H E L I , . T B I, , "^M YOUNG UN, PhDiograTure by Annan Glasgow Pram aPhalographhy Stephen Share FRP. 3. London V .Sa ^C Mkfg 3|K- latior €oroEatoram BEING THE TRANSACTIONS of the QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE NO. 2076. LONDON. -*- -^ * -*- n^ . A r* :i?=^a FROM THE ISABELLA MISSAL BRITISH MUSEUM ADD. MSS., 18,851 CIRCA 1600 A.D. D=^ rD EDITED FOR THE COMMITTEE BT COLONEL F. M. RICKARD, P.G.S.B. VOLUME L. W. J. Parrett, Ltd., Printers. Margate. 1940. THE LI BRART liKlGHAM YOUNG U IV^i^SflTT fROyO, UTAH TABLE OF CONTENTS LODGE PROCEEDINGS. PAGE. Friday, 1st January, 1937 1 Friday, 5th March, 1937 30 Friday, 7th May, 1937 92 Summer Outing: East "Warwickshire, Thursday, 17th June, to Sunday, 20th June, 1937 133 Thursday, 24th June, 1937 143 Friday, 1st October, 1937 187 Monday, 8th November, 1937 211 NOTES AND QUERIES. Lelande-Locke MS. 128 OBITUARY. Achard, W. 0. 129 Baird, H. 129 Baldwyn, F. J. 129 Bent, T. 129 Bishop, J. H. 129 Blackmore, T. H. 129 Boutell, F. H. 129 Braine, C. W. 129 Brooke-Pechell, Sir A. A. 227 Browse, H. W. J. 129 Caldwell, J. 227 Cass, A. 129 Chapman, J. 129 Childe, Bcv. Canon C. V. 129 Collins, G. L. 130 Cook, J. 130 Crump, Dr. C. H. 227 de Lafontaine, H. T. C. 227 Earle, Dr. J. H. 227 Emery, G. E. 130 Ensor, A. J. 130 Evans, T. 227 Findlay, M. F. 130 Fishel, J. ... 130 Gilliland, W. E. 227 Gilmour, P. G. 130 Gordon, A. T. 227 Gould, J. G. 130 Graham, J. 130 Haden-Crawford, F. 227 Hansel, J. P. 227 Hartley, W. C. 130 Hills, G. P. G. 187, 227 Hinman, E. E. 130 Howlett, A. G. 130 Infeld, M. 130 Tnglis, J. 228 Kean, 0. S. 130 King-Baker, S. J. 228 ; IV. Table of Contents. OBITUARY.—Continued. PAGE. L'Amie, AV. J. 228 Lipscomb, W. G. 130 MacLachlan, Maj.-Gen. J. D. 228 McWilliam, A. 131 Mirrlees, Bev. C. B. 228 Niiell, F. H. 228 Oakley, D. 131 Parsons, H. D. 228 Pepper, Sir F. H. 131 Pieterson, J. F. G. 228 Plenclerleath, Capt. C. W. M. 131 Plowman, P. 131 Rhodes, C. H. 131 Ridley, F. R. 228 Robertson, Lt.-Col. J. G. 131 Roehrich, W. G. 131 Roynon, J. R. J. 228 Santhagens, R. V. E. 228 Sharp, F. B. 131 Sharratt, A. 131 Shillam, W. H. 228 Shipton, Comdr. F. H. E. 131 Silberbauer, C. F. 228 Slaughter, M. 228 Smith, E. E. 229 Stevens, E. P. 131 Sutton, G. W. 131 Thomas, E. L. 229 Thomas, E. W. 132 Travissick, W. J. 132 Valk, P. 229 Vass, E. J. 229 Walker, C. H. 132 Wood, F. 132 Wyatt, Bev. V. P. 229 PAPERS AND ESSAYS. The Graham Manuscript. By H. Poole The importance of this, the latest discovery, 5 ; The probable date, earlier than the ajjparent date, as given, 1726, 5 ; Relationship to the Whole Institution and Grand Mystery of 1726, 6; All three probably derived from a common original, 7 ; Links with Dumfries and other texts, 8; Peculiarities of this text, 9; The especial feature of the Noah legend, 10; Comparison with the Hiramic legend as given by Prichard, 1730, 11; The difficulties of the problem, 12; References by Anderson and others to Noachidae and to Antediluvian Masonry, 12; The passwords that are indicated, 14; Conclusion, 14. Appendices—Full text of the Whole Institiition and the Grand Mystery, 15. The Romances of Robison and Barruel. By W. K. Firminger 31 Characteristics of the two authors, —Robison, 31 ; Barruel, 37 Erroneous descriptions of the Lodges, —Neuf Soeurs, 42; Contrat Social, 45; Amis Reunis, 53; Sources of information, 32; False identifications of prominent revolutionaries, — Fouchet, 44; d'Espremenil, 51; and others; The writers' accounts of their own initiations, — Robison, 31; Barruel, 38; The general inaccuracies and prejudices of both writers, 64. ;; Table of Contents. V. PAPERS AND ESSAYS.—Continued, PAGE. James Sketchley, of Birmingham, Auctioneer, Printer, Publisher and Freemason. By S. J. Fenton 94 Birmingham in Sketchley's days, 94; The Birmingham Directory of 1763; Simihir Directories at Bristol and Sheffield, 95; The Bee, a weekly paper at Bristol, 97; The Birmingham Begister, 99; Early Freemasonry in Warwickshire, 101; Portraits of Sketchley, 102; His membership of No. 71, 'Ancients', 104; The new Lodge No. 124 fonnded in 1763, 105 ; He constitutes a ' ' Modern Lodge, 107 ; Absence from Birmingham from 1774 to 1784, 109; Activities of St. Paul's Lodge, 109; The Lodge at Henley-in-Arden, 113; Provincial Grand Lodge founded; Sketchley as Provincial Grand Secretary, 114; Later activities, 115; His death in 1801, 118. Appendices, 118. Notes on some Eighteenth Century Masonic Handbool<s. By O. C. Adams 145 Printed versions of the Old Charges, 146 ; Multa Faucis, 148 Some English Handbooks, 153 ; Some Scottish and Irish Hand- books, 157; Wellins Calcott, A Candid Disquisition, 160; William Hutchinson, The Spirit of Masonry, 162; William Preston, Illustrations of Masonry, 163; The Illustrations as a model for other works, 169; Robert Trewman, The Principles of Free- mnsonry delineated, 172; The Principles as a model for other works, 174; Conclusion, 175. The Sixteenth Century Mason. By Douglas Knoop and G. P. Jones ... 191 Introductory, 191 ; Changes in the organisation of building operations, 192 ; Changes in the administration of building operations, 193 ; The growing importance of plans and designs, 193 ; The increase in the number of officials, 195 ; The decline in the status of the Master Mason, 196; Changes in employers, 197; Changes in Masons' working conditions, 198; Terms employed, 198; Wages, 200; Holidays, 203; Overtime, 205; Impressment, 205; Lodges, 207; Tools, 207; Changes in the organisation among masons, 208 ; The decaj' of the Assembly, 208 The Old Charges and their provisions now obsolete so far as the actual trade is concerned, 208. Lodges in Guernsey— Precedence. By G. S. Knocker 70 Early Freemasonry in Chester. By R. R. G. Smallwood 77 Royal Freemasons. By Lionel Vibert 139 Inaugural Address. By F. W. Golby 213 The Toast of the W.M. By G. Elkington 218 William Schaw. By J. W. Saunders 220 REVIEWS. History of Freemasonry in New Jersey. By David McGregor, 1937 .1. TTeron Lepper 127 Masonic Symbolism. By Charles Clyde Hunt, 1939 J. Heron Lepper 127 — — — - . INDEX PAGE. Exhibits : Ahiman Bezon 149 PAGE. Alcester, visit to 134 Ballads, Collection of, 1723 . 4 Antediluvian Masonry 12, 23 — Antient Constitutions, Book of, Certificates : —Cole 147 Craft, Irish ... 93 Craft, Lodge on ' Van- ' Bath, Sketchley at ... ... 97 guard 4 Bee, The 97 K.T. 93 Birmingham in 18th Century ... 94 Mark 93 Birmingham Directory ... 95, 100 R.A. 93 Book of the Prov.G.M. of W. W.M. 93 Chester ... ... 84 BooJimakers of Old Birmingham Charbonniers, engraving —Hill ... ... ... 94 showing a Chantier 190 Bristol, Sketchley at 98, 100, 109 Collar—green 30 ^ Building operations, organisa- —Master's ... 30 tion of 16th Century ... 192 Common-place Book—Burrell 190 Constitutions — Iluddleston Candid Disquisition, A —Calcott 152, 160 MS., photographs of ... 93 Cheshire, Prov. G. Lodge of ... 80 Chester ... ... ... 77 Hindu Deities, bronze figures 190 Clermont Constitution ... 51 Conditions, Working, of Masons, Jewels : — 16th Century ... ... 198 ' Antients ', Lodge No. 310 4 ' Antients ', R.A. 4 Constitutions : Battersca enamel 190 Founder's, Lodge No. 3404 93 1723 23 Locket shaped, 1783 ... 144 1738 11, 145 Lodge No. 3404 93 Kearsley 153 Pierced, silver, circular 3 Northouck 168 Portuguese, pierced 144 Pennell 26 P.M. 1866 144 Spratt 151 P.M. Lodge St. George 93 Scotch, Eskdale Kilwinning, Constitutions, MS. : circular £3 Silver, with emblems ... 4 Chetwode Grawley 25 W.M. Lodge No. 3404 . 93 Cooke 21 Dodd 148 Portrait Group, John Freeth Dumfries, No. 4 ... 8 and his circle f3 Edinburgh Register House 11 Publications : — Leland-Locke 128, 159, 160, 163 Ahiman Bezon, 1764 ... 144 Sloane 11 Candid, Disquisition, Trinity College, Dubl in 11 Calcott U4 Contitiitions, Kearsley, Dedication in Book of Prov. G. 1769 ... :.. 144 Master, W. Che.ster 85 "Finch" 93 VefencR of Frpemasonry--Brice 172 Freemasons' Bepositori/, Discoursc upon Masonrij—-Minty 157, 158 Jiirmingham 144 Donations by Sketchley 111 History of Guy's Lodge 143 Illustrations, Preston Edgehill, visit to 136 (with Meeson) 144 Elements of Freemasonry Multa Faucis 144 delineated 174 Vrinciples, Trewman ... 144 Elements of Freemasonry Beception d'un Frey- delineated—Ray ... 175 Macon 144 Employers in 16th Century 197 S uffe rin gs of Joh n Encyclopedia of Frcemnsomry— Coustos—Sketchley. 93 Mackey 167 Evesham, visit to 136 Regalia—P. G.D. England, 1826 190 Exhibits:— Sampler, Masonic, framed. 93 Aprons : — Staffordshire ware, plates . 143 Green edged ... 30 G. Orient France, E.A. 30 Tea-caddy 144 G. Lodge Hamburg 190 Linen, home-made 190 Warrant, Lodge, G.L. Massachusetts blank 93 Apron ' and Collar—green ... 212 Watch, ' turnip 144 — : Index. vu. Exhibits : Lodges referred to: — PAGE. PAGE. Working tools, used at d'Ecosse de Vertu Persecutee 45 laying foundation stone des Chevaliers Bienfaisants, of St. Peter's, Murrura- Paris ... 32 beene, 1924 ... ... 212 des Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Saint Cite Lyons 32 France, Grand Lodge of ... 47 des Philalethes ... ... 32 Fraternal Melody—Riley ... 159 Doyle's of Friendship, No. Freemason's (Joinpanion—Angus 154 615 ... ... ... 70, 73 Freemason's Focket Companion 175 Harmony No. 612 ... 70 Freemason's liepository— King's Arms No. 116 ... 165 Sketchley ... ... 170, 183 La Parfait Intelligence ... 31 Loyalty No. 623 ... ... 70, 74 Graham MS. ... ... 16 Ludge of Dundie ... ... 27 Graham MS., date of ... 5 Mariner's No. 611 ... 70 Grand Lodge of France ... 47 Mere Loge Ecossais ... 45 Grand Mistress of Female Free- Neuf Soeurs ... ... 42 masons ... ... 18 No. 43 ' Antients ' ... 102 Grand Mystery laid open ..
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