SWETT GENEALOGY DESCENDANTS OF John Swett of Newbury, Mass. BY EVERETT S. STACKPOLE Author of History of Durham,_.Maine, History and Genealogy of the Stackpole Family, Old Kittery and Her Families, Macomber Genealogy, etc. THE JOUltNAL PRINTSHOP LEWISTO~. MAIN!! FOREWORD Some have supposed that the Swett, Sweat, Swete, Sweet fam­ ilies are all of common origin. Swett and Swete, however, seem to have been two distinct and separate families. John de la Swete had a shop in Canterbury, Eng., in 1494. Later he is called sim­ ply Jdhn Swete. Here the origin of this surname is shown. He was John de la suite, of the retinue of some nobleman or digni­ tary of the church. The surname Swete is often found in Devon­ shire. The coat of arms of this family was printed in the sev­ enth volume of the New England Historic-Genealogical Register, as though it belonged to the Swett, or Sweat family. This must be an error. Swet is an earlier Anglo-Saxon surname. William Swet is mentioned as a tenant of Hugh de Chauncaus, at Upton, in the reign of Henry III. about 1216. The Hundred Rolls contain the name~ of Swet le Bone (Goodman Swet), in co. Norfolk, Adam Swct in co. Oxford, Roger son of John Swet in co. Cambridge, about the year 1275.-See Banlsley's Dictionary of English an<l Welsh names, p. 731. Chaplain William Suwet made a grant of a messuage of land in Coventry, Warwickshire, to William de Colesby, in 1369. John Swet, or Suet, of Thur\eston, Derbyshire, had mother Emma, son Edmond, and wife Alice, in 1332. A search of old English records discloses the surname, Swet, Swett, Sweat, Suet, Suwet, etc., occurring often in the South of England. i It has been published that John S\vett of Newbury came from the Isle of Guernsey, and that his descendants settled in vVellfleet · and Truro, Mass. There seems, on investigation, to be no con­ nection between the Swetts of Cape Cod and those of Newbury. -See History of Barnstable County, p. 821. See also appendix to :this book. The aim of this book is to trace all descendants ~f John Swett down to about the year 1800 and some families down to the present date. Thus it may be easy for all living descend­ ants to find their line of ancestry. SvVETT GENEALOGY Just where John Swett of· New'bury came from has not been lear;ned. He brought a wife and four sons with him. He was admitted to the freedom of 1fassachusetts Colony, 18 May 1642, and was one of the grantees of Newbury, Mass., 7 December 1642. He must be carefully distinguished from John Sweet of Boston about the same time. John Swett of Newbury had wife, Sarah, who died I I Dec. 1650. He may have had a second wife, Phebe, who died, a widow, 6 May 1665. He lived on the first lot east of the old landing, on the north side of Parker's River. He died 13 June, 1651-2. The monument erected on the lower green at Newbury, to the memory of the first settlers, does not bear the name of John Swett, but of Stephen, his son, it being then sup­ posed that Stephen Swett was the first one of the family to settle in Newbury. The children of John Swett were, 2. JOHN, JR., b. about 16o3; m. :Mercy Rouse, (2) Jane (Hodges?). 3. JosEPII h. --; m. Elizabeth Taylor, (2) l\frs. Mary Buttolph. 4. STEPHEN b. about 1620; m. Hannah Merrill, (2) Rebecca Smith. 5. BENJAMIN b. about 1626; m. Hester ·weare. 2 1 JoHN SWETT (John ), born in England about 16o3, was an inhabitant of 01arlestown, Mass., in 1649, and is called on Church records "son of John of Newbury." He was a shoemaker. Con­ stable in 1650. He married ( 1) Mercy, datt. of Faithful and Sttretrust (Starr) Rouse of Charlestown, who died 13 Feb. 1685-6, (2) Jane (Hodges?). He died 18 May, 1693, aged 90. His will, dated 22 March 1687-8, gives legacies to his brothers, Joseph and Stephen and to his daughter-in-la\v, j~ne Hodges: It may be inferred that the following children had died. BEN"JAMIN bapt. 29 Nov. 1659, "son of John Swett of chmch of Ne\',,-bttry." HANNAH bapt. 13 of 8th month, 1661. 8 SWETT GENEALOGY 3 2 JOSEPH SWETT (John ) married, Oct. 1651, as church record says, Elizabeth Taylot'. Newbury confirmed to him a grant of six acres 011 Deer Island in 1655. Removed to Boston. 1'.farried (2) after 1671, Mary, widow of Thomas Buttolph and <lau. of Nichql:ts Baxter. 1 fis will, lll:tclc in London, En~.. 20 Ang. 1689, was probated tltcrc 24 Jan. 1695. lt names no chil<lren. Her will, r2 Jan. 17u-2-_IO Apr. r72r, "widow, of Boston, being very aged and weak," names son, Nicholas Buttolph, clau. Mary wife of Roliert Guttridge, dau. Abigail wife of Joseph Belknap, all probably children hy her first husband. Her will makes no mention of her children by Joseph Swett. He is called a mariner. The following children are recorded in Boston. JosE.l'Il b. 26 Oct. 1658. 01ilclren by secon<l marriage: BENJAMIN 'b. 12 July, 1673. PHEBE b. 7 Feb. 1674. ANNA, twin to Phebe. ELIZAllETH b. 7 July, 1676. 4 1 STEPHEN SwE.TT (John ), born in England about 1620, mar­ ried ( 1) 24 May 1647, Hannah Merrill, datt. of John and Eliza­ beth, of Newbury, wLo <lied 4 April 1662, (2) 4 Aug: 1663, Re­ becca, <latt. of Thoma~ Smith. She was born 25 Feb. 1641 and <lied I March 16<)9-70. He kept an "ordinary" in 1670, after­ wards known as the "Blue Anchor Tavern." This house, built by him, is stilt standing and occupied, on the west side of High Street, Newburyport, near the head of Marlborough Street. It has recently been pu~chased by the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities. He sold this place 16 Nov. 1691, and he is ment ioncd as "deceased" 9 Jan. 1693-4, Children recorded in Newbury: 6. JoIIN b. 20 Oct. 1648; m. Mary Plummer. STEPHEN b. 20 Ang. 1650; d. prob. 24 Sept. 1650~ HANNAH b. 7 Oct. 1651; m. John Badger, 23 Feb. 1670-1; d. IU9I. STEI'IIEN b. 28 Jan. 1653; soldier in the Narragansett \Var, 1675. House Built by Stephen Swett Before 1670, Newbury. Mass. SWE1'T GENEALOGY 9 ELIZABETH b. 17 Jan. 1655; m. prob. Edward Poor. 7. JosEPH b. 28 Nov. 1657; m. Mrs. Hannah Knott. MARY b. 25 April 166o; d. 17 l\1arch 1662. REBECCA b. 4 Dec. 1(>65; d. 31 May 1(>67. REnECCA b. 27 Feb. 16!59; m. Nov. 1700 Daniel Gale of Salem, Mass. 5 1 CAPTAIN BENJAMIN SWETT (Jolm ), born in England as early as 1626, married, 1 Nov. 1647, Hester, dau. of Hon. Nathaniel ·weare of Hampton, N. H. He lived seven years in Newbury, on the Woodbridge farm, just east of the upper green and about where the Woodbridge School now stands. Removed to Hamp­ ton Falls, N. H. The Gove House, where the poet "Whittier died, stands very near the site of Capt. Benjamin Swett's house, and the enormous elm tree close by is said to have 'been brought from England by Swett's brother-in-law, Nathaniel Weare. He was Captain in the militia and commanded -the expedition to Black Point, Scarborough, whe~e he was killed in battle with the ,Indians, 29 June 1677. His widow married Ensign Stephen Gr~enleaf, 31 March 1679. She <lied in Hampton, N. H., 16 Jan. 1718, aged 89. Mr. Swett was one of the leading men of Hampton and a brave military officer. For sketch of him see Bodge's Sol­ diers of King Philip's War. Seven children recorded in Newbury and four in Hampton : 1 ,4, ~: f!,:, HESTER b. 17 June 1648; m. Abraham Green~~i. 1668. SARAH b. 7 Nov. 1650; m. Morris Hobbs, 1678. MARY b. 7 Jan. 1651; died young. MARY b. 2 May 1654; m. Richard Waterhouse 3 Dec. 1701. • 8. JOSEPH b. 21 Jan. 1658; m. Hannah --, (2) Sarah Andrews. 9. MosEs b. 16 April 1661 ; m. Mary Hussey. 10. BENJAMIN b. 20 May 1664; m. Theodate Hussey. HANNAH b. 16 March 1665; m. John Ru.st, 12 :1\fay 1682. ELIZABETH h. 2 ·May 1667; m. 8 Dec. 1709, John French? N. Hampton records. II. JOHN b. 17 March 1670; m. Bethiah Page.· 12. STEPHEN b. 13 July 1672; m. Mary Kent. IO SWEIT GENEALOGY THIRD GENERATION 6 1 JOHN SWETT (Stephen2, John ) born in Newbury, Mass., 20 Oct. 1648, is said on town records to have died 24 Sept. 1650, but John is here probably a clerical error for Stephen, since John Swe_tt of Newbury, born in 1648 according to a deposition, mar­ ried, 7 Dec. 1670, Mary; daughter of Samuel and Mary (Bidfield) Plummer. He married (2) 12 Jan. 1713-4, widow Estlter French. He died in Newbury 17 March 1717-8. Children recorded in Newbury: MARY b. IO April 1672; m. 7 July 1692, Gideon Lowell; d. 27 Nov. 1734. HANNAH b. 15 June 1674; m. Archilaus Woodman. 13. JOHN b. 28 Feb. 1677; m. Susanna Page. 14. SAMUEL b. 10 Feb. 1680; m. Jane Gerrish. STEPHEN b. 27 Jan. 1683; living in 1717. JOSEPH b. 2 Feb. 1687; living in 1717. A Joseph Sweet was rated in the North Parish, Portsmouth, N. H., in 1717. An : inscription in the Point of Graves cemetery at Portsmouth reads, "Alexander son of Joseph and J aen Swett, aged 5 days, Dec'd March ye 20th 1715/16." In 1717 John Swett of Newbury deeded homestead to son llenjamin Swett, he to pay his brothers Stephen and Joseph Swett and grantor's wife Esther.
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