CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 22 William Gerig, of Arkansas, for appointment as a member . UNITED STATES ATTORNEY of the Mississippi River Commission, as provided for by law, Frederick V. Follmer to be United States attorney, middle vice Charles H. West, deceased; and district of Pennsylvania. Albert L. Culbertson, of illinois, for appointment as a member of the Mississippi River Commission, as provided for UNITED STATES MARSHAL Ben J. McKinney to· be United States marshal district of by law, vice Lawrence A. Glenn, resigned. Arizona. · ' The VICE PRESIDENT. The reports will be placed on the Executive Calendar. COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE If there be no further reports of committees, the clerk will James R. Landy to be collector of internal revenue, district state the first nomination in order on the calendar. of Minnesota. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE APPOINTMENTS BY TRANSFER IN THE REGULAR ARMY The legislative clerk read the nomination of Milburn L. First Lt. Roy Madison Foster to Quartermaster Corps. Wilson, of Montana, to be Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. First Lt. Leslie Alfred Skinner to Ordnance Department. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the nomi­ Second Lt. Ephraim Melmoth Hampton, to Chemical War- nation is confirmed. f are Service. THE JUDICIARY APPOINTMENTS IN THE COAST GUARD The legislative clerk read the nomination of Frederick TO BE ENSIGNS V. Follmer to be United Staites attorney, middle district of Richard Baxter Glenn Leslie Rollins Pennsylvania. Loren Edward Brunner Bernard Edward Scalan The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the nomi­ Ernest Anthony Cascini Joseph Riddick Scullion nation is confirmed. Charles Ernest Columbus Gilbert Fay Schumacher The legislative clerk read the nomination of Ben J. Mc­ William Joseph Conley, Jr. Robert Frederick Shunk Kinney to be United States marshal, district of Arizona. Ralph David Dean William Louis Sutter The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the nomi­ Gilbert Russell Evans Charles Tighe nation is confirmed. Wallace Leroy Hancock, Jr. Woodrow Wilson Vennel THE TREASURY Frank Vincent Helmer Oscar Dillwyn Weed, Jr. The legislative clerk read the nomination of James R. William Joshua Lawrence Donald William Weller Landy to be collector of internal revenue, district of Min­ Richard Lippincott Mellen Adrian Francis Werner nesota. John Montrella Fred Laurence Westbrook The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the nomi­ Clayton Magnus Opp Justus Perkins White nation is confirmed. TO BE TEMPORARY ENSIGNS POSTMASTERS Theodore Francis Knoll Fred Furst Nichols The legislative clerk proceeded to read sundry nominations Frank Murray McCabe Walker Howell Rayburn ·of postmasters. Nelson Calhoun McCormick Mr. McK.ELLAR. I ask unanimous consent that nomina­ POSTMASTERS tions of postmasters on the ca.ilendar be confirmed en bloc. NORTH CAROLINA The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, it is so or­ dered, and the nominations are confirmed en bloc. Mary B. Tatham, Andrews. IN THE ARMY OKLAHOMA · The legislative clerk proceeded to read sundry nominations Claude L. Willis, Canton. in the Army. Isaac J. Loewen, Clinton. Mr. SHEPPARD. I ask unanimous consent that the Army Christopher C. Copeland, Cordell. nominations on the calendar be confirmed en bloc. Tom R. Johnson, Elk City. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, it is so or­ Charles V. Gilmore, Stuart. dered, and the nominations are confirmed en bloc. Robert D. Taylor, Webb City. COAST GUARD PENNSYLVANIA The legislative clerk proceeded to read sundry nominations Albert W. Fritz, Akron. in the Coast Guard. Mabel G. Collins, Austin. Mr. SHEPPARD. I ask unanimous consent that the Coast George R. Meek, Bellefonte. Guard nominations on the calendar be confirmed en bloc. Donald B. Gardner, Howard. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, it is so or­ Virginia G. Kingsley, Pleasantville. dered, and the nominations are confirmed en bloc. Floyd E. Bashore, Port Royal. Mr. SHEPPARD. I ask unanimous consent that the Presi­ Charles P. Hilty, Saltsburg. dent be notified of the confirmation of the nominations in the Floyd M. Butz, Tatamy. Coast Guard, because it is necessary that the work of pre­ John W. Doyle, Waymart. paring the diplomas be begun immediately, so that the young Thomas M. Hayden, Jr., West Sunbury. men may have them when they graduate on next Monday. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, it is so or­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dered, and the President will be notified. RECESS WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1935 Mr. BYRNES. Pursuant to the unanimous-consent agree­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. ment, I move that the Senate take a recess until 10 o'clock The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., a. m. tomorrow. offered the following prayer: The motion was agreed to; and <at 4 o'clock and 32 min­ Unto Thee, O Lord, do we ascribe glory and honor, domin­ utes p. mJ the Senate, under the order previously entered, ion and power, both now and forever. We wait to be guided took a recess until tomorrow, Thursday, May 23, 1935, at by Thy presence, which invites the responsive melody of all 10 a. m. hearts. We rejoice that the lights in Thy house are still kindled and shining upon the hilltops of life. In Thee we CONFIRMATIONS have a refuge, and not in our goodness nor attainments. Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate May 22 Let everything that is selfish, proud, and impure be taken (legislative day of May 13), 1935 away from us. Give us a growing conviction of fairness -AsSISTANT SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE and love for human life, however humble. As ours is a Milburn L. Wilson to be Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. sacred ministry, pave the way and make the path plain. 1935 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 7993 With enthusiasm enable us to give ourselves wholly to Thee The Vice President took the chair at the right of the and to the truth. Direct us to do the things that love, Speaker, and the Members of the Senate took the seats re­ justice, and patriotism inspire. Through Christ .our Savior. served for them. Amen. The SPEAKER. On behalf of the House, the Chair ap­ The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and points the following committee to conduct the President into the Chamber: Messrs. TAYLOR of Colorado, DOUGHTON, and approved. SNELL. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The VICE PRESIDENT. On the part of the Senate, the A message from the Senate by Mr. Horne, its enrolling Chair appoints as a like committee Senators ROBINSON, clerk, announced that the Senate had agreed without amend­ FLETCHER, and McNARY. ment to a concurrent resolution of the House of the follow­ At 12 o'clock and 22 minutes p. m. the Doorkeeper, Mr. ing title: Joseph J. S~nnott, announced the Cabinet of the President H. Con. Res. 22. Concurrent resolution relative to the meet­ of the United States. ing of both Houses in the Hall of the House of Representa­ The members of the Cabinet of the President of the United tives on Wednesday, May 22, 1935, to receive such communi­ States entered the Chamber and took the seats reserved for cations as the President shall be pleased to make to them. them in front of the Speaker's rostrum. The message also announced that the Senate had passed At 12 o'clock and 27 minutes p. m. the President of the with amendments, in which the concurrence of the House is United States, escorted by the committee of Senators and requested, a bill of the House of the following title: Representatives, entered the Hall of the House and stood at H. R. 6723. An act to authorize the incorporated town of the Clerk's desk, amid prolonged applause. Valdez, Alaska, to construct a public-school building, and for The SPEAKER. Senators and Representatives of the such purpose to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding Seventy-fourth Congress, I have the distinguished honor and $30,000; and to authorize said town to accept grants of privilege of presenting to you the President of the United money to aid it in financing any public works. States. [Applause.] The message also announced that the Senate had passed without amendment a bill of the House of the fallowing VETO MESSAGE OF THE PRESmENT OF THE UNITED STATES-­ title: ADJUSTED-SERVICE CERTIFICATES (H. DOC. NO. 197) H. R. 6954. An act to authorize the transfer of the Green The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Mr. Lake Fish Cultural Station in Hancock County, Maine, as Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives, 2 an addition to Acadia National Park. days ago a number of gentlemen from the House of Repre­ The message also announced that the Senate agrees to sentatives called upon me and with complete propriety pre­ the report of the committee of conference on the disagree­ sented their reasons for asking me to approve the House of • ing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Representatives bill providing for the immediate payment Senate to the bill CH. R. 6021) entitled "An act to provide of adjusted-service certificates. In the same spirit of cour­ additional home-mortgage relief, to amend the Federal tesy I am returning this bill today to the House of Repre­ Home Loan Bank Act, the Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933, sentatives. As I told the gentlemen who waited upon me, I and the National Housing Act, and for other purposes." have never doubted the good faith lying behind the reasons RECESS which have caused them and the majority of the Congrnss Mr. TAYLOR of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous to advocate this bill. In the same spirit I come before you consent that the House stand in recess subject to the call of dispassionately and in good faith to give you, as simply as the Speaker. I can, the reasons which compel me to give it my disapproval.
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