Valparaiso University ValpoScholar Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins 11-1972 November, 1972 Valparaiso University Guild Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.valpo.edu/guild_bulletins Recommended Citation Valparaiso University Guild, "November, 1972" (1972). Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins. 44. https://scholar.valpo.edu/guild_bulletins/44 This Bulletin/Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by ValpoScholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Valparaiso University Guild Bulletins by an authorized administrator of ValpoScholar. For more information, please contact a ValpoScholar staff member at [email protected]. VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY BULLETIN GUILD ED ITION NOVEMBER, 1972 Vol. 46, No. 4 FROM Entered as second class matter at PRESID ENT the Post Office at Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 under the act of August 24, HUEGLI 1912. Published seven times yearly in July, August, Sept., Nov., Jan., March, April, May. In an election year, people become accustomed to hearing various candidates expound their theor­ ies. When questions pin an office-seeker down to practical answers, theories often evaporate and political hopes disappear with them. Converting theories into practice can be pretty important in any area. We have a lot of theories in education, but we arc not always successful in working them out. Here you members of the Guild set us a better ex­ Officers ample. You know what should be clone. That's Editor ................ Mrs. E. H. Ruprecht. Executive Director theoretical. But you also go about achieving it. Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind., 46383 That's practical President ...................................... Mrs. Hershel Madoerin 3420 North 42nd St., Omaha, Nebr., 681 11 Your conven tion in September demonstra ted !st Vice-president ... ...... .. ................. Mrs. Armin Lichtfuss t hat again you sa id. "The students ought to have 3180 Lane Court, Boulder. Col. 80303 a place near the residence h.1lls for exercise and 2nd Vice-president .. ....................... ......... Mrs. Eric Orling games." Then you proceeded to make your pro ject 949 Wyandotte Trail, Westfield, N.J., 07090 ior this year the building o f some tennis courts. Secretary .............. ................................ Mrs. Nelson Doty 2308 Klug Drive, Fort Wayne, Ind., 46808 That's great. We inform you it is now harder for a Treasurer .................................. Mrs. Reynolds K. Honold national university to attract students from other 2613 Center Ave., Sheboygan, Wis., 5308 1 states than it used to be because state scholarships Area I Director ..........................................M rs. Eric Orling cannot be carried out of the state. "Well." you say. 949 Wyandotte Trail, Westfield, N.J. 07090 "Let's get involved in person-to-person efforts. to Area II Di rector ................................... .Mrs. Gene C. Bah ls acquaint young people and their parents with what Bristol Green, Bourbonnais, Ill., 60914 we have to offer here at Valparaiso University." Area IV Director ............................ Mrs. Robert D. Woiwod Very good. 2914 LaPlata, Hacienda Heights, Cal., 91745 Activities Chairman ............................ Mrs. Allan Mccown 428 North Dickson, Kirkwood, Mo., 63122 In this as in so manv things the Guild deserves Calendar Chairman .......................... Mrs. John Schroeder our thanks. Too often people would rather talk 655 Poplar, Zionsvi lle, Ind. , 46077 about a problem than lift a finger to help so lve it. Revisions Chairman .............................. Mrs. Paul Tomei! They get out of t he work all right. but they miss 538 Bangs St., Aurora, Ill ., 60505 out on the iun of accomplishment Historian .................................. ............M rs. Louis Jacobs 116 North Tenth St., Decatu r, Ind., 46733 Parliamentarian ................... ............... Miss Olga E. Kaiser Besides. wasn't it the Apostle lames who said. 1113 North Downey Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., 46219 " Be ye doers of the Word. and not hearers only?" He mea nt that ideas would be translated into action. If we want to serve our Lord. it is t he deed that proves the thought. About the Cover - You arc "doing" fine. For His sa ke - and His National Guild Cookbook young people's sa ke - I hope you keep it up. 2 COOK BOOK PROJECT The cook Book is dedicated to "Christian higher educa tion as exemplified by Valparaiso University and to the women of the Va lparaiso Unive rsi ty Guild w ho through the years have worked, dreamed and sc hemed ~, ,, to help support and further t he growth of Val­ paraiso University." The Cook Book features illustrated pages - pictures and script - about the University Campus. You will also enjoy the unique recipes from the University families - - Mrs. Huegli, Dr. Nagel, and the Ru­ Our 41 st Annual Convention theme "W hatso­ prechts. You will be proud to own this Cook Book ever ye do, do all to the glory of Cod" , sets the and to gi ve it as a gift, such as, Birthdays, Christ­ stilge for the Guild membership for the coming year, mas, or Hostess. You will find an order blank in this I ime has passed si nce the Convention but the words bulletin for your use. Order more now! " do all to the glory of Cod" still ring in our ea rs as we return home to work for the Guild. Now we CALENDAR PROJECT undcrstandwhateverwedo forthe University through Our calendar chairman has produced another our Guild projects we must do all to the " glory attrac tive calendar for us, of Cod" . This means to direct our ac tions to the -to use " glory of Cod". If we ~ee our Guild work in thi ~ -to sell perspective then only do we praise and serve Cod -to give as gifts through the many projects of the Guild. As a Guild The Guild calendar gives us miles of publicity we arc promoting the. every day besides providing funds for special gifts -Val po Su nday Activity to the University for the students. -Person to Person program -Cook Book project So much for projects but a few t houghts about -Ca lendar project. chapter organiza tion and strengthening our chap­ These acti vities provide Guild members w ith ters from within. We have a program within the many opportunities to enhance t he image of our frameword of our Guild which is built to do just Guild and the University by participating in the: this! The United States is divided into four areas. Each chapter is assigned to one of these and a Dir­ ector has been appointed to serve ea ch area. VALPO SUNDAY PROMOTION Ask your A rea Director to visit your chapter (at ow is the time to lay plans for Valpo Su nday no cost to you). She is willing to be your program which in 1973 is the fifth Sunday after Ephiphany, speaker, o r she will come to share and gather ideas. February 4th. Valpo Sunday is a time for informing ,She is as close to you as the telephone or your cor­ the church membership about the Christian ed­ ner mail box. ucation offered at thi s Lutheran University as well And now we turn our thoughts to the Executive as ga t hering funds to sustain the University. Co uncil meeting. Chapter Presidents do make plans now to attend the February Executive Council meet­ ing to be held Friday and Saturday, February 23 and PERSON TO PERSON PROGRAM 24. on the University Campus. Workshops will be Chapters involved in the Person to Person pro­ the order of the day! The Executive Board will soon gram contact high sc hool students in their own be meeting on campus to plan thi s February meet­ area s who have inquired of the University about ing. We are looking forward to working with all enrollment. M any young people have ex perienced of you. the warmth and cordial ity of a kind Guild member And now as we clo se this fi rst letter to you. the w hose voice offered a genuine willingness to an swer beautifully colo red leaves are falling and soon questions about the university. You dear members winter and t he Holidays will be with us. so mav we are to be commended for giving of your time to be the first to wish all of you a Happy and Blessed contac t t hese young people and urging them to Christmas! ilttcnd a Christian University. With the drop in enrollment at most private colleges this program You rs in Christ. meri ts our support more than ever in order to main­ Beata Madoerin tain our present enrollment at Valpo. but above i!ll, through this effort. we are bringing young peo­ ple toil Christian Universitv. 3 REPORT faculty member, the Reverend M. Alfred Bichsel of THE PRESIDENT of Rochester, N.Y., husband of Guild member, Jean Bichsel. Mrs. Gene C. Bahls The Guild has done an excellent job in fund­ raising again this year. The project Fund enjoyed a remarkable increase so that the amount' contri­ Madam president - Guild Members buted to the University was $1500 more than last Build with the guild has been our motto since year. On June 30, the close of our fiscal year, 1943. This motto is still - in todays language "Right $44,545.18 was disbursed to the University for the On" - as it describes the major activities of our Guild Hall in the Science Center Addition which Guild work. Not only has the Guild assisted in pro­ is now under construction and which will be com­ viding funds for many of the University's buildings, pleted in the summer of 1973. This is the Project it has also assisted in building enrollment, and which our 1971 convention adopted, for which you building public interest in higher education in a made such great efforts during the year in fund­ Christian environment. raising and which we now see in the building stages. To those of you who heive not been back to Valpo When we think of the Project Fund, let us take it for quite a while, the building changes must be upon ourselves to continue thinking in larger terms striking as much of the east campus has been con­ so that our contribution can continue to be well structed within the last decade.
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