A GREATER MEDIA NEWSPAPER BAYSHORE SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, KEYPORT, MATAWAN, UNION BEACH AND KEANSBURG VOL. 22 NUMBER 23 JUNE 3, 1992 25 C E N T S Hazlet plans new town taste hall ' of drama Page 3 Page 9 Are you making wedding plans? Page B 1 Photograph by Rich Schultz 2 JUNE 3, 1992, INDEPENDENT •RED GERANIUMS • WHITE from ■J 5 9 •ROSE each • SALMON ORTHO ■ F A 1 GARDEN CENTERS FROM OUR FLORAL DEPT. HOME PEST • SILK FLOWERS • BASKETS • GIFTWARE INSECT • CERAMIC URNS AND POTS CONTROL • CUSTOM FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS with SPRAYER ^ ALL RIBBONS AND BOWS_______________ lRse& 1i % 2 9 Q 9 9 NURSERY COST AFTER REBATE W TRUE Flowering TREES 1 Q 9 9 0 0 DWARF ENGLISH BOXWOOD 2 for • Cherry • Dogwood I ^ 9 each JUNIPERS 2 5 • Purple Leaf Plum Large Sizes Available Also SUPER BLUE » Crabapple • Weep. Willow 4 9 " NURSERY SPECIAL STAR • BLUE RUG • BAR HARBOR • TAMS LANDSCAPE SIZE 1 GAL. CONT. 9 9 • SARGENTS • BLUE CHIP • PFITZER • Spreading yews • Golden Arborvitae f r t * # * * RHODODENDRON ..4 • SEA GREEN • BLUE PACIFIC • STRICTA • Upright Yews • Pyramidal Arborvitae • PRINCE of WHALES • BROADMOOR »Globe Arborvitae a m ^ p a r h 3 for CM Beautiful Lace Leaf • Old Gold Junipers i n e e •JuniperStricta ” 10 $169. WEEPING 7Q 99 for 4 ’ - 5 ’ ____________________________________________ mix and match JAPANESE * * HEMLOCK ReM9.99 PRIVET Q 9 9 g p e e i d ' 1 G A L L O N R E D M A P L E M TO 3’ HEDGE 2 5 f o r O PYRAMIDAL 3’-4’ S d e d ^ O - JUNIPERS FRUIT TREES 1 4 . 9 9 \NDROMEDA (LARGE) and ARBORVITAE. Q 9 9 (Many Varieties) or3 fo *4 0 }J RHODODENDRON S ale e a c h Kwazan IN 3 GALLON CONTAINERS ^ FORSYTHIA CHERRY 1 0 .99 R f l O O 3’ Heavy Plants 10 FOR 99 5’ to 6’ Tall 29 ” e a c h 5 f o r 3 U 2 9 ea. P i n K 5' to 6’ Tall CANADIAN , <1099 13 GAL. MUGHO DOGWOOD HEMLOCK IH S p e c i a l PINE Heavy-W ell Budded 2’ TO 3’ TALL 3 FOR 5000 3 9 * 1 5 ” to 1 8 ” 3 0 00 WEEPING AZALEAS 5" ea CHERRY or 10 for 49" Exbury • CRIMSON PIGMY T TALL reg. 99.95 59“ AZALEAS JUMBO AZALEAS BARBERI in 3 GAL. CONT Super Bright Colors HYBRID 2 for MANY COLORS 8' TO 10 ' •ALBERTA SPRUCE TO CHOOSE FROM 1 9 " ea RHODOS R E D B U D CRIMSON KIN •GOLD or SILVER 18” TO 24” Spread 25°o WHITE 8’ t o 1 0 ' MAPLE EUOYNMOUS LILACS BIRCH 9 9 109* CLUMPS. 4 9 7 9 “ 4 9 " , 2’-3’ Tall M U L C H E S & SOILS 40 LBS. G L O R I O N ’ S FOR FLOWER Twinlight T O P S O IL $ 1 8 9 a s s s s r & SHRUB BEDS or Repeat of a Sellout JONATHAN GREEN TICK. P E A T H U M U S each SOD WEED SCREEN 0 9 9 STOPPER RITE DRESS BACTO POTTING MIX 25 Lbs. 5 SQ. Ft. R O O T M U L C H A Complete Planting M ix R.T.U . Only GIANT 20,000 FT. Bag GLORION covers to 7500 sq. ft.____ ” ------ C o v e r s or SELECT 1881 40 Lbs. DELUXE GRASS FOOD T w in lig h t 4545 SQ. Ft. 1 0 f o r $ 3 9 ° ° POTTING MIX Longer-lasting formula with MFR’S LIST B e g . 1 3 . 9 9 $099 9 9 * Your Choice Q iron. Apply in Spring, PRICE $29.95 WEED STOPPER LAWN Reg. 4.99 ea. WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Summer and Fall to M 0 0 9 9 DehydDehydrated 35 Lbs. Reg. 6.9 encourage denser, more FOOD SKKfm control 3 CU. FT. BALE $ C 9 9 COW uniform growth. 15,000SQ.Ft. S a le , 2 4 " 9 Scientifically blended ASB CANADIAN PEAT 9 MANURE COVERS nutrients feed lawns more 2 0 ,0 0 0 ' FOREST BIG 3 CU. FT. * economically. Guaranteed Twinlight 15,000 sQ. Ft. not to bum! Less than *1.0019 per 1000 Sq.Ft. Shredded HARDWOOD MULCH „ $ 9 9 GRUB STOPPER Reg 7 1 Qr PINE BARK NUGGETS 1 10 for 20,000 FT. CHINCH BUG & Shredded (From Idaho) withDYLOX 49.99 w ■ GRUB CONTROL RED CEDAR MULCH 3 f o r Q 110 , . MFR’S LIST Destroys chinch bugs, sod p R |Q £ $39.95 webworms, ants, brown AT COLTS NECK New! dog ticks, mole crickets, | 1 | | A O U ^ c# THIS YEAR cutworms, earwigs, m M m I J 3 I Japanese beetle larvae LINERS by the FOOT COVERS ...EVERYTHING FOR Old Yeller’s and European chafer J 2 0 ,0 0 0 ' f s ? « w ® ! s s c 12 Ft. & 19/4 Ft. Wide | larvae. YOUR WATER Cellar G A R D E N * 22’ 32> 35 MIL t*1icl(ness availab*e PET SUPPLY SHOP GLORION WEED & FEED All Supplies & Food POND FISH Are In! Available For Turf -15,000 FT. COMETS, Shubunkins, Fantails, Calicoes, - MFR’S UST Free Samples Grows dense, PRICEprice $29.95$29 Blue or Gold Catfish, Lionheads, Sarasses, Available green grass . Orandas, Snails & Tadpoles while it kills 9 9 growing COVERS broadleaf 15,000’ SAVE 25% ON weeds. 16 ALL PRE-FORMED PONDS GLORION •10% OFF ANY LINERS* Y a w n & t r e e f e r t i l i z e r Special Group BROCK FARMS PRICE POLICY 10% OFF all We Guarantee we will not be undersold. BrocK will match I CEMENTTABLESETS a l l PURPOSE PLANTFOOD any Current-Newspaper advertised price on brand name I FOUNTAIN HEADS items. Simply present the AD to the cashier prior to | WE HAVE ' f a x # 1 S 5 ^ 2 4 9 " 5" Ipurchase. Items must be of equal size and quality. GLAZING GLOBES WE STOCK BIL JAC & A.N.F. PET FOODS ROUTE 9 NORTH FREEHOLD ROUTE 34 NORTH Not responsible for typo­ 462-2700 graphical errors. We COLTS NECK reserve the right to limit 462-0900 Quantities. Sale prices effective thru 6/9/92. MON.-SAT. 9 AM to 7 PM MON.-SAT. 9 AM to 7 PM SUNDAY 9 AM to 6 PM SUNDAY 9 AM to 6 PM “THE HELPFUL GARDEN CENTERS’ THE INDEPENDENT, JUNE 3, 1992 3 INSIDE STORY Cycling for dollars Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Monm outh County is planning its fourth annual bikeathon June 13 at Brookdale Com m unity College. The event is expected to raise $50,000. PAGES 22-23 C r o s s i n g s Steven Longo, a 75-year-old retiree, says being a school crossing guard has enhanced his life. He is featured in Slice o f Life. PAGES 6-7 T^WN^HIP MUNICIPAL C ^M P L & X B i g w i n H A 2 L & T T o WH*HIF fJSW Jert.‘b&-|' The Middletown North High School soccer team wrapped up a perfect season Saturday night. How DREAM COMPLEX did the Lions do it? This is an architect’s rendering of a new Hazlet Township Municipal Complex, which would be located on Middle Road adjacent PAGE 51 to the Hazlet Library (I). Officials are seeking funding through a proposed $10 billion federal Public Works bill. To call the Independent Advertising .......................... * . 7 4 7 - 0 2 2 2 Circulation ............................... 7 4 7 - 0 2 2 2 Federal funds key to new complex C l a s s i f i e d ................................. 7 4 7 - 6 5 6 5 News/Sports ............................ 7 4 7 - 0 2 2 2 By Marilyn Duff __ _ Public Works and Transportation Another part of the application would Com m ittee, is still in com m ittee, but News releases or advertising copy include road work for which bonds have H A ZLET -If dreams really do come according to Roe spokesperson Grace already been issued. If the township is suc­ may be m ailed or brought to the true, residents w ill get a new m unicipal G urisic, it has strong congressional sup­ cessful, the bond m oney could be extended Independent office at 766 com plex free o f charge. p o r t . ’ another three to four years, he said, calling Shrewsbury Ave., Tinton Falls, N.J. If they don’t, the township w ill still A key elem ent is that applicants must it a “w in-w in situation for the tow n.” 0 7 7 2 4 . have a vision for the future because of a guarantee they w ill be “ready to put a shov­ Concerning the m unicipal complex proposed federal public works bonanza that el in the ground within 90 days” of plans, which would bring all m unicipal INDEX would provide 1 0 0 -percent grants for local approval. This tim e factor makes the bill offices under one roof, Bradshaw said they p r o j e c t s , “really attractive,” said Gurisic. She said give “a tangible Quality to ideas expressed ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 28-31 That vision was unveiled at last w eek’s m unicipalities that have expressed interest over the years.” AUTOMOTIVE........................66-71 Township Committee meeting and were advised to have their projects ready to The conceptual plan for the new CHECK IT OUT............................19 approved by members. It w ill now become go out to bid, but not to go out to bid.
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