*****************ECRWSS**** PRSRT STD U.S.POSTAGE The Local PAID Postal Customer KOHLER, WI 53044 KoKohlhlerer PERMIT NO. 6 VillagerVillager219 Church St., Kohler, WI 53044 FREE Published Monthly In Kohler, WI 53044 FEBRUARY, 2012 Volume 7, Number 5 Village residents: The Kohler Villager to publish twice per month Save the date for beginning in March Village of Kohler residents will dates. begin to receive The Kohler Vil- While the mid-month issue will Village Centennial lager twice per month on a trial also contain more school-related basis beginning in March. The de- articles and photos that aren’t con- Plans are under way for the Vil- watch John Philip Sousa arrive by Last chance to cision to publish semi-monthly sidered crucial information for par- lage of Kohler’s Centennial Celebra- train to conduct his Marine band in came about for a number of rea- ents and students, it will not be tion to take place August 3-4, 2012. become a part of concert? Did your mom win a sons. Not only does it allow the mailed to open enrollment families Festivities in the works include a Kohler history! prize for her famous cake at the publisher to deliver fresher con- due to the labor and postage ex- concert in the “bowl” featuring clas- Share your Village memories for Village Fair? Maybe you stood in tent, but it gives contributors, ad- pense. Each mid-month issue will sic rock by Skyhouse band, fire- commemorative hardcover book line to tour a demonstration home vertisers, and the publisher alike a works, a special parade, community By Amy Pace or brought your best doll to the be available online and in the second deadline each month to fall newsstands at Woodlake Market picnic and more! Save the dates and We love our village! Kohler is Girl Scout Doll Party. back on if the first one is missed or and Piggly Wiggly in Sheboygan watch for more details in future is- an amazing place to live. We’ll be Whether your memories are inconvenient. Advertisers will also Falls. sues of The Kohler Villager. 100 years old this year and the Vil- from 1920 or 1990, we’d love to benefit in not having to tailor ad Ads that run a second consecu- The Centennial Committee is lage is putting together a book of have them as part of this book! content (such as sales dates or tive time will be 50% off for the hard at work compiling a commem- memories. Do you have anything Perhaps you even have a photo coupon expiration dates) to a second run, and every other run orative hardcover book featuring that you'd like to share? Did you you'd like to share! monthly time frame. historical photos and accounts from shop at the drug store on High Please call Amy (Verhelst) Pace The Kohler Times school news thereafter. (Some restrictions Village residents. Read on to learn Street? Did you play house in the at 608-770-5279 and let me know. section, Village News and Library apply). how you can leave your mark on his- Village Playhouse or play ball I’m in Kohler. Call any time. I'd page will remain unchanged, ap- The semi-monthly schedule will tory for future generations of Village across from the rec hall? Did you love to hear from you! pearing only in the first of the continue on a trial basis, with the residents. month edition, which will continue possibility that it will return to a to be mailed to families of open en- monthly schedule in the future de- rollment students. Event listings in pending upon advertising revenue. The American Club Resort, A For more information or com- KOHLER Experience back page ments, visit kohlervillager.com, or section will be divided between contact Mary at 920-331-4904, or both issues, depending on event [email protected]. Forum to be held for school board candidates Kohler School Friends hosting February 24 “Meet the candidates” night The Kohler School Friends par- Questions will be accepted until ent/teacher organization will hold a Friday, February 24th. Email forum for candidates running for [email protected] school board in the April spring or mail them to Kohler School election on Monday, March 19, Friends PTO, 333 Upper Road, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Kohler Kohler, WI 53044. School choir room. The event will be moderated by The public is invited to meet and KSF PTO, and questions will be pose questions to candidates Kurk Anderson, Jane Bishop (incum- provided to each candidate before- bent), Ron Hummitzsch, and John hand. Please note that due to the Suralik (incumbent). time constraints of Candidate This year, Kohler School Friends Night, only a limited number of PTO is asking the public to submit questions can be answered at the questions for Candidate Night. event. 2 FEBRUARY, 2012 = KOHLER VILLAGER KOHLERVILLAGER.COM Kohler Girl Scouts Host Women’s Panel Discussion On Wednesday January 11th, Jill O’Donnell, and Katie De- open discussion followed between dow and Kaleigh Kraft of Troop Kohler Girl Scout troops 8048 and lahunt. They represented a wide the girls and the panelists. 8167 who help with our meetings 8731 hosted a panel discussion variety of careers from law en- The troops want to thank all each month. They are great role called “Tell us your story: Women forcement and the judicial system participants for sharing their in- models for our troop! Changing the World, One Scout at to corporate finance and human re- spiring stories and taking valuable a Time.” Both troops are working sources to teaching and retail man- time from their schedules to partic- toward badges that focus on learn- agement. Each member spoke ipate. The troop members were ing about personal strengths, over- about their particular career jour- honored to have you. It was a coming stereotypes for women and ney and provided insights for the unique and powerful opportunity discovering how they can have a scouts about the keys to their suc- for the girl scouts to interact with positive impact in the community. cess. The importance of education such terrific role models who live Participants included Suzanne and the love of learning were com- and work right in their own com- Herold, MD, Stacy Stanley, Bar- mon themes in these women’s sto- munity. bara J. Quasuis, Tamara Reming- ries as well as the value of Troop 8048 would also like to ton, Laura Conklin, Laura Kohler, following your passion. A lively thank Megan Conklin, Katie Lin- Registration now open for 12th Annual ACUITY JA- Business Challenge Junior Achievement of Wiscon- strategies, inventory levels, and re- sin has opened registration for its search and development invest- 12th annual ACUITY JA-Business ments. Challenge, which will be held Sat- Winning teams will receive urday, March 3 from 8:30 a.m. – 2 great prizes, with the top teams ad- p.m. at ACUITY in Sheboygan. vancing to the Junior Achievement Call 920.457.WOOF to schedule your next appointment. (Weekends available) Teams of local students will of Wisconsin Statewide Business compete in the event. The chal- Challenge in April. Registration is lenge allows students to become open until February 09, 2012. Act CEOs for the day through a hands- fast, teams are already registering! on computer simulated business To register, email 3513 S. 32nd Street, Sheboygan, WI 53081 920.457.WOOF (9663) strategy tournament. Teams of two [email protected]. For more www.centralbarkusa.com high school students will pair up information, please call with an area business leader for the 920.458.0007. competition, giving students a first- hand look at running a business in the real world. Teams must make their own business decisions re- garding product pricing, marketing Independently owned and published 12 times yearly by Terra Media, L.L.C. ©2012 The Kohler Villager All Rights Reserved Printed by The Plymouth Review Editor - Mary Struck THE KOHLER VILLAGER Snowshoe Equipment Sales and Rentals with Professional Advice Terra Media, L.L.C. 219 Church St.Kohler, WI 53044. Northern Lites Snowshoes and Dion Snowshoes 920-331-4904 Web: www.kohlervillager.com Black Diamond Snowshoe & Trekking Poles E-mail: [email protected]. The Kohler Villager welcomes Black Diamond LED Headlamps and Lanterns contributions of news and photos of civic events from readers. Black Diamond Gaiters Editorial staff reserves the right to edit as necessary. www.snowshoegear.com 565 E Riverside Dr Advertising and submission deadline: The 20th of each month prior to 920-547-4500 Kohler, WI 53044 the next month’s issue. Visit kohlervillager.com for info. [email protected] KOHLERVILLAGER.COM FEBRUARY, 2012 = KOHLER VILLAGER 3 St. Mary’s Catholic School at Blessed Trinity Parish Sheboygan Falls Low in Cost Early Childhood High in ChrisChrist-Centeredt-Centered OPEN HOUSE Mission and Values. 3K, 4K, Kindergarten RecallRecall thethe familiarfamiliar hymnhymn “Faith“Faith ofof Our Tuesday, January 31st Fathers?” The lyrics best convey life at Residential Center 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm PPine HHaven. OOur ffaithh is lliving stillll andd Assisted Living forever strong as we carry on the tradition Pine Haven-Oostburg Assisted Living Miss the open house? Schedule a visit! and remain true to our mission of Prairie Crossing Offering: 3K, 4K, All-Day 5K, 1st – 8th grade providing quality care and respect for all Child Care (before and after school) Active Assisted Living in our Christ-centered communities. Covenant Home 313 Giddings, Sheboygan Falls Memory Care Phone (920) 467-6291 = www.blessedtrinityparish.org/sms Visit us in Sheboygan Falls or Oostburg. Skilled Nursing Center Come live with us and Therapy Center experience our mission.
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