- Veatter Distribution 7 us, ttmpcntnre M degrecit Today BeeonOij partly cloudy'todty; bbbest tepptnbue 4». Toalght BED BANK dmdy, Isttnred by rtto, j>o«l&y 18,6*5 Wind Htfe mow; lowest (cm- Venture in the M't. Saturday, ;nlo, ted hl|h near 40. ' DjiTsH 1-0010 Inued dally, llDirdar tbrougb Friday, hcand Clui n 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 84, NO. 169 P»ld it Red Btnl ma U AdauianU Uiillnj OIUc.i. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1962 Thousands Paying Homage to Glenn Astronaut Returnsln Triumph CAPE CANAVERAL (AP) — Astronaut John H. Glenn Jr., returns in tri- umph today to receive a medal from President Ken- nedy, homage from thou- sands and an embrace from his proud family. Glenn fit-looking and grinning, arrived back in the United States BY GEORGE, THEY DID IT — Francis J. Bolduc, executive vice pretident of the Red Bank Community Cham- at 8:40 a.m. today for the first ber of Commerce, sends three pretty young girli off to distribute 1,000 cherry pies to Red Bank shoppers as time since he whirled around the part of Washington Birthday sales promotion. Left to right are Judy A. McEver, Beryl F. Marx and Renee R. Riz- world through space last Tues- day. mto. , ' The Air Force C130 jet ferrying the space hero from his two days of post-flight examination at Grand Turk Island taxied up to the base operations office at Hughes' Record Budget nearby Patrick Air Force Base, Accompanying the astronaut in GLENN NEARS LANDING — Dropping toward a landing in the Atlantic aftor throa the big executive-type plane was orbitt of the earth, astronaut John H. Glenn peers through porthole on his right. Vice President Lyndon B. John [ton, who flew to Grand Turk this Space ihip was drifting toward sea after opening of large parachute. Thit picture Is Tentatively Approved morning wat mads by camera within capsule a minute after tha main parachute deployed. After the big welcome-home .celebration, the 40-year-old Ma IAP Wirephoto) in recommended appropriations $106.7 million in assistance to lo- TRENTON (AP) - Nearly two- Tine lieutenant colonel was tick- at a rate of $81 million an hour. cal school districts, gave the thirds of Gov. Richard J. Hughes' eted to face newsmen who had committee little leeway. Most record $500 million budget But all approved budget items a heavy list of questions to ask state aid appropriations are de- won tentative approval from the are still subject to revisions re- about his historic experience in termined by a mandatory formu- To Organize Help for Parents legislative committee examining sulting from subcommittee hear- space. la, fixed by state law. it just four hours after the com- ings scheduled for next month. Glenn's wife. Anna, his 16-year- Once the committee finist-ed its mittee launched its five-week The lawmakers started their old son David, 14-year-old daugh- review of the mandatory sections budget review. review by approving $217.5 mil- ter Lyn and six other relatives Of Cancer-Stricken Youngster lion in state aid, about 40 per the brisk pace slackened. The Joint Appropriations Com- arrived here last night after rid- cent of the total budget, in less But It still managed to approve RED BANK — The parents of donations in the name of the fam- Work is scarce on the docks mittee of the New Jersey legis- ing down from Washington with than 40 minutes. $64,595,499 for the operating ex- Kennedy in the President's own a girl who was In the same room lily. in the winter, and on Monday, lature met for the first time yes- penses of the state Department of with Doreen Hall in Riverview Blind And Dying The state aid figures, including luxurious jet. Mr. Hall went to work as a terday. It.accepted $325,f?5,757 Institutions and $43,563,658 Hospital for a week, and the Like A Dream A story in yesterday's Register truck driver's helper. the Education Department. mother of a boy who suffered a "It's like a dream," said the told of Doreen's Illness. The 27 Heavier Burden Sen. William E. Oziard, JR-Som Paul J. Smith brain injury seven years ago, radiant Mrs. Glenn, summing up month old daughter of Mr. and Unemployment is a burden in erset, the committee cha'rman, would like to help the family of the reaction o[ the Glenn family N'rs. William Hall, Seabreeze any family. But, for Mr. and To Name Industrial said the group hopes to wrap up the cancer-stricken child. Way, Keansburg, lies blind and to the attention that's been show- Mrs. Hall, with six other children it» r«view by t^y end of March Smith Quits era) on them. A representative of the Mon dying in Riverview of sarcoma besides Doreen, the burden is and "sees no reajson w'ly we a highly malignant form of can- After a reunion at the air force mouth County Cancer Society even heavier. can't reach that target date." cer. Advisory Committee base, Glenn and his family were yesterday said the organization When Doreen first went into tha The committee pjans to tackle Union Beach scheduled to ride in a procession will contact the family to explain The family, including six oth- hospital for six weeks ..last Au- ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP - tee would be called the Indus- the recommended appropriations along a 20-mile route to the south the group's program and how it er children, has been hard- gust, Mr. Hall's hospitalization to the Highway Department Mon- Mayor Joseph I. Moreau, Jr. trial Advisory Committee. Council Post gate of this missile test -center can best be applied to their sit- pressed to meet expenses. Mr. plan met .the bills of mnrj than day and Ozzard called for. addi- announced at last night's Town The announcement followed re- UNION BEACH - Councilman from which Glenn blasted, off uation. Hall, who is a longshoreman, was $1,600 for a tumor operation, ex- tional meetings March 1, 12, and •hip Committee meeting that Ih ceipt of a letter from Eugene Paul J. Smith last night reigned three days ago. St. Ann's Catholic Church, able to find work only four days tensive cobalt treatments and a Kelley, Jr., president of the 15. Keansburg, where the family since Doreen was readmitted to Planning Board is in the process from the governing body. Sharing in the glory were oth- room. Now, however, the fund is local Democratic Club, asking worships, has been accepting the hospital Dec. 22. of creating a subcommittee to at Help to University The resignation, in the form of er members of the seven-man exhausted. the committee to set up an in- Included in the Education De- tract industry to the community, 3. letter to council, was accepted astronaut team. Since Doreen was readmitted dustrial committee and to set partment package approved The mayor added that commit with regret. The adjoining town of Cocoa Fails to Organize :o the hospital, bills, exclusive aside areas in the township for yesterday was a $17.9 million Apparently, no One knew it was Beach, which considers the as- of medication, have amounted to such purposes. propriation to Rutgers Univer- coming. tronauts its own, has been build- more than $1,300. Mayor Moreau stated that the sity and these expenditures at Mayor William F. Rodgers, rig up a head of enthusiasm— With Mr. Hall out of work, and Threatens Township Committee meetings the six state colleges: Glassboro, who was Mr. Smith's rjnning and its 6,124 Inhabitants were Board Deadlocked normal expenses mounting up, are not the place to air political $2.4 million; Jersey City, $17 mate in the 1960 election, said primed to cut loose. Police ex- the family has fallen almost three squabbles. He added that the million; Newark, ,$2.1 million; it was "a complete surprise." pected as many as 100,000 well- KEANSBURG — The Board of Education last night months behind in its rent for tha To Replace Patrson, $2.1 million; Montclair, township Taxpayers Association He added: "I have no explana- wishers to pour in from other wound up in a deadlock after two rounds of voting, by secret house on Seabreeze Way. The would hold meetings where po- $2.7 million, and Trenton, $2.9 tion for it other than what is parts of Florida and to line the ballot, for the posts of president and vice president. payments for utilities also are litical discussions and debates million. stated in the letter." He said motorcade route. n arrears, Barkalow could take place. The committee also approved. Only eight board members were present for the re- he did not know how soon an Motorcade 'On Our Minds' MARLBORO — Committeeman He concluded that this would $1.2 million for the state School organization — and they finally agreed to submit the election appointment would be mide to The top-down convertibles In Shrewsbury Councilman and Millard B. Lamberson, chairman for the Deaf, and $1.7 million for be the best forum for the airing fill the vacancy. the motorcade were due to arrive question to the county school superintendent for an opinion Mrs. John W, VanBrunt, 222 of the Police Committee, lasi Newark College of Engineering. of political views rather than In his letter, Mr. Smith at Cape Canaveral's air strip 15 or decision. Beechwood Dr., first knew of night called for Assemblyman committee meetings. Approval was granted ^n the pointed to the borough's tax or 20 minutes ahead of Kennedy's Last night was the deadline for reorganization.
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