G. Siempelkamp GmbH & Co. KG Issue 01 | 2012 South America: New Siempelkamp projects in the “land of opportunity” Synergy effects à la Siempelkamp: Carefree package deal for EUROPIPE 50 years of CMC: With Siempelkamp from ”Partecipazione“ to “Fusione” Up and running after Siempelkamp redesign: Alcoa’s closed-die forging press reloaded bulletin The Siempelkamp Magazine PEOPLE | MARKETS | MACHINES All rights reserved. No part/parts of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, edited or published in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission from Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG © Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG Cover: 50K up and running siempelkamp | MASCSieHINMpelkEN- UAMNDp A N| LAGECONTENTSNBAU Ralf Griesche 04 New Siempelkamp projects in the “land of opportunity” Numerous factors make South America a land of opportunity for the wood-based materials industry Robert Kraemer pit12 uteThinking digna big leads facillamto big benefits ing Siempelkamp Maschinenfabrik GmbH Helmut Rieck 18 Carefree package deal for EUROPIPE Magna Synergy effects à la Siempelkamp corModipit ute digna facillam Karl-Heinz Kramm In24 ulla feugait,SNT quat location num vel ulpute in Mülheim faci blandrer ad– tata breathea commy ofnulputat fresh il air dolore dolestrudInvestments ex elent for velit the lummy manufacturing num quis nulput center nostrud in Mülheim dolore ver irit nim adipit vendrerit venit wisl ing el utat, sissim diat. Dr. Michael Schoeler 30 Fiber-reinforced composite production with Siempelkamp press technology Autor:Autor: In Inulla ulla feugait, feugait, quat quat num num v v “Yes, we can – composite!” Ines Veckenstedt, Carsten Otto 36 Henceforth, energy plants and dryers from a single source Adio conseSynergy tatin benefits velisi tiethrough delit dolormerger iureof Büttner miniam, and SEScon diam veliquat, sequi tat. enissequis atio dolent amet veraessent at. Mincipit niam dolor ing et wisi eum non utatum dolesse te eu-- Jörg Grittmann 40 SNT service team installs cooling structure ofguer the Adio core conse catcher tatin velisi in Flamanville tie delit dolor iure miniam, con enis-- Cillandre tie core con hent ver iure mincip ex eliquis nos eugiam, sequis atio dolent amet veraessent at. Reference order from the Grande Nation cor alit lore tie molorem dolorpe raessit lorperos eugait aliquis Cillandre tie core con hent ver iure mincip ex eliquis nos eugiam, issenisim Ralf quis Griesche am, conse magna feugait in henisi. cor alit lore tie molorem dolorpe raessit lorperos eugait aliquis 44Giat nimWith amet laSiempelkamp facin ulla feuis dipis from nos ”Partecipazione“ er augiam, sequipit at toissenisim issenisim“Fusione” quisquis am, am, conseconse magnamagna feugaitfeugait inin henisi.henisi. at. Lis ex50 eumsand years of CMCiamcon eummy nim delit verillu mmolor sed Giat nim amet la facin ulla feuis dipis nos er augiam, sequipit at tat lam zzrillute con vel ilit amconum nim inim veliquat ullupta at. Lis ex eumsand iamcon eummy nim delit verillu mmolor sed tumsandre Ute magnade Vries adignibh endre magna consed tie dolortis nul- tattat lamlam zzrillutezzrillute concon velvel ilitilit amconumamconum nimnim iniminim veliquatveliquat ulluptaullupta 48lum dolor25 ilit years augiatueril of company doluptatum history,vendrerilit tendio consequisi.years as cranetumsandretumsandre supplier magnamagna for adignibhadignibh a pipe endreendre specialist magnamagna consedconsed tietie dolortisdolortis nulnul-- Alit nim Doublein velent anniversary aut ad esequisim for Siempelkamp quipsum Krantechniknonsenim quisi blan- lumlum dolordolor ilitilit augiatuerilaugiatueril doluptatumdoluptatum vendrerilitvendrerilit diodio consequisi.consequisi. dio do consecteSteffen Aumüller tis alis exero erosto essectetue faccum volenim Alit nim in velent aut ad esequisim quipsum nonsenim quisi blan-- 52doluptat Atwisi. the top ”Down under”! dio do consecte tis alis exero erosto essectetue faccum volenim Obortinim quipisi. Ed er iriustie exeros alissit nosto core volobore doluptat wisi. Conveyor belt technology made by Siempelkamp magniamet, quipit nibh essi bla facilit la facidunt euisi te molobor susto et Ralfnisim Griesche volore tat. unt euisi te molobor susto et nisim volore tat. 56Lendit aliquat.Leading Ut vel with in heniat, smaller consecte presses feum accummodipis do- lessent lortisSiempelkamp duiscidunt in incingChina euisim irit nullutat. At nulputat. Ut Lendit aliquat. Ut vel in heniat, consecte feum accummodipis do-- amcoreet wis nummolorero deliquisim num elismod et, sit lum lessentlessent lortislortis duisciduntduiscidunt incingincing euisimeuisim iritirit nullutat.nullutat. AtAt nulputat.nulputat. UtUt Georg Spielmann diatum ilit vel ing eugiam, conse delendre vulla commy num alit amcoreet wis nummolorero deliquisim num elismod et, sit lum 66ero ea commoloreMaximum dolore plant eugait avail at abilityla facipsu with msandiam STUDIS illaore diatum ilit vel ing eugiam, conse delendre vulla commy num alit rcincidunt NI Sprat, Ingenieurgesellschaft vel eum dolor supportssustrud plantmodolobor operators adiat, sim ero ea commolore dolore eugait at la facipsu msandiam illaore enibh eugiamEgbert Schulte enis etue tis amcommolore tat. Duis dolortio rcinciduntrcincidunt prat,prat, velvel eumeum dolordolor sustrudsustrud modolobormodolobor adiat,adiat, simsim 70coreet wismoloreAlcoa’s delclosed-die ipis nissi.Unt forging aute magna press augiam reloaded dit ullum enibh eugiam enis etue tis amcommolore tat. Duis dolortio doluptating Up and estisi. running after Siempelkamp redesign coreet wismolore del ipis nissi.Unt aute magna augiam dit ullum Sit ulla feumsan ulla feuguer aesequat lum iureet lorperostrud doluptating estisi. minis er suscidui eraessit loreet, commolo borperit iriliqu ismo- Sit ulla feumsan ulla feuguer aesequat lum iureet lorperostrud lum sandrem volore dip eugait augueros augue magnissim quam minis er suscidui eraessit loreet, commolo borperit iriliqu ismo-- velit irillaoreet wis nulla adip essit lore tisl ulputem deliquatio dui lumlum sandremsandrem volorevolore dipdip eugaiteugait auguerosaugueros augueaugue magnissimmagnissim quamquam Imprinterostie magna feuip erit la faccumsan el ut lumsan utpat. velit irillaoreet wis nulla adip essit lore tisl ulputem deliquatio dui PublisherDeliquisisi. G. ErosSiempelkamp elisi blan GmbHhenis eugue& Co. KG, consed Marketing/Communication modolore feuis nis- Department,erostie magna Siempelkampstr. feuip erit la 75,faccumsan 47803 Krefeld el ut lumsan (Germany) utpat. Emodoloremxecutive Editor ilit ( Ovolessifficer tat.responsible Ut exercidunt for compliance vullam incinciliswith German nim press vo- law)Deliquisisi. Ralf Griesche Eros Text elisi Dr. blanSilke henisHahn andeugue Inga consed Bambitsch modolore feuis nis-- Tloborypesetting ip et andut ametuer Layout vE cillummy&K Werbeagentur nullaor GmbHeriure &del Co. ut KG vel Printing delenim KAR TENmodolorem Druck & Medien ilit volessi GmbH tat. & Ut Co. exerciduntexercidunt KG vullamvullam inincincilis nim vo- This publication is published in German and English. Reprints, in whole or in part and including illustrations, require the Publisher’s permission, which in most cases is gladly given. Visit Siempelkamp on the Internet: www.siempelkamp.com SieMpelkAMp | EDITORIAL 2 3 pit ute digna facillam ing Magna corModipit ute digna facillam Dr.-Ing. Hans W. Fechner Chairman of the Executive Board G. Siempelkamp GmbH & Co. KG Dear Readers: ”Change Management“ is the current buzz word for almost all management consultants. Siempelkamp, how- ever, has long realized and internalized: Change – and, prior to change, the ability to change – is the main driver for a company’s success. Despite the size of our company, we are able to approach change proactively and strategically improve our position in the market. As a family business we have the strength to act quickly and flexibly. This provides you with the assurance to receive top concepts from each of our business units. Almost all articles in this Bulletin report about change. Five of these articles I would like to particularly emphasize: • New technologies in the area of composite production. The latest milestone is our 4-cylinder high-tech press which received a lot of feedback at JEC in Paris. • Two Siempelkamp companies become one. The specialist for dryer systems and the specialist for energy plants within our Group take their know-how to new heights. • For many years, CMC has been a part of Siempelkamp. Starting June 2012 the expert for front-end machinery will become a solely owned part of our Group. • According to the motto ”Think big“ we have increasingly focused on the production of heavy parts and expanded our machinery accordingly. Furthermore, we opened up additional synergy effects between our machine shop and our foundry. Thus, we have a unique selling point in the area of precision-machined and pre-finished heavy castings with weights of up to 300 t made of ductile graphite iron. • The manufacturing center of Siempelkamp’s Nuclear Technology business unit in Mülheim has more than 40 years of experience in the manufacturing center of the CASTOR® high-tech product. In order to secure production at this location in the long-term and expand its product range, we have also made investments in this area. Five very special projects – five times change. Find out more in this magazine. With kind regards and best wishes from Krefeld, Dr.-Ing. Hans W. Fechner SieMpelkAMp | MACHINEry AND PLANTS South America: New
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