Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Ian Jones - Chief Executive ___________________________________________________________________ Unit 3 Holes Bay Park Sterte Avenue West Poole Dorset BH15 2AA Tel/Fax 01202 721373 10 March 2021 Dear Member MEETING OF THE AUTHORITY – 18 MARCH 2021 A virtual meeting of the Authority will be held on Thursday 18 March 2021 at 14:00, to discuss the business on the under mentioned Agenda. This meeting will take place via remote access. Login details will be forwarded to Members next week. Members of the public can request a guest dial-in code from [email protected] Yours sincerely Debbie Vivian Finance and Administration AGENDA 1. Apologies To receive apologies for absence. 2. Declaration of Interest All Members who believe they have a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare their interest and consider whether to leave the meeting whilst the matter is discussed. 3. Minutes To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2020 (marked A). 4. Chairman’s Announcements To receive any updates from the Chairman. 5. Sub-Committees To receive the Minutes of the following Sub-Committees and to consider the adoption of the recommendations contained therein: - a. Executive Committee held on 10 December 2020 (marked B, Members only). b. Technical Advisory Committee held on 4 February 2021 (marked C) 6. Progress Report on Outstanding Matters To consider a progress report on matters outstanding. a. Chief Officer reports To receive verbal updates from the CO i. EU Exit & Covid 19 ii.Anchoring in MPAs b. Netting Update To receive a verbal report from Dr Jensen. ITEMS FOR DECISION 7. Budget Control Statement To consider the summary of progress of the Committees accounts (marked D) OMD/IFCA/Agenda/AM/Mar21 1 8. Potting Review To consider the report from IFCO Smith (marked E) 9. Draft Annual Plan and Team Strategies To consider the report from the Chief Officer (marked F) 10. Solent Scallop Code of Conduct To consider the report from IFCO Cooper and DCO Bateman (marked G) 11. Poole Harbour Dredge Permit HRA 2021 To consider the Habitat Regulation Assessment from IFCO Birchenough (marked H) ITEMS FOR INFORMATION ONLY 12. Poole Clam and Cockle Fishery Partnership Project To receive a report from DCO Bateman (marked J) 13. MCRS Evidence Review 2020 To receive a presentation from IFCO Small 14. Southern IFCA Website Launch To receive a presentation from IFCO Smith (marked K) 15. Compliance Risk Register To receive a report from DCO Richardson (marked L) 16. Compliance and Enforcement To receive the report from DCO Richardson (marked M) 17. Quarterly Report To receive the report from officers for the period November 2020 to January 2021 (marked N). 18. South Coast Fishermen's Council To receive the Minutes of the 349th Meeting held on 16 December 2020 and the 350th Meeting held on 10 February 2021 (marked P). 19. Date of Next Meeting – 10 June 2021 To confirm the date of the next Authority meeting on 10 June 2021 to be held virtually. Note: Item Nod 20 below will involve the consideration of information which is exempt by virtue of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and therefore the public may be excluded during consideration of this item. 20. Poole Harbour Fishery Order 2015 – Transfer of Lease To consider a verbal report from DCO Richardson 21. Election of Chairman To elect Chairman for remainder of the 2020-2021 session. OMD/IFCA/Agenda/AM/Mar21 2 Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority AUTHORITY – 10 DECEMBER 2020 Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting of the Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation ITEM A Authority held by remote conference at 1400 on Thursday 10 December 2020 Present Prof J Humphreys (Chairman, MMO Appointee) Cllr Mrs A McEvoy (Vice Chairman, HCC) Cllr Mr S Hastings (IOW Council) Cllr Mr R Hughes (Dorset Council) Cllr Mr P Miles (BCP Council) Cllr Mr M Roberts (Dorset Council) Cllr Mr M Winnington (Portsmouth City Council) Dr S Cripps (MMO Appointee) Dr A Jensen (MMO Appointee) Mr N Fisher (MMO Appointee) Mr T Legg (MMO Appointee) Ms L MacCallum (MMO Appointee) Mr R Stride (MMO Appointee) Mr G Wordsworth (MMO Appointee Ms R Irish (MMO) Dr R Morgan (Natural England) Dr K Sims (Environment Agency) The Chief Officer, Deputy Chief Officers Bateman and Richardson, the Treasurer, the Finance and Administration Officer and IFCOs Birchenough, Cooper and Pengelly attended. Cllr Mr J Hobart (IOW) and Mr T Ferrero (H&IOWWT) attended in the public gallery. Apologies 64. Apologies for absence were received from: Cllr Mr J Savage (Southampton) and Cllr Mr M White (Hampshire) Declaration of Interests 65. Members then declared their pecuniary interest in the following Minutes: Mr Wordsworth (89). Minutes 66. Members considered the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2020.The Minutes were confirmed and would be signed at a later date. Chairman’s Announcements 67. The Chairman explained to Members that a policy and procedures for continuation of Authority meetings adhering to COVID-19 government guidance would be drafted and options for face to face and virtual meetings would be explored. Dr Cripps asked if other providers of web conferencing could be considered. The Chief Officer would take options to the next Executive committee meeting for discussion. OMD/IFCA/Minutes/AMDec20 1 Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority AUTHORITY – 10 DECEMBER 2020 68. The Chairman introduced new Members. Cllr Steve Hastings had replaced Cllr John Hobart, representing Isle of Wight Council. Cllr Hastings thanked the Chairman and told Members he had briefly been appointed to the Authority when he was a Councillor for Portsmouth. Since moving to the island he was happy to be appointed as the elected Member. The Chairman introduced Nick Fisher who had been appointed by the MMO as a general member along with Lyle Stantiford who was unable to attend this meeting. Mr Fisher explained his background and experience fishing the south coast as a commercial and charter fisher. Executive Committee 69. Members considered the Minutes of the Executive Committees held on 24 September 2020. Resolved 70. That the Minutes of the Executive Committees held on 24 September 2020 were received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) 71. Members considered the Minutes of the Technical Advisory Committee held on 5 November 2020. Dr Cripps asked for an amendment and Dr Jensen agreed this would be updated at the next TAC meeting. Resolved 72. That the Minutes of the TAC held on 5 November 2020 be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. Progress Report on Outstanding Matters 73. a. Published journal article. IFCO Birchenough reported to Members that the article titled Vessel Monitoring Systems as a tool for mapping fishing effort for a small inshore fishery operating within a Marine Protected Area had been published, the authors being IFCO Cooper, Dr Jensen and herself. She offered to send Members a link to the published article which was available on Science Direct. The funding to carry out the work had been provided by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) Fisheries Challenge Fund (Project FES 286) and the European Fisheries Fund (Project number FEF 1629) administered by the MMO. b. COVID - 19. The Chief Officer updated Members on procedures being carried out to ensure IFCA staff were safe, and duties were being performed following government guidance, including weekly national updates. Officers were working in two bubbles to allow greater flexibility and were following risk assessed protocols for land and sea patrols. The office was closed to visitors but staffed for administration. He thanked officers for their continued professional attitude and flexibility taking on new practises and changes at short notice. c. Marine and Fisheries Chief Officers – DEFRA monthly meeting. The Chief Officer explained to Members the remit for this group. Meetings had been postponed until February 2021. The IFCA Chief Officers group were still active with weekly meetings in the lead up to exiting the EU and consideration of the Fisheries Bill. The MMO are in the process of cross warranting IFCO officers who were available for deployment when required. Cllr Winnington asked what would be expected from the IFCA for the EU exit and asked to be kept informed of any updates as the councils were also being tasked with responsibilities. The Chief Officer explained that IFCAs had not been given specific duties OMD/IFCA/Minutes/AMDec20 2 Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority AUTHORITY – 10 DECEMBER 2020 or responsibilities as yet, but it would include deployment of the patrol vessels. Officers have been assisting other government departments providing the fishing sector with information ahead of the end of the transitional period, including the export of shellfish. Resolved 74. That the reports be noted. Budget Control Statement 75. Mr Ratsey explained to Members the figures in the Budget Control Statement. He presented the budget statement for the first 7 months of the year. He reported that he was satisfied with the budget and that it was on track. It was a year like no other however COVID-19 conditions had not impacted too strongly so far on the finances of the Authority. Cllr McEvoy reported to Members that the project to purchase a new patrol vessel for the authority would impact on the reserve funds. She asked if some of the savings made this year due to the pandemic could be identified as savings that could be continued. The Chief Officer reported that a reserve policy would be tabled at the next Executive meeting in March. The Chairman thanked Mr Ratsey for the details in the statement and he asked Members to agree the reports under general consent.
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