NMML Acquisitions: March – April 2007 This list is for informational purposes only, indicating volumes currently in the NMML Library collection. This is a searchable PDF file. Press Ctrl+F and type the keyword you are searching for. Ahlborn, B. K. and R. W. Blake . 1999. Lower Size Limit of Aquatic Mammals. American Journal of Physics 67(10): 920-922. CCC:000082980100014 Akamatsu, Tomonari, Jonas Teilmann, Lee A. Miller, Jakob Tougaard, Rune Dietz, Ding Wang, Kexiong Wang, Ursula Siebert, and Yasuhiko Naito . 2007. Comparison of echolocation behaviour between coastal and riverine porpoises: Bio-logging Science: Logging and Relaying Physical and Biological Data Using Animal-Attached Tags -Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Bio-logging Science, Second International Conference on Bio-logging Science. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 54(3-4): 290-297. Available online to NOAA West at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VGC-4N6NHDT-1/2 849e7f2959fb83985ae9db8491f568d5 Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Alaska Ocean Observing System, Alaska Pacific University, Alaska Sea Grant, Alaska SeaLife Center, Alliance for Coastal Technologies, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, Kachemak Bay Research Reserve, Minerals Management Service, National Ocean Service, National Park Service, North Pacific Fishery Management Council, North Pacific Research Board, North Slope Science Initiative, Oceans Alaska Science and Learning Center, Oil Spill Recovery Institute, Pollock Conservation Cooperative Research Center, PRince William Sound Science Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, U.S. Arctic Research Commission and USGS Alaska Science Center. 2007. Marine Science in Alaska: 2007 Symposium Book of Abstracts. Anchorage, AK, [U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, NMFS], Alaska Fisheries Science Center. 1 volume (unpaginated)p. QH95.35 .M33 2007 Aliaga-Rossel, E., T. L. McGuire, and H. Hamilton . 2006. Distribution and encounter rates of the river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis boliviensis) in the central Bolivian Amazon. Journal of cetacean research and management 8(1): 87-92. NMML PERIODICALS COLLECTION - SH381 .I4841 v.8 no.1 Allen, Robert C. and Ian Keay . 2004. Saving the whales: lessons from the extinction of the eastern Arctic bowhead. Journal of Economic History 64(2): 400-432. CITATION ONLY Beineke, Andreas, Siebert, Ursula, Muller, Gundi, and Baumgartner, WolfgangIncreased blood interleukin-10 mRNA levels in diseased free-ranging harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 115[1-2], 100-106. 2007. Bejder, L., A. Samuels, H. Whitehead, and N. Gales . 2006. Interpreting Short-Term Behavioural Responses to Disturbance Within a Longitudinal Perspective. Animal Behaviour 72(5): 1149-1158. CCC:000241942800021 Bejder, L., A. Samuels, H. Whitehead, N. Gales, J. Mann, R. Connor, M. Heithaus, J. Watson-Capps, C. Flaherty, and M. Krutzen . 2006. Decline in Relative Abundance of Bottlenose Dolphins Exposed to Long-Term Disturbance. Conservation Biology 20(6): 1791-1798. CCC:000242724500029 Bianucci, Giovanni, Celma, Claudio Di, Landini, Walter, and Buckeridge, JohnPalaeoecology and taphonomy of an extraordinary whale barnacle accumulation from the Plio-Pleistocene of Ecuador. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242[3-4], 326-342. 2006. Borrell, A. and Aguilar, A.Organochlorine concentrations declined during 1987-2002 in western Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins, a coastal top predator. Chemosphere 66[2], 347-352. 2007. Bowen, L., B. Aldridge, K. Beckmen, T. Gelatt, L. Rea, K. Burek, K. Pitcher, and J. L. Stott . 2006. Differential Expression of Immune Response Genes in Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias Jubatus): an Indicator of Ecosystem Health? Ecohealth 3(2): 109-113. CCC:000238800400006 Brown, D. A. 1966. Breeding Biology of the Snow Petrel, Pagodroma Nivea (Forster). Melbourne, Australian Department of External Affairs, Antarctic Division. (ANARE Reports, Series B. Zoology, vol. 1, no. 89) 63p. G845 .A8 ser. b, vol. 1 no. 89 Burkanov, Vladimir N. and Thomas R. Loughlin . 2005. Distribution and abundance of Steller sea lions, Eumetopias jubatus, on the Asian coast, 1720's-2005. Marine Fisheries Review 67(2): 1-62. Available online at: http://spo.nmfs.noaa.gov/mfr672/mfr6721.pdf NMML PERIODICALS COLLECTION - SH11 .A28 v.67 no.2 REPRINT FILE Call, Katherine A., Fadely, Brian S., Greig, Angie, and Rehberg, Michael J.At-sea and on-shore cycles of juvenile Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) derived from satellite dive recorders: A comparison between declining and increasing populations. In: Bio-logging Science: Logging and Relaying Physical and Biological Data Using Animal-Attached Tags - Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Bio-logging Science, Second International Conference on Bio-logging Science. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 54[3-4], 298-310. 2007. Campagna, Claudio, Piola, Alberto R., Rosa Marin, Maria, Lewis, Mirtha, and Fernandez, TeresitaSouthern elephant seal trajectories, fronts and eddies in the Brazil/Malvinas Confluence. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 53[12], 1907-1924. 2006. Canadas, A. and P. S. Hammond . 2006. Model-based abundance estimates for bottlenose dolphins off southern Spain: implications for conservation and management. Journal of cetacean research and management 8(1): 13-27. NMML PERIODICALS COLLECTION - SH381 .I4841 v.8 no.1 Carlini, A. R., S. Poljak, G. A. Daneri, M. E. I. Marquez, and J. Negrete . 2006. The Dynamics of Male Harem Dominance in Southern Elephant Seals (Mirounga Leonina) at the South Shetland Islands. Polar Biology 29(9): 796-805. ISI:000239172200010 Charlton, Kate, Andrea C. Taylor, and Stephen W. McKechnie . 2006. A note on divergent mtDNA lineages of bottlenose dolphins from coastal waters of southern Australia. Journal of cetacean research and management 8(2): 173-179. NMML PERIODICALS COLLECTION - SH381 .I4841 v.8 no.2 Cherel, Yves, Richard Sabatié, Michel Potier, and Francis Ménard Frédéric Marsac . 2007. New information from fish diets on the importance of glassy flying squid (Hyaloteuthis pelagica) (Teuthoidea: Ommastrephidae) in the epipelagic cephalopod community of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Fishery Bulletin 105(1): 147-152. Available online at: http://fishbull.noaa.gov/1051/cherel.pdf NMML PERIODICALS COLLECTION - SH11 .A13 v.105 no.1 Coghlan, A. 2006. Whales Get Emotional. New Scientist 192(2580): 6-7. CCC:000242561100003 Connor, Richard C., Smolker, Rachel, and Bejder, LarsSynchrony, social behaviour and alliance affiliation in Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops aduncus. Animal Behaviour 72[6], 1371-1378. 2006. Dere, E., Kart-Teke, E., Huston, J. P., and De Souza Silva, M. A.The case for episodic memory in animals . Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 30[8], 1206-1224. 2006. Dolar, M. Louella L., William F. Perrin, Barbara L. Taylor, Gerald L. Kooyman, and Moonyeen N. R. Alava . 2006. Abundance and distributional ecology of cetaceans in the central Philippines. Journal of cetacean research and management 8(1): 93-111. NMML PERIODICALS COLLECTION - SH381 .I4841 v.8 no.1 Downes, M. C., E. H. M. Ealey, A. M. Gwynn and P. S. Young. 1959. The Birds of Heard Island. Melbourne, Australian Department of External Affairs, Antarctic Division. (ANARE Reports, Series B. Zoology, vol. 1) 135p. G845 .A8 ser. b, vol. 1 1959 Du Fresne, Sam, David Fletcher, and Steve Dawson . 2006. The effect of line-transect placement in a coastal distance sampling survey. Journal of cetacean research and management 8(1): 79-85. NMML PERIODICALS COLLECTION - SH381 .I4841 v.8 no.1 Endo, Aiko and Yamao, MasahiroPolicies governing the distribution of by-products from scientific and small-scale coastal whaling in Japan. Marine Policy 31[2], 169-181. 2007. Fayer, R., D. Lindsay, M. E. Olson, A. Appelbee, L. Measures, R. A. Cole, J. P. Dubey, N. J. Thomas, M. Miller, P. Conrad, I. Gardner, C. Kreuder, J. Mazet, D. Jessup, E. Dodd, M. Harris, J. Ames, K. Worcester, D. Paradies, M. Grigg, E. J. Lewis, J. M. Trout, L. Xiao, D. W. Howard, R. Palmer, K. Ludwig, and S. S. Tyler . 2004. Zoonotic Protozoa in the Marine Environment: a Threat to Aquatic Mammals and Public Health. Veterinary Parasitology 125(1-2): 131-135. CCC:000224789000009 Fish, F. E. 2000. Biomechanics and Energetics in Aquatic and Semiaquatic Mammals: Platypus to Whale. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 73(6): 683-698. CCC:000166172300005 Fossi, M. C. and L. Marsili . 2003. Effects of Endocrine Disruptors in Aquatic Mammals. Pure and Applied Chemistry 75(11-12): 2235-2247. CCC:000188233800046 Garcia-Godos, Ignacio . 2006. A note on the occurrence of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off Peru, 1995-2002. Journal of cetacean research and management 8(1): 113-119. NMML PERIODICALS COLLECTION - SH381 .I4841 v.8 no.1 Genty, Emilie and Roeder, Jean-JacquesSelf-control: why should sea lions, Zalophus californianus, perform better than primates? Animal Behaviour 72[6], 1241-1247. 2006. Geraci, Joseph R. and Valerie J. Lounsbury. 2005. Marine Mammals Ashore: a Field Guide for Strandings . 2nd edition. Baltimore, MD, National Aquarium in Baltimore. 371p.p. QL717 .G47 2005 Gilman, Eric, Nigel Brothers, Geoff McPherson, and Paul Dalzell . 2006. A review of cetacean interactions with longline gear. Journal of cetacean research and management 8(2): 215-223. NMML PERIODICALS COLLECTION - SH381 .I4841 v.8 no.2 Gwynn, A. M. 1953. The Egg-Laying and Incubation Periods of Rockhopper, Macaroni and Gentoo
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