adams, Suite 110, Phoenix, Arizona 85007. 2 Dated this 17th day of January, 2017. Citizens Clean Elections Commission Thomas M. Collins, Executive Director Any person with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as a sign language interpreter, by contacting the Commission at (602) 364-3477. Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange accommodations. 3 Reporter's Transcript of Proceedings - December 15, 2016 1 Public Meeting 1 2 3 4 THE STATE OF ARIZONA 5 CITIZENS CLEAN ELECTIONS COMMISSION 6 7 8 9 10 REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT OF PUBLIC MEETING 11 12 13 14 Phoenix, Arizona 15 December 15, 2016 16 9:34 a.m. 17 18 19 20 21 COASH & COASH, INC. Court Reporting, Video & Videoconferencing 22 1802 North 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85006 602-258-1440 23 [email protected] 24 Prepared by: LILIA MONARREZ, CSR, RPR 25 Certificate No. 50699 Coash & Coash, Inc. 602-258-1440 www.coashandcoash.com The State of Arizona Public Meeting Reporter's Transcript of Proceedings Citizens Clean Elections Commission December 15, 2016 Page 2 09:35:38-09:36:44 Page 4 1 PUBLIC MEETING BEFORE THE CITIZENS CLEAN ELECTIONS COMMISSION, convened at 9:34 a.m. on December 1 CHAIRMAN LAIRD: It carries unanimously. 2 15, 2016, at the State of Arizona, Clean Elections Commission, 1616 West Adams, Conference Room, Phoenix, 2 The next item on the agenda is the 3 Arizona, in the presence of the following Board members: Mr. Mitchell C. Laird, Chairperson 3 discussion and possible action on the Executive 4 Mr. Mark S. Kimble Mr. Damien Meyer 4 Director's Report. 5 Mr. Steve Titla Mr. Galen D. Paton 5 Director Collins? 6 OTHERS PRESENT: 6 MR. COLLINS: Hi. Thank you, 7 Thomas M. Collins, Executive Director 7 Commissioners, and thank you all for being here. It's 8 Paula Thomas, Executive Officer Sara Larsen, Financial Affairs Officer 8 good to see you all. I'll try to keep the director's 9 Gina Roberts, Voter Education Manager Mike Becker, Policy Director 9 report brief. 10 Alec Shaffer, Executive Support Specialist Mary O'Grady, Osborn Maledon 10 Just for folks who are tuning in or -- or 11 Rivko Knox, LWV/AZ 11 Samantha Pstross, AZAN will be here, you know, we've got the agenda set up to 12 Joe Larue, AZ Attorney General's Office 12 Kara Karlson, AZ Attorney General's Office try to get through a lot of the work that we think will 13 13 go quicker first and then that's why the rules come 14 14 second, just in case anyone is wondering about that. 15 15 I wanted to specifically congratulate Sara 16 16 on graduating from the Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership 17 17 Academy. Sara was selected as a fellow in a 18 18 competitive process and completed a 12-part series lead 19 19 by Arizona policy and political experts, a leadership 20 20 master class and executive coaching. And we think that 21 21 that was a benefit to -- not just to Sara, really, but 22 22 really to the whole Commission both in terms of what 23 23 she brings back to us and her opportunity to talk to 24 24 folks about what we do. 25 25 And I think it was a really good 09:34:40-09:35:38 Page 3 09:36:45-09:38:01 Page 5 1 P R O C E E D I N G 1 opportunity for the Commission and for Sara. And so 2 2 we're really proud of the fact that she finished that. 3 CHAIRMAN LAIRD: Now is the time set for 3 So, you know, I just wanted to make sure you -- we all 4 the Thursday, December 15th, 9:30 a.m. meeting of the 4 get a chance to say congratulations to Sara. 5 Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission. 5 I will say on the -- hitting the voter 6 I hereby call the meeting to order, and the 6 education highlights, Gina and I were at the Election 7 first item on the agenda after the call to order is a 7 Directors and Recorders of all the counties on 8 discussion and possible action on the Commission 8 December 1. So we had Recorders from every county in 9 minutes for November 17th. 9 the state as well as election directors, and I think 10 Is there any corrections, discussion with 10 what we heard in terms of feedback is that what we're 11 respect to the November 17th, 2016 minutes? 11 doing on voter education is what they need in order to 12 (No response.) 12 help -- help them to be in a position to inform voters 13 CHAIRMAN LAIRD: Seeing none, do I hear a 13 in all the counties of the state. 14 motion to approve? 14 They recognize we have a statewide mandate, 15 COMMISSIONER KIMBLE: Mr. Chairman, I move 15 and so we were able to tick through the things we've 16 we approve the minutes. 16 done, whether it be the efforts we've made in Apache 17 CHAIRMAN LAIRD: Do I have a second? 17 County to help them reach voters on specific changes 18 COMMISSIONER MEYER: Second. 18 they have made or the efforts we've made working with 19 CHAIRMAN LAIRD: I have a motion and a 19 Maricopa County to talk to them about -- to talk to 20 second to approve the November 17th, 2016, minutes as 20 folks about getting their early ballots back. 21 presented. 21 All of those things, some of them 22 All in favor say aye. 22 statewide, some of them localized are all things that 23 (Chorus of ayes.) 23 the State is -- that the officials closest to the 24 CHAIRMAN LAIRD: Opposed, nay. 24 voters all told us they're in need of and they 25 (No response.) 25 appreciate the fact that this Commission is receptive Min-U-Script® Coash & Coash, Inc. (1) Pages 2 - 5 602-258-1440 www.coashandcoash.com The State of Arizona Public Meeting Reporter's Transcript of Proceedings Citizens Clean Elections Commission December 15, 2016 09:38:04-09:39:29 Page 6 09:41:06-09:42:18 Page 8 1 to their ideas.
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