VOLUME XXXIII.-NO. 32. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 8, 1894. WHOLE NUMBER, 1728 A Vacation Rhyme. Republican Candidates Again. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTIO TO CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION'. 1st District—Cha«. E. Hisoook, J. His wife ie backl No more at ni^ht. In the 2d representative district A Magnificent Attendance and Grea F. Lawrence, H. G. Prettyman, E. D. BUSY STORE OF When seems to him the town a somber night, the name of J fi.be z "Worttley is being Kinne, Ann Arbor ; Wm. Judkon, Syl- Too dull nnd gray. Enthusiasm. May he go forth with paint to make it bright. talked up for the run on the repub- van ; Geo. H. Kempf, Chelsea; Em- He's bad his day; His wife is back. lican ticket. He made tlio race once, The comity convention to choos ery E. Leland, Northfield; John Schairer & Mi lien! against overwhelming odde, and came delegates to the congressional an Buss, Freedom ; A. J. Sawyer, Web- But who is that, With glossy hat near getting there, and would try it senatorial conventions, assembled a ster ; Geo. S. Wheeler, Salem. LETTING DOWN PRICES And step a< springy as the step of fawn. Who leaves at night, returning with the dawn? again if hds party is willing, which no the court house last Tuesday. I 2d District—C. C. Dorr, Sharon; FOB THE It is the other man whose wife's just gone ! doubt it is. Wm. Burtless, Manchester ; Archie He'll see the painting done was a live convention, and ALL THL He'll have the fun I REPRESENTATIVE—2ND DISTRICT. TOWN'S AND WAEDS in the count; Crane, Bridge water ; E. A. Hauser, MONTH OF AUGUST. The town shall never stay So dull nnd gray; Mr. Wortley is a hustler. He is had representatives present. Saline ; S. R. Oittenden, Pittsfield ; His wife has gone! one of the best known men in his dis- The convention was called to or Michael O'Hara, Lodi; E. F. Pyle, WE WANT TO SELL A LOT OF So gentle nature makes trict, amid can probably poll more der by H. G. Prettyman, chairman o York ; J. B. Wortley, Ypsilnaiti ; Per- SUMMER GOODS AM) WILL MAKE A compensation sweet; PRICES TO CLOSE THEM OUT. She gives for what she takes, votes than any other man in the the county committee, who eaile ry L. Townsend, Superior; H. 1'. Mill it is meet! Thompson, Augusta. As where the flower is plucked another springs, district. The city of Ypsilaavti ought the Hon. Geo. S. Wheeler, of Salem 25 pieces White India linen and So she, provided for myriad things, The town may not be left to stay. to be given a representative in the to the chair. TO SENATORIAL CONVENTION. plaid Muslins, closing out at 5c A II d ui 1 and gray : legislature occasionally. It has in- J.. H. Kingsley, of Manchester, wa* a yard. One lot 15c Black and One wife conies home to-day, At Large—Wm. M. Osband, Ypsi- Another goes away. terests that meed a g-ood business chosen temporary Secretary. lanti. Blue Dress Mulls, closing out at -Chicago Post. man, conversant therewith, to pre- The following committees were ap 1st District—Albert C. Schumacher, 5c a yard. 50 pieces fine 10c sent to the legislature, and Mr. Wort- pointed : That 22d Reg. Reunion Aga'n. Seth C. Randall, Geo. W. Sweet, S. Dress Lawns, closing out at 5c a ley is just that sort of a man. He Credentials—Cha.s. E. Hiscock, Ani A. Koran, Ann Arbor; Clias. Stan- yard. 15 pieces 10c wash Crepes, will be one who will be heard from, Arbor ; Dr. Pyle, Milan ; Wm. Jud Dress Goods! It seems that the statement nard, Scio; J. Wood, Saline; Na- closing out at 5c a yd. Kubber too, if he is elected to that position. son. Sylvan ; Philo E. Galpin, Su T that the Reunion of the 22d Mien. In- than H. Pierce, Lima; Lester Can- Dress Shields, closing out at •",(_• a A.N D perior ; E. E. Leland, Xorthfield. i'iint vy would be held on Aug. 1st, was REPRESENTATIVE—1ST DISTRICT. field, Lyndon ; Frank Barker, North- pair. Stevens wide Linen Towel- a clever ruse Col. 'Dean used to make Permanent Organization and Ordei FUR GAPES AND JACKETS! The first choice of Ann Arbor re- field ; Wm. Smith, Dexter. ing, closing out at 5c a yard. 50 certain of securing those famous bat- pub;icans, and for that matter near- of Business—Dr. F. K. Owen, Ypsilan 2d District—Henry D. Platt, Pitts- pieces best 7c Prints, closing out tle flags in time for the day set for ly all the republican in th,e 1st rep- ti; A. F.'Freeman, Manchester; T fiekl; H. P. O'Neil, Sharon; Philo at 5c a yard. Closing out 50c and that event, which is Aug. 30th, the ri'sentathe district, is John !•'. Law- J. Keec.lt, Ann Arbor; Wm. Camp- E. Galpin, Superior; W. I. Yeckley, 75c Shirt Waists for 39c each. 150 Imported Dress Patterns place being changed to Pontiac in- pence. He is n, man who possesses bell, Pittsfield ; Henry C. Oalhoun J. D. Forsythe, H. S. Boutwell, Dr. Closing out $1.00 and $1.25 Shirt stead of Lansing, as has been publish- eminent ability for the piaee, and one Birdgewater. F. K. Owen, Ypsilanti ; F. D. Ford, received this week in Fall Waists for 75c each. Closing out ed. who would take a cororoaindtng po- Kesolutions^J. C. Knowlton, Ann Lodi ; Henry C. CaAhoun, Bridgewa- Fabrics, to sell at The following quotation is taken sitiom from the first. He would be Arbor ; Wm. M, Osband, Ypsilanti, ter; John K. Campbell, Augusta. Fine Lawn Wrappers for 75c each. from the circular sent out announcing looked up to as a leader, and the dis- A. F. Freeman, Manchester; J. H A resolution was then passed in- Ladies Wrappers, light and dark the reunion find the change '.n place trict would feel proud of such a rep- Kingsley. Manchester ; John F. Law- structing the delegates to the con- colors, closing out at 58c each. 4§c, 75c and $1.00. of holding the same : resentative. But Mr. Lawrence is rence, Ann Arbor. gressional convention to use all rea- "An unusual eveni is'before us. Our diffident about going on the ticket, The convention then adjourned un sonable efforts to secure the nomina- K&YSER'S PATENT FINGER-TIPPED feeling that his private affairs de- long lost nnd captured ilags of Cliick- til 1:30 p. m. tion of Hon. Andrew J. Sawyer, of SILK GLOVES, 50 Pieces Imported and Do- aniaugua, one of which was present- mand his presence at home, and that j AFTERNOON SESSION. Ann Arbor, (or member of congress it would be a great personal sacri- ed (to our regiment by the young la- Upon reassembling the committee from ithe second district. In Black, Tan, Brown and Slates, mestic Fabrics in all Wool fice to accept the position even were dies of Pontiac, in 1863, is sure to on credentials reported full delega- The delegations were empowered at 75c a pair. be with us at our coming Reunion. the electfett" assured, consequently he and Silk and Wool, to sell tions from every town and ward in to fill any vacancy that might oc- Every Pair Guaranteed. at Col. Dean,- whose qualities for secur- declines, though it is possible he may Ann Arbor. This is a fact that cur in their ranks. ing what he undertakes to' get is so be induced to listen to the popular de- should be noted, for it is perhaps the After this the candidates for con- HOUSE-KEEPERS, READ THE well known, has them now in his pos- mand and allow his uameto be ju first convention that lias assembled gress were called in and speeches de- 22c, 29c, 39c, 45c and 49c. session. There is another gentleminn in the here in many years that can report manded. Mr. Sawyer spoke first, BARGAINS. "Your officers having received •warm district who would be an honor to it that fact. Among the delegates al- thanking ithe convention for the 10 doz. Chenelle Table Covers, and urgent invitations from Pontiac could he be induced to run. We re so were no less than eight men who meat .honor conferred upon him, and worth $1.25, now 69c each. Fur Capes and Jackets—for to hold our meeting there, and also fer to Hon. H. Wlrt Xewkirk. of Dex never acted with the republican party very pleasantly and eloquently as- 100 Large White Bed Spreads many .requests from prominent mem- ter. (Like Mr. Lawrence lie hesitates siuring .the convention that if nominat- closing out at 69c each. before. Out of 221 delegates there 50 pairs White and Gray Blankets Fall and Winter are here bers of our regiment, believe that it about allowing the use of his name were 217 present. ed .he wouM to everything in his pow- now 59c a pair. is the wish of our members, under all Hi; has 'A, lucrative business that er ,to be elected. 25 Large Colored Bed Spreads, a in large variety of Fur The committee on resolutions then the peculiar circumstances, to change needs his personal attention, and he Capt. Allen followed in a noble, bargain at 98c each. and Styles of Garments. from Lapeer to Pontiac, where one of would have ito make personal sacri- reported the following which were 200 AVindow Shades complete, generous spirit, and proved to the ready to hang, at 19c each. the two then young ladies (Mrs.
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