Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 11-8-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 318. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/318 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cloudy Tonight And Friday, Temperature Same 4 Precincts Missing, Andersen Leads Mrs. Roosevelt Results Being US. to Check Ships Rechecked ir%M ¦ ¦ Pead at 78 | i | i . - - y m r ¦ ¦ Pi "7 ^B Pi $¦?$¦! ^i For Errors * A^^KIti Returning (AP) Rites Saturday Missiles MINNEAPOLIS - A NEW YORK (AP)-Mrs. Fraitk- By BARRY SCHWEID way back to the Soviet Union. Sylvester, assistant secretary of Martin County official canvass to- day cut 100 votes from Gov. Elmer . ¦¦ ' :¦: _ : : lin D. Roosevelt, a first lady WASHINGTON (AP) — Block- The pentagon said Wednesday defense for public affairs, indi- 111 - . _________________ ____\ -_M__W ading U.S. Naivy ships were ready night that arrangements were be- cated no specific , hour. And he L. Andersen's lead over Lt. Gov. whose stature grew from tlie Karl Rolvaag in their tight raca ' ¦' ' ¦ to check homeward bound Soviet ing made with Soviet representa- declined : comment when a news- ^ ^ ^I^B ___W H mmmmmm *- White House to the world, died man asked if the Red for the Minnesota governorship. '¦ ¦ vessels today for proof that they tives for the Navy to check on the Cross would 111 mmrnrnm^^' «¦ ' ¦¦ ' H * XmWmm W W in her Manhattan apartmeuit play The change left Andersen wad- •?.>*£ ^ ^mW ___W __* ______¥ are hauling Red missiles from number of dismantled missiles a part in the inspection pro- Wednesday night. Cuba. : aboard the homeward-bound So- cedure. ing Rolvaag 509 votes, still with The administration has insisted four small northern precincts : The 78-year-old widow of the na- Soviet Premier Khrushchev viet ships. missing, :i . - j tion's 32nd president and niece of said Wednesday that 40 Soviet on international verification of ll-- . m i 1 I OVL/A ^ If 1 rockets had been dismantled in In announcing that the first eon- the de-nuclearization of Cuba. Totals with the canvassed Mar- ^^^mLmmmmm ^ Nl MM ^ M W the 26th president had suffered Cuba and probably were on thei? tact would be made today, Arthur Asked Wednesday if the arrange- tin vote are Andersen 620,201, Rol. from what the family described ment for a Navy check of the mis- vaag 619,692. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Andersen lost 143 votes ml '" L^-mm- " " ' u¦- ' "¦*¦ ' ' - - ' ' ' ' ¦- ' W ' » 7 li as "a complicated type of siles removal was considered sat- , Rolvaag MU ' m^A ^ mmmW ¦ m. - ¦ M ' *. ** M §i% 43 in the Martin canvass. V ¦ ¦ Ifcfci^ M^. anemia" for two and a half years. isfactory, Pierre Salinger White P ^^M ^d^ f WLXk iff : A House press secretary, called at- A complete AP recheck of un- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Her health failed rapidly during official county returns- this mor- 7. ¦ :• :- vmm : ¦ : - w *'|i tention to the last exchange of W * * . the last six weeks, accelerated by What to Do messages between President Ken- ning turned up several errors in :.. ' ¦ ' m non-contagious tuberculosis which nedy and Soviet Premier Khrush- an earlier tabulation which had i£ :; - ¦ ¦ * ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦¦¦ given Xolvaag a narrow lead. Iast m . - • * . ¦ $M was not proved until Oct. 25. chev. ' * .' • i|f ¦' ' ¦ - . ;¦" . "• • ' "* . ". Vlp night. Chief among them was a ' Her physicians, expecting heart In his Oct. J7 message to 594 vote error in Ramsey County. " For Recount Khrushchev, Kennedy said he un- - . a . *2^^ failure, were with her at the , The four missing precincts, all | | * . JO ¦ ¦ J end ¦ derstood the Soviets to have ' ¦ ¦' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' : along with three of her five living ST. PAUL (AP) — A small, once the ballots are cast. small ones, are two each in Koo- 11. : 7 ;VV * 7 ¦77 > . , :. I white book is being thumbed over- In general, here is the proce- agreed to remove offensive weap- chiching and Lake of the Woods children. Two sons were en route time today by political leaders dure now being followed and the ons systems from Cuba "under counties. Tbey are not expected to | |l - ., It's Red Feather time — the . help for the ill, the handicap- 0. by plane from distant points in the checking all angles in what ap- avenues available to Gov. Elmer appropriate United Nations obser- cut into the complete unofficial il time for everyone to dig down and ped, and the mentally disturbed f| nation. Nineteen grandchildren parently is Minnesota's closest L. Andersen and Lt. Gov. Karl Rol- vation and supervision," Andersen lead much. But a state There has been talk since of II give the Winona Community Chest's 7 ..recreational arid educational m and four great-grandchildren also governor race in history. vaag. : V canvass to determine the official 15 health and welfare agencies the opportunities for youth. It takes 247 pages to list all the the Red Cross filling this role. winner is certain. If p survive her. County vote totals are not offi- Salinger also was asked if the |S| support they need to make the city Winonai a dynamic community, p state laws dealing with elections cial until certified by the county The AP tally is based on figures "One of the great ladies in the and how they may; be contested , plan for a Navy check would have on which county canvassing S a good place to live, needs $136,370 worth of these es- |p canvassing board, This must Vbe any effect on U.S. insistence upon It's a job of people helping peo- sential services in 1963. history of this country has passed! done within 10 days of election. boards have not yet acted. m if froln the scene," said President county by a four-fifths on-the-spot verification inside Spokesmen for both parties 11 pie — not only to be charitable in Because cf volunteers who give p The board Cuba. He said he was not pre- agreed that whoever is declared Kennedy. "Her loss will be . deep- vote may open the sealed envel- the victor, m time pf need, but also to provide freely of their time and money, and pf inspect pared to go beyond the Pentagon the margin would be practical; every-day services neces- because of the united - way of giv- ly felt by all those who admired ope of any precinct and statement. so narrow as almost to insure a fl * p Rep. Duxbury ballots where tbere seems to be The announcement said : recount demand. ||1 ||1 sary to the welfare of the entire ing, $136,370 can do a zillion dol- |l | her tireless idealism or benefitted an obvious error. A transposition ¦ ¦ from her good works and coun- "The Soviet Union has reported Statehouse veterans said tht p| ? community. ' • ' lars of good. It's up to you. il of figures would be one example. that ships are leaving Cuba with Services include aid to chil- Pitch in and do your part! sel." contest certainly would go into the f|j? fl Next, the f igures go to the start missiles aboard. record books as one of the clos- li dreri, old folks, and needy: families Leaders of the nation and Mentioned for * ' p th* canvassing board — the secretary "Arrangements aro being mad* est governorship races of history. fc^i ii^iig^ilj il^^ Pj^Pl^^^ ij ^^ pis iil world joined in expressing sorrow of state, two supreme court judges with Soviet representatives for Complete unofficial totals on all M^^^ and loss. * arid two district judges. This board contact with these ships by United but four of the state's precincts i nave lost an inspiration, House Speaker meets the second Tuesday after States naval vessels and for gave the DEL candidate for lieu- said U.N, Ambassador Adlai election and issues certificates of tenant governor. State Sen. A.M. E. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS counting the missiles being Stevenson, the only person outside election to the winners in state shipped out." (Sandy) Keith, a lead of 5,035 of the family to visit Mrs. Roose- Unofficial returns from Tues- and legislative races. The statement was issued after votes over his GOP opponent. day's Minnesota election apparent- State Rep. C. Donald Peterson. velt during the final weeks Of her Any voter or candidate can con- President Kennedy met with the illness. He went by her invitation. ly assured Conservatives of con- The vote totals were Keith 614,- test an election by filing his notice executive committee of thq Na- " "- "She would rather light candles trol of both houses of the Minne- tional Security Council. 178; Peterson 609;143. Bows sota Legislature in the 1963 ses- with the district court. This must In the early counting of return$ W/xon , than curse the darkness,'* Sfeven- Later, at the United Nations O^ sion. be done within 10 days of the from Tuesday's election, son said , "and her glow has authoritative sources said the So- Rolvaag Liberals bossed the House in final canvass, giving either side had built to a 30,000 margin but warmed the world." until Nov. 30 this year; viet Union first proposed list Sun- 1961 and four preceding sessions. day that tlie V.S. Navy inspect saw it whittled away as heavily Private funeral services will be Conservatives held control in the Once a contest is filed, the can- GOP areas in the southern farm- held at St.
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