Coincides With Archbishop's 25 th J ubi lee Church in Woodland Park Seminary Buildings Will Be Dedicated Aug, 12 Ready for Blessing Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Ceremony Preceding Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1955—Permission to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue By June Next Year Evening Mass to Be Led by Archbishop DENVER CATHOLIC Dedication of the new Our Lady of the Woods Church, Woodland Park, will be held Friday, Aug. 12, at 4:30 p.m., it was announced this week by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. Archbishop Vehr will REGISTER officiate in the ceremony, which will be followed by an evening Mass at 5 o’clock celebrated by the Very Rev. Monsignor William Kelly, superintend­ VOL. L. No. 48 THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1955 DENVER, COLORADO ent of schools of St. Mary’s Par- ish, Colorado Springs. The ser­ mon will be given by the Rev. Missionary Tells How Chinese Children Defied Reds D. A. McMahon, pastor of Christ the King Church, Evergreen. The Rev. Michael Kavanagh, How Teach Blossom' Rescued Our Lord pastor of Victor and Cripple -h + By R ev. R obert E. Kek eisen their, pastor before a so-called its sacred contents into a piece Qeek, attends Woodland Park as + When 10 and 12-year-old “People’s Court” and made false of linen held by Peach Blossom, a mission. He offered the first Chinese children, on their charges stick, through intimida­ She had reassured them of the' Mass in the new church on Sun­ own, can “kidnap” Jesus tion of the pagan populace. The the rightness of the action, “The day, July 3. Masses are said in native priest was dragged away Bishop told me we must do thi» from the Reds, there is great to prison with a rope around his if oiir priest is taken.” Woodland Park at 6:30, 8, and hope for the Church in the neck and his hands tightly bound 11 a.m. on Sundays in the sum­ \ . ? Far East. behind him. THE EUCHARIST PRESSED mer months. The touching story of Peach * • * to her bosom, Peach Blossom led The new church is situated on Blossom and her courageous little THAT VERY NIGHT, at the way out. As the soldier made ' i " friends was told by the Rt. Rev. midnight, all the lights were out the turn around the chapel, the a site acquired since Father Kava­ Matthias Buchholz, Prefect Apos­ in the little village except the children left as quietly as they nagh was named pastor of Victor tolic of Shihtsien, Kweichow, tiny sanctuary light in the church had come. and Cripple Creek Jbly 1, 1954. f phina, Wednesday, July 13, on a and a closely guarded lamp in the Out of the danger zone. Peach The land represents a donation of visit to Denver.. A Missionary of school house. It was in the school Blossom and her companions the Sacred Heart, Monsignor that Peach Blossom, 10, and her (Turn to Page 3 — Column 1) four acres made by Dr. and Mrs. Buchholz was jailed by the Com­ fellow conspirators gathered to Louis Roberts of Wichita, Kans., munists in 1951, and then ex­ discuss the crisis that had arisen. who have a summer home in the pelled from China. “They took our Father,” Peach 'Prieslless Land' parish, and two acres given by Blossom' lamented tearfully, “but Artisans at work on the facade of the new classroom and dormitory building at St. T H E "KIDNAPPING” Jesus is still in the church, I saw Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Sudholt of STORY has to do with a small Thomas' Seminary, Denver. His light.” Should Provide Denver. village 12 miles from the Prefect “All very well,” Happy Lark, a -f + + + + -f Erected at a cost of $36,000 Apostolic’s headquarters, Shih­ boy of 11, replied. “But a guard tsien. The native Chinese priest is standing outside the church Impetus to Burse The new building.s at St. Dedication of the new Tuesday, July 12, by Arch­ with installations but without in charge there was the first ob­ Thomas’ Seminary, Denver, buildings, it is planned, will bishop Vehr and the Very with a big gun and a hundred furnishings, the structure was put ject of the Red purge in 1949, pairs of eyes.” 'The Lady of Fatima Burse— which are being constructed be held in connection with Rev. William J. Kenneally, up by the Brown & Quinn Con- The Christian children watched * * i Denver archdiocesan fund for through the generosity of the observance of Arch­ C.M., rector of the sem­ struaion Company of Green tearfully from behind bamboo education of priests—rose to a shoots as the Communists haled “WE MUST GET JESUS contributors to the Arch­ bishop’s Vehr’s 25th year in inary. Mountain Falls, mountain hamlet Rt. Rct. M atthix Buchholc away from those bad men,'” Peach total of $4,456 in the past week on the strength of three do­ bishop’s Seminary and Mis­ the Hierarchy. He was con­ five miles down Ute Pass from Blossom said firmly. I sions Campaign, definitely secrated. June 10, 1931. 1956 Also Jubilee “But how?” Great Stride, a nations. In addition, a “friend” Of Seminary Woodland Park. lad of 12, inquired. Neither he added $25 to the St. Francis de will be completed by the time Priests attending the Our Lady of the Woods Church Evergreen Drive Workers nor Big Arm, nor Bright Cloud Sales Parish burse “in thanks­ giving for a favor received.” 1 of the silver jubilee of Arch­ clergy retreat at St. Thomas’ The year 1956, in addition is built of cinder block, and the could see how a few children bishop Urban- J. Vehr’s con­ Seminary were taken on a could cope with the Red military, Donors to the Lady of Fatima to being the silver jubilee exterior is enhanced with eight Burse were J. 0., Denver, who secration in the Episcopacy. tour of the new buildings To Seek $50,000 July 17 even though the care of the Most year of Archbishop Vehr in rock-faced pilasters, or buttresses, Blessed Sacrament was at stake. gave $5; anonymous, Colorado the Hierarchy and as Ordi­ on each side. Fronted by a rock­ Suddenly the little faces be­ Springs, $1; and a friend, Den­ The 40 members of the cam­ McGonaty, Herbert White, and ver, $16. nary of Denver, will mark faced vestibule, the church will Joe O'Neil. gan to light up. Happy Lark had paign organization of Christ the a plan, and quickly assigned to A slight taste of whpt it would 137 Priesfs in Attendance the golden jubilee of St. accommodate about 200 persons. King Parish, Evergreen, will at­ Division “A” members in­ be like to live in a priestless clude: Chairman, A. J. Grieb- each his important role. Thomas’ Seminary as a the­ The mission’s six-aae tract is tend a “kickoff” dinner meeting ■ * * * land is being given Catholics of ological institution. tonight, Thursday, July 14, at ling; team, chairmen; Joseph R. the archdiocese this week, when At Annual Cleray Retreat situated in the center of Wood­ p.m., which will formally Matthews, Wallace H. Dee, Al­ AS HAPPY LARK assumed all the. diocesan priests are on John K. Monroe is archi­ land Park, which is growing fast launch the calhiiaign td raise bert Lambert, and Charles Fee- the position of a lookout near retreat at S t Thomas’ Seminary. the front of the tiny church, the tect for the $1,200,000 sem­ as a result of the construaion of $50,000 to build a new parish han; team members: Paul Cal- Most of the churches had to can­ The annual retreat foi» the. 137 priests from throughout the hall. licrate, John B. Patterson, Eu­ other children deployed to cel daily Mass Tuesday through clergy of the Archdiocese of archdiocese in attendance. Ex- inary building project. The the new U. S. Air Force Academy places of cover in the shadows Elder Construction Co. has At the meeting the campaign gene Doerr, Edward L. Dan- Friday mornings, and only emer­ Denver is, being held this week ercises began Monday evening, north of Colorado Springs. 'The workers will make their own durand, Emil Bochoroski, Berl at one side of the church. Then gency sick calls can be taken at St. Thomas’ Seminary with July 11, and will come to a close the general contract. Blue River Project also has pledges to the campaign fund to nard Foster, Mats Roulier, they prayed for the Communist soldier to change his position. care of. Friday morning, July 15. brought workers into the area. begin the drive. Speakers at the Robert Failing, Stanley Gortych, The priest is the center of Central City Priests attending include not Frank Anderson, Jr.; Lawrence The prayer was answered. The Results Announced 'The town’s postmaster reports dinner will include the Rt. Rev. Catholic life. He offers the Holy Homecoming July 17 only the diocesan clergy but Monsignor Gregory Smith, V.G., Jansen, and Walter Anderson. Red guard strolled around to the Sacrifice, forgives sins in the some of the chaplains of the that from four to six new fam­ the Rev. Donald A. McMahon, The members of Division “B” other side of the chapel. Happy name of Christ, ushers infants armed forces and members of For Pope's Collection ilies take up residence in Wood­ pastor; John J, Sullivan, and are: Chairman, Jack Reardon; Lark gave a low whistle. Quick and adults alike into superna­ some of the religious communi­ land Park every week.
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