ESSCHERT DROP SHIP PROGRAM 2020 800.888.0054 | www.griffins.com Terms Net 30 on all drop ship orders - No minimum order- If order is over $300, 15% freight cap east of the Mississippi 20% for west - If order is over $2500, 10% freight cap for east of the Mississippi 15% for west - If order is over $5,000 entire order is freight prepaid Item # VPN Pg Description Dealer UPC Code Cs Pk. Qty 81982719 FB492 4 Bird Feeder w/Cage FB492 $ 19.95 8714982171901 6 81982718 FB491 4 Square Bird Bath w/Birds, Terrazzo FB491 $ 18.95 8714982171895 4 81982717 FB490 4 Round Bird Bath w/Birds, Terrazzo FB490 $ 18.95 8714982171888 4 81982716 FB489 4 Round Bird Bath w/Birds, Ceramic - Green FB489 $ 10.95 8714982171871 4 81982715 FB488 4 Round Bird Bath w/Birds, Ceramic - Petrol FB488 $ 10.95 8714982171864 4 81982714 FB487 4 Round Bird Bath w/Birds, Ceramic - Gray FB487 $ 10.95 8714982171857 4 81982713 FB473 4 Round Bird Bath/Feeder w/Birds, Ceramic, White/Green/Blue, 3 Asst. Colors $ 6.50 8714982164330 4 81982712 FB297 4 Bird Bath w/Birds, Concrete FB297 $ 11.95 8714982098710 4 81982711 FB404 5 Oval Bird Bath w/2 Birds, Ceramic, White/Green/Blue, 3 Asst. Colors FB404 $ 11.95 8714982129698 6 81982710 FB421 5 Bird Bath w/Two Birds, Ceramic, White/Green/Blue, 3 Asst. Colors FB421 $ 10.95 8714982143397 12 81982709 FB422 5 Bird Bath on Pedestal w/Bird, Ceramic, Blue FB422 $ 54.95 8714982143403 2 81982708 FB423 5 Bird Bath on Pedestal w/Bird, Ceramic, White FB423 $ 54.95 8714982143410 2 81982707 FB424 5 Bird Bath on Pedestal w/Bird, Ceramic, Green FB424 $ 54.95 8714982143427 2 81982706 FB443 5 Hanging Ceramic Bird Bath, Cream/Green/Blue, 3 Asst. Colors FB443 $ 13.50 8714982151743 6 81982705 NK90 6 Long-Eared Owl Basket NK90 $ 10.95 8714982171970 10 81982704 NK42 6 Tawny Owl Box, Wood NK42 $ 89.95 8714982061516 1 81982703 NK43 6 Barn Owl Box, Wood NK43 $ 119.00 8714982061523 1 81982702 NK44 6 Little Owl Box, Wood NK44 $ 74.95 8714982061530 1 81982701 NK45 7 Duck Nesting Basket, Wood NK45 $ 43.50 8714982063213 4 81982700 NK85 7 Horizontal Sparrow Condo, Wood/Metal NK85 $ 17.50 8714982159114 4 81982699 NKB2 7 Swallow's Nest, Concrete/Wood NKB2 $ 7.25 8714982000447 6 81982698 NKBK 7 Tree Nesting Box, Wood NKBK $ 9.95 8714982000157 6 81982697 NKC 7 Common Swift Nesting Box, Wood NKC $ 19.95 8714982107887 4 81982696 NKGG 7 Nesting Box, Wood NKGG $ 8.95 8714982004476 6 81982695 NKH2 7 Martin Nesting House, Wood NKH2 $ 7.25 8714982000430 6 81982694 NKK 7 Blue Tit Nesting Box, Wood NKK $ 13.25 8714982000102 4 81982693 NKM 7 Sparrow Condo, Wood NKM $ 19.95 8714982008207 4 81982692 NKN 7 Wren Nesting Box, Wood NKN $ 6.50 8714982000140 8 81982691 NKO 7 Observation Nesting Box, Wood NKO $ 17.95 8714982000126 6 81982690 NKP 7 Blue Tit Nesting Box, Wood NKP $ 14.95 8714982000119 4 81982689 NKS 7 Nesting Box, Wood NKS $ 14.95 8714982011788 4 81982688 NKVV 7 Robin Nesting Box, Wood NKVV $ 10.95 8714982000133 4 81982687 NKX 7 Woodpecker House, Wood NKX $ 22.50 8714982104312 4 81982686 NKY 7 Mirror Nesting Box, Wood NKY $ 13.95 8714982003776 4 81982685 FB296 8 Bird Nesting Fiber, Sisal FB296 $ 3.50 8714982098703 12 81982684 FB318 8 Aluminum Nails FB318 $ 1.80 8714982104657 12 81982683 FB415 8 Adjustable Tree Hook, Metal, Black FB415 $ 5.25 8714982136528 12 81982682 FB9 8 Assorted Bird Shadow Window Stickers, Vinyl, Black FB9 $ 1.95 8714982001000 24 81982681 NKBC 8 Nesting Pocket, Coconut Fiber NKBC $ 7.50 8714982005619 12 81982680 NKBH 8 Beehive Style Birdhouse, Wood NKBH $ 14.25 8714982010354 12 81982679 NKBS 8 Seagrass Nesting Pocket, Wood NKBS $ 6.95 8714982005626 12 81982678 NKKP 8 Great Tit Protection Plate, Metal NKKP $ 3.50 8714982000409 12 81982677 NKMK 8 Marten Protection, Metal NKMK $ 5.25 8714982000416 12 81982676 NKPP 8 Blue Tit Protection Plate, Metal NKPP $ 3.25 8714982000393 12 81982675 NK01 9 Antique Wash Great Tit House w/Asphalt Roof, Wood NK01 $ 12.50 8714982011139 4 81982674 NK02 9 Antique Wash Blue Tit House w/Asphalt Roof, Wood NK02 $ 9.95 8714982011146 4 81982673 NK03 9 Antique Wash Wren House w/Asphalt Roof, Wood NK03 $ 8.25 8714982011153 8 81982672 NK04 9 Antique Wash Great Tit House w/Copper Roof, Wood NK04 $ 22.50 8714982011160 4 81982671 NK05 9 Antique Wash Blue Tit House w/Copper Roof, Wood NK05 $ 18.95 8714982011177 4 81982670 NK06 9 Antique Wash Wren House w/Copper Roof, Wood NK06 $ 11.95 8714982011184 8 81982669 NK64 9 Birdhouse w/Winter Wren Line Drawing, Wood NK64 $ 7.50 8714982098581 8 800.888.0054 | www.griffins.com 81982668 NK65 9 Birdhouse w/Blue Tit Line Drawing, Wood NK65 $ 12.50 8714982098598 8 81982667 NK66 9 Birdhouse w/Great Tit Line Drawing, Wood NK66 $ 13.95 8714982098604 8 81982666 NK79 9 Wren Nesting Box, Douglas Fir Wood NK79 $ 7.95 8714982134289 8 81982665 NK80 9 Blue Tit Nesting Box, Douglas Fir Wood NK80 $ 10.25 8714982134296 6 81982664 NK81 9 Great Tit Nesting Box, Douglas Fir Wood NK81 $ 10.95 8714982134302 6 81982663 NK86 9 Sparrow Birdhouse NK86 $ 24.95 8714982159121 4 81982662 WA37 9 Ladybug House w/Line Drawing, Wood WA37 $ 10.95 8714982098550 8 81982661 WA38 9 Bee House w/Line Drawing, Wood WA38 $ 9.95 8714982098567 8 81982660 WA39 9 Butterfly House w/Line Drawing, Wood WA39 $ 9.95 8714982098574 8 81982659 FB186 10 Bird Villa on Garden Stake, Wood, 4 Asst. Styles FB186 $ 28.95 8714982053207 4 81982658 NK29 10 Bird Villa, Wood, Beige/Blue/Red/White, 4 Asst. Styles NK29 $ 23.50 8714982034473 12 81982657 NK38G 10 Wren Nesting Box, Wood, Gray NK38G $ 6.95 8714982054457 8 81982656 NK38W 10 Wren Nesting Box, Wood, White NK38W $ 6.95 8714982054051 8 81982655 NK39G 10 Blue Tit Nesting Box, Wood, Gray NK39G $ 14.95 8714982054471 4 81982654 NK39W 10 Blue Tit Nesting Box, Wood, White NK39W $ 14.95 8714982054068 4 81982653 NK40G 10 Great Tit Nesting Box, Wood, Gray NK40G $ 14.95 8714982054495 4 81982652 NK40W 10 Great Tit Nesting Box, Wood, White NK40W $ 14.95 8714982054075 4 81982651 NK74 10 Wren Birdhouse, Wood, Black NK74 $ 7.95 8714982107467 6 81982650 NK75 10 Blue Tit Birdhouse, Wood, Black NK75 $ 10.95 8714982107474 6 81982649 NK76 10 Great Tit Birdhouse, Wood, Black NK76 $ 11.95 8714982107481 6 81982648 DP100 11 Bird House Display Unit DP100 $ 149.00 8714982163265 1 81982647 FB462 11 Bird Table Feeder, Wood FB462 $ 13.95 8714982162701 6 81982646 FB463 11 Hanging Bird Table Feeder, Wood FB463 $ 14.50 8714982162718 6 81982645 FB464 11 Silo Feeder w/Suet Ball Hooks, Wood FB464 $ 14.95 8714982162725 6 81982644 NK11 11 Tit/Sparrow Nesting Bottle, Stoneware NK11 $ 14.95 8714982015137 6 81982643 NK14 11 Tit/Sparrow Round Nesting Bottle, Stoneware NK14 $ 12.95 8714982015168 6 81982642 NK87 11 Triangular Birdhouse NK87 $ 11.25 8714982162732 9 81982641 NK88 11 Great Tit Birdhouse, Wood NK88 $ 13.50 8714982162749 6 81982640 NK89 11 Great Tit Birdhouse/Table, Wood NK89 $ 17.50 8714982162756 4 81982639 CF55G 12 Country Folklore Bird Feeder, Wood, Gray CF55G $ 99.95 8714982081200 2 81982638 CF55W 12 Country Folklore Bird Feeder, Wood, White CF55W $ 99.95 8714982081194 2 81982637 FB72 12 Feeder w/Galvanized Roof on Stake, Wood FB72 $ 19.95 8714982010163 4 81982636 FB429 13 Round Bird Feeder on Stand w/Black Dome Roof, Wood FB429 $ 99.50 8714982149825 1 81982635 FB431 13 Round Bird Feeder on Stand w/Black Cone Roof, Wood FB431 $ 89.95 8714982149849 1 81982634 FB432 13 Rectangular Bird Feeder on Stand, Wood FB432 $ 49.95 8714982149856 1 81982633 FB433 13 Square Silo Bird Feeder on Stand, Wood FB433 $ 69.95 8714982149863 1 81982632 FB370 14 Acrylic Window Feeder House FB370 $ 9.95 8714982115042 12 81982631 FB372 14 Acrylic Combi Window Feeder House FB372 $ 11.95 8714982115066 12 81982630 FB373 14 Acrylic Hanging Bird Table House FB373 $ 12.95 8714982115073 12 81982629 FB374 14 Acrylic Hanging Combi Feeder House FB374 $ 12.45 8714982115080 12 81982628 FB375 14 Acrylic Bird Table House on Stick FB375 $ 17.50 8714982115097 12 81982627 FB440 14 Acrylic Window Feeder w/Thermometer FB440 $ 3.95 8714982150432 24 81982626 FB452 14 Acrylic Window Bird Feeder FB452 $ 4.25 8714982157127 12 81982625 FB458 14 Acrylic Window House Bird Feeder FB458 $ 6.25 8714982160134 24 81982624 FB459 14 Dome Shaped Silo Feeder, Plastic, Black FB459 $ 5.50 8714982160370 24 81982623 FB10 15 Japanese Style Birdhouse, Wood FB10 $ 21.95 8714982000065 3 81982622 FB118 15 Bird Feeder, Plastic, Green - Small FB118 $ 7.25 8714982027611 12 81982621 FB12 15 Fruit Bird Feeder, Wood, 3 Asst. Styles FB12 $ 3.95 8714982000003 12 81982620 FB145 15 Bird Hook, Metal, Black FB145 $ 9.95 8714982034459 12 81982619 FB150 15 Bird Station, Metal, Black - Large FB150 $ 52.50 8714982034510 4 81982618 FB231 15 Feeding Swing, Wood FB231 $ 3.15 8714982065347 12 81982617 FB292 15 Suet Block Feeder, Wood/Metal FB292 $ 7.95 8714982098666 12 800.888.0054 | www.griffins.com 81982616 FB320 15 Bird Stake Hangers, Rust Metal Finish, 3 Asst. Styles FB320 $ 8.75 8714982104671 12 81982615 FB36 15 Hanging Bread Feeder, Wood FB36 $ 2.75 8714982003561 12 81982614 FB365 15 Bird Hopper Feeder for Seeds, Wood FB365 $ 8.95 8714982113468 8 81982613 FB366 15 Bird Hopper Feeder for Seeds & Peanuts, Wood FB366 $ 8.95 8714982113475 8 81982612 FB405 15 Bird Station, Metal, Black - Small FB405 $ 24.95 8714982129704 6 81982611 FB435 15 Palm Feeder, Black FB435 $ 23.95 8714982149887 16 81982610 FB436 15 Hanging Palm Feeder, Black FB436 $ 10.95 8714982149894 16 81982609 FB460 15 Peanut Butter House w/Lock, Wood/Metal FB460 $ 10.95 8714982162633 12 81982608 FB461 15 Triple Peanut Butter House w/Lock, Wood/Metal FB461 $ 16.95 8714982162640 6 81982607 FB5 15 Feeder Glass Bottle w/Wood Hanger FB5 $ 10.95 8714982000041 6 81982606 FB11 16 Bird Fruit Feeder Pin, Metal, 3 Asst.
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