SKU Product Issues Years Price Updated 44233 (t)here 2 3 30.00 5/7/2015 46003 (The) Last Magazine 2 1 40.32 5/7/2015 46014 032c 2 1 101.96 5/7/2015 45532 10 Magazine 2 1 48.50 5/7/2015 45533 10 Men 2 1 45.00 5/7/2015 51333 1602 Witch Hunter 12 1 29.99 7/30/2015 45534 18 Karati Export 2 1 65.50 5/7/2015 45535 18 Karati Gold & Fashion 6 1 157.50 5/7/2015 46354 25 Beautiful Homes 12 1 163.45 5/7/2015 48210 25Ans 12 1 261.67 5/7/2015 44316 30+ MILF Combo (no DVD) 6 2 35.00 11/29/2016 44317 40+ Magazine (no DVD) 6 2 35.00 11/29/2016 51452 417 Magazine 12 2 27.00 12/12/2017 45179 4TH D Wellbeing 12 1 60.00 5/7/2015 44319 50+ Magazine (no DVD) 6 2 35.00 11/29/2016 46357 A Tavola 12 1 215.16 5/7/2015 48148 A+U 12 1 682.04 5/7/2015 40528 ABC Soaps in Depth 26 1 39.97 9/6/2017 44401 Ability 12 1 29.70 5/7/2015 45761 Abitare 12 1 368.97 5/7/2015 46017 Acclaim 4 1 80.64 5/7/2015 3158 Acoustic Guitar 12 3 40.00 4/5/2018 63158 Acoustic Guitar - Digital 12 3 40.00 4/5/2018 1108 Action Comics (1/2 year) 12 1 24.99 10/12/2016 4446 ADDitude 4 1 19.95 1/11/2018 60047 Adoption Today - Digital 12 1 12.00 5/7/2015 48361 Adventist Review 12 1 36.95 11/2/2015 1653 Adweek 45 1 99.00 5/7/2015 61653 Adweek - Digital 45 1 99.00 5/7/2015 46360 Aeroplane Monthly 12 1 157.06 5/7/2015 45834 Aesthetica 6 1 88.25 5/7/2015 45222 AFAR 6 2 20.00 5/7/2015 45334 Affordable Housing Finance 6 1 119.00 5/7/2015 51334 A-Force 12 1 29.99 7/30/2015 42696 African American Golfers Digest 4 1 18.00 5/7/2015 46364 Afrique Asie 12 1 124.42 5/7/2015 46365 Afrique Magazine 12 1 162.93 5/7/2015 47989 Afternoon 12 1 224.79 5/7/2015 40031 Against the Current 6 2 30.00 6/12/2015 60920 Aging News Alert - Digital 12 1 299.00 1/25/2018 4779 Ahora 6 1 29.99 5/7/2015 1082 Air Classics 12 1 69.95 5/7/2015 45090 Air Force Times 24 2 60.00 2/23/2017 46367 Air International 12 1 189.57 5/7/2015 48146 Air Stage 12 1 305.92 5/7/2015 46368 Air Forces Monthly 12 1 192.69 5/7/2015 48147 Airline 12 1 363.44 5/7/2015 46177 Airports of the World 6 1 103.01 5/7/2015 48055 Akasugu 2 1 84.67 5/7/2015 51418 Alabama Gardener 9 1 24.95 4/28/2016 313 Alaska 10 2 24.00 2/5/2018 2 Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery 6 1 34.97 11/21/2016 4401 All About Beer 6 3 19.99 3/29/2017 48073 All Yommono 12 1 285.27 5/7/2015 51335 All-new Hawkeye 12 1 29.99 7/30/2015 4669 All-New X-Men 12 1 29.99 5/7/2015 4772 Allons-y! 6 1 29.99 5/7/2015 48481 Alter Ego 8 1 65.00 0122/18 40984 Alternative Medicine 6 1 19.95 12/7/2015 48039 Amakara Techo 12 1 251.34 5/7/2015 1066 Amazing Spider-Man 12 1 29.99 3/13/2018 51336 Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows 12 1 29.99 7/30/2015 51258 Amazing X-Men 12 1 29.99 5/7/2015 3366 America The Jesuit Review 27 1 58.00 8/31/2017 3093 American Angler 6 2 24.00 2/5/2018 51415 American Bungalow 4 2 34.95 4/28/2016 51145 American Cake Decorating 6 2 29.00 5/7/2015 42678 American Conservative 6 1 54.95 5/7/2015 62678 American Conservative - Digital 6 1 24.95 5/7/2015 47005 American Craft 6 2 50.00 7/24/2017 48451 American Digger 6 2 37.95 11/16/2017 4922 American Farmhouse Style 4 2 21.95 8/15/2017 51480 American Football Monthly 6 2 25.00 4/7/2017 61480 American Football Monthly - Digital 6 1 20.00 4/7/2017 40457 American Forests 4 1 35.00 5/7/2015 4919 American Frontiersman 2 2 12.00 3/9/2017 1759 American Girl 6 2 19.97 10/20/2016 48311 American Gunsmith 12 2 34.00 5/7/2015 512 American Handgunner 6 3 19.75 9/3/2009 1547 American Journal of Nursing 12 3 48.85 5/7/2015 51477 American Poetry Review 6 1 30.00 4/4/2017 3140 American Prospect 4 2 19.95 7/24/2015 45253 American Road 4 2 16.95 4/22/2016 3337 American Salon 12 1 26.50 5/7/2015 40162 American Scholar 4 3 29.00 7/25/2015 4593 American School Board Journal 6 1 39.00 3/13/2018 51440 American School Board Journal 6 1 39.00 5/6/2016 6987 American Snowmobiler 6 3 19.95 12/21/2016 43038 American Songwriter 6 2 19.95 2/17/2016 4757 American Survival Guide 12 2 32.95 2/26/2018 45762 Amica 12 1 385.08 5/7/2015 48448 AMLE 9 1 83.00 5/7/2015 4 Analog Science Fiction and Fact 12 1 34.97 5/22/2013 40460 Ancient American 4 1 32.95 3/17/2017 46180 Ancient Egypt 6 1 94.52 5/7/2015 45940 And Men 2 1 67.52 5/7/2015 44007 Anesthesia & Pain Management Coding Alert 12 1 299.00 5/7/2015 48144 Animage 12 1 242.49 5/7/2015 4812 Animal Tales 6 3 19.97 7/9/2015 68304 Animal Wellness - Digital 6 1 12.00 5/7/2015 4782 Animal Wellness Magazine 6 2 24.00 5/7/2015 48145 Animedia 12 1 207.09 5/7/2015 48509 Anorak Magazine 4 1 42.00 1/22/2018 45536 Another Magazine 2 1 45.00 5/7/2015 45537 Another Man 2 1 37.00 5/7/2015 48047 Anshin 12 1 212.99 5/7/2015 51337 Ant Man 12 1 29.99 7/30/2015 44407 Antique Toy World 12 3 42.95 5/7/2015 51315 Antiques & Fine Art 4 2 15.00 5/8/2017 45941 Apartamento 2 1 51.09 5/7/2015 40821 Aperture 4 2 75.00 5/7/2015 4569 Approved Variety Puzzles 6 1 24.97 5/7/2015 4698 Aquaman (1/2 year) 12 1 24.99 5/7/2015 45340 Aquatics International 12 1 30.00 5/7/2015 48214 AR 12 1 192.34 5/7/2015 514 Archaeology 6 1 21.95 5/7/2015 42767 Architect 12 2 59.00 5/7/2015 349 Architectural Digest Italia 12 1 699.50 5/7/2015 862 Architectural Record 12 1 72.00 5/7/2015 46183 Architectures a Vivre 6 1 76.90 5/7/2015 45538 Arena Homme Plus 2 1 41.00 5/7/2015 3458 Arizona Highways 12 3 24.00 5/7/2015 51419 Arkansas Gardener 9 1 24.95 4/28/2016 48142 Arms Magazine 12 1 288.22 5/7/2015 45093 Army Times 24 2 60.00 2/23/2017 288 Art & Antiques 10 3 34.50 5/7/2015 1124 Art + Auction 11 1 129.99 4/14/2016 61124 Art + Auction - Digital 12 1 49.99 7/26/2015 51441 Art Culinaire 4 1 68.00 5/6/2016 165 Art in America 12 2 39.95 5/7/2015 48367 Art Papers 4 2 35.00 3/2/2017 48313 Arthritis Advisor 12 1 20.00 5/7/2015 48460 Artists & Illustrators 13 1 130.00 5/7/2015 8 ARTnews 4 2 39.95 12/22/2015 46189 Artravel 6 1 101.38 5/7/2015 343 Arts & Activities 10 3 24.95 5/7/2015 48386 Arts of Asia 6 1 110.00 5/18/2015 48143 Asahi Camera 12 1 279.37 5/7/2015 48520 Asana Yoga Journal 12 3 36.00 5/7/2015 236 Asimov's Science Fiction 6 1 34.97 11/21/2016 4211 Ask 9 1 33.95 9/22/2017 4933 ASPIRE DESIGN AND HOME 4 2 19.18 12/8/2017 63071 Assisted Housing Alert - Digital 12 1 219.00 1/25/2018 4471 Astronomical Review 4 1 99.00 5/7/2015 9 Astronomy 12 3 42.95 10/20/2016 48006 Asuka 12 1 177.59 5/7/2015 44136 At Home in Arkansas 11 2 15.00 3/22/2018 47950 At Home in Fairfield County 5 1 19.95 5/7/2015 67950 At Home in Fairfield County - Digital 12 1 9.95 5/7/2015 2177 Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles 11 3 25.00 11/19/2015 40051 Atlanta Magazine 12 3 12.00 3/12/2018 45025 Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine 11 1 24.00 5/7/2015 4882 Atomic Ranch 4 2 24.95 1/28/2016 45846 Attitude 12 1 183.04 5/7/2015 46191 Attitude (International Edition) 6 1 241.26 5/7/2015 1393 ATV UTV Action 12 2 19.98 5/7/2015 4504 ATV World 4 3 14.00 5/7/2015 51407 Auction Exchange & Collectors News 51 1 31.00 3/11/2016 46024 Australian Cosmetic Surgery 4 1 102.18 5/7/2015 45752 Auto & Design 6 1 368.49 5/7/2015 45173 Auto Remarketing Newsmagazine 24 1 24.95 5/7/2015 4442 Auto Round-up 26 1 34.95 6/15/2017 4680 Avengers 18 1 29.99 3/13/2018 48314 Aviation Consumer 12 2 84.00 5/7/2015 48315 Aviation Safety 12 2 84.00 5/7/2015 60901 Aviation Week & Space Tech - Digital 26 1 99.00 5/12/2017 901 Aviation Week & Space Technology 51 2 129.00 3/13/2018 48131 Axis 2 1 258.72 5/7/2015 51442 Azure 8 1 39.95 11/9/2017 48028 Baby Book 12 1 208.57 5/7/2015 2040 Babybug 9 1 33.95 9/22/2017 48482 Back Issue 8 1 76.00 1/22/2018 44411 Backcountry Magazine 6 1 19.95 12/20/2011 224 Backpacker 9 3 29.98 3/24/2016 48255 Baila 12 1 229.22 5/7/2015 4918 Ballistic 4 2 26.97 3/9/2017 45731 Bambini Children's shoes 2 1 116.36 5/7/2015 5031 Barbie Magazine 6 2 36.97 2/9/2018 40058 Barely Legal (Hustler's) 10 2 39.95 5/7/2015 51242 Bark Magazine 4 2 18.00 11/4/2014 61242 Bark Magazine- Digital 4 1 12.99 5/7/2015 14 Baseball Digest 6 3 44.95 12/2/2015 51459 BASIC Magazine 4 2 63.96 9/15/2016 45053 Bass Angler Magazine 4 2 24.95 5/7/2015 867 Bass Player 12 3 18.99 1/25/2018 40545 Bassin' 7 2 19.99 12/21/2016 5889 Bassmaster 9 3 25.00 5/7/2015 4699 Batgirl 12 1 24.99 5/7/2015 4700 Batgirl & the Birds of Prey 12 1 24.99 8/24/2016 1110 Batman (1/2 year) 12 1 33.99 5/23/2018 51615 Batman Beyond 12 1 29.99 5/23/2018 4592 Bazoof! 4 3 22.95 11/3/2016 64592 Bazoof! - Digital 6 1 16.99 1/31/2017 45255 BBC Gardens Illstrated 13 1 113.77 5/4/2018 45256 BBC History 13 1 49.95 11/9/2017 46026 BBC Home Cooking Series 4 1 54.48 5/7/2015 50081 BBC Science Focus 6 1 39.95 11/9/2017 47985 Be Boy Gold 2 1 103.84 5/7/2015 48005 Be Love 24 1 297.66 5/7/2015 46027 Be Street 4 1 58.66 5/7/2015 45727 Beachwear 1 1 63.42 5/7/2015 5892 Bead & Button 6 3 28.95 3/7/2017 48167 Beads Friend 4 1 82.31 5/7/2015 47941 Bear Hunting 6 1 20.00 5/7/2015 48279 Beauty Store Business 12 2 24.00 1/25/2018 48058 Beby Mo 4 1 83.78 5/7/2015 3614 Beckett Baseball 12 3 44.95 3/13/2018 63614 Beckett Baseball - Digital 12 1 33.99 10/30/2015 3615 Beckett Basketball 12 3 44.95 3/13/2018 63615 Beckett Basketball - Digital 12 1 33.99 10/30/2015 3617 Beckett Football 12 3 44.95 3/13/2018 63617 Beckett Football - Digital 12 1 33.99 10/30/2015 3618 Beckett Hockey 12 3 44.95 3/13/2018 63618 Beckett Hockey - Digital 12 1 33.99 10/30/2015 4364 Beckett Sports Card Monthly 12 3 44.95 3/13/2018 64364 Beckett Sports Card Monthly - Digital 12 1 9.99 11/6/2015 46028 Beer & Brewer 4 1 76.24 5/7/2015 48188 Begin 12 1 212.99 5/7/2015 46196 Belle 6 1 127.42 5/7/2015 48068 Bessatsu Bungei Shumju 2 1 215.94 5/7/2015 48016 Bessatsu Friend 12 1 161.37 5/7/2015 48015 Bessatsu Hana To Yume 12 1 184.97 5/7/2015 47987 Bessatsu Koro Koro
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