
Rv-?tT- THUK8DAT, OCTOBER It, 1944 ^ < i£ T W B L V S ■ X / ■ X, Manchester Evening' Herald The Educational club will hold first trustee, Mra. Minnie Brown: ita firat fall get-together at the Picture Case List Engagement ige Lodge second tru.stee,.. Mra Margaret About Town 'Barnard School Thursday, Octot Donnelly; third trustee, . Mra her 19, at 3:30, when a business Rachel McNeill; color bearer, Mra G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC^ Violet Fields; firat adviaor, Archie H f y«*-- William N. IwMt, aeaaion and tea will take place. Is E)edicated Hals Election Haugh; ptanlat, Mlaa Lillian Kit­ '« ( t t StKricwMtlier atrcet, have tle; Junior Mmt worthy miatreaa, Lnmber of All Kinds The regular. meeting of Ward Mrs, Ethel Duncan. ' talt ftMlvad word that their aoa. Cheney Canip, USW y. wiU ha beM Daughters of Liberty Se­ Mason Supplies-—Paint— Hardwaro Herbert F. Sweet, now with the ♦Me aiwwiBf at 8 OTdodc in the Clieney Diepaiiinent Em­ The above officers will be in­ #leM AitUlery In France haa ra- Army and Kavy Club. The camp ployees Unveil Photos lect Mrs. Dolly Wylie stalled at the next monthly meet­ Balsam Wool Inanlation eeivad the brbnae atar and dtar will be Inapected by a Department ing in November. The installing tlon for aawitorioua Bc^ m . omcer. Of Those In Service. As Worthy Mistress. deputy will be Past Worthy Mlt- tress Vera Tedford of CTiarter Oak Lodge, Hartforct.-^ GOAL COKE OIL opet '< Employees <jf tht Cheney Broth- Daughters of Liberty No. 123, TAU. oansBs nual setback tournament between era’ Auxiliary department dedica­ L.O.L.I., held their regular month­ 2 Main Sl Tel. 5125 Red Forces Storm Campbell Council. Knights of Co­ ted a case at 12:45 yealerday aft­ ly meeting Tuesday evening in lumbus. and St. Bridget's Men's ernoon in the employees’ rest rec­ Orange hall. The annual election club will be held this .evening reation room containing the pic­ of officers was held with the fol­ at 8 o’clock at the Knights of Co­ tures . of 24 employees formerly FROST Into East Prussia; d i n g o lumbus home. lowing result: Worthy mistress, employed in the department, now Will Soon Be in the in the armed aervlces. Mrs. Dolly Wylie; deputy mistress, Into Aachen Proper; Ground. The regular Saturday evening Present at the dedication were MrS7)]Ellen Wilson; chaplain, Nlrs. Orange Hall oard party for V. F. W. Post. Henry R. Mallory, Cheney Broth­ Annie Johnston; recording secre­ , t HAVE CEDAR FENCE Race for Austria Auxiliary and Club will be held at ers vice president and Cheney tary, Mrs. Lily Dunlop; .flnancial MichaeVs TOthorrow Night the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brothcra engineer, Raymond 'Goa­ secretary. Miss Dorothy Woods; POSTS AND CLOTHES Linders, 2S8 Parker street. lee. Each of the company officials treasurer, Mrs. Jessie Lyons; first spoke briefly.. POSTS INSTALLED UPHOLSTERING SHOP Factory Area Seized 28 REGULAR GAMES 25c. conductress. Miss Alice Hutchin­ Groat Offensives Aimed The pictures shown In the case 7 SPECIAL GAMES Helen Davidson Lodge, No. 98, son' second conductress, Mrs. NOW! Proxy Union Daughters of Scotia, will meet to­ are: Gaylor Bruce, John Liebman, Bessie. Cole; first lecturer, Mrs. 31 Oak St., Manchester Tel. 2-1049 Against Nortbem and SWEEPSTAKES morrow evening at 7:45 in the Ma­ Max Golombaro, Anthony Lltvln- Eliza. >eth Sanderson, second lec­ F. FITZGERAI-D WEEKLY PRIZE chyk, John Smols, William, Rice, Mias Dorothy Squatrlto . Soktbern Extremity Germans Wheel Up Re­ sonic Temple. Members are asked turer, Mrs. Esther Haugh; inside Telephone 2-1417 ' Legal Snarl MONTHLY PRIZE to turn In their birthday envelopes Richard Usher, Alphonse Kirks, guard. Miss Florence Hughes; Custom-Made Upholstering and Sli|t Covers Of Reicb Roll Back Yank Bombers Rock M oved , inforcements, Inelfid- at this meeting, .to enable the en­ John -Welas, Patrick McVeigh, Announcement la made of the outside guacd, Mrs. Tillie Lindsay; W AR BOND George Hunt, John Krajewski, engagement of Misa Dorothy T* Be Draw* Ocb ST tertainment conimittee to Inake German Divisions Like N ot Solved ing Tank Divisions; ita report. \ William Albraitia, Ronald Grima- Squatrlo, daughter of the late Mr. Reasonable Prices Attack Vienna O ff Grave; ; aon. Steven Saptenza, Francia and Mra. Roaarlo Squatrlto, long­ Driftwood in Flood. Opposition Surprising­ Madden, Robert Wilson, Herbert A LU m tXJFKAN time Oak'Street rcaldenta, to Chief (Known Aa t)ueea Alice) Regaii, Henry Wllaon, John Rob­ Radio Technician William R. Caa- Declared Neither Valid _^Odd Doings ly Weak as Doughimyt erta, Joseph Nedwied, Burton SPIRITUAL MEDIUM Moscow, Oct. 18.— (/P)— Sector Today / aie, Jr., son o t Mr. and Mra. Wil­ Seventh Daaghter of a Seventh Soa Enter Gty Bonmed and Smith, Joseph Biardi and George liam Cassia of Biloxi, Mtas. Russian tanks and infantry Not Invalid by Any Rialey. Bom With a ValL WOMEN stormed jthe centuries-old Tha announcement was mada at Readings IMIy, Inclodlng Sunday, Asltes of Witch Buried Blasted for Two Days; The committee In charge of the a party given Saturday evening at Junkers lands of East Prus­ State; Needs Court De­ British Mosquitos Hit teatlmonial la securing the pic 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Or By Appoint­ the home of Mr. and Mra. Salva­ ment. In the Service ot the Peo­ sia, barely nine miles north­ termination Quickly, Hamburg and Other 200 Years Ago Under Rout Out Holed Nazis* tutes of sbven other men from the tore Squatrlto of Hartford, elder plant, now ih aervlca, to be includ' ple tor 88 Team. BOWLERS east of the important city of brother, and sister-in-law of the 189 Ctanrcb Street, Hartford, Conn. Objectives in Western Stone Moved Recently ' ed In the group when proocssed. Tilsit today, while in doomed Kansas City, Oct. 13.—(4^— London, Oct. 13.— (^P)— A They are: William G. Ruff, John R. brlde-ele'ct. The latter, who la tha Phone 8-2024 Our alleys are open after­ A rm y youngest daughter, recently re- Hungary the victorious Red Proxy marriages, so popular since Germany Before Dawn By Bulldozer. famous American infantry di> !. Howarth. oiln Rondean, Robert L. vision fought its way today Arendt, Jamea Connolly, Maurice turn4d ' from San ' Dtago, ' Oalt- noons at 2 o'clock for your Army raced for the 160-mile- tiiw war beganT may be legid. Brushie and Robert Olorgetti. fomia, where ' the visited her convenience and pleasure. disUnt Auatrlnn frontier. Army, Navy and civilian lawyera Bulletin! Scrapfiggot Green, England, into Aachen proper, once the brother Harry who la in the serv­ OcL 13—(A ^ T w o hundred years oroud capital of Charlemagof: Good Clean Surroundings. Cracked In Memelland Area agree, but they hastily add, may­ London, OcL 18—</P)r—Pow­ ice. She was graduated from Man- The East Prussian frontier was erful forces of Amerlcuu heavy Bgo s witch Wss burned at the 3ut now a smoking hulk ol oheiPter Hig^ aohool with the elasa N OTICE! be they aren’t. cracked in the Memelland eector. In a diacussion at the annug) bombera from Italy attacked stake in thla little Essex village old ruins, after capturing all Is Graduated of 1M8. Her flanee ia at present The Office of Hitler annexed this region from conference of the National Asso­ the Vienna area, German Si­ the suburban Bchlachtof fac­ stationed in Groton, Oonn. The DR. E. C. IjlIGGINS Uthusnts In 1939 thus recovering lesia nnd weatem Hungary to­ that sounds ss though it had been AttraetlT* frait baskets dcIlTered to the Manches* wadding date le Indeflnita CHARTER OAK ciation of Legal Aid Organizations named for a witch ah4 her ashes tory district on the north­ At Navy School territory which was held by Ger­ yesterday, Lieut. Col. Milton J. day while fleets from Britain ter Meaiorial Hospital, any place in Manchester or Hart­ Will Be Oosed Until Oct. 23 many for himdreds of yeara before and France pounded benvily were buried under the spot where eastern outskirts. The Germans, Blake, the Army’s chief legal as­ flames destroyed her. ford. These baskets are priced at from $.7.50 up . the flint World war. at Naal front line poelUone wheeled up relnforcementa in­ U. 8. Naval Air StatlMi, Jack­ ALLEYS sistant officer in Washington, This summer an Army bulldozer cluding one of their finest tank oar $5.00 basket is a great favorite. Great offenaives against the said it’s a question that needs en the weetem fronL ^ sonville, Fla., Oct. 12—Ronald J. 27-29 OAK STREET northern and southern extremity lumbered through the village dq a divisions, in s last minute attempt OVERSEAS BOXES . as we understand it, Oc­ Custer, aon of Mr. and Mra. Louis court determination quickly. A long column o f Marines moves up to the front lines over rocky terrain on Pelellu to mop up road-making chore and moved g to save the great frontier city ol RANGE O IL o f the Reich rolled back maimed Proxy Marriage Situation London, Oct. 13— (P)—American tober 15th is the last day for mailing overseas boxes to M. Custer, 32 Strong street, Man- Oerman divisions Uks driftwood In remnants of Japanese forres on the island, one of tne Haiaus in the Pacific. (AP wlrephoto). rock placed atop the- grave. Now 165.000. Delivered To Tonr Home. Here la the ptoky marriage sit­ bombers from Italy were reported the soldiers. Boxes to sailors and Marines can be mailed cheater. Conn., recently graduated a "flood. the citizens of Serspfaggot declare \ Heavy Ooantor-/-ttock from the Aviation Radio achool uation, the colonel reports; attacking the Vienna area today they are being plagued by strange TTm enemy counter-attacked later.
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