COMMITTEE REPORT Application Ref. DISCN/00123/19 Redditch Gateway, Land Adjacent To The A4023 Coventry Highway, Site Address East Of Ravensbank And Winyates Green, Redditch Description of Discharge of Condition 19 HGV Routing Strategy and 20 HGV Development Surveys of planning permission 18/03746/VARY Applicant Stoford Gorcott Limited Reason for Referral In accordance with resolutions to grant 17/01847/OUT and S73 to Committee 18/03746/VARY Case Officer Alice Cosnett Presenting Officer Alice Cosnett Ward Member(s) Councillor P Hencher-Serafin Town/Parish Mappleborough Green Parish Council Council . Southern development parcel allocated under REDD.1: Winyates Green Triangle, Mappleborough Green . Northern development parcel allocated under REDD.2: Description of Site Winyates Green Triangle, Mappleborough Green Constraints . Application site falls within the jurisdictions of Stratford on Avon District Council, Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch Borough Council Summary of . APPROVE Condition 19 – HGV Routing Strategy Recommendation . PART-APPROVE Condition 20 – HGV Surveys DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL Planning Committee resolved to grant planning permission for the development of Redditch Gateway under 17/01847/OUT, and a S73 variation to this permission under 18/03746/VARY. Both consents were subject to a number of conditions, including: Condition 19 – HGV Routing Strategy Prior to first use of the development hereby approved, a Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) Routing Strategy shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Strategy shall include a clear diagram identifying the routes, with measures and monitoring procedures demonstrated. The Strategy shall be implemented and monitored in accordance with the approved details. In the event of failing to meet the requirements of the Strategy, a revised Strategy shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority to address any shortfalls and, where necessary, make provision for and identify mitigation for the impacted communities. The Strategy thereafter shall be implemented and may be updated in accordance with schemes to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the safe and efficient operation of the highway network, particularly along the A435 through Studley and Mappleborough Green, and through Tanworth in Arden and Henley in Arden, and to protect the amenity of residential properties in accordance with the provisions of Policies CS. 9 and CS.26 of the adopted Stratford-on-Avon Core Strategy (2011-2031). Condition 20 – HGV Surveys HGV Surveys shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate the implementation and operation of the HGV Routing Strategy (Condition 19). The methodology for undertaking the HGV Surveys shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the undertaking of the HGV Surveys. The first HGV Surveys shall be undertaken and the results submitted to the Local Planning Authority within the first month of the first use of any part of any phase of the development hereby approved and thereafter on an annual basis for the lifetime of the development. Reason: In the interests of the safe and efficient operation of the highway network, particularly along the A435 through Studley and Mappleborough Green, and through Tanworth in Arden and Henley in Arden, and to protect the amenity of residential properties in accordance with the provisions of Policies CS. 9 and CS.26 of the adopted Stratford-on-Avon Core Strategy (2011-2031). This discharge of condition application seeks the approval of the HGV Routing Strategy which has been submitted under condition 19 of 18/03746/VARY, and part-approval of condition 20 (the methodology for undertaking the HGV Surveys). In resolving to grant planning permission for the development, Committee removed delegated authority to determine any condition submissions against conditions 19 (HGV Routing Strategy) and 20 (HGV Surveys). Therefore, whilst the determination of discharge of condition applications is generally delegated to officers, this discharge of condition submission is triggered to Planning Committee as a result of the resolution to grant 17/01847/OUT and 18/03746/VARY. Development Plan Stratford-on-Avon District Core Strategy (2011-2031) Other Material Considerations Central Government guidance NPPF 2019 & PPG Circular 06/05: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Other Planning Documents and Guidance Redditch Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 Bromsgrove District Plan 2011-2030 Stratford on Avon District Design Guide (information guidance) Development Requirements SPD – the Council has formally adopted the following parts of the Development Requirements SPD: o Part A, B,C, D, E, F, G, J, L, M, N, P, Q, S, T and U o Parts H, I, K, O and R due for adoption Summer 2019 The adopted parts have full weight in the determination of applications Air Quality Action Plan for Alcester Road, Studley Warwickshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2023 SUMMARY OF RELEVANT HISTORY Reference Proposal Decision and date Number 18/03746/VARY Variation of conditions 2 and 8 to amend the Granted parameters of development for the northern 10.04.2019 development parcel, and Phase 1 Ground Engineering works (and changes to conditions 12, 16, 18, 21, 29, 31, 32, 36 and 37 to allow hedgerow and tree removal prior to the coming into effect of the relevant condition, and conditions 28 and 29 to relate to updated flood risk assessment) in respect of hybrid planning permissions 17/01847/OUT (Stratford reference number), 17/00700/OUT (Redditch reference number), and 17/00701/OUT (Bromsgrove reference number) dated 11 June 2018. Original description of development (for 17/01847/OUT, 17/00700/OUT, 17/00701/OUT): 'Hybrid application comprising: Outline planning application (with matters of appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and details of internal circulation routes reserved) for the development on a phased basis of 32ha of employment land for business/industrial uses (Use Classes B1, B2, B8). The development shall include: landscaping, parking, associated infrastructure, utilities, drainage (including SUDS) and ground engineering works; And Full planning application for Phase 1 Ground Engineering works, and details of means of access to the site from the A4023' 17/01847/OUT Hybrid application comprising: Outline planning Granted application (with matters of appearance, 11.06.2018 landscaping, layout, scale and details of internal circulation routes reserved) for the development on a phased basis of 32ha of employment land for business/industrial uses (Use Classes B1, B2, B8). The development shall include: landscaping, parking, associated infrastructure, utilities, drainage (including SUDS) and ground engineering works; And Full planning application for Phase 1 Ground Engineering works, and details of means of access to the site from the A4023 REPRESENTATIONS Applicant’s Supporting Documents List of documents: . Discharge of condition application form . Redditch Gateway HGV Routing Strategy ‘Final Version’ (Rev 2) . Site Plan drawing no. 5372 – 201 CONSULTATIONS The full responses are available in the application file. Warwickshire County Council Highways No objection to the approval of condition 19, and part-approval of condition 20 (10.07.2019) Worcestershire County Council Highways No objection to the approval of condition 19, and part-approval of condition 20 (05.07.2019) Highways England No objection (12.04.2019) STEERING GROUP In resolving to grant 18/03746/VARY, Planning Committee requested the attachment of the following note: “The District Council will expect to see full pre-application engagement with local stakeholders and consultees as part of the drawing up of the final reserved matters schemes. The process will be controlled by a Steering Group, and will have particular regard to the relationship between the development site and its residential neighbours particularly where it adjoins the southwest and southern boundaries of the southern development parcel. The District Planning Authority will also expect high quality and an innovative design. The Steering Group will also look at the details to be drawn up for the eventual approval by the relevant Committee in terms of condition 19 (HGV Routing Strategy) and condition 20 (Annual HGV Surveys). The District Council will expect careful consideration to be given to lighting schemes to be submitted through discharge of condition and/or reserved matters submissions, as well as proposed levels to ensure the protection of the woodland adjacent to the northern boundary of the site. Careful consideration should be given to the design of buildings with particular regard to the proposed colour, roof design, lighting and materials. The District Council will also expect creative solutions to mark the historic County boundary through subsequent reserved matters submissions.” A Steering Group (SG) was set up to facilitate the engagement required by this note. The SG is made up of relevant elected Councillors, parish councils, local residents, applicant and officers. The full membership and Terms of Reference for this SG is appended to this report. The Terms of Reference were drafted in consultation with the then Chair of West Planning Committee, and were formally agreed through a unanimous vote by West Planning Committee at the 9 January 2019 Committee meeting. The Terms of Reference make it clear that the
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