ing Gro~p : 'Burnt Flower' Today'. Weather Concert I" ... 13th ye.r prec:edl", hll de.th .t the ... of • I U hi 1953, U.o BeHI h.d wriHen 12 dr'''''I, Author ,.I"tty clevcly through t.nIght. 5c.tterM ......... Faculty String ~ .. "The Burnt FI_er Bed," • ...terMnt of the .nd thu*rstof'ml _ ..... tMey Ind ........ a recital WedlleaGa, ....... Impllc.tlonl of men'l polltlcel ,ctlonl, Betti'. sovth tonltht, Cooler nerth Ind Cllltril todIy InII ••IM OUlO·O toni,ht, HI,hs .. Mrth .. It 1OUth • ., (CDT), in Iowa &1trra, will ... pre.. nted by Unlvers~ The.tre .ad til. P."". of 10tDG CitJ as pll;rt o( the tw~. Alltu.t 4, 5, .nd ., For story on Betti 1M p.,e 5, Fme Arts F~ival l is welcome to aitttd tickets are required. ' EsteblIsbed in 1868 Herald Tribune News Service Features Friday, July 29, 1960, Iowa City, Iowa of the quartet are ifd- ' and John Ferrell, violia ' Preucil, viola, and Ifaai v ioloncello. Ritter, aSli!t, of the SI. Loub Turk •- Soviet , is taking the place Reds: GOP Seeks Canin this summer ~ . presents concerts ill NI!!I Clash Told; Lodge on Chicago, Memphis iIIId Wins St. World Under u.S. First BaUot program for the Wedn~ MOSCOW lA'I - The Soviet press difference between the two big I will include Mozart's Quai. No Casualties accused the Republican party I American parties, that both are Major, CK 465), sometilllfi Thursday of striving for establish. servants o( millionaires and mono the "Dissonance Quar. ment of world domination by the opolies. Incident Evidently oC the opening • United States. The Tass dispatch said New No. 4 in A Minor by A Mistake; Shooting It. dispatch of the official news York's governor, Nelson A. Rocke­ '1 Pri~ For, Finney, Pulitzer Lasted Two Hours E.ast-West GOP' Ticket agency Tass dismissed tbe nomi· feller, was responsible for some in 1937, and Quarlet No. I Dation o( Vice President Richard of the Republican platform and ANKARA, Turkey lA'I - The ~) by Bethoven. The beet. M. Nixon for the Presidency with that his recent agreement with quartet, from the COIllJiOs. Turkish Defense Ministry an· a single sentence, out made a long Vice President Nixon gave "a nounced Thursday night that Turk· UN 'Ambassador Gets period, is notable and angry assault upon the Re- really aggressive nature" to for· nr."",nr fugue of the ftDal ish and Soviet troops clashed in a Nixon Says publican platform. eign policy and military planks of brief (rontier fight last Sunday. "It is unequivocally stated in the platform. No casualties were reported. the preamble of the platform that ----- A spokesman said the incident No VP Opposition the leadership of the Republican Amerl-cans -which he blamed on a mistake­ He'll Work. , party is striving (or the establish· occurred near Goman, a Turkish Iy DOUGLAS I. CORNELL ment oC world domination by the frontier outpost about 10 miles CONVENTION HALL, Chicago (AP) - The Republican United States," Tass said. "The 0 d dOt north of Borcka. The outpost lies National Convention Thursday night piaced Henry Cabot For Peace platform clearly indicates that i( r ere u due east of the Black Sea coast Lodge by the side of presidential nominee Richard M. Nixon ALS the Republican party comes to in the Province of Kars. Precedent ShaHering to challenge the Democrats in the crucial 1960 election. It was power it intends to make exten- Af I -d The spokesman said t~e trouble sive increases in aggressive mili· ter nCI ent started when a Turkish soldier on a swift, foreordained action - on the first ballot. And the Campaign Fores.en; tary preparation a basic point o( guard duty thought he saw some­ convention rolled on toward the acceptance speeches - Nixon its foreign policy. Will Visit All State. MOSCOW lA'I - Soviet officials thing moving in the dark in the for the presidency, Lodge for the vice presidency - and then The Soviet Communist party direction of the Soviet border. final adjournment. The GOP thus set up an East·We t ticket: OHICAGO II! - Richard M. has pescribed both Nixon and Sen. Thursday ordered immediate ex· Nixon Thursday night opened what pulsion of three Americans, a Brit· "He started shooting after his the 47·year-old Californian who he said would be a presidential John F . Kennedy, the Democratic shouts to halt were ignored," the has served 7 ~.year apprenticeship fashioned traditional partisan rival· Dominee, as advocates of an arms an and a West Getman arrested in campaign 0 f unparalleled vilor an incident involving distribution spokesman said. "His comrades in the vice presidency, and the 58- ry between tJJe Republicans and and set out a world goal of victory race and of endangering peace. joined in. The Russian border pa. year-old Massachusetts bLueblood, the Democrats. The basic contest Moscow Pravda, newspaper of to Russians o( the U.S. State Dc· for freedom, trol teturned the tire. who has put in the same tour of is the life and death struggle be· Nixon accepted the Republican the Moscow city party committee I'artment magazine Amerika. "This lasted for awhile. Then duty in the United Nations as U. S. tween the Communists on the one nomination with a speech in which and little sister of the central par· It was the second incident of its ambassador. ' hand and those who insist on being kind in less than a week. The first, of(icers on both sides quelled the he saLd he was prepared to raise ty newspaper Pravda, assailed That will be the lineup against free on the other. free world sights in the cold war Nixon Thursday as a "weather· also on distribution of Amcrika, aC{air and starled an investigation. the Democratic array of Sens. "This is what gi ves this elec· with Communism. cock and chameleon" linked with involved six young Americans, It was concluded that the incident was the result of a mistake." John F . Kennl.'dy of Massa· tion of 1960 its compelling, over· The vice president, the Republi. Wall Street bankers and advocat· five of whom had been detalnclJ chuselts and Lyndon B, Johnson cans' hope for retaining the White tE'mporarily. The first group, ho\\'· The spokesman would not say whelming importance to us and to ing a brink·of·war \>Olicy. of Texas. the world. It impo es on us all House, spoke without a full pre­ For the most part, the Soviet ever, was not expelled. how long the engagement lasted Lodge was nominated by a vote the duty to give nothing less than pared lext before a crowded con· The thric Amerlcan~ and their or how many men were involved. press has paid little atlention to our very ablest, our most experi· vention hall and millions sltt.ing in companions were questioned about of 1330, with one delegate ab- the Republican National Conven· Reliable informants close to the staining. enced, our most talenled to the via television and radio. Ion in Chicago. The Soviet people four hours. Soviet police ordered Turkish Foreign Ministry reported The holdout was Ed Mllher of presidency of our country." He referred to notes which said them to sign statements, but the this would be a precedent·shatter· invariably are told there is no real earlier that the firing lasted two San Angelo, Tex., who changed youths said they refused to sign hours. other qualified sources said It was Rep. Walter H. Judd of ing campaign. his mind to make it unanimous. Minnesota, who had been men· anything in a language they could about 10 soldiers normally man the The notes on which Nixon based Asked why he had abstained at tloned prominently for ' the vice not understand. Turkish defense post involved in his speech were released orally to Alumni Institute first he told a reporter: "Just say presidency himself, who took the Weslern and Soviet officials the incident. newsmen in advance by his press I'm hot." • speaker's rostrum in this huge were reluctant to discuss the inci· secretary Hedbert G. Klein. Begins Here Today Lodge w.. Nixon's per...,.1 amphitheater beside the Chicago In the notes Nixon said he took dent. Informed sources said the ..Iection for the Republlcen stockyards and delivered the nom· SUI's first Alumni Institute gets three Americans were students no state for granted in JUs conlest Missile Crashes f ••",. Nobody nil. up to ch.l· inating speech. with Democratic Sen. John F. under way today with a 6 p.m. who took 50 copies of the maga· Ion,. It. djnncr meeting at the Iowa M emor­ The minute he menlloned Lodge's Kenncdy. zine from the American Embassy, After Take-oH Lodge had been offered to roar· He promised to visit each of the iaL Union and opening addresses name, right at the end, the hall where they are available to lour· ing convention deiegates as a man 50 states in his drive for the White by President Virgil Hancher and ists. erupted with a thundering ovation CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. fA'! - who has been "tested and proved that lasted six minutes. Lodge, Judd'Meet · House. He lost no time in launch· James A. Van Allen. The three drove to a downtown First·stage engine trouble sent Ln ,the CiTes of today's world." ing that drive. The institQte, a new project in hotel and from their car began to a giant Titan missile plunging in· "You have conferred a great hi the ..rly hours of Thorsd.y Amb ....dor Henry C.bot Lodg. meets Rep. W.lter JucIcI of Mlnn .
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