Thursday, Jjjna V, -Judges luTstercoordinatod r HQMBOWNERSl for [rvjrigton s : post at UC goes Judge* have been announced for the State GET UP TO 10,0Q0 Outdoor Art' Show'to be held in Irvlngton from in case or at June ^€fe«ss Nighf 9:30 u »>. to 6 p.m. Sunday. {Jain date is June - - •.' .CALL FRAW CUPKLA -rununm."" to Mrs, Krementz ': call •'.' . _, ... ,». ... ,;._-. _ ^ ..Union College will recognize'outstanding . the College ,ahd the community, will be 18. Burbara Guggenheim, and- Ray Ellis., will NO FEES NO CLOSING CQSTS The appointment ofJWrs. WaTtidirr Krefflefflz _menibers of its 1972 'grTduattng class' at 'frs—awarded at-0tass NightasTveihas scholarships select tjie winners in oils, watercolors, mixed W1400 for Police Doparlriient of Short Hills as-nuTsTRg-coordinator for Union:Z^mma\ class Night ceremonies on Kriday fro" m industrial, civic and• colleg- e sources. ' . media, graphics andTculptureT" NO MIDDEN CHARGES or First'Aid Squad ..College was ann.pune.fed (his week by Dr, evening. June 9, il was announced this week by ThoUwu. top awards, the Aluiiinl. Valedic- — The show will be held at Civic Square (bet- Kenneth W.fversen,. president; J. Harrison Morson, dean of.studeilts^ • torian .Priise and the Post-Day Award to. the' ween Springfield and Clinton.avenues), which . «u'f»J «"»• rA«i«n in n U«portmont Mrs. Kremenlz is a graduate of the! Charles S. Academic awards, service ke"ysT and graduate .who. best exemplifies the ideals of has been renamed "Art Mall" for the day. ™Li*£W« "I IndividualInd ™..«m- BENEFICIAL MORTGAGE COMPANY ' 376-6440 for 'hot lino' .A»m« «/1*« ( 67081 -Wilson Memorial Hospital School of Nursing, scholarships will be presented to the students' •" tJnloirCollege.wlll bo reserved for presen- Miss •Guggenheim. Is chairman of .the art' OF NEW JERSEY -ortdrug problems" Johnson City, N. V., and holds a bachelor of as Informal farewells are exchanged before the; tation at the commencement exercises. department at Bloomfield College and"a lec- ^IZrth the I lUNO.WOODAVB. LINOBN.NJ. science degree in nursing education and the commencement axerciscs Hhe* nexj. morning, v- Richard Wusthoff of Edison, president of the turer at (he Whitney Museum. EHIiThas woq Published Cv«ry Thursday by Trwo<» Publishing Carp. teaching of sciences_frpm Teachers College, Saturday„...., Jun_e 10._ . Day Session Student Council, and Frank manmanyy- awards and has had several one-man you ,„ ,., „„ ,„ iU idea SgCONDARY MORTGAGE LOANS 41 Mountain ava., SprlnffMd, N.J. <rf<M1.- 686-7700 '" iltniiblaUfiiverslty7anda^inaster'sjdegrcc ig__JrJ!i? rinK<= Niphl prnprnm will hn held in Ihe ; show«-throughout-the~eountry^ '-Malllna A_(tiil . -r+> Ant^iilo=of=CTanfordr~presid6nt~ot—rhT paper, metal,' gtat., d organic SPRINGFIELD. N J.. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1972 1 TTufsing admlhislration from Ne.w-r York Campus Center Ihreatre at the Cranford , Evening~Student Council, will preside at the an P.O. Box if, Springfield, N.J. 07081 Secnid Clan RENT THE ROOMwIthaWant Ad; Only calegnriet . epmn 1/ you ran't ret ell ol Springfield, hV University. ... • Campusof Union College, beginning at 7 p.m. A !, Class Night program. ....... >-^ . -yuMoU 20) Call A84-7700. , the material! rtrrrlmTiune, II will PLEAS r DRIVE S A F ELX i-In.her new-post, Mrs, Krementz will coor- commencement rehearsal will.-follow af- J't K'-xl practice for a later dale. dlnate the three-year cooperative nursing terwards. , . • <• X program offered jointly by Union College-anar A«ung-<he-,awards to be presented on Class the "Schools of Nurslng-'of-Elizabeth General Night are the William J. Seela'nd Memorial Hospitai^and-Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainflcld. Award for Excellence in Creative Writing and She will also, coordinate the college'sTphasc'of" the Freshman English Award to the student DON'T BE MISLED rm a n w i n n e rs i n -the-two-year dental hygiene program- offered who shows the greatest.improvement. Also slated,for"prescntatit"' 9" Class Night . primary by Union County ^Technical Institute, Scotch OUR TRIM SAVES YOU MONEY! Wains, which involves jsludies at .Union are the. Leone-Airey-Kleln Science and Engineering Prjze, the Inter-fraternar Council : ck w^idl you buyl Two Guyi'butchari Irim your maat to you -Cplleger-UCTI and ih"e New Jersey College of !••• bono and fat, Thara can ba o big dltfaranca batwaan ' Medicine and Dentistry.: ' '• • ' —_ Prize for-Servicc-to-thc-eollege and the com- IW6 •taakl thai waigh th. mm*. At-Iwo Ouyi,4h* loll and •»£•!• munity, the Inler-fraternal-€ouhcil Prize for•-•• SILVfeR ANNIVER9AIIV CILIBRATfON .JaLan.,our tandar. T-bona gtadki arr.'rfimpvtfL-io you gat mora McGovern Mrs. Krementz has. a wide background iir the Highest Academje^Averager-the Gamma- llaak ' .' ..'. _,.'_...'.. "•. • ' .nursing and nursing education.-Her experience' Sigma Chi Awardjo Ihe woman graduate with * and tot better for leul ranges from staff -nurse- al Charles..S._Wilso.n__!he highest average in • the • business . adr Memorial Hospital to her Current position as ministration program, and the Nursing Awards lead of assistant director of nursing services at St. to Ihe student nurse'at Muhlenberg Hospital, Barnabas Medical Center, :——-— —Plajhfleldi'PerthArrtboy General yospita.l, and _ Kremenkz has-served .as, aJ'm_ica|-r..Eng]ish General HMpljal_^_lth^hip highest .- School of Nurs'mgTWalTWa^clfn'cW .Jpon; College" Keys, awarded on a pOlnL. -liMtrBmuE-ui MuWeiffiBryTir^TraTych'oora^ '«.-: Nursing, where she also held the post of cllnical__£r^» " . ' '—" . •'• ——y— coordinator. She will begin her new-ttssignmcnr'^SiyTyyij • _•! hflflf C "Aug:"i — ~~- - ' " : ..' WSJIIimSf-~fc»ViVIVJ TUnion College's coBperaJfye three-year BY-ABNERiGOl,0 . nursing program offers studenls_lhi> opi pensiori transfer Edward N. Stiso Jr. and Robert Wasserman pbrtunity to earn associato in science degrees won Republican nominations-""to run for I. SamuelrDemoctatic-cahdidate fqr_ BONELESS RUMP Wt i diploma awardcdrbjrthc participating Schools "Congress in the 12th CongresslonaT'Olstflct, -,, -.. image »i/i-vuie margin over of Nursing. ~- '•'• •"' —Z sald-thls week he would, Ifclected, introduce nt Tno nnrrnH nnoSS RIB PRICED HIOHEB LONDON BROIL Leonard Zucker and J. Scott Donlngton. At the _ The program was established this-fall to -legislation to allow, people. to transtct. ac- game time, a-slate of county committeemen cumulated retirement benefits after three and women backing Stiso and Waaserman, and meet the need for greater numbers-of highly headed by Angelo (Duke) Menza, municipal' . trained professional nurses, Dr. Iyersen cxj .years of employment. .'»>... i a job "only to insure SWEET OR HOI OOVT INSP. GOP-chairrnanrtDOk fitmcbnfrprpf th«VJ)arty AUMEAT v- organization. ' "—' " - '", *riN CHICKEN About 20 percent, of the towtf's 10,000 registered voters took part. .. -' Highlight on the, Democratic side of .'the individual and bad for the 'economy. Peoplir~ balloting was~a 500-vote lead in Springfield for who would be happier changing jobs become : P%& national convention delegates pledged to Sen.. ?fiil_:M_l frustrated-and are not likely to"db=lheir-best . George McGovern over a slate backing Sen. - • """ '" work. If pensions werotransferable; Hubert I). Humphrey.. -~~zrz". dissatisfied employees would be free to seek Former Springfield Mayor NaJJitokesras, a GOV'T INSPECTED more satisfactory jobs." . • ;.:-' " ; GOVT INSPECTED Candidate^for-the-Union-Gbunty-Board "of 'PanJJaby, candidatojfor the Dcmpcratjc_. CHICKEN BREAST Freeholders, was high man on the Democrattr "nomination for U.S. Senate, today announced .—»Relieving_ernproyeSs"of unnecessary con: CHICKEN LEG cerfi about their ffnaiicIaTsecurity so thatthey USDA CHOICE ticket. State Sen^ Matthew J. Rinaldo, now a that Eugene Campbell wiirserve as" a state - TWO OUYS ribminee-fbr-eorigress, ]ed all Republicans. coordinfitor for his campaign in Union County. could find' satisfactory jobs would decrease— TOP ROUND STEAK frustration and enabje them to do a better job, SLICED BACON -.._J[n.M>ejG.OE-Contesl for Township Committee, Theprimary^eleotipn will be held on .)Vinc 6'. 1 This, would benefit both the employers and the USDA CHOICE— :—— • PORK-SHOULDER nominations, Stiso led Zucker for a three-year •. In announcing Campbell's appointment as~n'~ .Concentration Is-keynoie'for athlefes of Girls' Softball Leagues; - from feft, Donna Williams, Amy Schleln^tind Stephanie PrIncejnjphptos by Jim Adams: economy in general..'.—.. '-:.. — TOP SIRLOIN STEAK SMOKED PICNIC . term, 946 to 778, in art unofficial tally Including coordinator, Gaby said he was "proud to have flllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllUUIIIIlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt 1 : ; == ; absentee ballots. Wassmnan mlKtil Donlngton" tho support and confidence" otAimpbcll, wllo^: SamueLwenton.to.say-thaUarji>b-should-be USDA CHOICE ~. PlYMOUTH ROCK! !- iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiumiluuiuiiiiiiiiiinii ! --~— -^ '- --- ' '- — — • ~~ - -•••••- ~""= •'•—- •• •-—-— ' more than a way of earning a living. "All laws r, to run for a one-year uiiexplrea term, 883 votes brlng's much political experlence-and human LONDON BROIL LONG JOHN FRANKS Jo 847, Arthur. H. Buehrer received 1,024 votes warmth-to our effort." CampbelHs running as and practices which tend to freeze people Into -unsatisfactory^ jobs^rshould,_beilJcar. USDA'CHOICE BONELESS SWJFT PREMIUM Time to-app/y as Republican nominee for township clerk,' with a delegate forrHubert Humplirey jn.Union. no opposition. reeviiliialed."~ ~~"T -•'-•' . •• . ••• • SHOULDER STEAK ALL MEAT FRANKS o opposition. -..——
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