l^lews for S^emor ym um n Penn Dutch bus not full yet By GLORIA BENSON has been a very hot Chaples and Lois Churila son, 725. This is a terrific three-day Hi, everyone! Well, we summer. minding the store. After Many thanks to you trip that goes Sept. 17, 18 didn't do too well on 1 think I ought to thank our bingo games we had 13 friends who have been signing up for the Penn- o***' tables for pinochle with the bringing in craft supplies and 19. The price is 1103. sylvania Dutch tr|p. We will t'n’e f°r us Ray and following winners: Mary for my classes. Next column, more news have to fill it to go, so come Jimmy. Without a cus o- Hill, 811; Sam Schors, 800; Remember, tomorrow on upcoming trips. dian, our beautiful building Martin Bakstan, 789; Ruth we are ^er,ving salami on in. It’s a real nice three- Just a reminder that we day trip to the Amish Coun­ would be in trouble. Of Search, 784; Anna Zaimor, grinders, potato chips and Poll shows try with stops at Hershey’s course, many thanks also 776; John Klein, 757; Mike ice cream and a beverage. are collecting good salable Chocolate World, the to our many volunteers Haberern, 743; Bob After lunch we will play a items for our tag sale. Just Farmer's Market, many who help out where Schubert, 738; Violet Dion, little bingo. needed. 738; Betty Daniel, 732; Ed We are now taking a bring them to the center more ifblnts of interest. any day. 1 sometimes wonder Last Friday we had 38 Scott, 729; Gertrude waiting list for Browns. playing setback with the McKay, 728; Fritz Wilkin­ Carter win what is happening to some T h f gcitition piriod for etaphinti ji 22 monthi. of our trips. I bet we have following winners. Azilda had at least 40 people ask Gilbertson, 135; Ed Hindle, ------------------------SAVE S(PI CUP AND BRING WITH Y O U l------------------------- for a Pennsylvania Dutch 133; Billy Stone, 132; trip and yet we have only Josephine Schuetz, 131; T ubs., W*d., Sat. Vol. XCIX, No. 263 — Manchester, Conn., Thursday, Augutt 7,1980 • Since 168i > 26<t | signed up 31 persons so far. Sue Kerr, 128; Helena 10 to 1,2 to 6 in rule war We have a way to go yet, so Gavella, 124; Carol Green, Thurs., FrI. I’m sure we will fill at 120; Violet Dion, 119; John .TheSaving Place Phelps, U7; Frances 10 to 1,2 to 5:30, NEW YORK lUPI) - I>re- least one bus. 6 to 8 R t'luli'il „tnr\ on pafro ,'t. My boss man, Wally, has Wagner, 115. Sale Effective T ubs., Aug. 5 thru convenlion head counts and surveys sure had great weather. It Monday we had Adele Sat., Aug. 9 show President Carter can beat down pledged delegates on the rules vote, the so-called “open convention ' he would need more than .300 of crusade and go on to win renomlna- Carter s lo prevail NEW BIGGER PACKAGE! tion "We don't think that rule will come m i MMMVS A United Press International to a void. " Kirk told a news con­ ■ All ages welcome ■ Compare the value at sampling of Carter delegates across styrofoam lew than S.54 a picture ■ Scenic background! ference at Kennedy campaign available ■ Fait delivery ■ Satiifactlon alwayi the country showed 89 percent are headquarters in Washington "We or foil deposit cheerfully refunded. opposed to a campaign by backers ol think the Carter people will realize picnic $ Sen. Edward Kennedy and others in the votes aren I there 12.95i hi M lai the Democratic Party to release the 2- 8 X 10's Deposit: S.9S Kennedy said Sen George Cape explosion d w st Balance Due: $12.00 president's delegates from their McGovern. I)-S I) . will speak on his 3- 5 X 7's pledges to support his nomination at Heavy smoke pours from oil storage tank following an explosion behalf to the convention during the and jugs Wi UW to o * PQP« the national convention next week which ripped open a tank at the Canal Electric Company generating 15-wallet size forogocG 100)1 rules debate Monday night, and he Kennedy's people were making will address the ci'nvcntion during plant in Sandwich, Mass., Tuesday. At least four persons were injured _^color charms brave talk about the rules batlle — to “Ask aBout our the platform debate Tuesday night and major roads closed to Cape Cod after the blast at the plant on the 24 prints ^ Classic Portrait' MANCIIE.STER - Officials of the be decided after a one-hour debate The Massachusetts Democrat told Cape Cod canal. Investigators speculate the blast was caused by a Family Relations Division of the Monday night — but others opposed reporters he was not invited to speak welder working on top of the tank. Officials from the Executive Office Superior Court today were seeking a to the "faithful delegate" rule were to the conventiiin. but is allocating less confident. of Environmental Affairs were rushed to the scene because they permanent and a temporary solution hirnsell pari ol the hour given to dis­ to the problem of where the volun­ The executive director of the Com­ sidents who will tight proposed feared the possibility of an oil spill into the canal. View shows plant at mittee to Continue the Open Conven­ the mtraclo of molBjtrsi tary honor court will meet. planks adopted by tbe pro-Carter northern end of canal at Cape Cod Bay. (UPI photo) tion. former Rep Tom Hees of ■Plallorm Committee. Monday night meetings of the California, said in New York. We group, persons who have come to the The senator said he would speak have a fairly good chance" lo win, "on the issue ol our economy the attention of the Family Relations but conceded, "if they took a vote Division with an alcohol related need lor a Democratic economic now. we'd be behind " program laithlul to the historic problem, have been suspended Hearing planned A committee spokesman in traditions ol our party and the because the new Superior Court Washington said canvassers are Im- building is not geared to handle the desperate needs of the nation ' ding Carter delegates sympathetic to The UPI survey ol 25 percent of the on cab firm sale meetings. the cause but holding back because of Carter delegates nationwide showed VERNON — The Greater Hartford Transit District Last Monday the group gathered "a fear that opening the convention 546 or 90 percent back him on the will conduct a public hearing on Aug. 14 at 7 p.m. in the outside the court, but there was no will help Kennedy." "faithful delegate" rule Another 46 Memorial Building. Park Place, concerning an applica­ one to let them in. There is no If Kennedy 'would stop claiming tion on the saie of the Rockviiie Cab Co. Inc. said they would vote lor an open con­ custodial service at that hour and credit for this and Ihe delegates vention. and 20 were undecided The Dial-A-Ride of Connecticut Inc. of Manchester is there is a question of security. realize he Is not going to get the seeking to buy the Rockville company and proposes to The Carter cause got support Irom nomination, it vyould help the effort, " Sen. Abraham Ribicotl. D-('onn . operate four taxicabs within the Town of Vernon and Joseph Rafala, assistant director the spokesman said. of the Family Relations Division for who has been neutral in the presiden­ between Vernon and the remaining towns in the district But Kennedy political strategist the court, said today he has asked his tial battle but has agreed to lead the "in exclusive use and shared ride modes under the This man Paul Kirk said the Kennedy cam­ Carter side on the delegate rule fight superiors to solve the problem of provisions of the Transit District's rules for regulation paign knows of "300 and some" And at a news conference in and supervision of transit systems." providing a couple of hours of delegates who oppose the rule, and Washington Wednesday Ribicolf Anyone who is interested or who may be affected by the custodial service. Kennedy said Democrats favor an urged Kennedy to drop out of the proposed operation will be heard. Written comments will Meanwhile, he said, he hoped some open convention bv a margin of "2 or be accept^ before the hearing or may be sent to the race because he lost it. Manchester church or other 3 to 1." , There are a lot of cynical people Transit District's office, 179 Ailyn St., Hartford, 06103. organization can be found to provide Carter has 1,98.5 delegates pledged A hearing was held in Hartford last week. The Transit out llicre. sharks. ' Ribicofl said can show )nu a temporary meeting place. The lo his nomination, with 1,666 needed "They don t care lor Kennedy or District panel, made up of Thomas Sheridan, chairman honor court tries to keep people from to win II Kennedy held all of his Carter " and William Chioco and Michael J. Gessay and Arthur repeated involvement with the fami­ Handman, executive director and panel secretary, ly court. A representative of family reviewed the application for sale and transfer and court normally attends honor court expressed concern about the possible confusion to the meetings. One was on hand Monday users if a new fare system were implemented without when the group tried to get into the notice.
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