SOUTHERN PACIFIC PASSENGER TRAINS Dcdication 1.tt, tt/!nt tr. tr.,....,,, t.\1,:1.r., 1,',.\ll{l I'1,.. Orrhe6rcl(cndpipt^: \/r'.r" l']t tti,\ ),,n\,tt "l " ,,,.,r'-ll ..\'' !l''.\l\ tr't.; s e,R n,t 7'\lin rl,l;n'rt uri'trtrn I'ri rrt''' i i J.l {' L\rtrlror Lrb^ t|, tt! Ln \Lt.' r"n\, ]'// r 1.rP sfi " Bnct covea main: r,rl{/ /rrr. s,t ) | u 1)i n; }'t1') i I I t t nrn ) qt t $ttr l,\li.{}! t'ta t" Wirf nrr.r!rlnD..J Llu!,n!lrrrcl,)i*r!s J;r rhr I),\11!ht l.llq!l ,rt,l' ',1 1l', t.tt, ltit rll .\ll rish. ,c{1.(l /i'' n'r,,,,, ,, '| ,| h: s;".;--h R.tti" K, .tt tt: , t;lht nt|lttt, tht nr\'] tith"! Rlr.t &t 1)rrru (;r/r,d; Ilrnn SrJ'irnl srli ,t r"r,',, !rtr\,' t , rl lll'lrl r fit.iD nlI nFcr: ri 7ri7. J'a/ t.ru li;lit r\,l|lt' rh,t\'r't o l. 'lr . Bi.Lcovcr, 'r' ' \n r t Li u t' l b rt r t\, r t't' rt lnr\vl(lsr '\llr(nn nh.o.' r. nrklr..rNrtr rnrA!'ril" 'ri lh ti! n, tl,r',l i'rr " oi rtn,pl trt ,'\trnrtr nn[1ni l.' ."1,'."J .'lr', ""r' r,tt/,r ! r t j r,- r,, ,,,, t.. ,. .t .t Krl,L'run, 'll,i. ml,li..ti,", hA n,n lJ.c. P1al,iful. trfrm\.1 .r L.utr(t hYll'riln' t)c.i!n.r: L.\.r l),.i,i \1t rc..(irr, rtrih.r,nr ', Dulcl inr\ r '!nr.r l"l'ld: ,l$,ln!,r' n,urrm.,l hrr.nlm ih. tn,N11 "l rli( trl'f'"L \\! L'c n]m r;r (ri,i..nilh lltrr, \$ !m\ lhi\ i\"iJ'rlnnl l\llll inlc .n ,l!, r(il)lJr r Ji'., nn nr l,ulh,llrtrnY l'' iDJoiri]l .,r .,,...,,1 I ."|""','. '"\l'-'' \\r.l ,' l' t'.'' lrl' \1 ,!1.^ l,r,, , . '.1' Sutu 21lll 1801.tr!!r Strcr, sr I'.Nl, rlN iilr)l lsst lrs \ Oflricfrontco"cr:7r, {,,r"/nh ! sr }tr1,,'n; i/'ttln h 1 < t Da ;t x (h t l, 1,11 i \ 1J,, .', I til 1' t l\t1li l )'t72 rL'1 h " ^ I l)1r1'g|i ,l.li, \I it 1q:t At |t\ .{1 1 i' th, tiaar l.! h'"s 1t.]r,l,li ,Lhtl'tt trlt llt'., ,,,: l Itl,'ttlt,\t! In|httl ti trihrrl' rr! lr^,\,t t.rurrt;. l,rhr!L it. rl ' t 't' a r',.{/, },,t;,. r ,"/i/ lnLn, S,,l"mnr O rtref.onristi.ce: lrr!,.(f,,1nry 1,!!,' a1 sanl, l r llt ti' 1;"'\1 .;\ r,r/i;.\ i r.,,tr/i,r, .ir, /t. lin 1 lnll t{h^ rt lht n, t t lt . l ,ur[,./,.\ ],Lt fl,t rrl' L, i,llililaa L, b u,,!, t ^,]t:,t!t! 'i!h,/ ,t t-.,')',."-,,,"--, tt|n,.i,t;tttt;t2\ (;J n r"ux/n'r ' Sol,,r,1 t;s 6'l,t nl !! i 'ir!!, haltll'/ lnr) l,nrh(rrl.f,ts(' , t' ,l1,,, , , l, 1 l, ., r ., :. 1 'r'i.:.,,,,1,t,,' -,. "",t,,,",n/,,n/lr.lisr,,/,,,,d,, l)]Yli!hr On the fronr ..dPp$: lr,I/r;r,Ir !,,'},tr.(,r ' /l' S[trrr rt16/t\1t,,/nrnri,ar[] nl l.r1!,t t ho/n, llartlntl tt rout,n t :e.1.ol ln 2i lt !l\' \!,n/.i!,t'ttth" Suntd rf,(x(,r /lI q,1, otr n.r.\tt,,l8k1'1 t't"t - I'rlr! ,l,rtul 1","t!\ lrrn.l ll.l,fl'B' -nl l'rl n'l'\\ nai' n li Li.,n(l tl', 1,r1 /L(l'l ,/ J,r,",",x,,^ Inrn S"1'"rrr /',r/,",1 rr,t(,, ll,,L \l,ni' t,,tlta\.(t.rt.t t,' fOohaar' Achnowledgmenls.................... 6 Ihe Slandard nailroad ol lhe Wcsl and lls Passengcr Scrvice, 1045-1071 Bu Fred Mailhews . .8 , Soulhern pacilic DaUIi4,hl$ ........ 28 $.P. 3 four $cenic noulcs................... 82 Dcmisc and lhe f,oming ol Amlrah ........132 Bilr[ographu ....................... tsz Index................................. lse Achnowled4menls ourhen, l'rcitlc (Sl']) hrs lLru bcc,r onc of nv rivoritc LriLLo,rds. \Vhcn I rvrs r teenir1{cr,.l fr.cnts, bnrther, arrl I rurk r trip orcr the SP on r\nr(nki Corst St,rrlighr. I srill vivi,tlv rccrll wir ing orer Cucstr,liurgmg tiorl the I)rrtch Lloor olr tsudJ t uilt .rrcrnnincd prsscnger err. ;\lthorrgh I n not old clurgh to hrvc rccol lcctnn olSPls retnuc l,ng disunce prsentcr tnins, I spcnt mrrrvrcrrs photognpli ing its iicisht (flrinc, rs wcll rs historic plssergcr rnins. !cllrru errthu.ilst. Iiiu Joui.o, u l. D. Schmi(t lirthcr encour,,sed .rv intcrcst in SP 'l his book *ould not hrrc bccn possiblc rvirhoui liclf riom Lrurv peoplc. I rr indcbtcd to Frcd )lurrhcrvs rvho cntliusirsticrllr suppontd rhe prcject fion thc hgirr ning, suggcstcd souLces li,r r,,,tcrirl, lcnt nrc his ci4,r oi()rcgorv Lcc Tho,rrprrr's Thc Prs.cnqcL lirn n, the l\lrror Agc: Crliti,rnirs R,ril ,rnd Ilrrs lndustrics 1910 1r)-11, ,r,rl conpose.l the.lctailed prsonxl cssiv thrt is Ch.rt)(cr 1.ln adJiii(,l, Frcd I{Cncr ouslv puidc.l n,rnr o1-rhr: phorogrrphs iianrred in rhc book. Bob lft,rris ot DLrnsruir, Crlifi,r,ir. is ,l!r olrt tiitnd, rccomplished ph,,togrephca rnd SP cnthusirst Hc lcnt nrc urrcc nutcri,rls. proviLlcd pliotographs lirnr his lchivc, rncl rccrlled hi. expcrirnccs rvirh SP pascrscr rrxins. I Ic rntl his ivili Rhi,n ,rk, prx cd rcconrrn,, Ll,rriors in l)unsnNir. Tlirrks ro John Signor iirr he[ing rvith pliot<, ac<luisition. Roben ,\. lluck oi\\'rrLer, Ilrss,rchrrscn., rupnicd vi,)trse imxgcs rnd hrs po"nlcd nurrenrus lcrLls rnJ pcnonrl connecnns ovcr the vcars. Specill thrnks t<, the Goldcrt Grte R.r,lnud Nluscun in Srn FLncisco tor poicling rccess t,r rhcir collcctirn ofprt scned SI'prscngcr crLs. For thi)se int..cstcd in secirrt exlnylcs oftlic cars iittuterl in this Look, x visit to this nn,srunr is highly Lcconuenderl. l\lv Lrrhcr ltichulJrv SolL,ul w.rs vcrv hc\nnl in pnxnlilg rriginrl illustrdtidrs, inchdi.q his own Photog ripliy olSP u.1i.c, rs wcll es gir mr nrc insight to pcrrrJ prsscnger rrrin opcntions and fn!)iicidins te\(s.John ()rubcr 1,c$cd with rcscrLch rnd pr,' ed peronrl conncc rions. Hc rrd I l.rrc tnvclctl n CJiiirrrir on scvcnl occrsirus to ilspcct Soutlicrn I'x.iiic Lrilro.rd \rittions rnJ lincs. 'l huiks to J. R. (I,inn,.lrv \\'ilLirrls, Brirn Icnnirn. rnJ Dimg Eisrlc ior reccss to thcir plx,to (,,llccrion.. Specirl tlnnks r,r \lichrcl L. (l&lncr iirr use olhis drrk nn to mrke Ll,rck rntl rvhirc prnts firr this pnricct rnLl ii,r usc ofhis p|o(o sr,tlio. 'l hcrovrs consrlerablc tr l'cl inlnveLl rvirh thir pmjccr. l hrnks to Tonr H,rrgdon ,nl r,, 1e sr BolLl lirr pu tiing rcconnrclrtions ,rlng thc s'rr Xluch ol $e liniJrcd rcrt rvas congxed or hot ,\ugust drls il Tcss,r'.s ,rir conditrncd Wr'Lirrgton, I).C., ,rfx.tmcnt. Al$, thrnks (o mv brcthcr Serin rttd Inr nrrlicr Xlaureen firr thcir sr rrt. \Uiting thc text xrd scl.ctins images rLe ol]h prrt ofthc process. TL,rnks to Dernis I'cnr rncl evervonc rr XIIII l'uhlishiug Co,r,p,nrv ior th.;r Pirts in L,rki,rs rhis 6 \ i I I Ihe Slandard Raitroad of lhe Wesl and lls Dassen4er Service lo45-lo7l Bg Fred Matthews Drnsm Co for.. w.s v memories of riding, watching, and photogrrphing D-..-.nD-.r 28 tA-51 Th s Southern Pacilic (SP) prxenger trnins mrv difler qr "-.sselo o rood towr frm thosc ofmost nilfans who still recall SP vrrnish so.ro1r.ir. R !e, \'o .y .rt all. They are likelv to remembcr most vividlv thc painfnl davs of ,crvod os o cruc o i rb lo, Sou,,r'n Poc tc s oocro ors the 1960s (which in this case begrn rround 19513), when SP, led bv Or rf,c Di ,i! P.,,ord oouro Sliosrd D.rlgl I the forcehrl innovrtor ofmodern r.rilro.rding, Don.rld J. Ruxell, set 1rok.! rs irc on 5r!p {lr .' oi rl,c r] dd c 1,o.1. 5r.onl out to discourage its p.rxenger businex bv everv im.rginable ouererl rro n No 328 s cejr.ed ir C,c r! Pa:5 means-ncgative edvertising, side nacking passenger trains for O'e!1.,r vo lri.55,7.1 lreight, rebuilding co.rches rvnh cranqred sorting, ,rnd in one case even trving to prevent people from M.rrdnrg .r scheduled train. Until the lnte 1950s, though, Sl'rv.rs still "Your Iniendlv Sl'," a kind ofstandard railrrad ofthc Wcst certrinlv ofthc Southrvest, including Calinrrnir. 'St.rndrrd" suggrsts r number of things including the st.rndardization oflocomotives ,rnd crrs, which SP displaved as its inherit,rnce lrom ,r dec,rde of control bl E. H. I Ierrimen, rhe grert modernizcr of rhc Wesrcrn railroads at rhc beginning ofthe lventieth cenmrr: SP bccrmc nxe independent n mrd 1949 Southern from the other H.rrriman roads (Union Pacifrc and lllinois Central) after a federal Poc Ic reorgonized ,ts antitrust suit brought in 1913, but Harriman-trrined executives continued in olnce' and the Hrrriman style persisted for decades in loco:rnd car design' Southern Ptcific Among ihe cho.ges, rhe SP, or "Espee,'in .rppeamnce certainly inthe 1940s with equipment was distinctly overi ghr Ooto.d Porro.d even there was a powerful house stvle- the sta"dard sil".r smokebox, but earlier Eeover wos dropped when Pullman Green coaches,.distinc gle.rming, gricetul blrck locomotives, equatly shinv rhe new d ese powered, .
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